It was a nice normal day until an alien invasion happened. This invasion will change the lives of five people: Chloe Bennet, April Jeanette Mendez or AJ Lee, Hayden Panettiere, Ichimichi Mao, and David Lee Baxtor. As well as the entire universe they live in.

Chapter 2
“Don’t stop any of you” Hayden moaned as we made love to her. It was her birthday so all of us decided to give her the best orgasm she could have ever asked for. I was behind her making love to her ass, Chloe was laying down on her stomach with her naked ass in full view for Hayden to enjoy as she ate Hayden out like that was her only purpose in life and both Mao and AJ were suckling each of Hayden’s nipples while Hayden groped their bodies. Her hands exploring every inch of their bodies that she could reach. Hayden was in heaven and so were the rest of us.
“Oh god, I’m going to cum.” Hayden moaned after a few more minutes of all this. “Cum for us baby. Cum for us.” I grunted out as all of us intensified our efforts to make this angle cum for us. She started to moan louder and louder as her orgasm approached. “OOHHHHHHHHHH GOD I'MMMMM CUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMINNNGGGG!!!!!” Hayden screamed out as she came on Chloe’s tongue which caused Chloe to smile happily as she lapped up Hayden’s juices. The sensation of her coming caused her asshole to contract which milked me for every last drop of cum that I had at the moment with a smile.
“That...was...amazing.” Hayden panted out after a few seconds with a look of beyond contentment. You could tell that she just had the greatest orgasm of her life and it was thanks to her soulmates, her lovers, and the loves of her life. With every passing day, she realized that she had never been in love before the way that she was right now. She tried to move but she couldn’t find the strength.
“Rest now lover,” Chloe said smiling up at her lover with remnants of Hayden’s juices on her cheeks. “Yes baby just get some rest we have a big week ahead, and it all starts tomorrow,” I said kissing her neck. “But these women deserve a proper thank you,” Hayden said looking at Mao, AJ, and Chloe with a smile. She was trying to be seductive but she was too weak to pull it off right now. “David can handle that baby. Rest.” AJ said kissing her shoulder blade happily. “Hai watashi no ai, kyūsoku,” Mao said kissing the palm of Hayden’s hand. “English Mao,” Hayden said weakly as she passed out in my arms. “Yes, my love, rest,” Mao repeated with a smile looking at the woman that had passed out in my arms.
* * *
Hayden woke up groggy a few hours later and she was aware of two things she had the best orgasm that any woman could ever ask for and she wanted to thank her soulmates for that experience. But the other thing that she realized was that she was all alone in the bed that was still sticky from the exploits from last night. “Morning beautiful,” I said seeing that she was awake. “Baby,” Hayden said getting up and coming over to me giving me a big smile and kiss. “Where are those beautiful angles of ours?” she asked with a seductive smile. Clearly, she wanted to “thank” them for last night. But now I had also made the thank you list going by the look in her eyes.
“Our guests started to arrive about an hour ago. So they are with them making sure that they know what we are going to have to do once we get started.” I said to her. She was torn she was a little disappointed that she couldn’t “thank us”, but she was also looking forward to this week’s activities. “I’ll get dressed,” she said with a smile. “First you might want to take a shower, you smell like really great sex,” I said to her with a smile. “Damn straight lover,” she said with a matching smile giving me another kiss.
* * *
“I didn’t know that you had invited some of the cast of Gokaiger,” I said to Mao with a smile. All of us were standing in a somewhat large crowd of people from all over the world as we all talked to them happily laughing at what some of them were saying but mostly greeting them and thanking them for coming. “I figured that it would be perfect considering,” Mao said with a smile looking at me. “She keeps saying that with the same smile. What does she mean by that?” Koike Yui asked with a confused smile. She had played Ahim de Famille or Gokai Pink in Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger. I smiled at her look of confusion.
“It’s simple really,” I said with a smile. “It’s not widely known but the reason that that alien armada took all four of them hostage was because of me,” I said kissing her cheek. “When the previous Wielder was killed the weapons searched out for a new Wielder. And when they found him, his mind was dominated by the four women that have helped him get through the toughest times in his life. And they showed us to the alien holding them when they found David.” Mao said looking at her friends.
“It was widely known that the reason that they came here was to kill me. But he thought that one of the four of them was the next Wielder. So he gathered them together to kill them before they could get their hands on the swords. And that’s why I was teleported to them right when they were about to be used to kill them. The swords knew that was the only time that I could get my hands on both of them while making sure that all four of them was safe.” I said looking at the both of them.
“And the only reason he had heard of the name of Ichimichi Mao was that he is a huge Super Sentai fan. And his favorite season is Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger. SO if it wasn’t for me playing Luka Millfy we would never have met.” Mao said smiling up at me which caused me to kiss her on the cheek again.
“Most people remember that day with fear but you five must-” Ozawa Ryota who played Captain Marvelous or Gokai Red said. “Look back at that day with a mixture of fear, anger...and love. Because if it wasn’t for that megalomaniacal maniac we wouldn’t be together today.” Mao said to everyone looking up at me with a smile. “I’m shocked,” Chloe said with a smile as her and some of her cast mates came up to us.
“Shocked about what?” Yui asked. “That I have been speaking English all this time,” Mao said with a smile looking at Chloe with a loving smile. “Kore wa watashi no ai ga yoi?” Mao asked with a smile. “Why did she ask them if that was better?” Ryota asked. “Much and thank you for the translation,” Hayden said as she and AJ came up to the three of us. “I’m waiting,” Mao said with a loving smile looking at the four of us. “English Mao.” we all said and gave her a kiss on each cheek.
Her Gokaiger cast mates had a look of confusion on their faces and so did some of Chloe’s castmates. “When we first started to date and even now sometimes I would always forget that they don’t speak Japanese and would talk to each of them in my native tongue. And they would respond ‘English Mao’.” Mao said smiling at the four of us. “I’ve come to love it when they say it,” Mao said looking at her friends. “I think it’s sweet,” Yui said with a smile.
Just at that moment, a sound came from overhead. It was a spaceship. By the look of it, it was from the Amalgamation Union. “I think our ride is here. EVERYONE FOLLOW US!” I said and lead all of our guests to the landing site with several luggage carts following behind us with their bags. The ship opened and some people came out. “There human.” Elizabeth Henstridge said. She plays Jemma Simmons on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. with Chloe. And she was looking at the people that had come out if the ship astounded by what she was seeing.
“Yup. Earth isn’t the only place where humans live.” Chloe said with a smile. “And most planets that have humans are identical to the ones here on Earth except for a handful. Like the Snoyalians. It takes two years to carry a baby to term for them.” I said. “A two-yearlong pregnancy?” Clark Gregg asked amazed. “Yes, and that’s why they invented the Gestational Accelerator. It’s a device that won’t hurt the baby but will shorten the pregnancy by about a year.” I said as two of them approached us.
“Wielder we aze yomaz esqozts. Please evezyome om tre srip.” one said to everyone. “Yoma bo cmow trat mo ome reze umat ne speacs Teash, zigrt?” I asked with a smile. “Will trey ue meebimg sone Tempest tzamslatozs?” the other asked. “Yes, umat omly omqe we lamb om Agreaclite,” I said. And the two of them lead us onto the ship. The girls were used to this, but everyone else was staring at me.
“What?” I asked with a smile. “You can’t speak Japanese, but you can speak-” Ryota begun to say. “Over ten thousand alien languages. Yes, it’s simply that no other Wielder has come to the Earth. But they have been to other planets. And the swords allow me to access the collective knowledge of all Wielders. Such as alien languages, alien societies, history of various worlds and everything in between.” I said as the ship started to take off after we and all our luggage had gotten on.
“The language that I was speaking just now is called Teash. It is the language of the Amalgamation Union. The Amalgamation Union was formed over ten thousand years ago by one of my predecessors.” I said. “A Wielder?” Ming-Na Wen or Agent May from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. asked. “Yes. It’s kind of ironic really. When he was chosen by the swords it was because his father, who was an Emperor, took every decision out of his sons' hands and thus had the most unused potential in that sector of the universe at the time.
“Once he got the swords he decided to do everything in his power to help as many people that he could. He denounced the throne saying that he would never lead an empire like his father.” I said. “But you just said that he founded the ‘Amalgamation Union’?” Clark asked. “That’s what makes it ironic,” Chloe said smiling. “She’s right. When he denounced the throne his father was so upset that he attacked several other worlds. His son went to each world and helped them reestablish themselves. In the end, he led them in a war against his father. And when all was said and done the Amalgamation Union was formed.
“He still didn’t want to be the Unions leader. He felt that that would be like them trading one Emperor for another. And that’s when the Grand Chancellor comes in. He leads the Union from whatever home planet he was born on, which is why we are going to Agreaclite. The current Chancellor’s homeworld. But to this day the Grand Chancellor will look to the Wielder as his leader.” I said looking at everyone.
“Is that why we are going to their world for the ceremony, this world is the only world to allow it?” Yui asked. “Oh no. There was a...what the hell is that?” I asked looking out the window. I went up to the window and because it wasn’t a window at all but a view screen seeing what was going on outside, so I enhanced the image of what I couldn’t quite make out. And there was an asteroid about the size of Texas and it was heading right for the Earth. I went to the comlink. “Stop tre srip,” I said and called out the swords as the ship came to a halt.
“Be right back everyone,” I said as I made the armor appear again as I teleported off the ship. “I am so glad David taught me how to use technology like this,” Chloe said as she went up to the window/viewscreen and zoomed in on me as I destroyed it into a fine powder with ease. Then I disappeared again.
“Where’d he go?” Yui asked. “Where’d who go?” I joked having teleported back onto the ship. “Some idiot that can teleport, teleported off of the ship destroyed an asteroid. Then teleported someplace else.” Mao joked. “I have no idea who that could be. But I’ll try and help you find him.” I joked some smiled others looked surprised that Mao, Chloe, Hayden, and AJ were so calm. I went to the comlink. “Ocay stazt novimg agaim,” I said into the com.
“Why are you four so calm? The Earth was nearly hit by an asteroid.” Brett Dalton or Grant Ward from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. asked. “Because that wasn’t even the first asteroid we’ve seen him destroy this month,” Chloe said looking at him with a smile. “It’s true. When that alien armada came to Earth they plowed through the asteroid belt to get there. And they decayed the orbit a little bit.” Mao said. “In the beginning every few days an asteroid would be heading for Earth or Mars and he would go out and destroy them. Now it only happens once and while.” AJ said to everyone with a smile.
* * *
“Okay, the girls will be standing next to me. Two on each side, everyone else please follow behind us.” I said to everyone. “Most of us have been on red carpets before. So I think we’re good.” Brett said to me. “Trust me, what you are about to see is nothing like anything that you have seen before,” Chloe said to him with a smile. At this point, they opened the doors to the outside. There was a burst of noise like a bomb had gone off. Then Hayden, Chloe, Mao, AJ and I left the ship, shortly followed by everyone else.
It was like everyone in the entire city if not everyone in the surrounding cities too was all there. Screaming, cheering and there were holographic signs being held by some. They said things of encouragement, words of welcome and a few were being held up by women or groups of women with their contact information and what they would do to me if I would call them. One group that was holding up such signs tried to remove there tops to incentivize me to call the number but was stopped by security. There was so much going on it was hard to take it all in at once.
I looked around at everyone behind us and smiled at their faces. They had never seen anything like this. The closest they had all come to see this was when there was a royal wedding that they watched on television. But somehow this put that to shame. The girls and I were getting used to this by now. It happened every time that we left the Earth for any reason. In fact, those girls holding up those sign only just started to show up about a month and a half ago. When they realized that I was dating FOUR women and they hoped that they could be number five.
There was a hovercraft waiting for us a few yards away. The luggage was being loaded on to the hovercraft now while we were standing there looking around and waving at everyone as they went wild. Once the luggage had been put on board of the hovercraft we made our way over and I noticed the Grand Chancellor waiting for us just outside the ramp for the passengers to get on board. We went up to him I shuck his hand we both knew that we couldn’t hear what the other was going to say so we didn’t bother to speak. I motioned for our guests to get on board the hovercraft while the girls and I stopped to look at the crowd again. We each held up our hands and waved. The crowd went nuts taking image grabs of us before we got onto the hovercraft with everyone else.
“It is am innemse pleasmaze to neet yoma siz.” the Grand Chancellor said to me with a bow and a smile. “Tre pleasmaze is all nime. Yoma aze nacimg omaz gzeatest bzeans qone tzmae.” I said smiling at the man. “Yoma aze tre Wielder, amytrimg trat we qam bo to relp yoma is tre least we qam bo. Follow ne. Or uefoze I fozget reze aze tre Tempest tzamslatozs yoma rave zechmaesteb.” he said giving me a case. I thanked the man and we followed him to a viewing area.
“Okay everyone these are Tempest translators,” I said taking one and scanning Hayden’s throat and handing one to her. I did the same for everyone. “Put them in your ears and everything they say will instantly be translated into your native tongues,” I said. “Why don’t you bring this technology to Earth?” Ryota asked me as he put his in his ear. “Simple this is class five tech, Earth is only a class three planet. And it’s punishable by imprisonment in a solar storm prison for no less than five Earth years. Even if I, the Wielder, did it. The reason being that some technology Earth isn’t ready for.” I said to everyone.
“It is a pleasure meeting these wonderful women too.” the Grand Chancellor said but this time everyone was wearing a Tempest translator heard English or Japanese. “Thank you the pleasure is all our,” Hayden said. “We have a full schedule leading up to the big event showing all of your guests the sights of Agreaclite,” he said after a few minutes.
“Why did he wait so long to respond?” Clark whispered to me. “The Tempest translators only work one way. When I scanned each of your throats I uploaded both English and Japanese languages to their servers. And it can take up to three to four minutes for his Tempest translator to download both languages.” I said to him.
* * *
The week was spent seeing all the sights of Agreaclite. But the girls and I were all looking forward to what was going to happen at the end of the week. The morning of the ceremony I was so nervous I could barely get myself dressed. I couldn’t wait to see them I think I have been waiting all my life for this one moment. I couldn’t imagine what the girls were thinking. But finally, the time came I went out there and waited for them. And when I saw them in their dresses that they had picked out I knew that I was about to marry the four most beautiful women in the entire universe.
Later at the reception. “I’m glad I came to your wedding this planet was amazing,” Clark said to me as I watched my wives dance with their fathers. “Yeah. I picked it out because it was one of the only planets that had the broadcasting capabilities that we needed while still being aesthetically beautiful. The girls deserve the best.” I said smiling at them as they danced with their fathers. “I thought we came here because this was the only planet that would allow you five to get married,” he said.
“Oh no. We had to come here because it is customary for the Wielder’s wedding to be broadcasted across the universe. And for the first time that included the Earth. The five of us were able to get married because about four hundred years ago there was a study done about the human race spread across the universe that showed that for every eight babies born six will be girls. Which put an end to the universal hatred for polygamy. And because I fall under intergalactic law because of me being the Wielder and the fact that most governments know that I have been saving the Earth from those asteroids they are going to recognize the five of us as legally married.” I explained.
“Does this mean that you can get married to other women too?” Mao’s father asked me as the girls came up to us. “Well yes, I can still marry more women if I want. But right now I can’t see myself ever being in love with any woman the way that I am with these four.” I said as the four of them came up to stand by my side. “But we do have rules that we are going to follow if we ever need them,” Mao said to everyone.
“#1. David is the only man that we will ever make love to.” Chloe said. “#2. That we won’t just rush into a relationship.” Mao said. “#3. All women that any of us are attracted to will have to pass the test with all of us.” Hayden said. “And #4. That no matter what happens or how many women we may start dating or get married to we will never stop loving each other.” AJ said. “But I don’t think we will need them,” I said. “Hey, you never know,” Clark said with a smile.