It was a an hour before Knockers reopened for the swing shift and all the servers and bussers were were prepping for a busy Friday night. That of course included Madelaine. She sat at a big corner booth alone, wrapping up silverware in napkins. She had a lot on her mind, and at the point all the girls knew when she wasn't in the best of moods. She wasn't overly mean or cruel during this times. She was however much shorter, much more curt. Everyone but the new girls new this. Which meant of course, the approaching and very bubbly Selena Gomez had no clue of Madelaine's mood.
“Hi Madelaine,” said Selena, a spring in her step. The redhead looked up and noticed Selena was holding a very familiar flyer, the same one she had posted in every classroom building, the dining commons and the student union.
“Hello Selena.” Madelaine coolly replied. “What's in your hand?”
“What I needed to talk to you about.” Selena unfolded the bright neon pink paper and held it out. “This is you right? You're the Madelaine that the add says to email about the room for rent?”
“Yes I am.” she replied coolly. “Are you interested?”
“Ohmigod, yes!” Selena slid into the booth next to Madelaine. “I'm staying with my best friend right now, but she only has a one bedroom so I'm stuck on the couch. I really need a room of my own and I thought since we worked together that might give me an in...”
“Can you afford the rent?” Madelaine asked. “And utilities? That's literally the only concern.”
“That's the thing...I don't have the money for rent yet. Utilities I can cover but I was going to have to save for a while to even hope to get my own place and...”
“Will you have four hundred dollars for rent in two months?”
“Yes.” Selena replied. “I guarantee it.”
“Then you're in,” said Madelaine. “The rent for the place is covered for two months already thanks to the lingerie night for the Super Bowl. Paid in full until April. You have the rent money by then or you're out. And you have to cover your half of utilities no matter what. That sound fair?”
“Yes!” Selena nodded excitedly.
“Then we're good. You can move in whenever you like.”
“Oh my god thanks!” Selena said, rushing to give Madelaine a surprise hug.
“You can let go any time.”
“Oh, yeah, of course.” Selena backed up and got out. “Thanks, I really needed this. I can be by with my stuff tomorrow. Most of it anyway. I don't have a lot with me right now.”
“Don't come by any earlier than one o'clock,” Madelaine said. “I plan on sleeping late tomorrow. Understood?”
“Totally.” Selena got up from the bench and headed off to get started on her prep work, the spring in her step even greater. That actually brought a small smile to Madelaine's face, but not a big one.
While everyone went back to saying away from Madelaine, that didn't include Jesse who'd just finished his prep work. He'd noticed something was off with Madelaine when they both clocked in and was a little surprised no one asked her what was wrong out of some sort of intimidation factor. To him that made no sense. In his eyes It was plain to see she wasn't angry. There was something bothering her. There was sadness on that face.
“What's up?” he asked sliding in the booth. “You okay?”
“I'm fine.” she replied, lying. “Just fine.”
“Yeah, that was a believable read.”
Madelaine set the silverware in hand down and stared at him. He wasn't going to go away, she knew that by now.
“If you must know, I got a call today concerning my boyfriend. He's going be out of town on Valentine's Day. He got a gig he can't pass up. And I don't begrudge him that. But...it's Valentine's Day. It would have been our first together...and it fucking sucks we're not going to have that.”
“I'm sorry Madelaine,” said Jesse. “Sounds shitty, but hopeful, you know? I mean if he's getting all these magic gigs that's awesome for both of you right? He's got that, and you're primed for the assistant manager position here. Sounds like, you know, it's a bad chapter in a good book. Still kind of sucky though.”
“Very sucky,” said wit a small little smirk at the corner of her red lips. “It's just...for once I was thinking about a Valentine's Day with someone I wasn't furious with because he fucked one of my friends or got mad I didn't hook him up with a threesome because being bi means I'm always up for that kind of thing and I have a little black book full of nymphos ready to help me scratch my sapphic itch...” Madelaine cut herself off before she went any further, realizing what she just said. “...I just told you I was bi, didn't I?”
“Yeah, so?”
“Doesn't phase you? Most guys either get creeped out or creep me out by putting on a stranger danger grin the moment I say it.”
“Mads, that's your business. Whatever works for you works for you. Be happy and be with who you want.”
“Thanks,” she said, that smile getting a little bigger. “Anyway, I just wanted a REAL Valentine's Day. Now that plan's shot. So I'm stuck working a full shift here on Valentine's Day because why go for an early out jut to go home to my pets and now a new roommate...”
“Well if it makes you feel any better yo're stuck with me that night too,” said Jesse. “So the Fried Pickles are on me.”
“You're a prince.” Madelaine replied. “How about you continue to make my day better and help me finish with the silverware?”
“That's what friends are for, right?” he replied, reaching for a set of utensils. “And honestly at this point you're one of two I actually have anymore.”
“I'm honored,” Madelaine said with a sarcastic tease. “You might even get an acceptance speech out of me.”
Saturday morning had finally come. For a lot of the student body, that meant sleeping off the partying of Friday night. But for a small group of student located in the smallest theater on campus it meant audition time.
In the front row, a table in front of them sat Peter, Hailee, Sabrina and Camila. In front of them were blank sheets of paper for notes and copies of the script sides so they could read with the eager auditioneers.
Backstage was the line up of hopefuls. In that line included Selena, Jesse, and Lucy Hale. And while Lucy was too busy studying the sides to be too communicative Peter and Selena had struck up a conversation.
“I can't believe I'm actually up this early,” he said, taking another swig from his DEAR LORD THAT IS HUGE gas station coffee. “I have triple the lethal dose of caffeine in my veins and I can still barely move. As soon as I bomb this audition I am sleeping until the last possible moment I have to before going to work.”
“You won't bomb,” Selena said. “I wasn't in class much last semester but I saw the shorts you did at the film festival before Thanksgiving break. You're good. I think you'll nail it. I should be the one that's worried. I have a bit of...history with the people making this movie. Not all good. I'm hoping I can get past that. I really need to put things back on track and this would be a great first step. Besides, I'e always wanted to play a vampire. Very sexy role.”
“Well, I do thin you have that aspect covered,” Peter replied. Selena gave him a knowing smile. It had been a back and forth bit of flirting between them since she started at Knockers. If anything was going to happen between them, she needed to make it clear that for now, she was not looking for any real relationship, not after the nightmare and wake-up call rolled into one called Reggie. That didn't prohibit her from having a little fun however.
Meanwhile out front, the four behind the table made sure they were ready for the actors.
“Anyone want to top off their coffee before we start?” Camila asked. “Or tea for you Princess Pete?”
“Green tea's just fine court jester,” Peter fired back. “You good with your stuff babe?”
“Oh I'm fine,” Hailee said. “Slept really good last night.” She squeezed his thigh under the table then sipped from her cup. “Coffee is just a bonus.”
“Well with the requisite joking and flirting out of the way, let's get this sideshow started,” said Sabrina. “Let's bring them out.” Sabrina got up from her seat and climbed off the stage. “Number 1, you're up. You know the drill; hand us your head shot and resume, give us your name and the part you're reading for, we'll take care of the rest.”
Sabrina hopped off the stage and waited for the first actor. As luck would have it, that first actor was Selena. She handed her head shot and resume to Sabrina then looked at the people in front of her, faces she recognized and none of them happy to see her. But on the bright side, they also didn't look mad, not even Camila. But especially happy Peter didn't seem mad.
“Hi. As you guys know I'm Selena Gomez and I'm hear to read for the part of Adrienne. And...I hope that's okay and nothing personal that's gone on between all of us will get in the way. If that's the case I'll just step off this stage right now and not waist any of our time.”
There was a few moments of silence before, out of everyone, Camila was the one to speak up. To speak up. “Look Selena, you're going to be judged on your ability, nothing more, nothing less. I'm not putting anything person in my decision,” said Camila. “In fact, I'm going to be reading with you. Anything personal isn't the concern here. So let's get this started.” The rest of the table nodded in agreement.
Selena nodded and breathed deep. She had to take Camila at her word. There was no other choice.
For the next few minutes Selena tried her damnedest. She put everything she had into the cold read. Camila was even helping her, probably without realizing it. She wasn't getting a blank, lifeless reading from her, but some emotion. Not a lot, Camila wasn't an actress and never trained. But it was something Selena could use.
By the end of the whole event, Selena felt good. She came in with a disadvantage of all the personal drama that had gone down between her and Pete and despite all of that, she made the best of the chance she was given. She knew in her heart she had just given the audition of her young life.
As she basked in the afterglow of that, the four at the table had huddled together. Selena looked at them, ready to take whatever they had to say. Usually at this point in an audition she'd have left. However, that hadn't happened this time. Instead, they all talked to each other right in front of her.
“Selena, could you come over to us?” said Peter. She did so, approaching the table, a slight bit of nerves coming over her. This was very out of the ordinary.
“You did great,” Hailee said. Her saying this surprised her, considering the terms they were on when they last spoke in Peter's old dorm room. “And, well, in all our opinions...this is your part. If you want it.”
“You'll need to give us your work schedule class schedule, all of that,” added Camila. “We need that ASAP for shooting schedules.”
“No problem, I can email you tonight.”
“Good. You'll also be expected to print out a hard copy of the script for the table read this Monday. If you have a class, skip it. Half of us are. It's the only time we can pull it off. You'll be reimbursed for the cost of the script if you get it at the print shop. If you print it out on your own, then no reimbursement. Agreed?”
“Completely Camila. And thanks so much. This...this means a lot to me, you have no idea.”
“You nailed it,” Peter finally said. “And I know from experience on sets you're professional and their to work. You got this because you earned it. “He extended his hand, a gesture followed by Sabrina, Hailee and even Camila. Selena eagerly shook them all, barely being able to contain her happiness. “See you Monday. And d not mention any of this to the others. We still want to read everyone, just to see if there's anyone we should keep an eye on for future projects. Okay?”
“You got it, no problem.” replied Selena. “Just...give me a few seconds.” Selena took a moment, breathed deep, and managed to calm down. With one last nod to the people at the table, she got back on stage and walked out, her face and demeanor neutral.
“Yeah, okay she is good,” Hailee said. “She's the one for that part. It's like it was written for him...it wasn't written for her, right?”
“Nope,” said Peter. “Adrienne vignette is all Sabrina.”
“So if you guys want to blame anyone blame me,” joked Sabrina. “Seriously though, yeah, she nailed it.”
“Well, with that out of the way,” Cami said. “Let's bring out the rest of the happy hopefuls. We have a long day ahead of us and I'd rather not spend it continually praising Selena Gomez. She got the part, good for her. She'll do great.”
With that, they moved on. They were a lot of hopefuls waiting for their shot and only a finite amount of hours to get it done. Just because they had one part cast didn't mean the rest of the day was going to go easy.
But still, despite the fact it was Selena, who all but Sabrina still had personal issues with, the part was cast with the best person possible. The day had started off in the best possible way.
After a long but fruitful day of audition Camila was heading home. True all she had done was sit and read aloud a few times, but it was a chore at times just because of the skills, or lack there of, of some of the hopefuls. Still, they found the actors they needed, and now she was on her way home to put her feet up for an hour before she had to head to her jobs. A little extra cuddle time with Jose wasn't going to hurt either.
As she walked into the lobby of her building she bumped into best friend and roommate once more Lili Reinhart, also fresh of off work and utterly shocked that being a Dungeon Mastercould be remotely exhausting.
“What happened to you?” Lili asked, noticing how tired Camila seemed.
“Seven hours of bad acting.” she replied. “You?”
“Halfings and barbarians who are far wilier than I expected in poking holes to their advantage in carefully crafted narrative,” said Lili.
“Congratulations, you discovered something I actually understand less than wrestling.”
“I try.” The pair headed into elevator, both to exhausted for small talk. Being as close as they were however, neither took the silence as anything else than a blessing.
Of course when the elevator door opened, one questions managed to come to Camila's mind. “You're totally off work now, right?”
“Yep,” Lili said, stepping out of the elevator. “Jealous?”
“You have no idea. What are your plans for the rest of the day?”
“Go in and nap until it' time for Jake and I's double date with Hailee and Peter. You want to come? It's gonna be fun.”
“Sounds nice but the only thing I want to do when I'm free from office work is kick off my heels, put on my sweat pants, eat horribly unhealthy food and snuggle with Jose while playing Mario Kart.”
“Which of course is somehow a step above Dungeons and Dragons.”
“Lili my friend, D&D is a game. Mario Kart...that's a lifestyle.”
Before Lili could form a reply, something caught both of their attention. A smell, a delicious smell down the hallway. The pair followed the scent until it became obvious it was in fact coming from their own apartment.
“What is that?” asked Lili.
“I don't know,” Cami said. “Jose's home though. Maybe he got some take out or something.”
“This smells way better than anything I've ever seen him or Jake order from a restaurant. It smells like something you made. Left overs?”
“No, I haven't had time to really do anything. All take out and frozen stuff.” The pair shrugged and Cami unlocked thedoor to find Jose at the apartment's large kitchen. It went with the rest of the place. It wasn't a penthouse by any stretch of the imagination, but the size of it still surprised Lili. But not quite as much as Jose in an apron placing food out on several plates. Freshly made food at that.
“Hey babe,” Cami said in a curious tone. “What's going on here?”
“Cami!” he said. “You're just in time.” He came from around the counter to give his love a big kiss before acknowledging Lili. “Glad to see you too Lili but, you know...she's the woman of my dreams and all that.”
“Understood,” she laughed. “I do have the same question though, what's all this?”
“Oh...I made empanadas. And some wontons...and I have something chilling in the fridge.”
“So I'm not the only chef under this roof, huh Sweetface?”
“Well, I wouldn't say that. You're the gourmet, I'm short order...and the baker. I'm really good at baking. My mom insisted on me learning some basic cooking skills. So...that somehow turned into deep fried dumplings and baked goods.”
“One day you and Lils should have a bake off,” Cami said, kissing him on the cheek before making her way over to the counter to look at the buffet before her, Lili in tow. “So what do we have on display, chef?”
Jose scurried to the other side of the counter. “ First three plates are pretty basic. Beef and cheese, diced chicken and Jack cheese, then a mixed seafood one wit more of a buttery sauce than a creamy cheese one.”
“Very nice,” Cami nodded. “Got my mouth watering. Plating is average but the food looks great so far. What next?”
“Next one is a lobster set...”
“Lobster?!?” Lili asked. “He's got my vote.”
“And then the last three are all desert ones. Chocolate, Vanilla, then the red plate is chocolate and diced strawberries. And the wontons are pretty much just your basic pork mix. But the folded crescent ones are crab rangoon.”
“Okay, you went all out...may we taste test?” asked Cami.
“Be my guest.” The two women gave each other a look before taking from the plates. One bite in and they were stunned.
“Oh my god!” Cami said with a mouth half-full. “This is incredible! My taste buds are having an orgasm!”
“Holy shit Jose!” Lili added. “You're a brawling luchadore who can cook something like this? Cami, put a fucking ring on that finger.”
“Okay, I get it, not that good. Laying it on kind of thick guys...”
“Baby I'm not joking.” Cami assured. “This is fucking incredible. The dough is crispy, the cheese melty, but not stretchy...and the spice...oh god it's just...wow...I need more. I need this for lunch at the office. I need this every day.”
“Yes...oh my god yes.... Lili, let's try some of the desert ones...”
They rushed over to to the other side of the counter and had similar reactions to the sweet as they did to the savory, the whole time Jose feeling a little confused.
“Baby what made you do all this?” Camila asked. “Oh my god this is mocha!”
“Well, I don't know I was feeling kind of stressed and weirded out this week...did this to kind of relax. Turned into this whole thing.”
“What did you have in the oven?” Lili.
“Oh that reminds me, I need to get it out of the fridge.” answered Jose, rushing past them.
“You need to go to the fridge for what you have in the oven?” asked Cami, her mouth full of chocolaty goodness. “You sure you know how baking works hun?”
“Yes...I mean I think so. It's the hot box where goo goes in and comes out cake, right?”
“Well he's got the basics,” said Cami. “So why's the baked good in the fridge?”
“Well, the gaunache had to chill,” he said, bringing out something that was Camila's favorite dessert; a Boston Cream Pie.
“Baby I LOVE you,” Cami said. “Oh my god that looks amazing...you did all this?”
“You're about two seconds from jumping his bones, aren't you?” Lili asked.
“That's a conservative estimate.” answered Camila.
“Well in that case, I'm going to get a plateful of everything, some water, and go to my room and prepare my ear plugs.”
Lili did as she said, leaving the two lovers alone. Camila got up wrapping her arms loosely around Jose's neck and kissing him.
“You really liked it?”
“Yes,” she said nodded, her smile soft. “Seriously. It was delicious and I can't wait for a slice of the pie...that's a cake...Boston cream pie is really confusing. But yeah, it was all so good. Why do you keep asking me that?”
“It's just...I'm not used to having any kind of...positive reinforcement like this. I don't know how to react. It's kind of new to me.”
Jose hung his head down a bit. Cami reached her hand under his chin, lifting his eyes to hers. “You're with me now. I'm with you. I love you. I'm never going to bullshit you. I never have either. So when I tell you you did good, you did good. This is one of those many, many times that we've been together that you've done good. It hurts me knowing that people made you feel like this, questioning every time you get a compliment. But it's not going to stop me from telling you all the good things about you you don't want to believe. Because they're all true. Except if anyone tells you can sing because I still remember our karaoke date...yikes babe. Yikes.”
“I'll have you know that I have it on good authority no one can belt out Styx's greatest hits quite like me.”
“That's true,” Cami said. “But not in the way you think it is.”
“Technically true, the best kind!” Camila laughed, then held his hands pulling him close to her once more.
“This whole place is us,” she said. “I don't want people when they come in not to see you all over the place. I want them to know it's not just me. It's you. It's us. That's why I want your things up just like mine. Not just the paintings and pictures. I want your stuff on the wall. And yes, that includes your replica championship belts, though I still think they'd look better in the hallway than over the fire place. I mean they're thin rectangles and that space needs more of a wide poster size thing or a square. But they're there because this isn't a home unless it's for the both of us.”
“I know...and you also can't tell me that all that gold above the fire place isn't awesome.”
“Well, let's table that for now. I just want you know...I'm never going to be ashamed of you. And also I expect comps of every shirt you guys make from now on. I know it's not going to be an overnight thing. Just know that.”
“Okay but what if I have a stomach virus and like puke or crap myself in the ring? That's happened! Out to me, but you know, totally possible.”
“Well,” she said, taking his hand and leading him to their couch and taking a seat. “I'll love and be proud of you. I'll probably just have a solid three or four months of jokes about the subject.”
“That's fair.”
“Also...that really happens?”
“That's the business.” Jose said. “Wanna hear some of the really famous stories?”
“As much fun as scatological wrestling trivia sounds, I think I'm just going to spend the rest of my brief respite from the office world laying on this couch with the most handsome man in existence.”
“You know The Rock?” Jose asked, holding Camila as the both let the couch consume them into a world of comfort.
“If I did then I might actually be suspicious of an affair between you two.”
“Which of the movies is showing first?” Hailee asked. She, Peter, Lili and Jake were all heading into the theatre, her hand in Peter's.
“Someone's anxious to see their movie crush,” Lili teased. She looked to Peter and explained. “Hailee digs Gary Oldman.”
“As a talented actor, yes.” replied Hailee.
“Hmm, that must be why you had a big picture of him from this very movie put up right on your wall above your bed. Acting talent admiration.”
“Oh, do I need to tell Jake how Jeff Hardy was plastered all over your room?”
“He already knows.”
“Does he know what you did with the action figures?” Hailee asked with a smile.
“Don't you DARE,” Lili laughed. “If it will calm the storm within, I think Dracula is the first one up. Happy?”
“Very,” said Hailee, kissing Peter on the cheek. “A very very happy girl.”
The four headed to their seats, Lili and Jake hanging back a bit.
“Okay, I get it,” Jake said. “HE's barely paying attention to anyone but her, she's nuts about him. I get it. I'm sorry I got so weirded out.”
“That's great hun,” Lili said. “We're still watching the movies. Besides, I want you to see exactly what I see to basically rattle the life out of any doubts you still have, okay? Besides I like these movies. But if you're a good boy we can leave once Dracula is over.”
“Okay,” he said. “I mean I want to be here with you, don't get me wrong. I just...I don't want it to be some kind of lesson. I was being stupid, I get that.”
“Jake, just relax and enjoy the movie. This isn't all about teaching you a lesson or whatever. I just want to have a fun night out with friends and my man before everything gets hectic. This is pretty much going to be my last free night until Valentine's Day, and I want to spend it with having fun.”
“Okay, I'll be cool,” Jake said, giving her a kiss. “What are we doing for Valentine's Day? I mean me and Jose are going to be in Las Vegas for a match. I know he's planning on cutting out the moment we're done to be with Camila, but I didn't know what your plans were.”
“They're with you,” Lili sweetie said. “I want to come with you actually. Do the whole road thing with you. Help sell the merch before the show, sleep in the cheap motel room, eat grease burgers for fuel on the way back. I really want to live just one day of that life with you.”
“I think that can be arranged.”
“Are you guys coming to sit down or what?” Peter asked.
“I think they're going for the cool kids section baby,” Hailee teased. “Leaving the geeks in the dust.”
“On our way kids,” Lili said, taking Jake's hand and leading them to where Peter and Hailee were sitting. Once everyone was settled in the theater went dark and the film began play.
The first scene wasn't even over when Hailee and Peter started getting closer to each other, something Lili made sure Jake saw. Hailee's head on Peter's shoulder, holding each others hands, stealing kisses. Which soon evolved into kisses. Which ten transformed into many make-up sessions in between coming up for air.
“Jesus,” Jake whispered to Lili. “Are they even watching the movie?”
“For now,” Lili replied. While Jake wondered what that meant, the movie when on and so did Hailee and Peter. Thing continued to build between them, any attention the movie was getting dropping by the minute. The fact that this was going to be their last date night for a month added a bit more gasoline to the fire that already burned between them.
Hailee's lips went to Peter's ear, whispering something to him and giggled. From there their hands unclasped and Peter's went between Hailee's legs, making her have to stifle a moan as he penetrated her. Right on cue on screen when Dracula sees Mina on the street, Peter's fingers were working over Hailee's pussy and making his love softly bite on her cheek to silence herself.
They usually weren't like this on dates. They were affectionate, very PDA heavy. But right now there was an extra little spark. The combination of this being an oasis before a drought during the filming of their movie combined with seeing one of of the most erotic and romantic monster movies ever with Hailee's movie crush opened the vault and letting all their desires free.
Of course, this was all in few view of Lili and Jake, no matter how stealthy the amorous couple were trying to be. While Lili pretty much just giggled, jake was shocked at how into each other the two were. Yeah, they were kssing, holding each other in the car on the way over but this was just plain over the top.
Hailee whispered into Peter's ear again, he looked at her and nodded. Then he leaned over to Lili and Jake. “Hey, um, me and Hailee are going to go get some snacks and stuff, we'll be right back.”
The couple went out and left, trying to hide the rush. Lili leaned over to Jake. “You have a stopwatch thing on your phone?”
“Yeah.” he replied. “Why?”
“Start it now.”

Hailee and Peter knew this theater very well. It was to the point they knew the owner. It was their favorite date spot. They'd even get allowed in early if the owner got an old school 35mm print of a classic film. The whole theater to themselves.
They knew it in an out, including the old projector room where the 35mm were played. However, prints were only stored there during special events when they were played. Right now, it was pretty much empty save for a bean bag chair and the projector itself as well as most likely being unlocked.
The two make their way to this room, barely able to contain themselves. The moment they were in and the door shut and now locked, it was go time. Hailee looked at him with a smoldering smile, a look Peter matched. She hiked up her skirt to pull off her panties and Peter took of his shirt and jacket, then dropped his pants.
With all those obstacles gone, Peter lifted Hailee up into his arms, the beautiful brunette wrapping her legs around his waist.
“I've wanted this since I got off work,” Hailee said, hungrily kissing her man for that extra bit of punctuation. “So bad.”
“I love you,” Peter said, brushing her brunette locks from her face.
“Love you too.” she relied. They kissed once more as Peter carried her over to the sink in the room. Never before had the pair been so happy the owner of the theater was a neat freak.
They took a brief, breathless moment to look at each other before Peter thrust inside of, Hailee letting out a soft moan as he filled her tight pussy. She really had been thinking about this all day. Maybe not just like this, but after a long day with the auditions and a few hours filled with an unusually large barrage of calls from rude and angry guests Hailee had only one thing on her mind and that was being with her man and making all their stress melt away in each other's arms.
Of course she thought that would be after the double date with Lili and Jake and in hers and Peter's bed. But something just came over her, over them. Sure, maybe the movie did have something to do with it, but they had already been all over each other the moment she got home, to the point they almost skipped out on the whole thing.
Sure, she wasn't in her nice comfy bed, but the company was all that mattered.
“Ahhh yess,” she moaned, her long legs pulling Peter deeper into her, every thrust taking them higher and higher. Hailee slid her denim jacket off and removed the shirt underneath, leaving her bare save for her hiked-up skirt.
Peter's mouth went to her tits, his tongue lovingly circling her nipple before closing around it. Hailee moaned softly, her backed arched and head leaning against the mirror behind her. It was only beginning and it was already so good.
While Hailee savored the attention being showered on her Peter, continued to explore Hailee's body. They'd been together long enough for hi to know every curve of her body, but he always enjoyed another tour. His hands ran against the smooth, soft skin of her perfect legs before getting her ass and gripping the tight peach.
His mouth moved between the real estate of Hailee's breasts to her full, sensuous lips. He took a few detours to her nicks, worshiping her with kisses.
All while his cock filled her. Thrust after thrust he filled her, savoring that feeling on his cock. Fast then slow, working his hips. No matter how many times he experienced her, he was never bored. She was his one in a million.
“Oh good yes...or Peter yes baby!” she moaned, her voice echoing in the enclosed room. Even if the 35mm theatre was being used, she wouldn't have been able too keep quiet, not when she was feeling so good. Every lovely inch of Peter's cock working in and out of her wet velvet folds. How he felt, how he moved, how he sounded, the taste of his lips on hes, tongue to tongue...it's was all an intoxicating cocktail she knew she was addicted to.
“More more more,” she whined. “Don't stop Peter...oh baby please keep going...mmmm...” Her moans got even louder. If anyone walked by the room they'd have been discovered for sure. At that moment neither of them cared.
As her legs pulled him even deeper into her, making his strokes into her faster, deeper, and harder. Hailee's mouth turned up in a smile, her lips pursed together and she moaned.
Peter couldn't tear his eyes away from her face as the pleasure was taking over her mind. “You're so fucking beautiful,” he said. “Wish you could see it...see how beautiful you are.”
“Well there's a mirror behind me, babe,” she said, a sexy little smile on her face. “Got any ideas?”
“A few.” He replied, kissing her again. Hailee released him from the heaven;y grip of her legs and Peter pulled out. The moment Hailee was on her feet again Peter pulled her close, holding her in a deep embrace and kissing her once more before spinning her around and bending her over, getting an excited laugh to escape from Hailee's mouth.
“I wonder what idea you got?” she teased as she bent over the sink. She looked over she shoulder, flipping her dark hair. “Come on baby....mmmm, been waiting all day for this... we're not stopping now.”
She shook her ass in front of him, the single best green light he'd ever seen in his life.
The pair moaned in harmony as Peter re-entered her pussy. It never stopped feeling amazing. After that moment of savoring her was over, Peter's pace returned to what I had been, much to Hailee's delight.
“Ohhh my godddd,” she hissed. She gripped the porcelain of the sink as Peter started to give her all he had. He held her by the hip with one hand while the other glided up the flesh of her back, the kind of almost-there touch designed to give a person goosebumps.
Once that pace was built up, Pete'r hand moved from her hip to Hailee's pussy, plaing with her clit while his cock took her pussy.
“Ohhhh yes...mmm don't stop...make me cum Peter...cum with you...I want to cum with you...”
Hailee rose up, her back to Peter's chest. She turned her head to the side, kissing him tenderly. Tender, but with heat behind it. Affection with searing heat. She breathed deep, licking her lips as moans fell from her lips, her brown eyes desperate, wanting a simultaneous release for them both.
“Mmmm Hailee...oh god baby...so close...I want you...always...oh...oh my god....”
“Yes..yes...uh uh....do it...cum with me...” Hailee's moans were getting more hungry and desperate as well. His free arm wrapped around he waist holding her close, his head her shoulder and her arm circling it. Her words of encouragement continued, their dual moans of pleasure intensified. They were getting closer and closer to that one last explosion of pleasure together.
“Oh my GOD!!” Hailee yelled, a big smile on her face as her orgasm hit her like crashing wave. Her body undulated and shook in Peter's arm, a tsunami of absolute pleasure rocking her.
That was it for Peter as well. He struggled to hang for just a few more moments, but it wasn't to be. He kissed Hailee, moaning into her mouth as he filled her up with his cum, his voice shaking with every pulse.
“Mmmm, yessss,” Hailee cooed with a smile, a dreamy look on her face. “Mmmm baby just like that...all of it....”
Peter pulled out of heaven, his cock spent and wilted. His legs wobbly, he tried to step back a bit, tripping over his pants at his ankles and falling into the bean bag chair. Hailee giggled a bit, the crawled beside him, laying down and resting her head on his chest.
“That was amazing,” she said. “As usual.”
“We're not getting stale, are we?”
“Never.” she replied, kissing his chest. “I love you.”
“Love you too Haiz.” He replied, kissing her forehead. “Think we should get back to the movie?”
“Mmm, just hold me a few more minutes. Then popcorn...then we go back.”
“Sounds good to me.”
Once Hailee and Peter returned to their seats, a thirty-five minute wait according to Lili's time keeping, the two were still incredibly affectionate towards each other, further driving home Lili's point.
The four had decided to leave after Dracula was over, all heading out to an empty concessions stand with the overbearing scent of fresh popcorn.
“I thought you guys said the popcorn machine was broken,” Lili said with a knowing smile.
“Um...well,it was when we went,” Peter answered. “Right babe?”
“Totally.” nodded Hailee. “And...well you're not gonna get soda without popcorn, am I right? Huh?”
“And there was the HUGE bathroom line...for both of them,” added Peter.
“Uh huh,” Lili said, giving Jake a look which made him chuckle. “Any other tales to tell or are we going for some food?”
“I could definitely eat.” Hailee replied.
“Because the popcorn machine was broken, right?” Lil asked, that crooked smile turning into a full on toothy grin. “You're getting a Cami-style appetite, timing and all.”
Hailee's eyes got wide, remembering exactly what triggered Cami's big appetite. And Peter soon followed suit in that, as having dated Camila in high school he caught on to what Lili was hinting at.
“Uhhh...well...you know...” Hailee sputtered out, with Peter also trying to get some kind of retort out.
“Guys, calm down,” Lili said. “I'm just messing with you. It's honestly kinda cute, isn't it Jake?”
“Oh, totally adorable,” he agreed. “Like a basket full of puppies.”
“How about you lovebirds head out to the car first, relax a little, stop blushing,” Lili suggested. “Me and Jake here will talk to the staff, asked how that popcorn machine magically fixed itself and spit out so much popcorn so fast.”
“I think we'll take that offer,” Hailee said, taking Peter by the hand hurriedly leading him out of the theater lobby. With them gone, Lili turned to Jake. The two of them were smiling wide.
“So....point made?”
“Yeah, completely is.” Jake replied. “Were you expecting all that?”
“All of it? No.” Lili took Jake by the hand and began to walk with him out of the theater. “I have known Hailee almost all my life and her having sex in a movie theater is not something I'd ever guess. So, surprises abound. I proved my point to me and I was never in doubt.” When they stepped outside Lili turned to face Jake, looking up into his eyes. “So, are you officially retiring the jealous boyfriend gimmick? Going back to my preferred loving sweetheart?”
“Totally retired.” he replied, kissing her forehead. “But in my defense, you're you and just...wow. That's the only word, wow.”
“You know you could have tried flattery from the start,” she said. “I mean I probably would have missed out on embarrassing Haiz but I think I would have managed.”
“Well, since I don't think I said it before all this, I did want say this,” he held her hand, kissing it. “I am so proud of everything you're doing right now. The make-up jobs for Peter's movie, balancing that with school and work and your writing as well. I'm endlessly impressed.”
“Baby...” Lili said, tearing up a little. Her lips touched his softly and sweetly. “Thank you. I mean it's not getting thumbtacks in my back nightly, but I had to let go of that dream long ago. See I discovered lonely like watching that and not actually doing it. Though I have gotten a bit of a soft spot for picking tacks out of your back after a match, I have to admit.”
“So yo're saying you're looking forward to Valentine's Day.”
“Yes.” replied Lili. “And dinner. I actually am pretty hungry.”
“Well then...your chariot awaits.” The two headed towards the parking lot, Jake's arm around Lili. “You're totally going to keep going at Hailee and Peter in the car, huh?”
“Oh of course. Your lesson is learned but I can still have some fun. Besides, it balances out the ear plugs.”
Eric was not a fan of strip clubs. It wasn't that he didn't like them completely. He had no moral stance against them at all. A person's body is theirs to do what they want with. That had always been his stance. There was no grandstanding there. He wasn't remotely too good to go to one either.
His issue was far more personal. They tended to make him uncomfortable. They had a smell to them. Not necessarily bad. It was a mix of hospital sterility, expensive perfume and cologne with a lot of bargain bin spray on deodorant. It put him ill at ease.
He was sure the women were nice enough, just doing a job and hopefully enjoying it for what it was, especially with all the sure fire dipshits they had to deal with, which was the other half of why he didn't necessarily like the place. The assholes who loved to take things too far.
“Come on Blimp it's time to see titties,” Chad said, the living example of those assholes. But he was an a amazing talker, a born salesman. He had convinced Eric and their other two friends, Michael and Carter, to go to the local strip club to celebrate the beginning of the school year and celebrate how far he and Eric had come with their screenplays.
Of course for Chad by celebrate he also threw in reminding Eric repeatedly about what he thought of Vanessa Morgan.
“Dude, just listen to me alright?” he said as they walked through the door of the Last Resort Cabaret. The signs shined with a pink and violet sign reading it's name, showing a bikini-clad girls dancing back and fourth in a herky jerky animation. The inside was bathed in a mixtures of violet, blue and pink lights. If the furniture was any other color, Eric couldn't tell. The only exception was the stage area. The lighting was more muted so the featured girl on stage could be more easily seen. There was still a small tint of color, but the real person could still be seen underneath.
“You guys are like ten pages from finishing?” Chad asked. “Great. She kissed you? Cool. You got further than I thought. But listen to me when I say this. A girl like that will never genuinely want someone like you.”
“Yeah, you've told me this several times Chad,” Eric said, trying to contain himself. “How abut you move on to something new?” He looked to Michael and Carter for help, but to no avail. They didn't agree with Chad. No one agreed with Chad unless somehow he stumbled on to a very basic position that it was impossible to argue. But everyone followed him. And it had nothing to do with Chad's size. Despite is propensity for tank tops and other sleeveless attires, Chad had the guns of a pacifists armory; nonexistent.
He could, however, talk. Talk talk talk talk talk. He never got tired of it. Everyone was honestly surprised he didn't attempt to become a lawyer due to his ability to win arguments simply by exhausting the opposition, which was how he managed to keep everyone in line. So, Eric was alone in Chad's line of fire.
“Because I see a little bit of hope in your eyes and buddy, I just don't want to see you hurt when this bitch dumps you the moment you get a passing grade. Which is exactly what will happen. Girls don't like fat dudes. Blunt? Yes. But also true. Women like the alpha types. The lean mean FUCKING machines like myself. When they want dough, they'll order a pizza, okay pal?”
“Fuck you Chad,” Eric said, his boiling point getting reached. “I don't know what's going on between Vanessa and I and you don't know her. I know it's something I want to explore. I like her.”
“Uh huh.” Chad replied, finding a set of seats close to the stage. “I don't know her? Newsflesh lunchbox, neither do you. So you made out with her? Awesome. You know about as much about her as I do. Meaning you know jack shit.”
Before Eric could respond, Carter butted in to soothe the tensions. “Guys, how about we just drop this subject, chill out and enjoy the titties?”
“Finally, someone other than me says something smart,” said Chad. The group sat down, Carter and Michael between Chad and Eric.
Eric settled in the surprisingly comfortable chair and simmered a bit while Chad and the others were swept away into the magical world of ass and titties. They hooted, they hollered, they spouted profanities(mainly Chad) and threw dollars at the beautiful and very flexible young blonde working the stripper pole.
Honestly, Eric knew he should have been enjoying himself more. Despite his feelings on places like this he loved tits. He loved women. But Chad's bullshit brought up every insecurity he had once more concerning Vanessa. He knew he should trust his instincts and his instincts told him that, as usual, Chad was full of shit. He was just being Chad, trying to force his warped view on reality on the world and trying his best to make the world agree with him.
“All right gents, that was Candi getting some love but I hope you have some left over for our next girl she is a popular one doing her last show of the night!” yelled the club's DJ. “She will be doing a few more private dances so if you like what you see let her know in the way only you guys can! Give warm, warm welcome to...TOPAZ!!!!”
The lights on the stage started glowing pink and red and the spotlight went on. Men in the crowd began to go nuts. Whoever she was Topaz certainly was a favorite.
When Cream by Prince came on, that's when she burst on the stage. She was curvy, her skin smooth and mocha. She was dressed in a very hot black number, leather and lace meeting somewhere between Transylvania and Salem.
The way she moved was nothing short of sensual and a miracle on those heels she wore. They didn't look like the cliché stripper shoes that Eric had always pictured; clear plastic with nothing but height. Theist were glittering black, more boots than anything else. But she moved, swayed and worked her body like she was walking on her.
All this behind a small domino mask, black and glittering just like her heeled boots. There was something familiar about her. Something in her face. And if Eric wasn't so completely distracted by her beauty and her moves he certainly could have put it together. However, he was under Topaz's trance she hadn't even gotten to where he was near the front, she was still working the beginning of it.
Her hands caressed her own body, teasing the removing of clothing. First came the lacy, barely there skirt covering her bodice, removing it and tossing it aside, leaving her exposed flesh now bare. She bent over, slapping that round bottom before working her body back up, er back arching on the return.
That was when Eric could have sworn she saw him and smiled. He dismissed it as bullshit immediately. Just the magic of the strip club. This was what they did, how they made their money. He was begrudging it but he also wasn't falling for it.
However, Chad and the boys were. They were screaming for her attention, raining ones on the dancing floor, she smiled and got on all floors crawling to them, her booty bouncing in beat with the song. When she got to the pile of bills she slithered down forward first, pressing the money against her cleavage. She looked at Chad and the boys with a smile then flashed Eric a big grin and a wink. They didn't notice anything odd, but Eric did. That wasn't something he just imagined....and getting a closer look at those lips, puzzle pieces were beginning to come together.
Topaz rose to her knees, rubbing the money over her body, rolling her head, whipping her hair back and forth. Then her hands let the money slip back to the floor and she began to unbutton that top she was wearing. The crowd roared at a fever pitch.
One button. Money thrown at her. Two buttons. Even more...then she stopped at at the last one and got to her feet, her starving audience willing to throw their assorted bank accounts at her for one peek at her ample tits.
Topaz leaped on the pole on the sage, swirling around hen hanging upside down, her hair hanging down and her eyes on Eric one more. Did she know him?

Topaz went for her mask then hesitated. That was her dance. Tease the tits, lose the mask, then show her tits. Her regular knew that, it worked for her, but looking at Eric she hesitated. And it wasn't so much because of him, but because of who he was with. However, any hesitation she had lost out to the fact that her regulars liked her routine. They were the ones throwing fives and twenties at her. So off with the mask it was.

The moment it fell, Chad did a double take then looked at Eric and started to point and laugh. It was what Topaz thought would happen.
As for Eric, he wasn't paying attention to Chad. He sat there, jaw dropped at the fact that Topaz was Vanessa...HIS Vanessa.
Vanessa however couldn't take any moments to react to Chad's assholery or read Eric's reaction. She still had a job to do. So, with a smile on her face she continued her dance. Popping her booty, humping the ground. She let her body go with the music, let the money fly at her and blocked out anything else.

Then, with her back to the crowd, she popped that final button and let her top drop to the floor. Vanessa then turned around, her arm covering her lovely tits, giving the audience one last tease before they got what they came to see.
She removed her arms, making each second last an enticing eternity. The moment her chest was left totally bare for all to see, the crowd went wild, all except Eric, who covered his eyes then got up.
Vanessa was hurt, confused, but couldn't show it. And when she saw Chad laughing his ass off at it all, all that got mixed in with anger. But all with her perfect smile.
Vanessa continued dancing for a few more minutes before leaving the stage, giving her audience a wink before disappearing behind the glittered curtain to the backstage.
Eric was at the bar, enjoying a club soda and lime on the house. The one good thing he could say about the strip club was if you were the designated driver, you got free non-alcoholic drinks. Doing their part to end splattered brains on the pavement. Before he could even finish it off though, Chad came a-knocking, out of breath from laughter with Carter and Michael on his sides. However neither of them were laughing.
“Does that count as an I told you so moment Blimp?” Chad asked. “Because I think it does.” He took a seat next to Eric. Chad was locked and loaded, ready to riff. “I think that proves my point about her, doesn't it?”
“How?” Eric asked.
“Well, to put it simply, she's definitely using you. That's what strippers do! That's literally their job you dumb bastard!” Chad was laughing while Carter and Michael got more and more uncomfortable. “Oh I love to be right. Girls like that REALLY don't go for guys like you. Unless its to get formula for their sixth kid or bail money for their boyfriend or some shit.”
“Shut up Chad,” Eric said, getting angrier. It wasn't like Chad heard that in is voice or would have cared, he was on a role.
“I'll give her this though, AMAZING tits. Think she'll give me a private dance? Bet you it wouldn't take much.”
“It'd take more than you have,” Vanessa said. She was back in her gear from before, totally covered up. “Hi Eric. Can we talk?”
“Um, maybe later babe,” Chad said, getting right in front of Vanessa. He took out two one hundred dollar bills and waved them in her face. “How much for a private dance?”
“Sorry Chad, I'm on break.”
“Oh, so you know my name?”
“Yeah, Eric was telling me about his “friend” who overcompensates for his lack of a cock by being condescending and insulting. I'm guessing that's you.”
“Oooh, the lady can bite!” Chad exclaimed. “I like it. Let's make it two hundred fifty.”
Vanessa pushed past him and got to the bar.
“Hey, Bruno,” she said to the bartender.The friendly hulk of a man walked over to her. “Tell Lou I'm going on break. Only one I've had all night. Is it cool if I take it out front and talk with my friend here?” Vanessa's hand touched Eric's shoulder, squeezing it softly.
“Yeah, sure thing Nessa,” he said with a deep Jersey accent. “Ain't you almost done for the night anyway?”
“Yeah, just another ninety minutes.”
“Yeah, I'll let Lou know.”
“Um, wait a minute,”Chad said. “What about my private dance.”
“Maybe you didn't hear the lady, Stickboy. She's on her break. Talking to her friend. Which means you stay away from them both no matter how much money you got. Capiche?”
“UH...yeah...sure,” Chad said, cowering. “I'll just talk to the blonde that was on before you.She was way hotter anyway.”
“Whatever,” Vanessa said. She took the seat vacated by Chad and grabbed Eric's hand. “Let's talk.” Her voice was sweet, and soothing. “Out front?”
“Y-yeah, sure.” he replied.
The two headed outside of the club, just within view of the bouncer. Vanessa gave him a nod, letting him know Eric was cool.
“So...thanks for visiting me at work,” Vanessa joked. She was actually shocked it got a laugh from Eric. “Look, I'm sorry I didn't tell you. It's just, well. It's not easy to tell someone you like that you show your tits for money. That's like...like...”
“Telling someone you like you're a virgin.” he answered.
“Yeah,” she said wit a soft laugh. “I was going to tell you. You know, if we became more than a maybe. It's just....well, loo at your buddy. Some guys are not the guys you tell you're a stripper. They just assume you'e a whore or you're dumb. That you're dirty, easy, shameful...”
“It's not,” said Eric. “It's just a job.”
“Yeah, exactly. You're actually taking this a lot better than I thought you were. I mean you looked pretty pissed.”
“Because of Chad.”
“Okay...but you covered your eyes when, well...you know.”
“Oh...oh shit.” Eric began to pace, nerves overtaking him. “I'm sorry. It's just...it's weird, okay? But...I don't know. It just felt like...I shouldn't see that? I know it sounds crazy. This is a strip club and all that...but it didn't feel right, you know? I don't know, it just felt weird to be seeing your body like that for the first time in public. I know..I'm crazy.”
“Well, a little,” Vanessa said. “But I think it's cute.” She paused, reaching her hand out for his, grabbing it when he lifted his own to join her. “You're really fine with this, right? I like you...but if this bothers you I need to know.”
“I'm fine, really,” he said, squeezing her hand softly. “Chad was the problem, not you. As usual. It's just a job. A jb with a lot of cardio...and balance. Seriously how do you dance in those behemoths?”
“Practice,” she laughed before moving into to kiss him. “Want to go for breakfast after my shift? Just about on hour and I'm off.”
“I would but I'm giving Chad and the others a ride. Designated driver.”
“Well, let them get a free ride back then,” Vanessa said. “The school has that sober driver volunteer program for a reason.”
“SO...just wait at the bar?”
“Uh huh...just as my ride now,” she said. “Save me the ride's share money.”
“All right.” he replied. “Anymore stagetime?”
“Not tonight. Just some...well...private dances. Part of the job.”
“I get it. Totally. Just...can you...not...with Chad and the guys?”
“Oh god no,” Vanessa said. “ESPECIALLY for Chad. He even asks me again I'll have Bruno kick his ass to the curb.”
“Well when you say that you make me hope he asks.”
“Why do you hang around with someone like that?” asked Vanessa. “You're better than that.”
“Bad habit.” Eric replied. He took a breath and looked around the parking lot trying to gather his thoughts. “You ever know someone that you just end up stuck to no matter what? That's Chad. I mean I used to be able to excuse it with moments of him being a decent person, but that's so long ago it might as well be a myth.”
“I don't like the way he treats you. I overhear the names and stuff. I really, really don't like that.”
“Can I ask you kind of a similar question?”
“Sure,” Vanessa said.
“Why me? I mean...you're...you. I'm..well...know what you said about being better than someone?”
“Don't you dare say that,” Vanessa said, getting closer to him. “I'm not hearing it.” She held both his hands softly in hers. “Look...at this job I see all kinds of guys. I've dated the usual type. The movie star looks, the bad boy musicians...all of that. But because of my job, they think they get to treat me different than they would any other girl. I must be a slut because I take my clothes off for money. Which means I'm the threesome girl or I'm going to fuck them on the first date. That just seeing a dick is going to make me drop my pants and bend over for them. My favorite though is they all think I'm stupid pretty much. You work at a titty bar? You're an idiot. Only stupid people sell their body in any way. You...don't do any of that. Even now that you know what I do for a living, you don't look at me any different. It's in your eyes. I can see it. And when we first started talking before that for the class...it was just nice to talk to someone who saw me as an equal...and who could talk to me about more than how good my tits are.”
“Well you are an equal.” Eric answered. “You're an amazing writer. Probably better than me. There's a lot more tot talk about than your breasts... though they are nice, don't get me wrong... from what I've seen of them...”
“Thanks,” she laughed. Kissing his cheek. “Why you? I like you. That's all that matters.”
“Okay.” There was a small moment of silence before Eric spoke again. “So...break over?”
“Just about,” said Vanessa. “Only about an hour left on the clock. So...meet you at the bar in an hour? Then breakfast? I'm buying.”
“Sounds amazing,” Eric said. Then he went on instinct. He moved is lips to hers slowly, giving her enough time to back away if she wished. She didn't. Their lips met in a kiss again, but it was also all new. It wasn't the first time their lips had met. It had happened many times before. This though was different. Sweeter, softer, longer. His arms wrapped around her body and her his, holding each other tight until it broke.
“Wow,” Vanessa said, her eyes closed, she opened them slowly, seeing a similar look to the one she knew she was wearing on Eric's face. “We gotta do this more often.”
“Big yes from me too.”
“Come on, let's head back inside.” She took his hand an led back in the club, the paid having a matching set of dreamy, happy smiles on their faces.