Celebrity Story Site

Author Topic: Inspire The Fire (Becky Lynch) (Becky Lynch, Paige Part 2) (Many more Part 3)  (Read 27807 times)


Disclaimer: All right, this story is not real. NOT REAL! Not to be read by anyone under the age of 18/21 yadda yadda yadda! I’d love to hear some feedback as per usual. My e-Mail addresses are at: mean.blackjack(@)yahoo.co.uk If you remove the parenthesis from the @ symbol it’ll get through! You can also get me at mean.blackjack47(@)gmail.com. Again, remove the parenthesis. Also, don’t forget to thank and like the story if you do like it! Also feel free to post on the thread to voice your encouragement, lord knows my ego needs stroking!

Also, please don't post this on any other site without my explicit permission. I've had to bring the hammer down on two thieves right as of writing and don't want to bring it down again. Don't forget to add me on Discord too! My name on there is Swagatha Christie#2438.

Codes: MF, Cons, Oral, Facial

The large clock on the side of the office ticked by idly as I was briefed fully on what I would need to do over the three day break. I nodded my head, this was all par for the course for me and I was something of a pro at looking after the hotel. Walking out of the hotel's main office I found myself staring at an absolutely empty lobby and that was perfectly fine by me. Pulling out the wheely chair, I took a seat and steadily reclined, kicking my feet up on the desk and closed my eyes.

While most people would hate the idea of working on Christmas Eve into Christmas day, I relished it. You see, I grew up with a loving, supporting family and always, ALWAYS looked forward to Christmas and in all of my twenty two years on the Earth I have always had a great time when Jolly Saint Nick was supposed to be making his rounds. However, as a soon to be twenty three year old, I was treated to being an adult in my family home and being an adult, apparently sucks. It was just after Thanksgiving that I had been pulled to the side by my mom and she had explained to me that my father had been cheating on her for a long, long time and she was in the middle of applying for a divorce. This had been total news to me and I have to admit, the idea did break me a little bit. My mom offered me support and we decided that maybe, this year, the idea of Christmas was one that we shouldn't be celebrating.

So, imagine my surprise to find out that the woman who was supposed to be working this shift was in fact, addicted to crack and had disappeared somewhere. Sure, the shift was going to be an absolute pain in the ass to get through but for ten times my normal hourly wage? I would be crazy to pass it up! So, as I waved goodbye to the staff who were leaving the hotel, I pulled my feet down off of my desk and reached down into my small leather brown messenger bag. Grabbing some of the cuddly toys that I had picked up the last time that the WWE were in town, I sat a large plushy Sasha Banks down on the desk and offered her a tummy a firm squeeze.

"It's boss time!" The doll announced in a voice that was similar to Sasha Banks but also sounded overly tinny too due to the bad speaker that was contained inside of the doll. Smirking, I sat Sasha down and then the small action figure of Finn Balor who was dressed in his demon attire right next to her. With the desk now tidied to my specifics, I went back to looking over the computer's systems and inspecting any possible bookings. Frowning slightly, I noticed that there were five people who were expected to book in and possibly ruin the break I was expecting. Looking over the names, I was about to just consider them people who couldn't stay with their families until I noticed one particular name.

'Quin, Rebecca.'

Was it really... It couldn't be. I knew I knew the name I had just read but it didn't make sense. We weren't a big fancy hotel in the city, we were a small town hotel that was on the edge of New York City. Pushing my chair backwards, I stood up and walked across the lobby towards the two large windows that were sitting next to the main double doors. The front of the building was nice, it looked almost as if it were a church, there was a top floor that had a slight slope to it and the very front did have two large windows that ran from the top of the building all the way down towards the ground which also served as almost an opening towards the large double doors. We looked very nice and it did make us look like we were a lot better than we were. The hotel only had three floors and while we were never going to be a Hilton, we never had a bad review even at this time of year where it was so cold that you could barely doing anything. My eyes flicked over the empty parking lot before I moved to look at a set of a couple of cars pulling in. The first one, a grey Ford Accord, grabbed the parking spot closest to the door before the second one, a midnight black Renault Clio parked up next to it. Both of the driver and passenger doors popped open and the people inside of the cars started to walk inside of the hotel.

Moving back to the front desk to book in whoever it was making the appearance at the parking lot, I looked at the Sasha doll before shaking my head, waking the computer up and then looking over at the front door, waiting for the guests to enter. The large double doors swung open and five people fell into the foyer of the hotel. The first group, a set of three African-American men who I instantly recognised as WWE's The New Day stepped up and quickly booked themselves in, declining the use of a trolley for their luggage and instead wanting to just head on up to their rooms which was more than fair. Next, a tall, blonde woman who walked with a certain grace among her who I almost instantly recognised as Charlotte Flair placed her bags by her side, shot the Sasha toy a smirk and got her own room key, the Queen suite on the top floor of course and this time did indeed opt to take one of the bronze trolleys. Placing her wheel bags on the trolley, Charlotte disappeared into the corridor towards one of the two elevators and made her way up to her room.

That left the last person who made her way up to the front desk, her shoulder bag and suitcase with the handle extended so that she could wheel it along without needing to lift it up and physically lug it around as if it were a heavier item. Placing it down by the side, the suitcase leaning forward and bumping against the front of the desk, the mystery woman in front of me plucked the plum coloured beret off of her head and her long orange hair dropped down to her shoulders and instantly showed her off as Becky Lynch, not that I should have been surprised by that what with her travel partner being Charlotte Flair. As soon as she unwrapped her scarf from in front of her face, I could see Becky's beautiful points on her face and that warm, genuine smile. Becky beamed at me before shaking off the thick pea coat that she was wearing, popping the buttons off, Becky took a step forward to speak a little more clearly.

"Wow, it is cold out there!" She said, shaking her arms and then stuffing her gloved hands under her armpits to warm them up again slightly. "Hi, I'm Becky Quin? I'm here to check in."

"Ah... Right! Of course, sorry!" I said, catching myself and quickly moving to actually check her in.

"You alright there chief? It looks like you've seen a ghost or something! I think that's supposed to be in a couple of days time isn't it?" She said with a hearty chuckle, no doubt referring to the ghosts of Christmas.

"No... No! Sorry, it's just, we don't really get famous people here, let alone five of them."

That made Becky laugh, her eyes rolling gently before coming back to simply tilt her head to the side slightly.

"Ah well, we're just the same as every other person, just treat us right and we'll be okay with you." Becky said with a casual wink that was no doubt not a flirty one but with someone like Becky, it was difficult to not take it that way. The orange haired superstar fluffed her hair before raking one of her gloved fingers through her freshly dyed locks and then smiling at me. "So, my room?"

"Right... Right!" I quickly ducked down and keyed in the information of the beautiful woman as she was standing in front of me. Her information was switched over and soon keyed into the small plastic tab that would serve as the key to her room, the hot tub and all sorts of other rooms inside of the hotel that would be free for use for someone who held a key to the hotel would be able to use. As it was being written onto the card, I caught the Sasha doll being lifted up off of the counter from the corner of my eye, Becky was inspecting the doll before offering its tummy a firm squeeze to prompt another quote from the slightly tinny voice.

"Oh boy, I remember Sasha saying she had to record for these! How much did this one set you back?" She asked, twisting the Sasha doll from side to side as she inspected it. "I think this is one of those deluxe ones that came with those silly sunglasses she has." Becky said, almost wistfully as she looked it over. "How come I'm not here? I mean you've got one of Fergal!"

Struggling to find an answer, somewhat still amazed that I was still having a conversation with someone like Becky Lynch who was more than happy to just stand here and chat with me. Me! A simple hotel worker. I looked up at her and could only offer her a shrug of my shoulders. "I mean, I don't really have any of your gear. That action figure they released of you? Definitely didn't do you justice." I said simply, offering her my own opinion on the situation. "Why is it you don't have as much merchandise as Sasha?" I asked, sitting back in my chair and looking up at her as she continued to idly inspect the Sasha plushy toy. Offering the fabric a squeeze, Becky smirked at the sound of another sound bite before placing the cuddly toy right back down on the countertop.

"I don't know to be honest. I want more stuff but they never really put it out. I do get some pretty cool shirts though, so that's cool I guess?" She said, casually flipping her head to the side slightly, her long orange hair bouncing, definitely showing off some of her better features. Raking her fingers through her hair, Becky stuffed her gloves into her coat pocket and then grabbed a hold of the handle to her suitcase. "Well, see you tomorrow I guess," Becky paused briefly before leaning over the counter to inspect the small name badge on my left breast. "Zach. See you later!" She said with a smile, offering me a polite wave before making her way over to where her travelling partners had disappeared to. The doors opened and as the orange haired woman disappeared on to the small elevator and she was soon making her way up to her own room and I was left alone to my own thoughts.

Sitting back in the leather chair, I looked over the filing system for people who would be booking in and out. The only names were the five WWE superstars who had arrived just now, they would be checking out in a couple of days so that gave me ample time to hopefully not come across as too creepy in hoping that Becky and the rest of the superstars wouldn't mind signing some stuff for me. Pushing back on my chair, I rolled my sleeve up so that I could check the round face of my wristwatch and noted that it was in fact time to lock the main door of the hotel. Because we weren't part of a major chain of hotels the front desk wasn't open twenty four hours a day and I was going to be running a three day twelve hour shift. That meant that I was going to have to lock the hotel's front door and simply take up my own room on the ground floor. Walking over to the front of the hotel, I twisted the large bronze knob on the door and with a heavy thud, the door was locked. Walking back to the front desk, I placed the small information board on the countertop, opted to leave the WWE figures up on the counter, and made my way down to the room.

I had gone to bed and while it had been a fairly quiet night so far, I was tucked into bed and half listening to a podcast when my room phone started to ring. That was not unusual on most nights. I had provided the number for my room as a point of information for the guests so I could only assume that it was one of the guests. Lifting the receiver up off of the handle, I rolled onto my side and lifted it up to my ear.


"What do you call a lesbian dinosaur?"

"... I'm sorry?" I asked, running my hands through my hair as I sat up in my bed.

"What do you call a lesbian dinosaur?" The voice repeated, the Irish tone starting to shine through. This was definitely Becky Lynch I was dealing with.

"I don't know, what do you call a lesbian dinosaur?"

"A Lickalotapus!" As soon as she had said that I could hear the woman on the other end of the line break into a hearty guffaw, cackling down the phone line as she enjoyed the fact that she had tickled herself so much. "I'm sorry, I just heard that one and had to tell someone. Were you asleep?" She asked, somewhat thoughtfully after calling me up at one o'clock in the morning.

"I was nearly asleep but it's okay Miss Quinn. Can I help you with something?"

"Oh I didn't want anything! I just wanted to let you know one of my jokes. They don't let us say that sort of thing on my twitter and I was just bursting. Charlotte's asleep and the New Day are screaming at a TV." Becky sighed softly before she spoke up again. "So what are you up to?"

"Me? Uh... I'm in bed listening to a podcast?" I answered honestly, not seeing much of a reason to lie to her. "What are you doing?" Was that crossing a line? Yeah, yeah that was probably crossing a line.

"Oh I'm just soaking in the tub. Charlotte's a great girl don't get me wrong but I don't like being driven around by her. She grew up on these roads but I always get so spooked when we drive on the wrong side of the road." There was a slight sound of splashing when I heard Becky mutter something into the receiver. "Oh Jesus! Ah... My toe's stuck." She said flatly before there was a loud sound of presumably, a foot hitting water and then Becky breathed easily. "That's better. I guess I should watch what I'm doing but why should I? I work for the WWE now!" I listened to Becky talk and as she seemed to almost just chat to herself, I wondered if she understood that she was still on the line with me.

"Miss Quinn? I'm still here."

“Hm? Oh! Right, hi! Yeah, so I’m not really sure how this sort of thing works.” Becky commented, the sound of water sloshing around filled the sounds of the phone’s receiver, prompting me to wonder whether she was waving her hand around in the pool of warm water or if she was still swaying her legs around in the water. I should probably not really think too hard on what she must have looked like with all those bubbles sticking to her skin and her just lying there in the tub with nothing else on and… Yeah, that was definitely something I shouldn’t be thinking on. There was another sound of swishing water and Becky made a noise that sounded a lot like a sigh. I could hear a muffled sound of what I could only presume was Becky’s back hitting the creamy white part of her bathtub. There was another sound that almost sounded like something leaving the warm, soapy water and Becky breathed lightly. “Where did that happen?”

“I’m sorry?”

“Oh there’s a bruise on the inside of my thighs. When did I do that?” She was still wondering aloud and I was still wondering just what the inside of that bathroom looked like. Sitting up in bed and doing my best to ignore the tent that was forming in my lounge parts, my usual sleeping attire, I rubbed my fingers against my temple and tried to think on anything else.

Becky’s bright orange hair sticking to her shoulders as she poured a cup full of her warm water over her head.


Becky’s breasts bouncing as she stood up in the tub, her toned figure glistening with the warm water and bath bubbles sticking to her skin.

Lots of taxes.

Becky’s round ass as she bent over and made sure to get every inch of those long, muscled legs.

Lots and lots of taxes. ‘Come on brain, think on something remotely boring!’ I scolded myself as Becky casually hummed to herself.

“So what time are you going to get up tomorrow?” Becky asked, her voice breaking the casual, consensual silence between the two of us.

That was something of an unusual question. Though I imagined my side of work was something Becky must never have really experienced before. Placing my hand on my boner, I was tempted to take care of it while I was on the phone with her but my better frame of mind did get a hold of me and let me know that it was probably a dumb idea to jerk off while I was on the phone to her. Sitting up in bed and swinging my legs out of the bed so that my bare feet could touch down on the carpet next to my bed. I silently shrugged my shoulders as I could still hear that wonderful sound of Becky's bath splashing around. "Well, I'm going to have to prep your rooms for when you come back and then there's general maintenance on the hotel to do as well."

"Oh that sounds fun!" Becky said as there was another sound of water running against her tanned, muscled skin. Becky casually hummed to herself as there was another sound of her back presumably hitting against the curve of her own bathtub. She let out another soft noise before speaking again. "Do I need to extra tidy my room before I go? I don't want you snooping through my suitcase to look at me bras or something." There was a brief pause where the comment seemed to just linger in the air and I had just a split second to work out whether she was being serious or not. More time passed before Becky let out a loud laugh down the phone line and I was reassured in the fact that she wasn't being serious and just busting my balls. "I'm just yanking your chain. Or am I..."

"Miss Quinn, I would never..."

"Oh and enough of the Miss Quinn stuff! What am I? My mother or something?" Becky said with another laugh that made me smile in turn and sort of chuckle into the phone.

"I'm sorry... Becky... But I'm on the clock here. I have to make sure that none of you will give me a bad review to my boss."

"Why do you think I'd give you a bad review? You're working a crap shift right now. I mean, don't mean to pry but don't you have any family to go and see or something?"

I paused briefly before speaking. "My parents have just split up so... Christmas is still a kind of sore spot for me right now. So... Why not earn ten times my normal rate for a couple of days of not much work right?"

"Yeah, that makes sense! So have we ruined your plans for a quiet break?"

"I mean, I would have gone stir crazy just reading my books eventually. It'll be nice to do something other than just sit on my ass and drink coffee."

"Ah that's fair! So what are you going to be doing tomorrow? Tidy our rooms and what?"

"I'll probably have to head up to the outsides of the hotel, get some of the ice and snow off of the fascias and check the guttering."

"You'll have to do all of that? In this weather?"

"Yeah, it's not that bad. I can lean out of most of the windows and some of the bits at the rear of the building are easy to get to with the ladder in the maintenance shed." Becky made a noise and shifted before speaking again.

"Sounds like you'll be busy then?"

"For most of the morning at least. The hotel should be set by the time you guys come back after the show though." I answered honestly, letting her know just how bland my day would be. Not that it really mattered, because, like I had told her, ten times my normal rate of pay. Looking over at the small bedside table, there was my alarm clock that had an LED timer that casually flicked over to show off the fact that it was nearly one o'clock in the morning and she was still happy to chat to me. But, there was something of a lull in the conversation. For what sort of conversation there was considering she just called me up to tell me a really shitty joke. "Is there anything else I can do for you Miss... Becky?"

"Ah to be honest, I did just call up to chat with you. I'll let you go. Do you guys do breakfast here?"

"We do normally but you won't have a great selection tomorrow since I'm not trained for food serving. There'll be a fine selection of cereals out there though?"

"That'll be fine thanks! I just need to get out of the tub and put some clothes back on I guess."

Well... I didn't want to not be hard anymore I guess.

Waking up the next morning had been something of a tricky one for me. I had woken up at the usual, expected time but I had spent a lot longer staring at the ceiling of my room and doing my best to not think about one of the guests at the top floor of my hotel. Getting up and out of bed, I looked at the hotel uniform that was hanging up on the back of the door to my room and let out a soft sigh to myself. While I had thought on just what I was going to do with the rest of my shifts this three day weekend, I was blinded by the fact that I was in the hotel with one of the most attractive women on the WWE roster and she had spent some of her first night on the phone with me while she was in the tub.

So, I started my morning routine.

After a brief stint in the stand up shower, I towelled myself off and got myself ready for work. Liberally spraying myself with a can of Axe deodorant and some of the good aftershave, not that I was trying to impress Becky or something, but I got dressed and made short work of the tie around my neck. Brushing my teeth and styling my hair, I left my room, slipping the key into my trouser pocket, I left my room and made my way down the main corridor. On the bottom floor, a couple of feet away from where the front desk and main foyer was, sat the main breakfast bar. It was a large room that had a fair assortment of tables and chairs in a decent spread. Walking over to the large door in the corner of the breakfast room, I grabbed the assortment of cereal boxes and filled up the appropriate plastic containers. With them on the small metal trolley, I made my way out to the front room where I was greeted by one of the WWE superstars.

The black skin and hair do that was hidden by a Zelda beanie instantly let me know that it was Xavier Woods, the Up Up Down Down tracksuit helped as well. He was on his phone but the sound of the trolley's squeaky wheels did make him look up, he shot me a brilliant smile and clapped his hands together at the sight of the cereal coming up.

"Good morning, would you look at all that!" He said, wetting his lips briefly before walking forward to grab one of the bowls and spoons that I had laid out the night before. As the cereal boxes came up on the table, Xavier walked up to the first one, popped the lid open and filled up the bowl, cracking open the small fridge that was at the end of the bar, grabbing one of the green lidded bottles of milk and filled up the bowl.

“Good morning Mister Woods… I’m sorry, Mister Watson.” I added, quickly realising that I had referred to Xavier in his kayfabe term and not by his actual name. Xavier smiled, to his credit, and waved off the minor indiscretion.

“It’s cool, I mean, most people know me as Xavier Woods now any way. This breakfast looks great though!”

"I'm sorry it's not much. But, you know it's just me here."

"Oh no no no don't you worry about that. I wasn't expecting anything here tonight to be honest." Xavier took a mouthful of cereal before looking up at me. "Are you really here all by yourself?"

"Yeah, it's me by myself but it's just you guys who are the guests here. I can handle all of it by myself."

"I bet you're making good money though right?"

"I can't complain with it." I say, offering him a smile as another guest came in. The fact that the woman was so tall, blonde haired and walking with a style of grace that you would expect from the WWE women's champion. Charlotte Flair offered Xavier a warm smile before looking at me and giving me a curt nod. She moved over to the table before pausing and turning back to look at me. Her finger came up to her bottom lip and she pointed at me with a soft look on her face.

"You're the cute receptionist that Becky was talking about!"

That absolutely floored me. The sound of a pin dropping was one of those things that I had always heard about but never really experienced. Now though, this was one of those moments before Charlotte and Xavier both burst out laughing. She looked over at Xavier and shot him a big grin.

"You owe me twenty bucks Woods!" Charlotte said with a laugh, walking over to one of the less sugary cereals and filling her own bowl up.

Aside from the joke from Xavier and Charlotte, the breakfast had gone fairly smoothly, the superstars had all come down, some had opted for food and others had gotten some cereal. Becky however, was nowhere to be seen. Although, it was entirely possible that she had just slipped right out of the hotel without me noticing. Tidying up the breakfast bar and quickly blasting the bowls of cereal, the spoons and then discarded the unused pieces of cereal with the rest of the garbage, I went about my daily tasks, thought most of my afternoon was spent just thinking on Becky and what she would be getting up to while she was at work in the middle of New York where the Christmas Day specials would be airing from. Occasionally, I would look out towards the beautiful skyline of New York and wonder just what was happening.

Now though, now I was inside and doing my best to not freeze my nuts off as to just how cold it was outside. Rubbing my upper arms and checking over the e-Mails, one that had been sent from my manager who was no doubt at home enjoying the warmth and good food while I was stuck here freezing cold at the front desk. Looking around, I leaned back in my chair and put my feet up on the desk, a sly smile on my face as I just relaxed at how good it actually was to not do anything. Looking back over the guest list, I read over every single one who were due to check out tomorrow. Every single one had been nice enough to me but really I had barely said anything to any of them. Becky was still the only one who had said more than a couple of sentences to me.

The hours had rolled over at the sun had set so there while I was in the office to actually keep myself warm, and drink the coffee I had brewed for myself, there was the sound of the front door opening. Leaning back to see just who was there, wondering if it was some random lost soul who had come in looking for some sort of shelter from the cold. But, I saw the same group of superstars who all looked absolutely tired from the show. Kofi and Big E had made their way straight past the counter, them clearly wanting to just head right to their rooms. Charlotte and Xavier both looked over the counter and shot me a casual wave as Becky followed in behind them all, her gear locked into a small gym bag that she had thrown over her shoulder. She looked over at me and gave me a big wave before she made her way up as well.

Sitting at the front desk for a long, long time I had just about gotten ready for my bed shift when my phone rang again. It was the same sort of time that Becky had called me last night and I couldn't help but wonder if it was her calling me again. Not in bed, I picked up the phone, answering it with a polite tone.

"Hello? Room number seven." I said, looking over at the wall.

"Hi Zach, it's Becky. Listen, me toe's stuck again and I can't get it out. I've tried calling Charlotte and she's fast asleep. The New Day are in their room playing a game for Up Up Down Down, it's really awkward but... Can you come and get me out?"

"You want me to... Come up there?"

"Yeah, I would call absolutely anyone else because I get how awkward it is but... My toe is stuck you know?"

"Are you..."

"Naked? No. I have managed to get myself into a robe so you're not going to see anything really good. Can you come up and help me out?"

Oh boy... This was tricky.

"I know it's tricky but I just need a hand."

Oh shit! I had said that out loud. "Uh... Of course Becky, I'll be right up."

The phone line went dead with a click and I was left wondering about just how wild this was. This was something that definitely wasn't handled in the training I had been through. Riding the elevator up to the floor Becky was on, I made my way down to the orange haired woman's room. Reaching into my jacket pocket, I fished out the master key and unlocked the door. Walking inside, I couldn't hear the water running and funnily enough, I couldn't even hear Becky splashing around too. So, as I popped open the door to the bathroom, I walked inside and saw that the bath had barely been touched at all. There was no water in there and the bath was absolutely empty. It was then that I felt her front press into my back.

"I got out." Was all Becky said as her hands ran along my upper arms. She took a couple of steps back as I was able to turn around and see that Becky was in her hotel room, absolutely naked and looking at me with a sly smile on her face.

As I stared at her body, I couldn't help but wonder just what she was doing there in her room, buck naked and still not putting any sort of clothing on. She placed her hands on my shoulders and slowly, she pulled me around and then offered my shoulders a firm shove so that my ass hit against the bottom of the bed and I was now sitting down in front of her. Becky got down on her hands and knees and with a careful, firm shove of her hands, my legs widened and she was left kneeling between my legs. Her hands ran along the insides of my legs, her nails threatening to dig into my slacks as she looked up into my eyes as she leaned back on her heels and started to slowly run her fingers up and down, making sure to fully explore the insides of my pants while she worked out just how she was going to direct this sort of traffic. She wetted her lips and leant back, placing her hands on her chest, offering her ample cleavage a generous squeeze while she looked up at me.

“You know, Woods is filming Up Up Down Down across the hall? I’m pretty interested in some in and out, in and out if you know what I mean?”

And with that simple silly comment, Becky had her hands right back on my groin, her fingers slipping under the fabric that covered my zipper and she was making short work of undressing me and getting my pants off. Lifting my hips up off of the bed, Becky slipped my pants down my legs and with relative ease, i was able to kick them off, I had opted to not actually wear shoes but had gone for a pair of comfy, casual sandals that kept my feet off of the floor and also gave me a casual look too.

Stroking my hands through Becky's long bright orange hair, I look down at her as her perfectly painted lips were wrapped tight around my cock and she slipped her mouth up and down on me, applying just the right amount of suction to me to make me moan. Her eyes flicked up and met mine as she bobbed her head up and down. Not taking all of me at once, she still had her left hand wrapped firmly around the base of my cock as she sucked on me. Becky brought her mouth up to the top of my cock and her little pink tongue escaped her mouth and it rapidly flicked over my head, teasing me as she stroked the base of my cock.

Using her hand, Becky pushed my cock upwards, the dick was pressed up towards the ceiling so that the WWE wrestling mega star could lean in and run her tongue along the bottom of my shaft. Her pink tongue teasing along my vein that ran along the entire underside of my cock. Moaning as she did so, Becky ran her tongue along the bottom of my cock before bringing it up and licking around the head of my dick in a circular, constricting pattern, finishing it off with a kiss at the tip.

"You have a really nice dick." Becky complimented with a genuine smile. Her mouth was against the side of my cock as she closed her lips around the side and gently sucking on it. Her teeth gently scraped against the top and bottom of my pole as she looked up at me. Sucking along the side, Becky ran her tongue all the way along to the bottom and using her hands again, she pressed my length upwards so that she could reach my balls. Pressing her lips against them, she offered each of them a kiss before wrapping her lips around them and suckling on them softly in a soothing motion. Taking her lips off of my sack, she placed a soft, wet kiss on the both of them while her hands stroked my dick up and down in alternating pumps.

"Your balls are nice too. Rare to get the whole package." She said again, almost impressed with the state of my below the belt area. Holding my dick still with her right hand, Becky kept my cock steady before opening her mouth and pushing her lips right back down onto my cock, keeping half of my dick untouched by her pretty lips while she sucked on me. Humming around my cock and she slipped her lips up and down on me, she used her tongue inside of her mouth to flick and lick against my pole as she sucked me.

"Fuck... That feels so nice." I managed to breathe out, looking down at her as she bobbed her head up and down on me. Combing some of her hair out of her face, I was nearly powerless and could only watch as Becky Lynch, famous pro wrestler sucked on my cock. Bobbing her head up and down, Becky happily hummed to herself as she remained on her knees, blowing me in a place where stuff like this had definitely happened before, just never to me though! This was like something out of my wildest fantasies. The hand around my base loosened and it slipped down to almost just two of her slim fingers that stopped her from deepthroating me all the way down. Looking down at her, I let out a groan of delight that caused her to look up at me. Flashing me a wink, she then placed both of her hands on the inside of my thighs, kept them spread and pushed my cock all the way down her throat with ease.

Gasping as she did so, I almost lifted myself up out of the edge of the bed but the hair dyed superstar was quick to keep me grounded and sitting on the bed. Remaining seated as best as I could do, I moaned as I watched her suck me up and down, swallowing my cock into her throat with each steady push of her lips downwards. Deepthroating me with a remarkable ease, I couldn't believe this was happening to me and when I felt Becky's hands slide along the inside of my thighs, her nails scratching along the side of my thighs and one of them slipping up under my shirt. Her hands continued to explore me as she pressed her lips up and down, sucking me with more of a purpose now. Holding my cock down into the back of her throat, I heard her choke and gasp before pulling my length out of my cock. Wiping at her mouth with the back of her right hand, Becky looked up at me and spoke in a slightly more husky tone.

"You think you can handle fucking me as well?”

And with that simple question, Becky had climbed on top of me and was almost instantly pushing my cock inside of her. Holding my cock steady, Becky let her head fall back and her eyes closed tightly as she pushed her hips down onto my lap, my cock slid inside of her and almost ran all the way inside of her right away. My balls were soon pressing against her ass cheeks and with my cock all the way inside of her, both Becky and me were silent for a moment as she adjusted to having my cock inside of her. Becky slowly pulled her hips up and then pushed them right back down again, this time she rolled her hips around in a circle and I could almost visibly see Becky's breath catch in her throat. Slowly, she opened her eyes again and looked down at me, a sly smirk on her face as she struggled to find the words.

"Oh fuck me this is going to be good dick!"

She said, her voice catching in her throat as she dropped her hips down again. Becky bit down on her bottom lip and placed her hands on my chest, her hands slipping under my shirt and touching my bare chest as she started to ride me. Her strong, muscled body was very different to mine, her body while having incredibly soft skin, was very strong and firm in all the places where my own body was soft and slightly pudgy. In my defense, I was packing winter weight and I was going to stick to that story. No matter the shape of my body though, Becky was very interested in what I was packing underneath my pants and with her spit slick cock inside of her pussy now as she lifted herself up and down on me.

"Oh fuck... This is good dick!" She cried out as she found a good spot inside of her. Making sure to keep hitting herself against the same spot which had made her react so strongly. Becky started to lift herself up and drop down, my dick was sliding all the way in and all the way out of her as lewd sounds started to fill the room. Not only was there the sounds of the both of us moaning so strongly but there was also the sounds of her slickness melding with the both of our sounds of our pleasure. Rising up and down, Becky's ass started to slap against my thighs as she bounced on me. While she was riding me, I slipped my hands up her sides before coming up to cup her chest. Squeezing both of her breasts as she bounced on me, I could see that Becky enjoyed it. My thumbs came up and brushed against her hard nipples as she bounced on my lap, teasing each of the hard nubs while she bounced up and down on me. Looking up at her, I positioned myself so that I was now sitting on the edge of the bed, keeping her close to me while she wrapped her arms and legs around me. Her legs had crossed at the ankles and weren't as tight as they could have been, but her arms were locked solidly around my neck.

With my hands now on the underside of Becky's strong thighs, I kept a hold of her and started to help lifting her up and down on me. Bouncing her on my length, I bent my head down and took her hard nipples into my mouth, sucking on the left one before moving over to the right. My teeth trapped the hard nipple between them and slowly, I rolled my teeth from the side, gently nibbling on the hard nub in my mouth. Becky's nails pressed against my back, slipping under my shirt only to strip it up off of my chest and toss it across the room so that her nails could instantly sink themselves into my bare back as she bounced up and down on my cock. Still biting and sucking on her hard nipples, I listened to Becky as she moaned and groaned while my cock slid inside of her, stabbing inside of her delicious folds while she was bounced on my cock and her hard nipples were taken care of by my teeth.

"Oh fuck... This is so fucking good!" Becky called out, her head falling back as she was bounced up and down on my lap, my cock making sure to get every little bit inside of her.

While she was being bounced up and down on me, I moved my head in and placed my teeth against her neck, sinking my own pearly white teeth into her tanned neck. Sucking on her skin while my fingers dug into her ass, kneading against it as she was being bounced up and down on me, Becky called out in pleasure, her head falling back so that I could get at her neck some more and make sure to cover it all in kisses and licks. Tasting her skin was one of those things that I had never expected to be doing today but as she slipped up and down, her nails scratching against my back and also her moaning, I could have dare said that I was in my own personal heaven. I still hadn't even thought that Becky was going to even grace me with her presence, let alone ride me hard as she was. Her head was fallen backwards and I had my teeth on her collarbone, nibbling against the hard part of her skeleton while she continued to rub herself against me.

"God, you just know where to touch me! Fuck me... So fucking good!" Becky moaned, her voice catching every so often as she would have her lower lips bump against my lap, her slickness running from her folds and onto my balls and also the bed sheets as she was sliding up and down while her hands moved over my upper body. Looking up to her, I could see her eyes were screwed shut tightly and her mouth was hanging open, her tongue threatening to poke out with every hard pump inside of her. Seeing how the orange haired superstar shook with every push inside of her, I made sure to map those particular sweet spots to my memory, making sure to hit them hard with each slip inside of her. Lifting my hips up off of the bed and hitting her insides with harder strokes now, I could hear Becky's voice picking up and whining as she threw her head back and her slick, velvet walls exploded all over my lap and she came hard on my cock. Keeping her close to me as she exploded over me, Becky's body went stiff and her body was tense in my arms as she came.

Looking up at her, I smiled and rolled her over, flat on her back and started with a slow series of pumps in and out of her. Her now flat on her back with a missionary style position, I ran my hands over her thighs and held her legs apart while my hips started to smack against her. My balls were slapping against her ass with steady slaps as my cock slipped in and out of her. Looking down into her face, Becky had her eyes locked on mine and her brilliantly white teeth were biting into her bottom lip as she was fucked hard on the bed. The sheets beneath her had already been screwed up from our earlier action and now she was being slipped forwards and backwards as I rocked myself in and out of her. Using my earlier knowledge of just how she liked to be fucked and how her sweet spots were buried inside of her, I made sure to stab the same spots. Rocking myself forwards and backwards on my feet, I sawed my cock in and out of her, hitting her spots and making her face contort in delight while I fucked her.

Running my hands over her thighs, I made sure to lean down and kiss against her chest while her breasts bounced up and down as she was fucked. Becky was taking it so hard and her body was definitely reacting to it, a thin sheen of sweat was forming on both of our bodies while I fucked her on the bed. Seeing how Becky's back arched up and writhed from side to side, I could actually tell that I was doing a good job and Becky was absolutely into it. Her ankles were wrapped tight around my hips, her legs crossed over my ass and squeezing me closer to her as I rocked myself inside of her. Becky's body was already working to milk me and despite the stellar blowjob I had gotten earlier, I could feel my orgasm creeping up. I felt my dick pulse with a push of precum seeping inside of her and I knew that I was close.

As I worked my hips inside of her, I could feel the bed beneath us both shaking backwards and forwards, the hard thrusting I was giving to her was clearly making the bed bounce and the sounds of the wooden frame creaking underneath us started to mix with the sounds of Becky's pleasure and my own sounds of delight. Slipping in and out of her, I looked down at the Irish wrestling superstar's face, seeing how her bright white teeth were sinking into her bottom lip and also just how she was panting while I drilled inside of her. My balls started to slap against her ass and the sound of my skin on hers did add to the sheer pleasure that was running through both of our bodies as I slipped in and out. My own body was being rocked further and further into the throes of pleasure as I fucked Becky hard on the bed.

Becky had her teeth sunken into her bottom lip before she let out a hard, very loud pant and her tight walls went impossibly tight and she exploded hard around me. With another explosive orgasm, that was it for me and I had hit my own point of no return. Keeping my cock all the way inside of her, all I could do was just bite down on my bottom lip and not do anything but simply deal with the fact that my cock was being soaked in her slick, warm, wet juices and my own orgasm was so damned close. Looking at her face as she tried to come back down from her insane pleasure trip, Becky slowly opened her eyes and looked up at me.

"Oh fuck... You need to cum?"

Biting down on my bottom lip, I nodded my head. Becky smiled and moved herself forward, my cock slipping from her folds and my hard length was still slick with both of her orgasms. Becky climbed to a shaky hands and knees position before looking down at my cock and with a hand wrapped around the base, she started to stroke my cock. Aiming my hard length at her face as she started to jerk me off, ready to shoot my cum all over her face. With her right hand wrapped so tightly around my length, Becky started to stroke my cock faster and faster, making sure to keep her mouth closed by also aiming the head directly at her face.

I barely had a chance to deal with it before my own orgasm hit me and I started to cum. My body shook and then, I started to cum. Shooting hot rope after hot rope of my cum from my cock and towards her face, I could only bite down on my bottom lip and look towards the ceiling as I orgasmed and orgasmed hard. Shooting nearly five warm ropes of cum from my cock and towards her face, I could feel Becky continue to stroke me, even over the slickness that was still casing my cock from her two, hard orgasms. As my cum stopped after I shot so much, I could finally bring my head up and look at the mess I had made. I had nearly covered the entire left side of Becky's face, a rope was in her bright orange hair, almost gluing it together while another rope was over her eye and one more was on her cheek and forehead. Having cum so hard, I looked down at Becky while she was still on her hands and knees and she slowly took my cock into her mouth, sucking on it, licking against the head and also working on cleaning up some of the slickness from her orgasm.

Becky worked her lips up and down, sucking roughly half of my length while she looked up at me with her one eye that hadn't been cum over. Even with her mouth full of cock, I could see that Becky had a big, wide smile on her face and she was definitely loving just how this evening had gone so far. Becky bobbed her head up and down on my length.

And then, as if by magic, the mood in the room changed. Becky's expression seemed to change and the woman got back onto her knees before running a finger over her cheek, scooping up some of my thick ropes and inspecting it on her finger before feeding herself some of the cum that I had just fired on her face. Making a soft noise, Becky nodded her head in approval before climbing up off of the bed and making a move towards the small bathroom in the side of the room. Becky looked at me and then back to the door before making a motion, some of my cum still dripping down her face as she spoke.

"I should probably... You know... Freshen up?" She said, almost embarrassed about the fact that we had just hooked up. Nodding my head, I agreed with her.

"Sure, that makes sense. Did you want me to... Go?"

"I think regardless of how we deal with this, it's going to be awkward. Why don't you go on and make sure you're going to be up okay to make sure we can all book out okay and we aren't going to get any funny looks because of it."

That certainly made sense. So, as Becky closed the door on me, I dressed myself and made my way back down to the room on the bottom floor. Walking past the rooms, the noise that had been coming from Xavier Woods' room had quietened down and there was very little noise in general now. Walking towards the stairwell, I made my way downstairs and could only imagine just how insane this whole story would sound if I told anyone about it. Walking to my room, I made my way to my room and as I got inside, there was a big, stupid grin on my face as I realised that I had one of those stories that would be always called bullshit if I posted ANYWHERE on the internet but I knew that it was true.

My body hit the bed of my room and as I stared up at the ceiling of the room, I couldn't even come close to getting the smile off of my face. My mind kept replaying everything in the evening that had happened. The feeling of Becky's breasts against my back, the way her face twisted in pleasure as she came over my cock, the way her voice sounded as I rocked my cock inside of her.

Looking at my bedrooms ceiling, I wondered if this sort of euphoria was similar to wrestling at Wrestlemania or winning an Oscar or something. I had just had sex with a celebrity and she had enjoyed herself! My cock, still slick with her juices was proof for that. Getting up off of the bed, I made my way to the bathroom to clean up my dick and also change into one of the pairs of boxer shorts that I had left in there. Wiping my cock down with a sheet of tissue paper, I made sure to fully dispose of it before grabbing my new boxers. Checking my phone, I made a new alarm and made myself ready to go to bed, simply thinking about what had just happened.

Having had probably one of the best nights of my life with the WWE superstar, I had managed to make myself up out of the funk of my bed and was sitting at the front desk with a big smile on my face as the entirety of The New Day made their way down first. The three men were all happy enough, though there were a couple of looks exchanged between Big E and Xavier but neither of them said anything in particular to me. The group left the foyer of the hotel and left me to my own thoughts, though they were short lived as Charlotte Flair soon made her way down, smiling at me overly wide as she passed me her key, her eyes never leaving mine while her face continued to have a very wide smile on her face. Taking it away, Charlotte left the hotel and that only left me with Becky to arrive and hand her key in. A few minutes passed before the orange haired superstar arrived with a black beret and a pea coat just like how she had arrived. Not sure on what to say, Becky passed me her key but also a small note attached to it.

Looking it over, I saw that Becky had left me a present in her room.

With the hotel now quiet again, I made my way up to her room and saw that on the bed there was a shirt, some new stuffed toys and also a big foam finger along with a box of New Day pancakes. Walking to it, I scooped it all up, so happy that Becky had considered getting me something that I saw there was another note.

"We'll be back soon, make sure you keep working here.

- Becky xxx'

Well, that made me want to stay at this hotel a lot longer.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2020, 11:42:23 AM by Blackjack »
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Re: Inspire The Fire ((Becky Lynch))
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2018, 04:29:34 PM »

Disclaimer: All right, this story is not real. NOT REAL! Not to be read by anyone under the age of 18/21 yadda yadda yadda! I’d love to hear some feedback as per usual. My e-Mail addresses are at: mean.blackjack(@)yahoo.co.uk If you remove the parenthesis from the @ symbol it’ll get through! You can also get me at mean.blackjack47(@)gmail.com. Again, remove the parenthesis. Also, don’t forget to thank and like the story if you do like it! Also feel free to post on the thread to voice your encouragement, lord knows my ego needs stroking!

Also, please don't post this on any other site without my explicit permission. I've had to bring the hammer down on two thieves right as of writing and don't want to bring it down again. Don't forget to add me on Discord too! My name on there is Swagatha Christie#2438.

Author's Note: So, this is supposed to be based around the day before Summerslam 2018 so I'm only a couple of months late. Don't judge me!

Codes: MF, FF, Cons, Oral, Facial,

Leaning back in the chair and looking over the small tablet computer I had at the desk of the hotel, I watched the latest episode of NXT with one headphone in and the other out of my ear and dangling against my polo shirt. Watching the action, I was ready for Takeover: Brooklyn IV and while it was only an hour's drive away from where I lived, it wasn't on my to do list. I had a couple of days off so I could have gone but by the time I had gotten around to booking my tickets the only seats were in the nosebleeds and they were all incredibly expensive tickets as well. I figured that staying in my apartment and watching the show on my ultra widescreen. Watching some of the action, my phone pinged with an e-Mail. Closing down the app and bringing up my e-Mail client, my eyebrow arched ever so slightly at the context of the e-Mail.

Sender: Barry Macockinher
Subject: Free this weekend?

That was new. I didn't know a Barry and certainly didn't know anyone with that surname. Opening up the e-Mail, my heart started to flutter instantly at the substance of the message.

'Hey Zach!

Sorry for the random message but I thought I'd let you know I'm going to be in town this weekend for Summerslam and Takeover, wondered if you wanted to meet up and catch up? I've got to take Carmella's arm on Sunday but I should be free to do something on Friday and Saturday?

Message me back stud! I probably won't be able to get my toe stuck this weekend though :( :P

Becky xxx'

Holy shit...

My fingers and thumbs came up and I hit the reply button before my mind started to really think on what I was going to say.

'Hi Becky!'

Well that was a good start.

'I do have this weekend off actually. I was going to watch Takeover and Summerslam at home. I had to cheer my favourite Irish superstar on!'

Even better.

'If you wanted to go get drinks or something I would definitely be open to that too.'

Getting better and better.

'I can think of more things we could do if your toe wasn't stuck though.

- Zach'

Damn. Was that too much? I guess it was too late now as I'd already hit the send button and the e-Mail was already making its way over to her phone. Leaning back and looking over the phone, I was tempted to go back to NXT but the thought of Becky sending me another message right back was far too tempting for me to possibly consider doing anything else. Hitting the refresh button on my phone, I looked down at the bottom of my phone and waited to see it bring something back to me but nothing came.

Updated Just Now.

That was what my phone said and I could already feel my heart sinking with it. Maybe she was out of area or something. It was just Thursday and she was probably making her way down to the state or something. She could even be in the air now or something. Nodding my head as I tried to reassure myself that she wanted to still meet me or something but she was just busy, I almost jumped out of my skin when my phone beeped with another e-Mail coming in.

Looking down at my phone, I opened up the message from the same Barry. Hitting it open with my thumb, I read over what Becky had sent back to me. I was surprised to see that there was an attachment with this e-Mail as well.

'Zach attack,

Staying in your apartment sounds really boring! You should come be my piece of arm candy at Takeover! I'm going to be ringside for the Shayna match but I'm sure I can convince Papa H to let us stay there all night!

By the way, say hi to Paige!

Becky xxx'

There was the picture of Becky and Paige together in the front of a car, stopped at traffic by the looks of things and they were close together, arms around each other with their lips pursed for a kiss. Aimed at me as well? I was a lucky boy! With the photo downloaded to my phone, I quickly sent another message right back to her and now, I guess her travel partner as well.

'Becky and Paige,

So a ringside seat at Takeover sounds pretty Bexcellent to me! I mean, I don't want to be a hassle or anything. I could happily stay in and we can meet up after the show or something?

- Zach'

Fortunately, I didn't have as long to ponder this e-Mail as the door to the front of the hotel opened and one of my new customers arrived to book in. Ripping the headphone out of my ear and stuffing my tablet away, I did my best to keep a steady eye level with the customer as I booked them in and explained some of the basic details of staying at the hotel with us such as the fire assembly point and various other boring things that I knew off the top of my head. My eye flicked down to my phone and I could already see that there was another e-Mail waiting for me and that only made me even more excited for what that message could have contained. As the guest hoisted his bag up onto his shoulders and moved away from the lobby, I sat down quickly, plugged my headphones into the socket on my phone and quickly opened up the new e-Mail.

Opening up the attachment, I looked at the video and smirked at the sight of Becky and Paige together in the front of the car. Looking up and around the hotel lobby, I sunk back in my chair slightly and clicked the large triangle in the middle of the screen to start the video. Becky had her bright orange hair hanging down over her shoulders, covering some of her strong looking shoulders and the straps of the white vest she was wearing. Of the two women in the short video, Paige was the first one to speak. The gothic looking superstar was wearing a zip up hoody with a pale vest on underneath it, she had an annoyed look on her face and spoke to me seemingly right through the phone's screen.

"Oh just come and see Becky! She wants to see you again and I bet you want to see her too!" Paige was almost shouting at me through the camera of the phone, that made me smirk. As tempting as it was to send back another video message, I quickly tapped out a response for the two women to no doubt deconstruct together.

'Becky and Paige,

Well, it's not really fair that you two should get to gang up on me... I could come to the show but now it feels like you're bullying me almost you know? Maybe I should let Snickers know that the two of you have been picking on me?

- Zach'

Sending the message back to the the two women, I sat back in my chair and just waited for them to send me another response back to me. This week's episode of NXT was far from my mind now and all I was thinking about was Becky Lynch and Paige both working together to send me other messages. Of course, after the last time I had been with Becky we had been working together to do something entirely different but with Paige being there? Her sexual history was fairly common knowledge now and while I would never ever dream of bringing the comment up, I couldn't help but wonder if Becky was asking for her opinion on messages. The phone beeped with another message and while this one was a text, I was more than happy to read it.

'Cheap tactic Zach, threatening US with the sponsors? Don't you know Paige has a movie coming out and I'm going to be the first ever woman to make Carmella tap clean in the middle of the ring?

Maybe I don't want you to come along any more?'

Looking down at the phone, I smirked and quickly fired back another message.


We both know you won't find anyone as cute as me this weekend. You've seen the average New York crowd right? I'm going to be at the hotel until six pm tonight. You girls can come get me if you want, which I know you do, and we can go do something after the show.

- Zach'

That was definitely too brazen and way too out of line but it was too late now, I had sent it and I had to just sit back and deal with what the repercussions of what my hubris was. Placing my phone back on the front desk and now plugging the charger into the small port at the bottom of my phone, I reached over and grabbed a hold of the small porcelain mug that had my steaming coffee inside it. Taking a swig and going back to my computer ministrations, I made sure to keep an eye on my phone and listening to my phone to see if the two women had responded. As I looked at the lines of customers names and booking in dates and booking out dates. I was doing everything else that I could to try and not look nervous.

I bit down on my bottom lip and placed my mug of coffee back down on the desk before reaching over to look at my phone. The battery percentage was slowly climbing up and as I unlocked my phone and went right back to my mail client. Taking a deep breath and then opening it up, I looked down at the bottom of the app and my eyes actually went wide when I could see a slim blue bar that started to roll along the bottom of my screen. Looking back up to the top of the screen, my breath caught in my throat and I could feel I was almost running out of air as I waited for the message to fully download. Looking at the screen, I could see that the message was from Barry and I could only grin at the thought of what this message was. Opening it up, I laid back in my chair and read the message.

'Six o'clock. See you there stud.'

Just the two sentences and it was already enough for me to pay attention. Sitting up in the chair, I paused for a moment before putting my phone to one side.

The rest of my shift was fairly plain and uninteresting, it wasn't until the clock hit six o'clock and I was able to clock off my shift that my mood started to pick up. Using one of the change of clothes I had with me, I started to change my clothes and then I found myself sitting in the lobby of the hotel waiting for some sort of sign. It really was pathetic. Whenever I could hear a car's engines in the parking lot, my ears perked up and I looked out of the windows to see if it was the two women. Trying to ignore the occasional glance from Danny, the new guy at the front desk, I sighed and got up. Walking out of the lobby, I was greeted by a car that was just pulling into the lot. The sounds of their car horn honking was enough for me to stop in place and as it pulled up outside of the front of the hotel, I found myself grinning.

The car window rolled down and Becky leaned over Paige to call out to me.

"Get in loser, we're going to go and get food." Becky said, a wide grin on her very pretty face.

"Again Becky?" Paige complained, looking at the orange haired woman and then up to me. "Hey Zach, you can put your stuff in the boot."

"The boot?" I asked.

"Yeah, the boot, or the trunk or whatever you guys call it." She pressed a button on the dash and the trunk at the back of the car popped open slightly. "Just get it thrown in there, we're going to go and get some food at that diner place."

Throwing my bag on my shoulder, I moved down to the side of the car and threw my bag in there next to the two women's bags, Becky's gear and Paige's general clothing, I could imagine. Putting my bags in there, I closed it up and walked back to the rear left door to the back of the car.

The two women quickly made their way out of the car and moved around the side of the car to personally greet me. Becky gave me a very friendly hug and having her body pressed up against me was a very nice, very pleasant feeling. Of course, if I was to have it any other way, I would have taken her shirt off but beggars couldn't be choosers as the phrase went. Taking a step back with a big smile on her face, Becky casually tossed some of her bright orange hair back over her shoulder before she smiled to me.

"Well, you still look great!" Becky said with a grin.

"I've certainly seen worse." Paige added, her being the first one to actually talk to me. Turning to face her, she extended an arm for her me to shake her hand. As I went to shake her hand, Paige slipped her hands under my extended arm and quickly jabbed her index and middle fingers into the spot between me ribs making me jolt in surprise. "Normally I want my drivers to be dressed a bit smarter but you'll do." She added with a smirk.

"Driver?" I asked.

"Yeah, we've both been driving for ages so we figured you could drive us to the next restaurant." Becky explained, stuffing her hands into her jeans pocket.

Now, this was tricky. I could argue that I had been at work all day and was already pretty tired from staring at a computer screen all day, but it seemed like the decision had already been made for me and the women were arranging themselves in the car. Paige was now sitting in the backseat and Becky had made her way up to the passenger side of the car. Paige rolled the window down and tossed the keys to me.

"Hop in!" She demanded and I simply had to do as she said to me.

Now sitting at the front of the car with Becky next to me and Paige now in my rearview, I had a wave of something close to another crazy dream. Looking along the road, I chewed down on my bottom lip and casually drummed my fingers along the inside of the steering wheel as we made our way onto the roads towards one of the food joints I knew was close by.

"Do you have any idea where you guys want to get something to eat?"

"I don't know, where's good?" Paige asked, looking up into the mirror with a slightly raised eyebrow.

"There's a small family dining place a thirty or forty minutes down the road from here? It's normally pretty quiet when I normally drive by it at this sort of time." I explained, looking up at the rear view to look into Paige's gaze. She nodded her head and then let her head fall back so that her dark hair became a mess on the back headrest.

"I'm going to grab some sleep." Paige announced suddenly before she just closed her eyes and went straight to sleep.

"She's incredible, I swear." Becky said with a laugh, looking over at her sleeping general manager and then up to me. She was quiet for a moment before her hand reached over and placed it on my lap. That was definitely like something of my wildest dreams and as Becky reached her hand down to find my balls even over my pants, I could only stifle a moan as the Irish female wrestler went to town on me. Squeezing my dick and then rubbing her hand up and down, she made an approving noise and leaned over to me. I could feel her hot breath on my neck and she was so close to me, I could almost feel her lips on my skin.

"Let's see if this is as good as I remember it being."

Becky then moved her hand down to my zipper and quickly started to make short work of unzipping my pants and pulling the flies apart. She quickly unbuckled her belt and moved down so she was kneeling down in her side of the foot rest and leaning over my lap.

"Becky!" I hissed under my breath, doing my best not to wake Paige as I also wanted to do my best and both get my dick sucked and also not crash the car while the first was happening. Keeping both of my hands on the steering wheel in the ten and two position, I looked down at her and shook my head, biting down on my bottom lip. "Think of the road safety!"

"Shut the fuck up and let me suck your dick." Becky said, a dirty, flirty smirk on her face.

Becky reached both of her hands down to my lap and her fingers worked straight onto undoing my zipper and pulling the teeth down so she could get her hands right inside there. Looking back up into the mirror to look at the sleeping English superstar, I bit down on my bottom lip and focused my attention on the road ahead of us as Becky fished my length out of my jeans. The Irish wrestler wrapped her hand around my cock and slowly stroked it before she leaned down and planted a kiss on the head of my dick. She looked up at me and offered me a big smile before she opened her mouth up and flicked her tongue all over the head of my cock. With her quickly getting back into the way she had treated my dick, I knew that this fairly short car ride was going to be a very, very interesting one.

Becky's tongue ran all over my head before her lips opened up and she moved her mouth down past the head of my cock and she slowly took the head of my dick into her mouth. Her lips closed down around my shaft and she started to push her mouth down, feeding my cock inside of her mouth and slowly giving it more and more of her warm, wet saliva, Becky made sure to fairly apply all of her spit to my length. I could feel the torturous beads rolling down my shaft and towards my balls. I bit down on my lip and did my best to keep the car going straight down the road and was greeted with a small mercy in a stop sign. Rolling the car to a stop, I looked down at the mess of orange hair that was now hovering over my lap as she placed her left hand on the inside of my thigh and her right hand remained firmly wrapped around my dick to steady it.

Her mouth slipped up and down on my length, her lips were pressing together to form a nice, tight seal around my cock to make sure that I felt every little bit of her actions. Her lips moved up and down on my length and with each move she made, her lips pressed together just a little bit tighter and with each push she made, I could feel a shiver run through my body and it was almost as if Becky knew what she was doing was having the good sort of effect. She moved from side to side and redoubled her efforts, moving her mouth back up and down and working her lips from side to side. Becky continued to really focus on sucking my dick as I had to actively fight to keep my eyes open and on the road.

Pushing my foot down on the gas was almost a perfect simile for what I was going through right now. My hands remained firmly gripping the steering wheel and my eyes made sure to keep looking at the road and driving us to the small restaurant on the outskirts of my town. Biting down on my bottom lip, I shivered in place and Becky's hand left my rod and moved to my thighs so she could feed the rest of my cock all the way right back into her mouth, offering me an easy deepthroating and that was enough for my orgasm to start to really take hold of my body. I was so close to cumming when Becky brought her lips up off of my cock. The Irish superstar leaned over and pecked me on the cheek before I even had a chance to cum, then she sat back in the car and plugged her seatbelt back in.

"Are we nearly there?" She asked, a teasing smirk on her face.

"I... Oh boy... I think so."

My eyes floated up to the rearview to actually check on Paige and it was then that I got the shock of my life. Paige's big eyes were wide open and she was staring right back at my reflection and now, she had a flirty smirk on her face.

Had she heard that? Even worse, had she seen that?

"Are we nearly there yet Zach?" Paige asked, her tongue ran over her lips, adding an extra shine to her lip gloss.

My eyes went right back to the road and I recognised instantly that we were coming right up to the junction for the diner.

"We're... We're here." I breathed, still catching my breath after the stellar blowjob.

The two women opted to grab a booth in the corner of the small diner, away from prying eyes and an excuse for them to actually just relax for the evening. I couldn't say I blamed them though. I couldn't imagine the sort of pressure that must have been on their shoulders to behave in public and just be perfect all the time. Sitting in the booth and grabbing a hold of some of the menus, I had taken up my seat directly opposite Paige and with Becky next to me I knew I was living the fantasy of most of the internet wrestling community. It was tempting to steal a selfie with the women but that was definitely going to be stretching my current good fortune. Sitting back in the booth and looking over what was on order, I had already decided on a medium rare steak with a side of fries while Becky had gone for a caesar salad and Paige had gone for a simple toasted sandwich.

The waitress had already given us our drinks and had taken our orders away to the kitchen leaving us to our own devices. Paige was looking at me and then at Becky before the Norwich born wrestler turned Smackdown Live General Manager raised an eyebrow over at me.

"So, me and Becky were talking..." She started, her eyes flashing into a devilish grin. "What sort of benefits does she get for being one of the better behaved guests at Christmas?"

"What makes you think she was better behaved than the others?" I asked back, looking around as a small family left the restaurant to the point where it was just the three of us and the staff.

"Oh, I heard some things about her evening after the Smackdown show."

"Such as?" I asked, looking over at Becky and then back to Paige who simply shrugged her shoulders.

"I heard your bath taps could do with being a little wider."

That prompted a snort from Becky and my own eyes went just a little bit wide at the comment. The orange haired woman lifted her arms up and draped them across the back of the booth, Becky looked over at me and then to Paige before she sighed and scooted across the booth just a little bit.

"I'll be back in a moment," Becky started "Try not to ruin him so much yeah Paige?"

"I'll do my best." The pale beauty said with a grin, looking over at Becky and then back to me. "Probably."

Becky rolled her eyes and walked over to the bathrooms leaving me alone with the woman.

"So, hi. I get this is all really weird me just joining your little party with Becky and everything but I just wanted to say I promise to not make this weirder."

As soon as she had said that, I felt a foot between my legs. Looking down underneath the table, I saw that Paige had her foot up off of the bottom of the floor and now up against the inside of my thigh. Her foot found the outline of my dick, still half hard from Becky's earlier blowjob in the car, and she started to slowly tease it.

"Oops... Too late!" She teased, licking her lips as her bare foot started to rub against my dick, making my eyes roll right into the back of my head. Shaking my head and keeping me back in the room, I looked over at Paige and then over to the doors to the bathroom while Becky was most likely still there. Her foot pressed into the side of my dick and she very casually stroked her foot up and then rolled it down, teasing my dick underneath my pants. "You know I was awake right?"

"Huh?" I managed to let out, raising an eyebrow and trying to find a voice to challenge the woman.

"When Becky was sucking your dick," Paige continued. "I was awake and heard all of it. Shame you couldn’t get off right? Is this helping Zach with that orgasm you want?"

When I didn't manage to answer, I could almost hear the shit eating grin on Paige's face.

"That a yes?"

Paige ran her foot down to the base of my dick and then she used her toes to paw at my balls, stroking them before moving up to the rest of my dick to keep it nice and hard.

Suitably hard with Becky still away and Paige using her feet to stroke my dick and keep it hard, I gritted my teeth and did my best to not make a scene there and then as the Norwich-born superstar simply continued to tease me underneath the table. My fingers dug into the side of the table as I looked around, no one was paying us any attention and as I saw Becky making her way back, Paige made a surprised noise before looking over her shoulder to see the orange haired superstar making her way over to us. Paige shot me a wink before she put her feet right back down on the floor and left me with a throbbing cock underneath the table. Rearranging myself slightly, I watched as Becky slipped into the box next to Paige and looked to me and then back to Paige.

"Did I interrupt something or something?" Becky asked, looking to me and then to Paige.

To her credit, Paige simply shook her head.

"No! You didn't interrupt anything did she Zach?"

"Nothing at all." I agreed with the paler skinned woman, even though my cock was still throbbing hard.

"Oh, okay then." Becky said, looking at us both as we settled into the evening's meal.

The evening had gone from strength to strength as we had had a good meal at the diner and then the two women had sprung it on me that we weren't getting ringside seats at Takeover but we were going to be getting a box there instead. The view from the box was simply incredible. I had practically booed and cheered myself hoarse from all of the wild action and now as I followed Becky and Paige back to the car, Paige was inspecting the shirt I had opted to buy.

"I mean, he's a great entertainer and everything but a Ciampa shirt? Really?" She asked, holding up the shirt to me.

"He is a great entertainer. Does a lot better job than Johnny Failure does too!" I counter protested, playfully snatching the shirt away.

"Oh! Johnny Failure! That's a good one!" Becky said with a loud chortle as we got into the car. Paige in the back and Becky up at the driver's side, we were soon on our way back to the hotel. As we were driving, Becky and Paige had both engaged each other in conversation.

"So what are you gonna do when we get back to the hotel Paige?" Becky asked, looking over her shoulder and into the rear of the car.

"I don't know really? I'm thinking it's too early to go to bed." Paige said, shrugging her shoulders casually. "What are you guys going to do?"

Becky looked over at me, then back to Paige before she answered. "Fuck."

As I gulped at that comment, both Becky and Paige chuckled at my reaction. Becky punched me on the shoulder before nodding her head. "I mean, come on Zach, we are aren't we?"

"I was certainly hoping we could..."

"Well there you go!" Paige said, smirking as she moved forward and placed her hands on my shoulders, rubbing against the muscles briefly. "At least you guys have a plan for tonight!" I caught her gaze in the rear view before she broke the look and turned to look at Becky. "I could come hang out with you guys?"

"Oh really?" Becky asked, a sly smirk on her face as she eyed me and the back to Paige in the back. "You want to watch us fuck?" Becky asked all while I could feel the two women practically devouring me there and then. "Well, I don't mind. Do you Zach?" Becky asked, her fingers stroking against my ribs as Paige's fingers danced against my neck.

"Please say no Zach, I want to watch you two fuck."

Well, who was I to refuse a lady her request?

"I mean, you can if you want?" I suggested as both Becky and Paige grinned and nodded their heads in excitement. A few moments passed before I put two and two together. "Have you two been planning this?"

Both Becky and Paige burst into fits of giggles. "Busted!" Paige said with a hearty laugh. "I've been listening to the stories Becky's been telling about you since Christmas and well, I wanted to see for myself. So, we sorted out our rides so that when Becky would be picking you up, I'd be in the car. Listening to her blow you and then me giving you a footjob was enough for me to say I wanted to see it in action."

"Yeah! So step on it Zach, I'm not going to get laid here am I?" Becky said with a smirk, leaning forward to peck me on the cheek and prompted me to push the car forward into the traffic and cutting our way forward towards the hotel.

Becky and Paige both had hold of me by the hands and I was being led by them, following them through the lobby of the hotel and straight into the elevator. As soon as the doors slid closed, Becky's hands were all over me again, and she had quickly tugged me down into another hot kiss with her. Our lips met with each other and her tongue was almost instantly into my mouth. I was more than happy to swap spit with her even with Paige watching, and now making some soft noises on the outside of the kiss. The sound of the elevator came to a stop rang into the elevator and the three of us walked out of the elevator and almost instantly we were inside of the room. Paige walked into the room as Becky pulled me into another kiss and my hands were instantly on her ass, squeezing against her cheeks and lifting her up into my body.

The two of us managed to walk into the bedroom and towards the large bed that was sitting almost right in the middle of the room. Placing her down on the bed, I took a quick step back and looking down at her, Becky wasted no time and had her hands on my belt, quickly undoing it and ripping the leather strap clean out of the loops and throwing it to the side. Her fingers then unbuttoned the top button of my pants and she quickly unzipped my pants and tugged them down to my feet. Paige made an impressed noise as she settled down in the corner of the room on one of the chairs provided and she watched Becky go to work with my pants. Slipping out of my jeans and pushing my shoes and socks off as well, I helped Becky by taking my shirt off as well while Becky rearranged herself so that she was on all fours on the bed. She was still clothed but the sight of her as she was, well it was enough for me to get hard again.

Her hands came up and she sunk the finger into the waistband of my boxers before she pulled the band back and let it snap against my waist slightly before she pulled my boxers down towards my thighs. Her fingers tugged my boxers down and the fabric was soon down around my ankles as well, letting me step out of them and as soon as I did that, Becky had her hands wrapped around my dick. Slowly stroking her hand up and down on the length of my pole, I looked down at her as her hands rolled up and down along my member. Moaning at the touch, her fingers seemed to be everywhere with my dick and watching as she rolled her hands up and down, I could feel both of her index fingers teasing against the vein that ran along the underside of my cock. Licking her lips, Becky brought the head of my cock up to her mouth and she very casually offered it a lazy lick as if it were a lolly pop for her.

"As good as in the car?" Paige asked, rearranging herself in the chair so that she had one of her legs hanging over the arm of it while she watched.

"Mhm." Becky said, licking her lips before offering my dick's tip a gentle kiss. "Definitely." Her left hand slipped down towards the bottom of my pole and she offered my balls a firm squeeze before nodding her head. "I wonder how much you've got in there for us?" She asked, her right hand squeezing on my pole firmly before she went back to stroking against my cock.


"Us." Paige confirmed, I want to see just how many times you can cream Becky. If you do it enough, you never know, I might help her out." Paige chucked before looking over to Becky. "That is, if you want more internet rumours about you being pregnant?"

"Oh yeah, I fookin' do. Especially with what's happenin' tomorrow!" Becky said, a laugh leaving her mouth as she stroked my pole. Looking down at her, I couldn't help but feel like her accent became just that little bit stronger when she was aroused and with how thick her accent was with those late couple of sentences, it made me feel like I was going to be going crazy with her sooner than later. Becky opened her mouth and curled her tongue around my dick's head before she pushed her lips a little bit further down on my dick.

"Come on Becky..." Paige said, breaking the lewd noises that were starting to fill the room from Becky jerking me off. "He's had a blowjob and a footjob tonight AND we got him in to go see Brooklyn Four! The least he can do is give you a good couple of orgasms while I watch." Paige added as if it were the simplest thing in the world to do. The Norwich born superstar stood up off of the chair and quickly unbuttoned her jeans and slid them down her long legs, stepping out of them and showing her long, pale legs off with a dark grape sort of purple coloured thong. Paige offered me a twirl before she sat down and her hand moved to between her legs. "Carry on." Was all Paige said as Becky's hand squeezed down on my length firmly as if to bring me back to the room with her.

"How do you think he should dick me then Paige?" Becky asked, threading her fingers through her hair as she looked over at her kayfabe boss who put a finger on her jaw as she thought on it.

"Becky, let your arse hang over the edge of the bed and Zach you go right between her legs and pound her missionary style. I want to watch those sexy legs of hers work while she's getting dicked." Paige said with a grin, sliding her right hand inside of her panties as Becky quickly got herself undressed. Slipping the shirt off and then unbuckling her white bra to go with it, Becky then rolled her own jeans down and threw them across the room as the matching white panties went with it. With Becky now totally nude in front of me, I licked my lips at the sight of her before I began to move in time with the program that the two women had set out for me.

Walking between her legs as she quickly moved herself around so that she was in fact half on the bed and half hanging off of it. I placed my hands on her strong thighs and gently rubbed against them before I gripped my dick at the base and nudged the head forward. Slowly rolling my cock inside of her, I could already feel just how wet Becky was and I had to admit, if I was in her shoes I probably would be too. My hands moved down to grip hold of her waist and keep her in position as my hips pushed forward and soon I was all the way inside of Becky. The Irish superstar's back arched up off of the bed and she let out a long, horny moan as I pushed my dick inside of her. The moaning wasn't just from Becky though, there was a slightly lower toned moan of pleasure coming from Paige in the corner as she touched herself.

Doing my best to not look over at Paige, I pulled my hips back so that maybe half of my member was inside of her and then, I pushed my hips forward and buried more of my dick inside her. Hissing in pleasure at how good her folds felt, I made sure to keep hold of her as she propped herself up on her elbows and watched me go to work in fucking her. My eyes were settled on her stomach as I didn't want the temptation of the rest of her body to spoil me so soon in the night but even with Becky's tight walls squeezing down on me, I knew an orgasm would most likely be a little further away due to Paige's torturous footjob. My hands had hold of Becky and as I started to pick up momentum of sliding my hips backwards and forwards. As I did that, I made sure to make good use of that mental 4K copy of the first time I had fucked Becky Lynch I had made and started to angle my thrusting.

"Oh fook yeah..." Becky panted as my dick hit a particularly sweet spot inside of her.

"Mmmm... He... Ooh... He knows what he's doing?" Paige asked, her fingers working over her clit apparently as I continued to saw my length in and out of her. Watching my cock slide inside of her and almost shining with Becky's arousal, it was enough to make a man go mad with pleasure all while I was sure the two women would have kind of liked that, I personally wanted to go just a little bit longer. My hands moved from her waist and down to her thighs, keeping hold of them on the underside of the strong muscles, I started to really slide my dick in and out of her, making sure to use the head to keep beating against that same spot that had made Becky curse earlier. As I did that, I saw Becky's body drop from being upright on her elbows to flat on the bed.

"Oh fook yeah... That feels so good!" Becky moaned, her own hands coming up to paw at her chest as I continued to slide my prick inside of her. Looking down at her pussy, I could feel my balls slapping against her ass as I pumped my dick into her. Looking up her body, my eyes settled on her hands clawing into the sheets as she continued to wet my cock with her pussy. Rolling my hips backwards and forwards, I offered her pussy one final and particularly hard push inside of her and her back arched clean off of the sheets and her legs instantly clamped down on me, pulling me in tight to her as she started to cum all over my dick. Still working my way through her orgasm, I grit my teeth and did my best to not cum right with her as my angling slowed down and I just offered her entrance a quick couple of pumps as she came.

Slowly though, Becky came back down to Earth and her fingers dropped from sheets as she groaned through the slight aftershocks of her orgasm. Her legs dropped from being wrapped around me and she let me step out of her grasp. Taking a step backwards so that my cock could slide out of her entrance, I looked down at my slick, coated cock and then up to her. Becky bit down on her bottom lip before turning to look over at Paige who had, at some point, stripped off her own shirt and was now bra-less but still had her thong on.

"Paige? What's next?"

"Hm?" Paige asked, barely aware of what was happening before her big eyes snapped open and she was looking at the two of us looking at her waiting for instructions. "Why are you asking me? It looks like you two know exactly what you want!"

"Because you wanted to watch us fook. How do you want it next?" Becky asked, licking her lips as she moved up to a kneeling position at the end of the bed.

"Becky, why don't you ride him so you can both watch me finger myself?"

That sounded like an excellent idea to myself and Becky seemed to agree as well. She quickly scooted herself up onto the bed and moved herself around so that I could climb on the bed with her. Moving so that my head was practically hanging off of the edge of the bed as well, I could see Paige and despite her being upside down to me, she looked just as hot. I didn't have much time to admire the other woman in the room though as I soon felt Becky's hand on my length and she was holding my dick upwards and steady for her. I looked up at her, using my neck muscles to watch her as she lowered herself down onto my dick. We both moaned together as her walls swallowed me all the way down towards the bottom of my shaft.

Becky's hands came forward and settled on my chest as she started to slide her hips up and down on top of me. I moved my hands up from my side to settle on her waist, taking hold of her and helping as she slipped up and down on me. Becky let out a low moan and with the two of us moving together, she started to hug her walls down tightly around me as her gaze moved up from my face and up towards the other woman in the corner of the room. Following Becky's gaze, I let my head fall back and we both watched as Paige rubbed against herself and her other hand worked on groping on both of her breasts. I licked my lips and helped Becky roll herself up and down on my shaft as we worked together and fucked in time with how Paige was touching herself. I could smell the arousal from Paige slowly making its way across the room towards the two of us on the bed.

My hands took hold of Becky's hands before I moved up towards her chest and I took hold of her breasts, fondling them firmly as she slipped her hips up and down on top of me. Becky bit down on her bottom lip and let out a long, low moan as she pushed her hips down towards my lap again. The sound of her ass clapping against my thighs started to fill the room combined with the lewd moans from the both of us and also with the sounds of Paige sitting on the chair in the opposite corner of the room all while she played with herself as she watched me and Becky fuck. My hands squeezed down on both of Becky's breasts, my grip on her chest tightened slightly as her hips dropped down and then she slowly rolled her hips around on my lap.

Becky started to slide herself up and down on my lap, her hands settling up on my chest and keeping herself upright as she rolled herself up and down on top of me. My hands squeezed against her chest, my fingers and thumbs coming down to tease against her nipples as she bounced on top of me. I could feel her walls squeezing down on me tightly and as I brushed my thumbs over her hard nipples, Becky let out a long moan as she threw her head back and her long orange hair was shot backwards in a glowing arc as it ran over her head and towards the gap between her shoulder blades. Becky bit down on her bottom lip and as she bounced up and down on my shaft, her riding speed started to shift up and moving faster. Was she going to cum again already? I could feel her pussy practically drenching me there and then again as she moved up and down on my lap.

Looking up at her, I could only grin at just how lucky I was while she rolled her hips up and down on top of my stomach. Her fingers ran against the top of my chest and she slowly leaned down to press her lips against mine, but as she did, she leaned over to whisper in my ear. Becky slid her body up towards the tip of my dick before she dropped herself right back down to the bottom of my cock in a quick, steady rate of fucking. Becky's teeth sunk into my earlobe before she whispered directly in my ear.

"She's so fookin' hot isn't she?" Becky asked, looking up towards Paige as she was still rubbing against her pussy as she watched the two of us fuck. Becky rolled her hips around on my lap before she started to move her body back up and down again. I let my head fall back and off the side of the bed so I could look over and watch Paige rub against herself and slip a finger inside of her.

"Fuck... She... Mmmm... She looks so good."

The red head let out an approving noise as her body moved in time as she slipped up and down on top of me. My hands cupped and squeezed against her breasts as my thumbs teased the tips of her nipples and as Paige's own masturbating started to pick up, I reached up to suck against Becky's hard nipples that were on show for both me and Paige. My hands moved down to her sides and then reached behind her to cup hold of her asscheeks, squeezing down on them gently, I offered them a sharp smack and made Becky yelp in pleasure as she rode up and down on me.

"Oh fuck... Fuck..." Paige moaned as her fingers worked over her pussy and her other hand groped against her large breasts. Her body was tensing and as I let my mouth fall from Becky's breasts, I let my neck go limp so I could lean over the edge of the side of the bed so both me and Becky could watch Paige fuck herself towards an orgasm just from watching us fuck.

Becky's walls squeezed down tightly on me and then her head fell back as she started to cum again, the erotic scenes inside of the room were almost getting too much for me and that orgasm that I had been promised was starting to build up higher and higher. Biting down on my bottom lip, I managed to lift my head up to look up at Becky as she pushed her hips down with one final push before she lifted her body up and managed to slowly pull herself up off of my dick. Wobbling backwards and landing flat on her back on the bed, Becky spread her legs and brought her hand up to summon me over towards her. I moved to sit upright on the bed with her and as I moved to take her missionary style one last time, we were interrupted by the sounds of Paige in the corner.

Her fingers were rubbing against her clit at what looked like a mile a minute and as she groped against her chest with her free hand, Paige's head fell back over the back of the chair and her body was rocked with an orgasm. With her frame trembling, Paige grunted and moaned through the orgasm as her pussy dripped down towards the chair and all over her fingers as well. The Norwich born superstar looked over to us both and offered us a weak smile before she planted both of her feet on the floor.

"Well..." Paige started, lifting her fingers up to her mouth to clean them up. "I think Zach deserves an orgasm right?" She asked, looking over at Becky and ignoring me completely.

"He has given me two!" Becky said, looking over at the slightly paler woman.

"Go on then, get on all fours so you can snack on me and I can see that dick in action!" Paige said with a grin, her right hand coming down to grab my cock and stroking it briefly as if she wanted to keep me hard. As if I couldn't be hard in a situation like this... 

Becky moved herself up and around on the bed as Paige let go of my shaft and joined the orange haired woman on the bed as well. The two women moved together so that they were in more of a sixty nine style position, Becky pressed Paige's legs apart and let her head drop down towards the wet opening of Paige as I watched Paige lift her own head up to push her tongue against Becky's own wet entrance as well. Half tempted to just watch the two women eat each other out, I licked my lips and moved back onto the bed and moved behind her. Stroking my shaft, I lifted my dick upwards and pushed it forwards so that it would slide inside of her. Rolling my dick right back inside of her, I moaned as Paige let her head fall down slightly and stopped licking against Becky all while I bottomed my dick out inside of one of the number one contenders for Smackdown Live's Women's championship.

As soon as my dick slid inside of Becky, I could already feel my dick starting to throb inside her and I was ready to blow. I had been ready to blow since I had been blown by Becky earlier on in the night and this orgasm had been hours in the making. While I worked my hips backwards and forwards inside of her, I actually found myself to be pretty proud of myself for lasting this long with her after the blowjob and the earlier footjob from Paige and then being able to fuck Becky in two different positions. Sliding my dick forward one more time, I hissed in pleasure when I felt a tongue sneak up and press against my hanging sack as I fucked Becky from behind.

Paige's hands came up and settled on the back of my thighs as her tongue continued to lick against my hanging balls. While I had my hands on Becky's waist to keep her in place, the two women were quickly getting into each other and I could hear Becky's own muffled moaning as I slipped my length in and out of her. Pushing my cock into her, I started to pick the pace up, sliding in and out of her own hot entrance as she moaned into Paige's pussy. The paler skinned, darker haired woman was moaning as well but her moans were slightly obscured by the fact that she had her mouth right next to my balls as they were moving backwards and forwards with each hard push inside of the woman on top of her. Paige's hands stroked along the back of my thigh before running over to Becky's ass cheeks.

Sliding my dick backwards and forwards, Becky's own hot pussy was milking me tightly as I pumped myself in and out of her. Looking down at Becky's body, I could see the skin tone contrast between Becky and Paige and seeing the slightly paler arm wrapped around Becky's more tanned frame was enough for me to get more and more excited. Pumping my cock into the orange haired female superstar, I bit down on my bottom lip and did my best to try and resist the urge of orgasming inside of Becky while Paige's tongue ran all over my ball sack. Rolling my cock right back inside of her, I started to move my cock back in and out of Becky with a quicker and quicker speed. My orgasm was starting to get closer and closer and I could tell that my own body was ready to explode.

Paige seemed to know as well and so did Becky, as my cock slipped backwards, Becky pulled herself forward so that my dripping wet dick slipped out of her and bobbed independently in the air, Becky's juices still coating my cock and adding a shine to it in the low light of the hotel room. I was going to grab hold of my dick to take over the jerking motions but both Becky and Paige had moved with a surprising speed to take hold of my shaft and they both stroked my cock. Pumping their hands up and down, they each took turns aiming my dick at each of their faces as I just let them take over and let them work all over my shaft. Their hands were both stroking at my cock until it twitched a couple of times and then it started to explode. Firing ropes from my dick's head and over towards the two women, they each took turns stroking my cock and moving my dick from side to side.

My dick fired rope after rope out of my dick's head and over towards the two women, hot ropes tore from the head and while one rope landed on Becky's face, another landed on the cheek of Paige. One landed on Paige's forehead and another one landed over Becky's nose as one more rope landed on Becky's left eye, another one landed over Paige's forehead, then the final two ropes tore from my shaft and each rope landed on both women's lips. With the two women satisfied that I had been drained completely, I collapsed backwards and landed on the bed. Sitting on the pillows of the bed, I looked up at the women as they moved together and wrapped each other into a hot and passionate kiss as they made out together while swapping my cum together and also sort of rubbing my cum on their faces against each other as well.

Slowly though, the two broke up and then turned to look at me. Paige nodded her head and was the first to break her silence.

"Well... He looks like he could satisfy me too..." Paige looked over to Becky, scooping up some of my cum off of the orange haired woman's face before sucking on it. "Tell you what Zach, if Becky wins tomorrow? You get to fuck me right here too."
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Re: Inspire The Fire ((Becky Lynch)) ((BEcky Lynch, Paige Part 2))
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2018, 05:14:55 PM »
Great story with a red headed vixen  ;D


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Re: Inspire The Fire ((Becky Lynch)) ((BEcky Lynch, Paige Part 2))
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2018, 02:56:44 AM »
Mmm...Sexy Bexy....


Re: Inspire The Fire ((Becky Lynch)) ((BEcky Lynch, Paige Part 2))
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2018, 08:12:41 PM »
Wonderful work and congratulations on popping the cherry to the wrestler section!  ;D
Check me out on Patreon if you like my work!


Re: Inspire The Fire ((Becky Lynch)) ((BEcky Lynch, Paige Part 2))
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2018, 08:16:36 PM »
Great story with a red headed vixen  ;D

Hopefully, the third part will be as well received as the first two parts! Glad you liked them both though! :D

Mmm...Sexy Bexy....

She really is The Man right? :D

Wonderful work and congratulations on popping the cherry to the wrestler section!  ;D

Thank you! A part 3 is on the works for some time next year ;)


Re: Inspire The Fire ((Becky Lynch)) ((Becky Lynch, Paige Part 2))
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2020, 11:41:06 AM »

Disclaimer: All right, this story is not real. NOT REAL! Not to be read by anyone under the age of 18/21 yadda yadda yadda! I’d love to hear some feedback as per usual. My e-Mail addresses are at: mean.blackjack(@)yahoo.co.uk If you remove the parenthesis from the @ symbol it’ll get through! You can also get me at mean.blackjack47(@)gmail.com. Again, remove the parenthesis. Also, don’t forget to thank and like the story if you do like it! Also feel free to post on the thread to voice your encouragement, lord knows my ego needs stroking!

Also, please don't post this on any other site without my explicit permission. I've had to bring the hammer down on two thieves right as of writing and don't want to bring it down again. Don't forget to add me on Discord too! My name on there is Swagatha Christie#2438.

"I'm just saying, if this is as good as it says it is," I said, leaning over the edge of the sink and spitting a mouthful of the minty toothpaste into the hotel's basin before turning to look back at the woman I was sharing a room with. "I don't understand how I'm going to be able to even enjoy a beer at the Barclays center."

"Well, maybe you should just grow up and enjoy a minty beer? You Americans manage to deal with watered down piss in the bottles, you can make do with a minty beer." Becky responded, inspecting her reflection in the mirror before grabbing a denim jacket to go on over her heather grey henley top. "And, you know, maybe you should say thank you for me getting you a ticket to the Takeover too." Becky added, the two of us making eye contact in the mirror before she snorted and went back to her phone.

"Our beers aren't piss." I moaned to myself, knowing better than to actually voice it all while I placed the corner of the bathroom towel under the tap and wetting it with warm water. The corner sufficiently wet, I brought it back up to my face and wiped at the corners of my mouth to clean my mouth of the last few traces of the toothpaste. Running my tongue over my lips, I stuffed my wallet and phone into my jeans pocket before flicking the light inside of the bathroom off and closing the door behind me as I walked into the hotel room we were sharing.

"Oh look at you!" Becky said, a wide smile on her face as she turned from inspecting herself in the mirror. "You are going to look good on my arm for when I get to be Becky Two Belts tomorrow night."

"I think I'll look pretty good with that too." I admitted, a shrug of my shoulders as Becky walked over to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. The two of us looked into each others eyes before she pulled me down into a deep kiss. Moments passed as our lips smacked together before she finally broke it off and studied my face for a moment.

"You taste like mint." She complained, screwing her face up slightly as she thought on what had just happened.

"Well, yeah I just brushed my teeth."

"Gross. You should have waited before we went to sleep."

Sighing and disappointed that I had fallen so smoothly into a setting she must have prepared mentally, I nodded my head in a sign of submissive admission before she grabbed the key to our hotel room and we left the room, heading down towards the lobby of the hotel. As we walked, Becky was nodding her head to several of the talent who were staying in the same hotel as we were, while Becky offered both Dean Ambrose and Renee Young an enthusiastic wave of her hand. I thought it was unusual to see Dean Ambrose, or presumably the former Dean Ambrose, here for a WWE thing, maybe he was just supporting his wife though? I grabbed a hold of my phone and brought up the ride-sharing app, Uber, and made sure our car was outside. Feeling Becky looking to my phone, I tilted the screen slightly so she could inspect the screen too.

"Good. We won't have to wait forever too."

"Busy are we tonight babe?" I asked, looking over to her and sticking my tongue out slightly.

"I mean, tonight's not so bad. Tomorrow I'm going to be bouncin' off the fookin walls before I take Ronnie's arm!"

"Goddamn that's hot." I admitted, a wide grin on the both of our faces as we finally reached the bottom of the stairs and we were now in the lobby of the hotel. As we walked towards the outside, we heard a shout from across the crowded area.

"Becky! Zach!" Stopping in our tracks and looking around, we were greeted by the sight of former NXT women's champion and one half of the current WWE Women's tag team champions, Bayley, walking over while she waved to us. Her tag title was nowhere to be seen, upstairs in her room most likely, but she was in a smart casual style of dress, tight jeans and a black vest top while she still had her hair in her now famous side ponytail. She had a bottle of water in her hand and a smile on her face, something a lot of Bayley's fans in the WWE must have come to expect from the tremendous women's superstar. As she cut through the selection of people who were inside of the lobby, I turned to half whisper to Becky.

"How does she know who I am?"

"Because I've been boasting about you to anyone in the locker room who'll listen."

That made me smile slightly and as I stole one more look to the orange haired superstar and then back to the former Raw women's champion who was nearly within an arms reach of us both. The two women were quick to embrace each other and share some quick words together before Bayley turned to look at me as well. She looked me up and down before nodding her head with what started off as a small smile broke out into a wider one.

"Yeah, you definitely look like the sort of guy who can keep up with Becky."

That prompted a snort from Becky as she stepped back to my side, the three of us were now in a small triangle just off to the side of the hotel and in front of the stairs we had just come down from. Looking at Bayley and then back to Becky, I smiled before speaking.

"Well, thanks. I... Uh... Try?"

"You do more than try Zach." Becky added, her hand coming down and slapping my ass, prompting another snort from Bayley.

"So I've heard." The bubbly woman said, her right hand coming up to fluff her side ponytail slightly while she looked at me and then back to Becky. "What are you two doing tonight?"

"Date night! We're going to catch Takeover before I have to get ready for Mania tomorrow." Becky answered, her arm slipping past mine and moving herself up to me slightly.

"Oh! Sounds nice! Are you going to be coming straight back here or grabbing some food?" Bayley asked, looking over to Becky.

"I think the plan is to just come straight back here and maybe get some food. What are you up to?" Becky asked, looking over to the Hugger.

"Oh, nothing much! I've got some press to do before I turn in for the night. Me and Sasha have some photos first thing tomorrow for the website and then we've got to get ready for when we defend our tag titles." Bayley said, a wide grin that seemed to be a permanent look for the Hugger was plastered to her face. She had a smile on her face as she looked over her shoulder to somewhere behind her and then right back to me and Becky. "Before I go though," Bayley started, reaching into the bag she had on her shoulder. "Sasha told me to give you this?"

Becky made a noise and nodded her head as Bayley passed her a blonde wig.

"Ah she's a good egg!" Becky said, a smile on her face as she took the wig from Bayley and quickly whipped it up and onto her head, obscuring the fiery red hair she was nearly famous for. Adjusting the wig slightly so it fitted her head better, Becky looked over to Bayley who gave her two thumbs up as if to confirm how it looked. "Alright, I'll see you tomorrow then I guess?" Becky asked, looking back to the California native.

"Sounds good! I hope you two have a great time tonight!" Bayley said, a wide smile on her face as she looked back to the two of us. Taking a pause, she looked over to me and then back to Becky before opening her arms up wide and pulling us both in to a huge hug. I looked over to Becky who just closed her eyes with a smirk on her face and seemed to encourage me to just roll with it.

So, I did.

I wrapped my arm around Bayley's back and the other behind Becky's as the three of us shared a three-way hug. It did feel strange to be sharing a hug with Becky as well as one of her friends and fellow horsewomen but the whole thing was over before I really knew it. Bayley took a step back and beamed to the both of us. Playfully punching me in the shoulder, Bayley high fived Becky before she turned and made her way back into the scrum of people on the bottom floor. Watching the Hugger walk away, I felt Becky slip her arm around mine.

"You'd better not be checking out her arse." Becky said, a playful tone in her voice as she tugged me into a walk with her towards the front of the hotel. I looked over to Becky, now blonde, who had a grin on her face. "She does have a very nice one though." Becky conceded.

"Yours is nicer." I said, offering her a compliment as strange as it was for the current room.

"Ah bollocks is it!" Becky said, a jovial tone in her voice. She then pulled my face down to her and planted a kiss on my lips. "But thanks."

With a smile on both of our faces, we made our way out of the building and towards the front of the hotel where our Uber was waiting for us. Admittedly, the car ride was going to be a fairly short one. But trying to cut through the Brooklyn traffic was going to be a challenge especially on a Saturday with even more tourists in the area of Wrestlemania and Takeover weekend was the sort of thing I didn't fancy risking and taking public transport was even more of a bad idea considering I was travelling with a celebrity. Slipping into the back of a somewhat decent looking Toyota Corolla, both me and Becky plugged our straps in and we were off towards the Barclays Centre.

The arrival to the Centre was a very long experience as we both had expected and the idea of arriving there a couple of hours before the show started had been described as silly and ridiculous by both Becky and Paige but by the time we had got there from our hotel it was nearly time for the doors to open so we could get right to our seats almost as soon as we had left the car. Making sure to tip the driver and rate her five stars, I heard a groan come from Becky's lips making me roll my eyes.

"You're just so eager with those five stars huh?"

"You're the famous one, you should be throwing all sorts of tips at those guys." I countered, looking over to her as she shook her head.

"The Man doesn't need to tip her drivers."

"I'm sure Ric Flair probably did."

"Ah, how else can he afford all those divorces? And you're talking about Ric Flair, I'm The Man."

"Well, I think Ric can't afford all those divorces that's why he did all those corny cash for gold adverts or whatever they were after TNA... Wait, is it still TNA?"

"Ah behave yourself. I only know the sort of TNA you like." Becky said, a grin on her face as she slapped me on the top of my arm while we walked up towards the gates. Becky reached into her jacket's inside and grabbed hold of the two tickets she had got for us both. "Did you want to get any merch or food or drinks or whatever?"

"Nah, I think I'm good." I said, looking to the entrance and seeing several of the WWE posters hanging down and advertising a lot of the WWE equipment and merchandise. I didn't want to say it to Becky but I had found that most of the WWE's merchandise was grossly overpriced and I could get something similar on one of the many clothing websites that were left constantly open on my phone's browser. "Although I wouldn't say no to one of our piss beers."

That made Becky cackle as she hugged my arm tightly before planting a kiss on my cheek.

"Well, you can get me a diet soda too." That had me told as we got up to the front of the gate. The staff at the front looked at the two of our tickets and nodded their heads, scanning the bar code on the ticket and then we were inside and making our way over to my first ever Takeover. To say I was excited was a gross understatement. With Johnny Gargano fighting Adam Cole in a two out of three falls match for the vacant NXT title, it sounded like it was going to be an absolutely incredible night. Inside the main area of the Barclays Centre, we looked around before I spotted where the bar was.

"Okay, you want to go find out seats? I'll get the food and drinks." I said, looking to Becky who smiled and nodded her head.

"Right, sounds like fun to me!" She stuffed my ticket into my pocket and then, she was off towards the first circle off of the ground floor. Sure, with someone as high in the company as Becky was, we could have gone for the front row seats. However Becky had said, and I had agreed, that if we were on the ground floor on the front row it gave the chance that Becky would be spotted and our evening would have been ruined. So, we took the first circle off of the floor and it meant that we had an eye level view of the ring but we wouldn't be able to see if anything happened in the ringside area.

Walking back to the main area of the arena with the drinks in one of those fancy cardboard containers, I saw Becky and moved over to take my seat next to her. Becky smiled over to me before she reached up and grabbed hold of her drink as I sat down.

"What have I missed?" I asked, taking a sip of my beer which seemed to have soured ever since Becky had moaned about them.

"Nothing much, I think they're setting up for the dark match." Becky said, a confused look on her face. "I haven't really been paying attention though." She added, a shrug of her shoulders confirming the point.

Having gone to several local shows in my time on the Earth, not all of them were the WWE, some were Ring of Honor or even some smaller independent shows and while I had enjoyed every single one of them, none were quite the same as seeing a real life WWE NXT Takeover show in real life and at a decent eye level as well. Seeing the main event end the way it did was enough for me to feel like I was going to go to bed tonight a very happy man and that was ignoring the fact that I had a former women's champion on my arm. Becky had a wide smile on her face as we walked out from the arena and down towards the taxi rank.

"What do you reckon? Grab an uber?" She asked, looking over to me.

"I think we'll be waiting for later than half an hour." I said with a soft sigh. "It'll be a heavy cost but we could just grab a cab?" I asked, looking towards the collection of cars that were lined up by the arena.

"Ah you're right. Let's grab a cab." She said, her head falling down slightly to rest on my shoulder as we walked together towards the car. Grabbing the first one and sliding into the back, the cab driver looked up into his rear view mirror and greeted the two of us.

"Where to?" Was all the driver asked. I gave the address of the hotel me and Becky were staying in and that was enough for the driver to chuckle. "That must be expensive. Aren’t all those wrestler types staying there?" He asked, his eyes looking up into the rear view again before taking the car out onto the main street. I looked over to Becky who was now sitting up and resting against the headrest of the car. She raised an eyebrow slightly before speaking.

"Oh are they? Must be why the lobby is always so busy." She said, a smile forming on her face as she looked over to me.

The driver shrugged, not taking his eyes off of the road. “My kid loves that stuff. She’s always going on about… Who is it… Becky Wynch? Lynch? Someone like that." He said, confirming that he didn't recognise Becky, let alone the fact that he had got the entirely wrong country that Becky was from.

"Good." Becky said simply. Her arms then came up and pulled me right into a hot, passionate kiss on her lips. The driver snorted but I didn't care as my lips opened and I moved my tongue into her mouth as Becky's hands came down to my chest and her fingers brushed against my top as we shared spit. Becky's tongue ran over the top of mine as I moved to try and suck on hers. Becky's head turned to the side slightly and our kiss deepened as we moved together in the back of the limo. I would have gotten concerned about the fact that we were doing this in front of some random cab driver but with Becky's tongue in my mouth, I found that I didn't really care either. My hands moved up and rubbed against her thighs, holding her muscled body in my hands as we kissed.

While we kissed, I moved with Becky as she readjusted herself in the backseat of the cab and we both moved to give up space for the other while we jockeyed for position. Our kiss broke eventually and I moved in for the kill, placing my lips on her neck, I started to kiss my way up and down her skin as Becky moaned for me. Using the tip of my tongue to tease the flesh, I listened to Becky moan for me, almost feeling the goose pimples come to life on her skin. Rubbing my hand against her leg, Becky reached up and her fingers ran against the top of my spine while we made out in the back of the car. As I kissed her skin, Becky's hand came up and smacked against my chest gently.

"Zach... Zach!" She panted, prompting me to look up and see that we were outside of the hotel. Becky was quick to foist some dollars into the front of the taxi and the two of us were out of the cab and quickly making our way into the hotel. Becky's hand was on mine tightly, squeezing at it almost as we moved up towards the room we were sharing. Becky's other hand grabbed hold of the key card for our room and she was quick to unlock the door and drag the two of us inside the room. The door slammed shut behind us both and Becky quickly found herself pinned up against the other side of the door. Hoisting her up onto my waist with her arms and legs wrapping around me, I held Becky tightly as the memories of the most recent Takeover faded from my mind and the only thing I was focused on was Becky ‘The Man’ Lynch.

Becky's hands were rushing over my body, her fingertips exploring my body and touching all the spots she knew so well. With her strong appendages wrapped around me, my lips moved from hers and I ducked my head down to latch my lips onto her neck. Becky's mouth had spread open and she was already panting for me as she bucked her hips forward as if to try and grind her body against mine. Kissing against her neck, I felt her hand rush up from the top of my spine and knot her fingers in my hair while we moved from the back of the hotel door and towards the middle of the room. Stumbling over some of the discarded laundry and towards the bed, we bumped against the edge of it and that was enough for her to drop on it.

She looked up at me from her place on the bed and then she quickly got back into the way of what was happening. Rolling herself over onto her hands and knees, Becky got herself undressed quickly as I did the same and we were both left in our underwear. Looking down at her and licking my lips, we had the briefest of eye contact and then Becky reached behind her and unclasped her bra while I stuffed my thumbs into the waistband of my boxers and pushed them down to the floor of the hotel room. Becky was quick to undress and she was soon on her way down the edge of the bed towards where I was standing. Her hands came up and rested against my core as she placed a kiss on my stomach just below my belly button and made her way down.

I could feel every little press of her lips and as I dared to look down at her in action, she was still wearing the blonde wig Sasha Banks had gifted her to disguise herself but I knew who she was and that was more than enough for me to accept the situation. My cock was already coming to life and with every press of her lips against my skin it was making my length stiffen and twitch in excitement. Unsure of what to do with my hands, I brought them up and rested them behind my back before bringing them down and brushing some of the strands of artificial hair from her face. Becky had already made her way down from my stomach and was just a couple of kisses away from reaching my cock. Looking down at her, my dick twitched in anticipation and she knew it as well.

Her hands came up off of my core and she wrapped both of them around my length, stroking her hands up and down all over my cock before she nodded her head and opened her mouth. Pushing her tongue out and flicking the head of my cock with her tongue, Becky moaned at the taste gently before she planted a big, wet kiss on the head of my dick. Her mouth opened and she took hold of my dick at the base. Bringing it up and slapping the length against her open mouth and tongue, Becky panted around at the touch of my hard cock beating against her skin and she didn't seem to care just how it looked as she peered up at me. Looking down and making eye contact, Becky flashed me a wink before she spread her lips and pushed my dick forward for her.

My dick slid inside of her mouth and she took me down to the almost halfway mark and as she swallowed my length down into her mouth, she closed her eyes. Slowly moving her face forward and bumping my dick into her warm, wet mouth, Becky moaned around my dick as she sucked on it. Her tongue reached up and rubbed against the underside of my dick, carefully pushing her tongue against the veiny bottom of my cock. She continued to explore and tease my skin, her lips pressing down just a little bit tighter to ensure that none of her spit could escape her mouth. She moved her left hand down towards the bottom of my shaft, her fingers cupping my sack gently while her right hand came up off of the bed and reached up to hold onto the back of my body while she sucked me down.

Becky's fingers tightened around my sack gently as I could feel her breath escape her nostrils and burst against both my pubic hair and what she hadn't swallowed of my cock. Her hand on my stomach reached up and rubbed against my admittedly rather soft pecs before she moved it to the back of my body and both of her hands came down to squeeze on my ass. Her lips pushed down further on my cock and she was slowly taking more and more of my length into her mouth. Becky's eyes were still closed tight and she was working on swallowing more of my cock into her warm, wet and spit soaked mouth. Becky moaned around my cock and as I looked down at her, I could see a couple of rivers of spit streaming down her mouth towards the floor. Becky moaned again and brushed against her chin with her right forearm before she placed both of her hands back on my ass.

Becky's warm mouth was still soaking my dick in spit and as she swallowed me down, I could feel her spit soaking against more of my cock. I reached down and threaded my fingers through the blonde locks before she took her hands back up off of my ass and she threw the wig across the room so her long orange locks spilled out into the room. That was enough for another low groan to escape into the room as the sight of her now near trademark bright orange hair spilled into my view. Becky's eyes opened up and she looked up at me, we made eye contact and she flashed me a wink as she moved her lips up and down on me. She wasn't deepthroating me, not really close but it was enough.

Her hands came down to my shaft and while she cupped my balls. Squeezing on my hanging sack gently all while she rolled my balls around, Becky used her other hand to wrap around the base of my shaft and she started to stroke it up and down as she used her lips to almost kiss against the side of her fingers all while she moved her lips up and down in time to meet, and match, her pumping hand. Becky was working almost double over time in getting my dick not only hard as iron but also sending my orgasm ripping up to my dick as well. My fingers tightened in her hair as if to warn her that I was going to cum but that didn't seem to matter to her as she continued to suck and lick and cup on my balls. Sliding her lips up and down, all it took was one groan from me for her to know what was happening.

Becky's hands came down and grasped hold of my rear, pulling my length all the way forward again and into her mouth and throat. My dick pushed inside of her one more time and as the head bumped against the back of her throat, my orgasm ripped through me. Grunting and gasping, struggling to even get a warning out, Becky simply dug her nails into my ass cheeks and let me blast her mouth with my cum. Shooting rope after rope into her mouth and against her throat, I let my head fall back so I was staring up against the ceiling of the hotel while one third of the first ever female main event of Wrestlemania sucked my cock and had my orgasm empty inside of her. Becky moaned at the feeling of my sperm hitting inside of her mouth but it didn't stop her as she sucked me.

With my balls emptied, I could barely handle how I was feeling as Becky's hands came up off of my rear and then up to my sternum. Pushing me backwards slightly, I took a step backwards to give Becky some room to change herself around on the bed. Moving up so she was now kneeling on the edge of the bed, she looked up at me, opened her mouth and pushed her tongue out so I could see the creamy load sitting on the back of her tongue. The Man then smirked up at me, closed her mouth and swallowed my load all the way down into her stomach. Becky wiped at her mouth with her right wrist and then nodded her head.

"Much nicer than that piss you call beer."

Rolling my eyes at the constant teasing of our beer, I looked down at her as she moved away.

"Don't want to carry on?" I asked, looking over at her as she was stripping the duvet away from the bedding. She looked over at me and shook her head gently.

"Nah, we can do it all tomorrow after I take the titles. Becky Two Belts is going to ride your face Zachy boy! Now come over here, I want to cuddle before we have to get up." Becky said with a grin, naked and also seemingly wet as well. I looked over her nude body, drinking in her strong thighs and muscled body. She truly was a work of art and I wanted to spend forever and a day really worshipping her but all I was really in power to do was do as The Man obliged. Moving into the bed with her, I took the initiative and moved up so she would essentially be the little spoon.

Climbing into the bed with her, I wrapped my arms around her and she quickly melted into me. Her arms slipped around my waist and I wrapped mine around her shoulders, holding her hot, muscled body against mine. Becky sighed gently and threaded her fingers through her long bright orange hair before replacing them around my waist, pushing herself up against me. My hand came down and I lifted the fairly thick duvet up and to cover the both of us for our sleep. Shifting and wriggling around together, we soon found ourselves in a steady, suitable place to fall asleep in. Becky's breathing had slowed down to her usual, steady breathing pattern and her body had stopped lifting and dropping slightly. Her fingers stroked against the back of my skin before she placed her lips on my chest and offered it a gentle kiss.

"I think I love you." She breathed, making me look down at her in disbelief.

"Wait, wha-"

"Goodnight." She finished, spinning herself around so her ass was pushing up against me and she was sufficiently nestled into my arms and in a significantly more comfy position and I was left staring at the large window and the skyline of New Jersey and I was left with my thoughts as to what the hell Becky had just said to me. Had I really heard her say that? Had she really said that? What the hell was I going to say tomorrow? What the hell was she going to say tomorrow? Maybe she was just teasing me... What if she wasn't though? All manner of thoughts and worries danced through my head and as the hours passed on and while Becky slept soundly to ensure she was ready for the monumental opportunity ahead of her tomorrow...

I was going through anything but.

I must have fallen asleep at some point in the night because when my eyes opened, I was alone in the bed and Becky was up and dressed. Not going with anything too crazy, Becky was sitting on one of the chairs in the room and was studying her reflection in the mirror, applying some last minute makeup to her face while her bright orange hair was tied back into a thick, bushy ponytail. She looked up into the mirror and saw me stirring, she offered me a wave into her reflection before turning to look at me.

"Good morning." She said with a smile, dipping her brush back into the mascara and then she turned back to the mirror. "What do you think's happening tonight then?"

"I'm sorry?"

"At Mania! Who do you think's winning?" She asked, applying some of the black liquid to her.

"Oh... Uh..." I hadn't even really considered that sort of idea since I had driven over state lines. I should have been thinking through the Takeover on the night before but the whole events of what had happened last night were still running around in my head. I scratched at the back of my head before looking back to her. "I think Kofi's winning for certain."

"Good, good. What about the women's tag titles?" She asked, working back to the makeup on her face. Applying the stuff, I realised I hadn't even answered her yet. Slipping up out of the bed and walking over to the small gym bag of clothes I had brought with me, I thought on my answer.

"I don't know... I think Sasha and Bayley are done. I'll be honest, not giving the tag titles to the Iiconics right away seemed like a really bad idea. I think they are taking it." Becky made a general noise of what I could guess was surprise but I wasn't entirely sure.

"You really think they'd take the titles off of Bayley and Sasha at WrestleMania?"

That made me chuckle.

"Yes. I think Vince absolutely would botch those two."

Becky laughed at that as she pushed her chair back and climbed up to her feet. Turning to look at me, she stuffed her hands into her grey zip up jacket before nodding her head.

"Okay, when you're ready, we can head straight over to the stadium and get ready for the show."

"I think I should probably eat something first." I said, pulling a Finn Balor shirt on over my chest as I grabbed a pair of jeans and some Wrangler canvas shoes to complete the look. Becky shook her head.

"Nah, they do catering all day. You can get some great stuff all day there." She said with a smile, stepping towards me and tugging me towards her for a quick kiss. "I do love that Fergal shirt too." She added, her nose brushing against mine briefly before she stepped away and walked over to grab her gear. Looking at her as I blindly groped for my bomber jacket to keep me warm with the cold outside New Jersey weather, I watched her back as my mind raced about what she had said last night. With my wallet and cellphone on the table next to where my own clothing was, I turned from Becky's back and stuffed them into my coat's pockets as Becky opened the door to the corridor of the hotel. She looked over her should to face me. "Ready to go?"

With a brief trip down the hotel to the lobby and then towards the front of the hotel where there was a much nicer car waiting for the two of us. Not that the Uber Toyota Corolla wasn't that nice of course but when it was a car paid for by the WWE, it was a lot nicer to ride in. Pulling up to the  MetLife stadium even as an attendee was an incredible time but moving into a parking lot at the back of the stadium was an entirely different sort of thing all together. Following Becky out of the car and taking her equipment from the driver, we were given two lanyards with guest passes on them so we could pass inside the building to actually WrestleMania backstage.

Looking around the inside of the backstage area, I was going through something of a crazy sort of starstruckness as I looked around the inside and saw all manner of people I had seen on TV. Was that John Cena? I moved forward and was almost instantly guided towards one of the side rooms of the building. The door was slammed shut as before I even had a chance to question what was going on I was greeted by the sight of Becky Lynch stripping her lower clothing down to free herself of her clothing.

Looking at her, I had to wonder just what the hell was happening as she took a couple of steps back and she had shown me that her underwear was completely missing and there was a thin patch of her natural brown pubic hair just above her entrance. Looking down at her, I licked my lips and smiled up at her. Becky simply shrugged her shoulders.

"Yeah, the Man has pubes. Get to work."

"Oral for oral huh?"

"You know it." Becky then climbed onto the table to the side of the room where some electrical equipment and some discarded lights were sitting. Becky then spread her legs and leaned backwards slightly as if to further display her body for me. Moving forward so I was now standing between her legs and then I simply dropped down to my knees between her long, muscled legs. Licking my lips, I felt Becky's legs rest themselves on my shoulders and then I was able to move myself further just a little bit more and move closer to her slightly damp entrance. Looking up to inspect Becky's face, I saw her eyes were closed and her hands had came up to blindly unzip at her jacket to free herself up.

Looking at her, revelling in the sight of her, I licked my lips to ensure they were smooth enough before I leaned in to press my lips against the inside of her legs. Kissing against the inside of her leg, I started to teasingly lick my way along the inside of her leg and then I swapped over to kissing her. Tasting her skin as I worshipped her body, I started to slowly work my way up from her ankle and then up towards her knee. My tongue licked and lapped against her strong, muscled legs before I offered them a kiss. Working my way up towards her thigh, I kissed against the inside of her skin and it made her twitch slightly and her head fell back as if to keep herself steady on the table and also keeping herself ready for me to continue. Smacking my lips against the inside of her legs, I loved the taste of her on my tongue and lips.

Kissing against the inside of her thigh, I felt her leg close down on the other side of my head as if she wanted me to stay exactly where I am. My hands came up and wrapped around her legs, keeping them in place with her own hands coming up to knit themselves in my hair. She bit down on her bottom lip and she let her head fall forward so she could watch me me eat her out while I inched my way closer and closer to her entrance. Working my way up with feather light kisses against her skin, inching my way up towards her wet pussy. Approaching her slit, I looked up at it before I pushed my tongue forward and offered it one last look before I licked against her.

Tasting her pussy on my tongue, I slipped the tip inside of her and that was enough for Becky to pant out loud for me. Her moans filled the room and when I pushed it a little bit further inside of her, she moaned a little bit louder. Her body shook and trembled against my face while I licked against her. Slipping my tongue inside of her and using it to almost scrape against the roof of her slit, I used it to touch and explore against all of her entrance. Stroking around, exploring and listening to her as I used my tongue to touch inside of her, moving my tongue back inside of her and then pulling it out, almost as if I were fucking her with my tongue which only made the orange haired superstar all too eager to keep grinding herself against my face.

Eating my way into Becky's core, I pushed my tongue all the way inside of her and then I felt her buck her hips forwards and nudge herself against me. Keeping my hands on her legs and continuing to flick my tongue inside of her and touching all inside of her and exploring every little bit of her. Her body bucked against my face and it was almost as if she was ready to cum even as I had just started licking against her. Keeping my hands wrapped around her legs to ensure that she wouldn't be able to clamp her legs down on my head, I pushed my tongue back inside of her. Angling it up towards the roof of her pussy towards where I knew her gspot was, I continued to flick against her spot and with each touch the tip of my tongue soon made her body shake and tremble.

Continuing to drink Becky's entrance up and lick against her insides, the orange haired main eventer of the current WrestleMania dug her fingers into my hair and her whole body exploded on my face. Still licking my way through her waves of pleasure as she came hard over my face, I pushed my tongue in and out of her before pushing it against her gspot and then pulling backwards as if I was touching against the bottom of her slit. Touching all over her entrance as she came hard, I made sure to keep stimulating her by offering her hard clit a gentle pattern of rubbing my fingers against her as I slurped against her. Licking and eating her delicious folds, Becky's fingers grabbed hold of my head before her legs slowly fell limp and she almost collapsed against the table. Sweat had formed over her body before she lazily grabbed a hold of her phone from the inside of her jacket and looked at the time.

"Aw fuck... I want you to fuck me but I gotta go get ready." Becky panted, her head rocking backwards and then forwards so she could try to get ready. I moved backwards on my knees to give her some room as she pushed herself forward and onto her feet. As soon as her feet touched the floor though she found herself to be very wobbly and she almost fell onto me. Laughing, she slapped her hand against my chest as I climbed up to catch her.

"You fucking made my legs give out!" She panted, almost in disbelief as she looked up to me and then moved forward, her tongue licking against the outside of my lips to catch some of the errant beads of her arousal that had escaped my own tongue. She patted me on the cheek before reaching behind me to grab on my ass. "Go enjoy the catering. I'll see you soon Zach-ey boy!" She said with a smile, wobbling her way out of the storage room.


The weekend of WrestleMania was stressful to begin with. But when you were a performer for the WWE and due to injury you were going to be hosting the show? It was a totally different experience. Alexa Bliss was finding this out rather quickly and as she was standing with some of the admin team who were explaining the running order of the show, she found that she was going to have a different start to how she had practiced? The pint sized superstar was starting to get angry. Her hands were on her hips as she looked at the a3 sheet of paper that was hanging to the wall of the MetLife Stadium's backstage area. Her very first segment was introducing everyone to WrestleMania and for the past week, she had been ready for it but now? Now she had to share that aspect of the limelight with a haggard, sausage skin looking racist and it was starting to really grate her. Alexa fumbled with her hair before offering a fake smile and turning to walk away, silently fuming.

Walking towards the backstage area, Alexa looked over at Becky Lynch who was heading into some side room with some random guy, that made the former woman's champion stop in her tracks. Watching as the door closed behind them, Alexa's mind instantly filled in the blanks as to what they were doing and the idea of working out her current stress definitely started to sound very promising. Looking around the men who were rushing around the area, she inspected each and every one of them before settling on one of the men who seemed significantly less busy. Walking over to him, he peered up at her from his clipboard and offered her a bright smile and let the clipboard fall from his point of study.

"Hi!" He said cheerfully.

"Come with me." Was Alexa's response.

The man paused for a moment before nodding his head and following the woman, her hair and makeup still perfect for the show but her body encased in sweatpants and one of her own shirts. The pair walked towards the section of the stadium where Becky and her guy had gone to and picked one of the random doors. Walking inside of it, Alexa and the guy were greeted by two other random men inside the room. Alexa looked at the two and mutely offered them a jab of her thumb outside of the room. They got the picture and quickly made their way out of the room while shooting the guy jealous glances.

Alexa turned around and as the man closed the door, she took a couple of steps backwards to leave some room for them. It was a small room filled with various trinkets that must have been spare technical items for the show. There were thick wires, metal connection ports and all sorts of stuff that was out of Alexa's area of expertise. She looked over them before back to the man.

"So here's how this is going to work." Alexa started, looking at the man who seemed like he was starting to get it. "We're going to fuck. You're going to make me cum and if you're very lucky, I'll let you cum too. You make me cum and I won't tell anyone about this."

"You aren't worried I'm going to tell someone?"

"As if they would believe you." Alexa said with a condescending tone to her voice. "Now undress."

The order was clear and the man had to accept she was right. He pushed his shoes off and then his socks with her other foot before unbuckling his belt and stripping his pants down, then he finished it off by stripping his polo shirt off. Standing before her totally naked, the guy was in fairly good shape. Nowhere near as good as her co-stars and fellow talent but he seemed like he looked after himself. She nodded her head and walked towards him, slowly dropping down to her knees in front of him so she was eye level with his hardening dick. Her hands came up and took hold of the cock.

Stroking his shaft up and down, the former NXT superstar, and current first ever Raw and Smackdown! Women’s champion looked up at the man, offered him a wide grin and then she opened her mouth. Her bright red lips closed around his cock and she pressed her lips down towards the middle of his dick. Her right hand curled around the man's base while the left remained on the inside of his thigh, keeping his legs spread while she bobbed her head up and down. Her pink tongue was working overtime on his shaft inside her warm mouth, constantly bathing the underside of his prick in her saliva.

Alexa's big eyes opened up and she stared up at the random stage hand as she slurped her mouth up and down on his cock, her hand pumping and stroking him as she worked. As she slipped down towards the man's base, her nails on the inside of his leg would dig in gently as if to mark her territory. Her lips came up and his cock left her mouth with an almost audible popping noise. Licking the head and then running her tongue along the side, Alexa tapped the head against her lips before speaking again.

"This is my dick to suck and fuck. You understand?" The hand that was stroking him squeezed almost to accentuate the point before continuing. "I'm going to toy with this thing and you're going to make me cum and cum and cum." She gave the man's dick one last squeeze before spitting on the head and pushing her lips right back down onto the random man's cock to suck on it some more. Alexa's mouth let out a series of moans and groans as her warm, red lips were squeezed tight around his prick while she bobbed her head up and down on the man.

A strand of Alexa's lovely blonde, highlighted hair had fallen down in front of her face, almost covering her eyes. Reaching down to brush it away as Alexa sucked down on him, it was a shock for him to have his hand be slapped away from her. She gave his dick a punishing squeeze.

"Hands by your side you bad little fuck toy!"

That was enough of a warning for him. If she had asked in that tone of voice he would have sat on his hands. She pressed the man's cock up against his stomach and ran her tongue along the underside, tracing the vein before twirling her tongue over the head. She spat on his balls at the man's base and then took them into her mouth. Sucking on them, Alexa moaned against the man's balls, the whole time looking up at him. Making sure his balls were doused in her warm saliva, Alexa went back to sucking on the man's dick. Keeping her hand wrapped firmly around his base, Alexa started to throw her lips up and down, sucking and swallowing him whole. The way the host of WrestleMania was sucking him did make the man ponder on just how often she had done this. How many other men had she sucked after just meeting them not mere hours ago?

"Oh fuck... Alexa!" He moaned, digging his fingers into the cushions of her couch as she sucked and slurped on him. Alexa moaned around the man's cock as she bobbed her head up and down, appearing to love how he was moaning for her. Taking her hands off of his dick, she dug all ten of her nails into his skin before deepthroating his cock completely. Slipping her mouth up and down, Alexa repeated the process a couple more times before taking the cock clean out of her mouth and sucking in air.

"Think you can keep this little prick up if you fuck me?" She asked, a bitchy tone to her voice.


"That's right. Little. It looks like it could come close to satisfying me though. Do you want to try or should I kick your ass out?"

Alexa stood up before giving the man a chance to answer. She reached down to her side, and stuffed her fingers into the sweats and pushed the fabric down, letting it drop to the floor. Her long, white legs were exposed and she was wearing a pair of lacy, plum coloured boy shorts. The man barely had a chance to process what he was seeing as she ripped her shirt off of her tight, toned body and she walked over to the small table and positioned herself on it so that her ass was up in the air and her tight little pussy was exposed to the man.

Alexa looked over her shoulder at him and then spread her pussy's lips before calling over to the man.

"Well? Are you going to fuck me or should I get my vibrator so you can fuck yourself?"

That was enough to kick the man into action and make the hostess of WrestleMania. He quickly made his way over to the table where she was now position. Leaning down, he grabbed hold of his spit-slick dick and pushed it inside of her. Her warm pussy lips invited the man inside and he had soon slid all the way to the bottom of his shaft and the whole rod was buried inside of her. The man grunted as Alexa let out a long, low moan. His hands threatened to explore more of the pint sized host of Wrestlemania's body but as he moved his hips backwards and forwards, he had to wonder what she would do to him if she didn't approve of it. She reached back herself and grabbed a hold of his hands, bringing them forward and placing them up on her body, closer to her ribs..

Alexa's eyes closed in pleasure as her pussy was filled with the very hot, meaty shaft that was stretching her pussy out. She bit down on her bottom lip and as she was roughly pumped backwards and forwards by the random tech guy, she licked her lips and accepted the big dick moving inside of her. With each hard pump inside of her, her body was being pumped up against the table. Her breasts clapped backwards and forwards, slapping against her flat stomach as she was pounded from behind. She bit down on her bottom lip and didn't want to show the guy just how good he was giving it to her. She had been so stressed with the whole ordeal coming up that she had barely had a chance to even get herself off and now, with this random guy fucking her, Alexa knew she was going to cum soon.

Keeping his hands on the side of her stomach, the man grunted as his fingertips drank in the sensation of her body and just how good her skin felt as her soaking wet pussy continued to squeeze down on him and try to milk him dry while he fucked her from behind. Taking a chance, the man leaned forward and planted his lips on her neck, kissing against her skin as the host of WrestleMania let her head turn to the side to give the man more room to work with. His lips connected up and down, peppering her skin with kisses as he started to work himself into a steady, fast rhythm sliding inside of her. Her breasts were soon falling into the same sort of pattern with his hips against her ass, the sound of her chest bouncing against her body filled the room as they moaned.

Alexa's body was already starting to sweat and she was worried about having to sit through all of the hair and make up situation again but the dick game from this guy was way too good for her to really care. Her left hand came up off of the table and while her right hand's fingers dug into the edge of it, her left hand started to paw at her breasts. Groping and pinching on her hard nipples while they fucked. Alexa's eyes were almost watering as she was driven hard on the table, her teeth bit down into her bottom lip as she tried her best to not just scream out in pleasure as she was pounded hard against the table. She could feel the man's lower half smacking against her ass and with the sound of his big balls slapping against her clit they were starting to mingle together.

The man hissed in pleasure as he slammed his dick backwards and forwards, not really aiming for anywhere inside of her but just working on pushing himself inside of her and giving her pleasure. Alexa's tight body was working him good and while he could see rivulets of sweat starting to form on her body, the man had to dig his own hand into his thighs to try and stop himself from cumming too fast. His right hand held onto Alexa's body and he kept her bent over while he pumped his hips backwards and forwards, his balls continuing to beat against her clit. His lips continued to tease and tickle against her lips as he fucked her from behind, sneaking his tongue out to lick against her skin, the man relished the flavour of her skin as he fucked her. Alexa was moaning louder and faster and he knew what was coming.

Alexa could feel her latest lay's lips licking against the side of her neck and as she was rocked backwards and forwards, her hands left her own body and she slammed them down on the table as he pumped inside of her. His hips cracked against her ass and with each smack, her toes curled inside of her shoes and she was getting closer and closer to the orgasm she so sorely needed. His body smacked against her and her body was rocked forward and up against the edge of the table. She had been in all manner of positions before but with her stomach being pushed up against the table and digging into her flat stomach as his balls slapped against her clit, she could feel her orgasm building and building. His body beat against her and she could feel her eyes rolling into the back of her head as her pussy just clamped down on him and she started to cum.

"Oh fuck!" Alexa let out, a elated shriek of pleasure escaping her mouth as her head rocked backwards and she came all over his pole. The man's dick slowed slightly as she came all over him, the tight squeeze was enough to fully milk him and as he pushed himself inside of her one more time, he could barely keep it together as his orgasm started to beat against his insides and he knew there was little else he could do to stave it off. Grunting as he pushed his dick inside of her, he bit down on his bottom lip and blinked away some sweat beads as it threatened to drip down his face. Pushing his dick inside of her and then slowly pulling it out again to ride her orgasm, he was running out of options quickly.

"Alexa... Going to cum!" He warned, his balls beating against Alexa's ass was doing the trick and really pushing him to his own orgasm. The host of WrestleMania looked over her shoulder at him and managed to form a sentence as her body came down from her high. Her legs were threatening to give out from the incredible orgasm he had forced on her but as he slid inside of her, she felt another little orgasm coming to her. A mini orgasm perhaps but she was certainly willing to ride this one out as well. The man's hands took hold of her body and as if he was trying to milk this experience with her, he reached under her body and grabbed a hold of her chest, pawing at her breasts. His strong hands took hold of her and as he hammered her, she came again.

With the pint sized host of WrestleMania cumming over his dick again, the man was threatening to chew his own lip off as he continued to fuck her through her orgasm. Sliding his dick down and towards the bottom as if he was looking for her gspot but he knew he only had so long before he was going to cum and there was no way he would be able to recover. Thinking on his feet, the man pumped his hips backwards and forwards for a couple more hungry slams inside of her before he shook his head and awkwardly pulled his hips backwards and as her aroused fluids clung to his shaft, he managed to take a step backwards and his orgasm tore through his body. Keeping his dick aimed towards her, his dick twitched and continued to fire off as he fired his load towards her.

Alexa rode out the orgasm she was rushing through and as she let her toes unscrunch and she collapsed forward on the table. Her arms came up and she let them rest above her body and against the table as the man pulled his hips backwards and she was granted with a feeling of slight emptiness. She took in a couple of deep breaths but it was then she felt the man's orgasm spray against her cheeks. She just breathed to herself as the man shot his load all over her ass and paint her skin with his thick load.

The man took a couple more deep breaths as he looked over her tanned, toned ass as it was left pushed up in the air while she was recovering from the orgasm. He had managed to shoot his load over her ass in a fairly even pattern, the load was dripping down the inside of her cheeks and there was some over the outside of her ass as well. Her ass had almost completely been painted in his cum and as he took a step backwards to take a couple of recovering breaths, Alexa reached behind herself. Her fingers brought up some of the cum from off of her left cheek and then pushed the finger into her mouth to taste it.

"How... How was that?" The man managed to breathe out, his whole body was slick with sweat and his legs were still weak from the strenuous session he had just survived with Alexa Bliss. “You… Heh… You like the icing on your biscuit butt?” He asked, a stupid smile on his face as he looked at her as she managed to bring herself back to life and slowly move herself around so she was now facing him. She inspected her fingertips before looking back to him. She wet her lips with her tongue before she just shook her head.

"Get out." She breathed, her body slumping backwards slightly so she could continue to catch her breath and recover from the tremendous fuck session.

And back to regularly scheduled programming...

Having eaten Becky out and feeling pretty damn good about my performance, I was happy to just kick back and enjoy my life. So, instead of feeling like a king, I was happy to just relax and watch the rest of the card. I had enjoyed being backstage of one of the most important nights on the WWE's calendar. I had walked past Seth Rollins who was happy to take a quick photo with me and pat me on the back with a sly smirk on his face.

Did everyone really know about me and Becky?

As the show continued, I was busy looking over one of the monitors that showed the live feed of the show with some of the talent when I heard my name being called out. Looking towards the source of the noise, I saw Bayley, now without her tag team title, storming down the hallway towards me. It was strange to see the Hugger with a scowl on her face and looking genuinely pissed off. Her hand came up and she grabbed hold of my shirt before she pulled me away from my place at the front of the monitor and she started to guide me down the hall towards one of the dressing rooms. The former NXT Women's champion wasn't saying a single word to me and as she was dragging me down towards the room, I found I didn't exactly have a chance to even ask the woman a question.

Walking inside one of the rooms, Bayley walked into the shower cubicle that came with the room and twisted the knobs on the wall to turn the streams of warm water on. She took a quick couple of steps out of the cubicle and looked me up and down before throwing her arms up in the air in a 'Well? What the hell are you doing?' type of manoeuvre. She sighed and then finally spoke to me that wasn't her just yelling my name.

"Take your clothes off." She said, sounding exasperated as if her demands weren't clear by now."

"Excuse me?"

"Take your clothes off. I've just wrestled in front of all those people and we lost the match! I want to fuck you. Becky has been telling me how good you fuck, I want to see it!"

That made me feel awash with pride as my performance with Becky had made her want to gossip to the other female talent in the dressing room. My dick started to come to life as Bayley crossed her arms and impatiently tapped her index finger against her biceps. Looking at me impatiently, she rolled her eyes and walked forward to grab hold of my jeans, slapping my hands away. She undid my belt and then unbuttoned them before her fingers unzipped my fly and she was able to pull my jeans down. Nodding her head, Bayley dropped down to her knees as she pulled my jeans all the way down towards the floor. Her own hands grabbed hold of the blue and white attire Bayley had been wrestling in and loosened the back of it to strip the top up and off of her body. Throwing it over her shoulder, I was greeted with the sigh of her large breasts, her nipples hard and sticking out as she was already horny. She grabbed at them before her hands came up and started to pull my boxers down to free my length.

Her hands came up and took hold of my dick, stroking it up and down while her left hand reached under my dick and she cupped my balls. She nodded her head before standing up and sticking her hands inside of her tights, Bayley pulled her tights down her long, toned legs and pulled them down towards just over her boots. Bayley quickly unlaced her boots before tugging the loosened boots open and kicking them away. She then pulled her tights all the way down and off of her legs, standing before me completely naked. She seemed to ignore me as she walked forward and stepped into the warm stream of water from the shower. Finally turning to face me as I stripped off my clothing, Bayley sighed and nodded her head as she watched me undress as I moved towards her.

"Come on, hurry up." Bayley ordered, watching me as the water washed over her. "Becky has already said it's fine so let's go." Bayley added, walking a little bit further inside the shower, flashing me her perfectly round, large ass. Licking my lips and barely recognising the words she had said to me. Now just as naked as Bayley was, I walked into the shower with her and as the water washed over me, my cock was nice and hard and Bayley was definitely ready for it. She gently moved around the water streams, washing away some of the sweat of the action she had gone through and when she turned her back to me, Bayley bent over slightly and spread her legs to show off her entrance to me. Her hand came down off of the wall of the shower and she rubbed her digits against her entrance before using her index and middle finger to part her lips.

Stroking my dick, I walked forward and pushed it down towards her entrance. Moving my hips forward and pushing my cock inside of her. Bayley let out a long, low moan as my dick slid inside of her and parted her pussy's lips apart. Sliding inside and moving forward until my hips connected with her round cheeks, I held myself there for the briefest of moments before pulling my hips backwards and sliding forwards. Working inside of her into an easy rhythm of fucking her from behind, my hands came down and I took hold of her by the waist and started to slip into her. Angling my length upwards as I slipped forwards and when I pulled backwards, I moved my hips downwards and pushed towards her g-spot. Bayley grunted at the change of positions and as I started to angle my length's entrance inside of her and give her a variety of moves, Bayley started to push her hips backwards to move herself against me and her big ass cheeks started to clap against my hips.

My hands slipped up her frame towards her upper body before reaching under and cupping her large breasts as they swung backwards and forwards, my thumbs brushed over her hard nipples, prompting another long and loud moan. Bayley let her head fall backwards, exposing her neck to me so I could lean my head in and plant a kiss against her neck. Bayley's hands came up off the wall of the shower cubicle and she tangled her fingers in my mess of hair before she grunted and pulled herself forward. Sliding her hips forward and pulling her hips off  my cock, Bayley took a step forward and then turned around to look at me. She parted her legs again and laid her arms up and against the wall as if she was inviting me to come and take her again. The water washed over her side ponytail and then she rubbed her fingers against her slit.

"Come on. Come and fuck me." She said, letting me know that that was exactly what she wanted. Walking forward to meet her, the water washed ov
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You should do Charlotte fliar and the other horse woman and carmalia as wall just a thought


Are you continuing with the story


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