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Author Topic: Movie Buffs starring Selena Gomez(Chapter 7 now up!)  (Read 23519 times)


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Movie Buffs starring Selena Gomez(Chapter 7 now up!)
« on: June 15, 2020, 06:31:07 PM »

All of the following is complete and total fiction. Not a word of it occurred, nor would it.

Movie Buffs starring Selena Gomez
(MF, Oral, Cons)
by MaxwellLord

Chapter 1: Meet Cute

There was a great deal folks didn't know about Selena Gomez. None of it was salacious. Far from it. She did have a private side but nothing in it was extremely shocking. At least not the kind that would set the internet on fire and create urban legends about her.

The surprise thing about her tended to be her interests. People tended to be shocked that a Disney kid was really, really into movies. All kinds of movies. From her mother she definitely got a taste for the more openly artsy fare. That was what led her to do Spring Breakers after all. Selena and her mother had been fans of Harmony Korrine.

However, high brow wasn't the only thing Selena loved to watch while wrapped up in a cozy blanket with the light out. Her stepdad had given her a steady diet of horror movies growing up. On the set of Barney she was the only one who could quote Freddy Krueger on command.

Was she too young for that? Sure, by the judgement of some. But it was also a fun time. It gave her a deep appreciation for film, not just the the upper crust stuff embraced deeply by the most snobbish of critics. She actually found herself finding the most gold that way. When Selena went looking around for the forgotten stuff, or at least forgotten by critics, she found so many films she would consider classics. And when she looked on the internet she found a community who would agree with her every so often. They could be so welcoming it made her wish she could tell them who she was as opposed to being anonymous.

One place Selena didn't have to be anonymous was one of her stores. It was an independent music & movie store. It was called The Jukebox Office and upon walking in she was always a bit stunned at how it seemed like a time warp connecting every single era of entertainment into one store. The place almost seemed bigger on the inside.

While her friends outside the store almost uniformly teased Selena over her physical collection of films and music, they didn't get it. Somethings you just couldn't find streaming anywhere. Digital was convenient and she owned quite a few movies that way. But Selena had a much wider palette. She had both the Criterion Channel and a big selection of Criterion DVDs and blu rays.

However, anyone who went to the store didn't have that issue. Their thoughts on films aligned with hers, and maybe none more than her officially unofficial movie bud Sam Carpenter.

Sam was a man after Selena's heart. An eclectic taste in art, especially films with a deep appreciation for both being scared and actually owning a copy of a film. He was a manager at the store, but also maybe it's biggest customer. Selena wouldn't be surprised if he had a copy of every movie and album for the movie sold along with a couple of the retro games and toys. She dug that about him. She also liked the fact she had started using the word "dig" and all its tenses since talking to him.

Sometimes they'd have lunch or a quick cup of coffee whenever she came to the store. There was a nice little hole-in-the-wall cafe in the same lot as the store. It was a quick jaunt for a quick cheesesteak and a coke to talk about movies.

That was all they really did with movies. Talk. Recommend. Review them with and for each other. They had never watched anything together. Sam had never asked and neither had Selena. He'd assumed that was a step too far. While he never talked to her with any hint of being starstruck, Sam knew he was dealing with a celebrity and thought it might be a step too far if he seriously pressed things further than where they already were. Even if she did drive him wild  and checked all the checks for his own personal list.

Selena was a very guarded person herself. The business and her own personal life had made her a lot more cautious when dealing with people. And having someone over to her place for a film or going over to someone else's house was a big leap. Still, if Sam had asked...she'd consider it. Selena could tell he was attracted to her. He was discreet about it, but she could always tell when someone as taking a quick glance at her and checking her out. He just never pushed it, never made it obvious nor made her feel uncomfortable. She liked that. If they had been seeing each other more casually he might have made a move and Selena had no idea how she'd act. At this point though...the odds were the answer would be a positive one for them both.

With all this, when Selena walked into the Jukebox Office with a smile that only grew brighter when her eyes came upon Sam. Seeing him was always the highlight of these trips. Just talking movies and anything else. He was easy to talk to, fun as well.

"Hey Sammy," she said. She had snuck up behind him as he was stocking the horror shelves appropriately enough, getting a startled yelp to come from him. Though any shock on his face melted away when he realized who it was. "Anything new I should know about?"

"Nothing really ships for a couple months," Sam replied. "Thanks for the scare by the way."

"No problem. Figured I owed you one after that last recommendation you gave me."

"Serpent & The Rainbow really got you huh?" asked Sam. "Told you it would."

"Yeah yeah, at this point I should really start buying it when you say something is going to scare the crap out of me." Selena moved closer to Sam and the cart full of movies he was stocking. "So, nothing new, but any goodies I should check out here?"

"All of them." Sam jokingly replied. "All prime stuff here. Want to give me something to zero on?"

"I thought by now you'd know my tastes." Selena responded, her smile sweet and delicate as her tone.

"Oh I do Sel. But everything here pretty much covers everything from your gore fests to your deeply psychologically traumatizing bit of scare fuel."

"Ooohh a buffet," Selena said. "Well, I'm feeling like a laugh tonight. Something that's going to make me gasp for air laughing just as much as from screaming."

"Let me see what I've got that order," Sam said. His fingers traced along the cart until he hit just the thing, tapping the blu ray before picking it up and handing it Selena. "There you go."

"Tales From The Crypt: Demon Knight," Selena said, reading the title aloud. "What, is this like that old show?"

"Kind of," Sam said. "Movie version, just one story. Great hidden gem too. Look at the cast list."

Selena's beautiful brown eyes scanned the back of the box, her jaw dropping a bit when she saw the list. "Jada Pinkett before the Smith, CCH Pounder, Thomas Haden Chruch...BILLY ZANE!...and William Sadler...why is that name so familiar?"

"He was in Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, The Mist..." Sam said.

"Oh yeah, I know him," Selena said. "He's great. This whole cast looks great."

"Then that's my pick for you. Guaranteed good time."

"You always guarantee a good time."

"Have I let you down yet?" he asked, the slightest bit of flirtatiousness in his voice.

"Well, I guess your case is made, isn't it?” Selena snapped up the movie. She was about to go to the register to pay for it, but she stopped. "You break coming up soon?"

"Nah, took an early one." he replied. "Why?"

"I don't know...was kind of hoping for a quick little chat over lunch," Selena said. "I like those. I...like talking to you. You're fun." Her tone also adopted a level of flirtatiousness. This was how it went between the two of them. A little harmless it of back and forth. Being honest about the attraction while being dishonest with themselves on how much they actually wanted to go past just talk.

"I...well..heh...," Sam said. She always found a way to do this to him, to  make him trip over his own words. When she first started coming in to the store he was sure it was all on accident. Selena was funny and intensely charming. At this point though he could definitely tell when she was turning it up on purpose.

"I like talking to you as well," he managed to get out despite his mouth going dryer than the Sahara. "You...ah...you're fun to. Wish we did it more."

"Yeah, me too," Selena said. Both of them were staring at the obvious. It might as well been a giant neon sign on both their heads. But both were acting like the signs didn't matter for their own reasons of nervousness and insecurity.

To Sam, this was Selena Gomez. She could pretty much have any man in the world. Rich, handsome, famous. Anyone she wanted. He was the manager at a store specializing in the slowly dying arena of physical media, and niche stuff at that. Not exactly prime choice.

For Selena, it was hesitation to even approach the possibility of a new relationship. Sometimes she even thought she was being too cautious. She had good reason but that reasoning was now basically cutting her off from having a real love life.

"We should watch something together sometime," Sam said, shattering the silence and completely surprising himself at what he blurted out. "Um..I mean...you know...watch something and then have like a conversation fresh from it, you know? Unless...nah...dumb idea..."

"It's not," Selena said, similarly blurting out a response that surprised her just as much as Sam. "There's a lot to be said about...fresh opinions about something. More raw. Besides, it'd be nice to watch a movie with someone who can appreciate it. Sometimes, when i watch with friends I just have to hear a running commentary. Sometimes it'd just be nice to enjoy a movie with someone. Savor the moment....the movie! The moments of the movie...savor..talk about them...oh, you know."

"Yeah...I mean not every movie needs to be like it's on Mystery Science Theater."

"I really should watch that show," Selena said. "I've got friends who swear by it."

"We could watch that together too...if you want to watch anything..you know..together."

A pause once more struck the two. Both were unsure of where to take this. Selena though decided to suck it up an steer the ship to wear they both knew they had wanted to go all along.

"How about we watch this one together?" Selena said, holding the movie up in her hand. "I mean you have me at a disadvantage, having seen it and all....so...how about it? Get a pizza or some drive-through burgers and just junk food it it up? All on me. My treat for being my movie guru."

"Eh, you know a lot, I'm not much a guru or a guide or anything."

"Is that a no?" she playfully asked, her smile warm and inviting.

"No, it's just...you know your movies too is all I'm saying." Sam took a deep breath, collecting his thoughts so his reply to her offer would be clear and concise. "I'd love to watch the movie with you. But, um...where do you want to watch?"

"Well, my place is kind of crowded with roomies and super cute dogs. I'd kind of want a more...focused film experience. So...your place? Is that cool?"

"Yeah, it's perfect...I mean, you know, perfect in that there's no else but me there. Well, there's the cat and the dog but they tend to keep each other busy. Friendly though. Is that a deal breaker?"

"Nope," Selena said. "Animals are a lot easier to quiet than than people. A nice bone and some catnip and they're happy and quiet fuzzballs."

"Cool...so...I guess I'll see you then. Can't wait."

"Well, there is one more thing," Selena said. Her tone clearly told him she wasn't a few words away from having second thoughts.

"What's that?"

"Well..I kind of need your address if I'm coming by."

"OH! Yeah...of course...duh. Um, once you pay for that come back and I'll write the address down on the receipt. And my number. All the important details."

"Great!" Selena replied. "This is going to be so much fun. I can't wait."

"Me neither." Sam agreed. "I'm really excited....to see the movie! You know...hang out."

"Oh totally me too!" Selena yelped. "I mean...you know, never seen this before...and..well, burgers, a movie and a friend...and cute dogs, sounds like a perfect night."



"Well..see you then...you know, after you get the receipt and everything."

"Yeah, of course. like a pre-order bonus," Selena said. She then took a moment, piecing together how flirtatious what she said sounded. "I mean..well...let me just buy this." She took the movie to the register, leaving Sam just as elated, excited and nervous as she was. Selena over her first date in a long, long time(that she wouldn't admit was a date), and Sam over spending some alone time with Selena Gomez. HE was sure all it was was two friends enjoying a movie together. He wouldn't allow himself to think otherwise.


The sun had gone down and night had fallen on Orange, California. While this was the cue for most houses to turn the lights on, in Sam's house the lights were dim save for his television set. On the screen was the film he had recommended. On the table was a simple yet guiltily satisfying meal for two of fast ood burgers. Sitting next to Sam on the couch was Selena, who had not only brought herself and the movie but the food. It was her treat and not a money splurge, but she always had a soft spot for fast food burgers. It seemed like the perfect meal for a horror movie. Something that just tasted good.

While fast food was a weakness of Selena's, that weakness was always overpowered by something that grabbed her attention much harder. Demon Knight had done just that. Neither of them had uttered a word since the movie started. Random “wows” and “holy shits”.

The lack of conversation wasn't something Sam or Selena disliked.  They were there for the movie. Though there was a good exchange for the talking, in Sam's eye sat least. Slowly but surely during the movie Selena had scooted closer to him on the couch until she was practically resting her head on his shoulder. Her hand rested on his and more then a few times she buried her face into his shoulders during and overly gruesome scene, screaming and laughing and the silver screen scares.

All too soon the movie was over. Sam had to reluctantly get up to remove the disc and turn the lights on. Still, when he got a look at Selena's face the new view was a nice salve for the burn of moving away from her.

“That was SO good!” she exclaimed. “Oh my gosh...funny and scary...I love the whole thing with the eyes being the only way to kill a demon because they're the windows to the soul...and Billy Zane...so hot. Though i gotta admit...kind of crushing on William Sadler from that movie, not going to even try to lie.”

“Well he certainly is a bit more dashing than usual,” said Sam. “Glad it you enjoyed it.”

“Like I said, you haven't steered me wrong yet.” Selena got up from the couch. She leaned down to grab a stray fry that was left then headed towards Sam's kitchen. “Can't wait to see what's up your sleeve next. I'm thinking...something with a little more romance.” She stopped in front of the fridge. “May I?”

“Of course.” Sam answered. While Selena bent over and took a Coke from the fridge, he took a quick glance at her bottom and tried work up a little courage to follow up on her romance request. He hoped he wasn't going to be to upfront and blow the chance that had been presented to him. When Selena turned around and leaned against his kitchen counter as she opened the soda, he knew he had to seize his moment from the sound of the “ksh” as the can was opened.

“So what kind of romance are you looking for?” he asked, sitting on a bench on the other sit of the counter.

“Hmmmm, I think something a little funny.” she replied. “But not like..sappy? Something that's actually funny instead of Hollywood just saying “Oh, girls will like this because it's got kissing and a some quirky 90s pop song that cute and upbeat.” Like a real funny movie with romance where I believe the two people in it are actually falling in love. You know, some chemistry.”

“Yeah, chemistry is important.” Sam felt his mouth go dry. “It's kind of a must have.”

“Mmmm hmmm,” Selena said as she sipped from the can. She leaned a bit more over the counter. “I mean, if two people don't have it, you don't want to see them in the same scene at all.” She took a quick breath. She was going to go for it. No turning back. She liked Sam. And it'd been far, far too long. And the chemistry? She could feel it.

“You know what the real litmus test for chemistry is though?” Selena asked, gently putting her hand on Sam's.

“Well, I'm certainly willing to hear it from someone who's in the film biz,”  Sam said.

“It's the kiss,” said Selena. “See, dialogue is one thing. You can bullshit your way through dialogue. Honestly more than a few people have bullshitted their way to an Oscar. But never when it comes to romance. You can see it on the screen. And you can also tell that the actors feel the spark.”

“I...well...I can't disagree with you there.”

“Care for a demonstration?” Selena asked. Before  there could be a verbal response Selena sealed things with a kiss. The minute he plump lips touched his the chemistry theory was instantly proved. Though it was less sparks flying as a blaze igniting. Just as the tips of their tongues touched ever so lightly in their lips lock, their mouths seperated, Selena smiling a bit when her eyes saw a satisfyingly stunned Sam.

“Very good,” Selena said. “I love it. But I how about for take two you come over to me. A bit more intimate.”

Sam nodded. He slid off the stool and came to Selena. She was leaning her back against the kitchen sink now. Her face and gaze were seductive and sweet, her posture inviting. Those brown eyes of hers somehow brought to mind the film they had just saw. The heart and soul were right behind those beautiful eyes, energy radiating out and drawing him in like a tractor beam.

“No this time, I want you close,” she said. “Very close. Your hands on me. Holding me. Does that work?”

“One hundred percent.” Sam did exactly as Selena asked, putting his arms around her and resting his hands on the small of her back.

“And....action,” Selena said. The pair's lips met again and the closer contact made all the different. Their tongues got a lot more contact time, rolling and carressing each other. Sam got a bit more emboldened, moving his hands south and taking a firm grip of Selena's ass.

“Bedroom,” Selena said when the kiss broke. “Take me to your bedroom.”

Sam led her Selena to her requested destination, flipping the light switch the moment they entered. The bedroom was cozy, a few framed posters on the wall.It wasn't as heavily decorated as as the rest of his home which was covered in some of the coolest looking memorabilia Selena had ever seen.

However the decorations were secondary to what she had her mind on in the moment. The bed look big and comfy and she was more than happy with the company in the room.

She reached behind her facing Sam and closed the door. Selena removed her shirt, pull the t-shirt over head as Sam watched, his brain now on autopilot. If he thought about what was happening too much he was worried he'd wake up. That made him a little speechless. Fortunately for them both, Selena was far from that, and was able to use her words to make things a lot more fun.

“You know Sammy, you're a little overdressed,” she said as she unhooked her bra and dropped it to the floor. “If I don't have a nudity clause, neither do you.”

“O-o course,” he said. Straining to take his eyes off her semi-nude from, Sam managed to do that just long enough to get out of his pants without toppling to the ground with the grace of a Jenga tower. With that mission accomplished he brought his eyes back to Selena just to catch the tail end of her final bit of undressing.

“Very nice,” Selena said, looking at a stripped-down Sam. “You certainly know how to make a girl feel wanted. Lucky for you...I know how to make a man feel that way too.”

Selena made her approach and soon the bodies were pressed together as their lips met once more.  Selena reached between them and grasped his hard cock, she stroked him and teased him, running his tip up and down her slit.

“Oh wow...” said Sam. “Selena.”

“Feels so good,” she said. “For you and me. Makes me so wet knowing how much you want me.”

Sam licked his lips. He couldn't respond. He was far too captivated by her. The combination of sweet and sexy, her voice hypnotizing him like a siren. It was beyond hot. The only word for her was beautiful.

“I don't think I need to say it, given our current situation, but I really like you. And since we've already talk so much...let's get to something a bit more...active.”

Selena and Sam kissed again and fell backwards onto the bed. The pair rolled until until Selena was on her back, head rested on the pillows and Sam on top of her. He took a few breathes, getting one more look at her beautiful face before returning to her lips. Then he moved down, his lips creating a trail to her neck, where small love bites entered the mix. It was a bit of a surprise but one Selena welcomed, especially when he got to her shoulder.

From Selena's shoulder, the next stop was her chest and her luscious breasts. Sam had to take a moment, being up close to them. Feeling them pressed against his chest was one thing, being this close them was another. He had thought about this, fantasized about this for years. The very idea of him being ina position like this with Selena Gomez was so far out of the realm of possibility for him it was forever stuck in the realm of far-out fantasy even after getting to know her as he had. No one could blame him for wanting to take his time to savor the moment just in case it never happened again.

“Oh yesss,” hissed Selena. She licked her lips and fluttered her eyes when Sam began to worship her tits. He cupped them in his hands, softly cradling and squeezing them in his hands before his lips made the contact they were both waiting for...though the wait had been far longer for Sam. Selena could feel that longing as his mouth came into contact with her tits. Every tender lick and sipe of his tongue, how he sucked on her nipples and lightly tugged at the aroused nubs with his teeth. HE was taking his time and Selena was loving every second of it.

Like a good party guest, Sam knew not to wear out his welcome. He managed to take himself away from Selena's breasts and continued the journey down, licking down her stomach and getting a thrill watching it rise and fall with every breath she took. The light caresses of the tongue mixed with the anticipation of his final destination made every breath Selena took baited.

Soon Sam's head was nestled exactly where they both wanted him to be, right between Selena's legs. She sucked in a breath between clenched teeth while Sam's fingers delicately traced along her pussy lips. Light as air, each bit of contact a different spark going off. One of those sparks ended up being a direct current when those fingers began to play with Selena's clit.

“Oh....ohhhhh,” she moaned in a husky tone. She felt her body shift in just the slightest way as Sam's attention grew more and more focused on that red hot little button. That attention only grew more focused as Sam's mouth finally joined the party. Selena's low moans grew higher in pitch as Sam's tongue sweetened the deal. With his mouth now doing the heavy lifting Sam's hands began to roam the songstresses body, caressing her soft flesh before taking a soft grip at her hips.

“Ssssammmm,” Selena said. She almost choked on the words the more Sam got into it and he got into it quick. But he wasn't overloading her. He was building her up, lick by delicate lick. The tender touch of his fingers on her skin began to contrast with the faster licking and sucking on her clit. He was building Selena up, up and up...only to slow down that boil to a simmer once more. 

The Latina licked her plump lips. Somehow her mouth felt wet and dry at the same time. Her body tingled and heated up the longer Sam stayed between her legs. He could feel her toes curl as her legs rested on his back and how Selena shifted just a but as her back arched.  Her hands darted down to grab Sam by the hair. There were two options running through her head at the speed of light. Option one was to hold him tight where her was and let Sam finish what he started how he started. Option to was to yank him up to get something a lot more substantial. Option 2 crossed the finished line first.

Sam let Selena guide him up her body, coming face to face with her beautiful visage once more. She smile at him before wrapping her legs around his waist. The next thing to happen was a moan escaping from Selena's mouth as Sam entered her.

The pair were motionless for a brief moment, both taking in the moment. Sam was the one to break that momentary pause. He slowly withdrew his throbbing prong and thrust back in. Selena's sounds of pleasure responded to his every touch. His deep thrusts into her waiting cunt and the soft caress of his hands running up her legs to her waist. His tender and hot kisses on her neck and lips. Every move a treat for both of them.

Sam began to pick up the pace just slightly. And as his pelvic rhythm increased his hands traveled up further to Selena's chest, cupping her globes.

“Mmm yeah play with my tits,” Selena sighed. “Suck them...I want to feel your mouth on them again Sam.” He happily complied, circling each nipple with his tongue before sucking the tit into his mouth. “That's it,” Selena gasped. “Mmmm just like that..ohhhhh....”

Selena was well on her wa up the stairway to heaven with Sam right by her side. He couldn't think of a more comfortable position to be in. His cock buried inside of Selena, her goddess-tier legs holding him tight against her and her nails raking against his back. Hearing her hunger for his cock, moaning and cooing as he hit deep spots in her that had gone ignored by another for far too long. Hearing her pleasure only enhanced his own as he plunged the depths of her hot, wet love canal.

The heat was building up for Selena. She could feel flashes of erotic energy crackling through her veins. Her instincts were screaming at her and she  listened. Selena grabbed hold of Sam tight and they rolled over, placing Selena on top.

Sam was nothing short of in awe at his view. She was the single most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. The reality of Selena blew any fantasy he ever held right out of the water.  Especially with that reality straddling him with his cock buried in her sopping pussy.

“Like the view?” she said, her smile somehow smoldering and modest at the same time.

“That's an understatement.” answered Sam.  He ran his hands up her legs to her hips. “You are so insanely beautiful.”

Selena would be visually blushing from that if she wasn't already a little red from their rather physical activities. Instead she decided to be a bit more personable with her thanks, leaning down to kiss Sam. From their her lips went to his ears. “You haven't seen anything yet.”

Selena rose back up. Her brown eyes looked down at him and winked. Selena's hands caressed down her own body to rest with his on her hips. That's when she started to move on his cock. Slowly at first,s he began to rise and fall on his rod. Selena was at the helm now and Sam certainly didn't mind taking a back seat and letting her do all work. Feeling her inside and out and watching as she rode him was nothing short of the perfect high. And it was a high that just kept getting stronger.

Selena's hands left his and began to roam their own trail on her body. She began to move a bit faster on his cock, her moans getting just a bit higher, a bit louder. Every time she cried out his name it was music to Sam's ears. His hands migrated to her ass, grasping tight and moving with Selena's hips as she ground on him.

A sexy smile melted onto Selena's face. The image was seared into Sam's mind before her lips parted as Selena cried out his name in ecstasy. That image soon went into full motion as Selena began to speed up. As she rode his cock all the years of dance and choreography began to get put to good use outside of the stage. Her movements were sensual and seductive as Selena rode him, the visuals were accompanied by an increased tightness in her sweet slit. As she ground on his cock she made that velvet passage way even tighter, squeezing the sensitive rod inside of her.

Sam's eyes nearly rolled in the back of his head, a sight that got a giggle to break up the sensual sounds erupting from Selena's mouth. This couldn't have turned out better for either of him. And the good just kept getting great as her own thoughts were soon cut in half by a blade of pleasure. Sam had taken one hand from Selena's supple bottom and brought it to her clit, circling the nub with his thumb.

“Whooooa gosh...” Selena said. “Right there...just like that....” She held head back, focusing strictly on the sensations while Sam took the wheel just a bit more, using his free hand to get a grip  and give Selena some thrusts to answer her own erotic movements. “Mmmm fuck yes...gimme...oh fuck Sam fuck me...”

Selena showed off her flexibility, leaning almost all the way backwards until her shoulders were touching Sam's legs. Sam leaned up a bit to answer, kissing her stomach as the pair's fucking grew only more intense. Their hair was soaked with sweat, Selena's matting and sticking to her similarly sweat-sheened skin. The lights of the room reflected off their nude bodies, the pair almost glowing as their bodies continued merging and colliding together.

Sam wrapped his arms around Selena, pulling up to him. Their eyes locked once more, fire and passion behind them. This was going to be the ride home. Selena's legs squeezed him tight and her hands grabbed his face, pulling it to hers. Once that kiss broke those pouty lips went to Sam's ear.

“I'm gonna cum Sammy,” she whispered, her words almost croaking midway through the sentence. “Cum on your cock....cum for you...just for you....ooohhhh yessss....”

Selena rolled her head, shivers going up her spine. Both were at the point of know return, Selena working Sam's cock as he fucked her. It was hot, fast and frenzied. Licks, kisses and embraces replaced words. Moans and cries of pure pleasure became the only sound to be heard alongside colliding flesh and a banging head board. And one of those cries grew more and more desperate as Selena raced to the finish line.

“YESSSSS!” Selena cried. She froze in Sam's arms while he continued to drive into her, the added stimulation giving her orgasm and extra bit of sizzle. It felt amazing to them both, Selena signalling just that with a very appreciative liplock applied directly to Sam's mouth. She moaned and sucked on his tongue all while holding him even tighter and she quivered in his arms. It all felt amazing, pleasure beyond description.

As good as it felt, it also took a great deal out of Sam.  Just as Selena was enjoying the beginnings of her afterglow with Sam's cock driving into her still giving it a special thrill, he felt his own dam ready to burst.

“S-selena,” he stuttered. “Gonna...gonna cum!”

“Mmmm that's right,” purred Selena. “Cum for me....” She removed herself from his cock only to lay on her stomach, her head in Sam's crotch and soon after his cock in her mouth. A moaned in satisfaction as she tasted herself on his cock, a move which put one more crack in his already breaking defenses.

There was no point in trying to hold back. Selena's suckjob was just the cherry on the sundae. With a grunt of warning Sam unloaded inside of Selena's mouth, the sweetheart seductress swallowing every stream and never letting her beautiful brown eyes break contact with his.

Finally, when Sam went soft and there was a drop of semen left in him, Selena released his cock after one last gulp. She then slithered up his body resting at his side. They both exchanged dreamy looks with each other.

“So,” Selena said, tracing her finger absent-mindedly on his chest. “What's the next movie?”

« Last Edit: August 05, 2022, 11:03:10 PM by MaxwellLord »


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Re: Movie Buffs starring Selena Gomez
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2020, 08:07:24 PM »
Wow.  Your care and passion for Selena really shows through in this one.  It elevates the story and the sex to a new, higher level.  I'm excited to see where this story goes from here.  Can't wait.   :Y: :Y: :Y:
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Re: Movie Buffs starring Selena Gomez
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2020, 09:22:28 PM »
All of the following is complete and total fiction. Not a word of it occurred, nor would it.

Movie Buffs starring Selen Gomez
(MF, Oral, Cons, Exhibition)
by MaxwellLord

Chatper 2: Science Fiction, Double Feature

"It's been WAY too long since I've been to a drive-in," Selena said. There was a genuine excitement in her voice. Throughout the years she'd been in show business,she'd been accustomed, for better or worse, to a certain standard when going to see a movie. It was either a huge star-studded premiere, the focus far more on the pomp and circumstance of the stars and who they were wearing or going to a normal movie theater and being crowded by fans to the point the movie once more takes a distant second to outside influences.

This was not to be the case tonight. When Sam brought the idea up to her she could barely contain the excitement. Selena had nothing but good memories connected to the few times she had gone to one. Just the unique feel. Being outside, the smell of nature mixed with the various unhealthy foods.

THE FOOD! How could she forget that? It was burnt into her mind with far more detail than the movies she had seen. It was so different than the usual movie fare. Sure, there were hot dogs, popcorn, candy and soda....but they also had french fries! And corn dogs! She even remembered one time she had cheese sticks at one. She couldn't wait.

Of course one of the big bonuses was doing the whole thing alongside Sam. Ever since they had decided to take things from friendly to a lot more it just seemed things got nothing but better. That was always the fun of a new relationship, discovering new things about the other. And that was always mixed with the two of them sharing films as well. That was still the center of it all. Cuddling up together and just watching something. Horror, documentary, slapstick comedy...it was all worth it. Even when it was a bad movie. It was something new to take in and enjoy together.

They'd been enjoying a great deal of things together. Films, television, books, even the recipes Selena had been learning on the cooking show she'd just wrapped on. She'd even let him into her house. To her, that was a sign of seriousness. Her home was the one private refuge she knew she had, and Selena had welcomed Sam in there just as happily as she had with her own body. She hadn't regretted it yet.

Selena certainly didn't feel a twinge of regret when she agreed to Sam's drive-in idea. Of course his own excitement for it helped. Selena found it so cute the movies they were to watch didn't matter much. But when he described them to her, she got excited as well.

The films were out of her usual comfort zone, two black and white science fiction films from the fifties. However when she actually looked the movies up, she found nothing but praise for The Day The Earth Stood Still and THEM!. Though from what Selena could pick up from the quick bit of research on the movies, there was no real connection between them aside from the genre they were in and the decade of release.

It didn't matter though. The whole thing just sounded like fun with someone who was quickly becoming her favorite person.

And if Selena could read minds she would have definitely sensed Sam felt the same way. Part of him was still in disbelief that a woman could be as perfect a package as Selena. Her beauty was almost too obvious to mention. It was a given. But she was funny an always ready to have a new experience and seriously more inlove with film and music than he could have guessed. She was sharing new films with him now just as he had with her and the glee on her face at the idea was burned into his head frm the purity of it.

"What the first thing you're going to get?" asked Sam, his car getting ever closer to promised land of outdoor movie-watching. "The snack bar is pretty stacked."

"A gigantic, and I mean GIGANTIC, slushie," Selena said. "Blue raspberry. And something spicy. Like nachos and cover them in hot sauce."

“What about some Flaming Hot Cheetos?” Sam asked, referring to what he had found to be Selena's absolute favorite snack. Junk food nirvana in her beautiful brown eyes.

“Pass.” replied Selena. “Snack bars, if they even have chip stuff, always just has those snack size ones. That won't work for a double feature. Party size or bust.”

“Then you're really going to like what I'm smuggling in the trunk.”

“Get out!” Selena said, contagious glee in her voice. “Drive-In double features, amazing junk foo, gigantic slushies, Flaming Hot Cheetos and my man. This is the textbook definition of a perfect date night.”

“So...I'm your man?”

“Well, I would have thought the past few weeks would have confirmed that,” she said, smiling. “But, just to seal the deal and make it official...” Selena leaned over and kissed Sam on the cheek. “You're my man. I'm your woman. Officially.”

Selena got a smile out of him, warm and comforting. It was a gesture she volleyed back before placing her hand on his thigh and giving him a gentle, loving squeeze. For a brief moment she thought about how quickly they'd gotten to this point. It would have made Selena take pause if not for the fact they'd known each other for a bit. They were long past the small take phase. They'd been talking about deeper matters far before they began sharing a bed. She knew his birthday and he hers. They talked about their families, growing up, hopes for the future, and the obvious thing that had brought them together, movies.

Watching films was still their thing. Sure, they'd gone out to dinner, stayed in for dinner, done all the normal date stuff. But still, it always went back around to getting on the couch and watching something together. Sharing something new with each other or retreating into a comfortable classic they both loved. It didn't always end in bed. Most of the time, it just ended with them snuggling tight together on the couch, enjoying the time together.

Despite it being a very different environment from the comfort of either of their homes, Selena knew they were most likely going to fall into the same pattern of snuggles, hugs and kisses. Just with an AMAZING snack selection. All under the stars. Or at least with the stars viewable through the windshield.

There was a bit of a nervous rumble in Selena's stomach when the car pulled up to the ticket booth. For some reason Selena was certain they'd check the trunk and see the contraband Sam was smuggling in. No such thing happened and relief washed over her.

Once they got in and started making their way to a free spot, Sam looked at her for a brief moment. “Okay, you're going to have to trust me on this.”

“On what?” she asked.

“Our parking spot. There's...there's a unique place. No one really knows about it.”

“Really?” Selena said, her intrigue obvious. It was a short trek via car up a hill to a row of empty spaces, of which Sam chose dead center. “Nice and secluded...I think I can see where this is going....”

“It's all on the up and up,” he assured, his eyes going to her face to see a knowing smile being worn on it. “Well, mostly.”

“Yeah, I'll bet.” The couple exited the car and made a much longer trek down to the snack bar. Upon walking in, Selena saw the wide array of snack offered felt, right in that moment her eyes got bigger than her stomach and the selection of food they walked away with showed it. The slushie so gigantic free refills came with the deal, cheese sticks, gigantic soft pretzels with nacho cheese, popcorn, and french fries. It was a smorgasbord of junk and Selena couldn't wait to dig in.

Paying was quick affair, as were the few selfies Selena stopped to take with fans both behind and in front of the counter who asked. At first the whole thing seemed odd to Sam, despite knowing he was getting involved with a celebrity, but at this point he was used to it. He even found it endearing. Selena rarely said no and was never anything but the genuinely nice person she always was.

With the food situation all taken care of, the quick journey uphill to the car began. Once they had gotten back, Selena headed to the front seats, but was paused by Sam.

“Hold on and check this out,” he said. They placed the food on the roof of the car and Selena stood back while Sam opened the back seat of the car.

The car itself was rather sizable, especially in the back seat area. She'd been with Sam on a grocery run once and was shocked at just how much food he was able to put in the backseat area. Not squeeze, but put in comfortably. Then with a couple quick movements the back seat area got even larger as both of the front seats collapsed forward.

“Makeshift foot stool and tables,” he said. “For the food.”

“Are you sure this isn't just some elaborate plan to get me in the backseat of your car?” Selena jokingly asked.

“Well, not that elaborate,”he said, a smile and slight blush on his face.

“Well, at least you're honest. I like honesty.” With the car now perfectly set up, they got comfortable, setting the car up perfectly. The food was placed right on the flat back of the folded over front seats of the car, the gigantic slushie in the cup holder and the radio on and picking up the drive-in audio.

As Sam and Selena settled in the backseat of the  car, he had one more surprise for her.

“If you feel like going for something different than the all-natural flavor of blue raspberry,” he said, going  for a sectioned of cushion in between himself and Selena. He pulled it down, showing off an opening. “Have some cold Cokes in there. Pretty easy to grab. But if you want to go for the Cheetos you'll still need to open the trunk.”

“Very nice.” Selena replied. "I think I'll hold off on that until the intermission though.”

With the snack schedule taken care of, the pair settled in, just as cozy and comfy as they would be at one of their homes. And just as with those movie viewings, they fell into familiar, wonderful habits. When the first film, THEM!, began the night truly began.

He held Selena's hand, her head was on his shoulder.  She'd whisper compliments for the film as it went on. Gasp at certain parts.

“This is really good at building up tension,” Selena said of the film. “The catatonic girl, mysterious footprints..that weird noise...it's so well done.”

“Wait till you see the actual creatures,” he said. “For the time, they're really impressive. Shot perfectly too.”

“Can't wait,” she said, kissing his cheek before bringing her drink's straw to her lips. She drank down the ice cold slush, the rush of cold making her feel amazing on a warm summer night. Then her hand released his and began to rest on his thigh. From there, things just got cozier.

Selena couldn't explain exactly what it was in the moment that was getting to her. It certainly wasn't the film. It was enjoyable. She loved it when a movie she had never seen before, especially older ones, got her attention. And while it did, her desire for Sam began to be a little distracting.

Maybe it was the new location. It did check off some things that did get her going. Selena wasn't a car girl by any means. She couldn't really tell a Ferrari from a Corvette without being told and she didn't know the engines inside and out. But she did find something about having sex in a car. It was just...there. A little bit of a kink. Being so enamored by who she was with she just had to have them on the spot. Sam had unknowingly added to this when he opened his car's sun roof just before the movie began. Selena also had a thing about sex outdoors and that open sunroof gave that desire just enough of a tease to get her started. Now, it was time to get Sam started.

She brought he lips to his neck, kissing him softly and getting a quick lick in before her lips moved up just in the slightest. While her mouth began a trail of sweet kisses on his neck to his lips, Selena's hands moved inwards on Sam's thigh, grasping his cock through his jeans.

“What are you up to?” Sam asked. Selena's first answer was planting a kiss on his lips. That would be enough, but Selena decided to give him a more verbal follow up.

“A little bit of fun,” she said. Her hand hand moved to his zipper, clasping it between her fingers and pulling it down. “Isn't this the classic drive-in experience? Start to watch the movie....but you do't quite get to finish it...if you're lucky enough. Spoiler alert...I think we're both in luck tonight.”

Sam groaned. It was both an answer to Selena's last sentence and to the sensation of her hand grasping his cock and fishing it from his fly. Selena had to more kisses to be placed above the equator, one on the lips and another on the chin, the last one having the parting touch of a love bite.

Selena shifted a bit in her seat as she leaned over his crotch. She was already turned on, otherwise she wouldn't be getting in position to give Sam a blowjob in the backseat of his car. But feeling his cock grow in her hand as she jacked him, the sensation of it hardening was soaking her.

Selena's mouth was now hovering over Sam's cock. He ran his hands through her hair before pulling it back, out of the way of her mouth. It was a small barrier, but Selena was ready to show her appreciation.

“Oh Sel,” Sam moaned. He looked down on her through squinting eyes. She sucked on the head, her cheeks billowing as she sucked on the head. He began to squirm just a bit as Selena began to get her tongue heavily into the mix. Swirling on the tip down the rest of the mushroom tip. Selena was sensually ravaging that bundle of nerves.

Sam was totally hers and Selena just kept pressing that fact. His moans of approval were gasoline, making the passion blaze as she ventured down further on him then back up.

The feeling of his hand roaming her body was also wildly encouraging to Selena. Sam had switched hands, allowing himself to move his hand down her back to her ass and slide it under her jeans and underwear, all while the other held her brown locks back.

The feeling of his palm again her apple bottom gave Selena a little thrill. And that thrill grew when she began to feel his fingers teae the crack of her ass. They never went in, not completely at least. Just deep enough to tease.

The little thrill grew once more when Sam's fingers began to get up close and personal with her slick cunt. He knew just where to have his fingers dance, it was almost like he was on auto pilot. His brain was certainly being scrambled by the oral skill Selena was putting on display, but he retained enough sense of self to want to give his girl a little bit of payback.

The payback was reciprocal however. The added attention to her pussy felt wonderful to Selena, but it also just sparked her. Sparked her mouth to work harder lewdly slurping on his dick. But her mind had also been sparked. If Sam turned the heat up on her she was going t do it to him.

Before she could think too hard, her eyes landed on her ice cold blue raspberry slushie. She was going to turn up the heat by bringing it down to zero.

Selena momentarily let Sam's rod slip from her mouth as she maneuvered to grab her intensely cold drink. She took a big gulp, one just short of instant brain freeze. She let the sweet slush rest n her mouth, coating it with both the icy temperature as well as the blue coloring of the drink.

Selena swallowed the gulp, then returned her mouth to Sam's rock hard prick. And the moment her mouth returned, Sam had an immediate reaction to the sub-zero suckjob.

“OooOoooOOO Selena!” Sam gasped. “Ho-ho-hoooooly shit...oh wow...fucking  wow that's so hot....”

“Glad to see you're enjoying the slushie too babe,” Selena said. She used this moment of oral freedom to the extend her blue-stained and lick his pole from base to tip. “The only thing I could really need is something nice and hot to follow it up with. Think you could help?”

“Mmmmfuck...I think...oh fuck...that can be arranged.”

“Good.” Selena moved her lips to his, kissing his lips and breaking it with a sensual lick. Selena went back to her drink again, one more big but safe gulp an then it was back to her glorious work. Her cold but fluid tongue sending sickles of cold heat through him, her mouth milking his cock for his own hot cream to flood her mouth. It was a rollercoaster, and one of the fun ones. It wasn't just up and down but loops and splashing waters and everything in between designed to make him say her name over and over. It was almost a mantra, and every chant brought hi closer to nirvana.

Selena couldn't wait to get him him there. He was throbbing and pulsing in her mouth, almost in rhythm with his cries of “Selena!”. She was giving him it all, lips and tongue, skilled and delicate fingers, soft touches and high pressure all leading up to one hot shot.

“Oh...fuck...oh Sel baby I'm cumming!”

That was the call she was waiting for. She braced herself for that eruption. In moments she felt the flood begin, Sam filling her mouth with his hot white ooze. Selena gulped it all down, moaning as the war fluid slid down her throat. Not a drop left her mouth, her lips having formed a tight seal on his cock. And it was a seal she wouldn't break. Even after he'd given what had to be the last drop her was capable of at the moment, she continued to suck him, making him writhing in a 80/20 mix of pleasure and pain. Not even pain so much as a total overload of pleasure.

Selena refused to let him go soft, her mouth only leaving his dick when he was once more rock hard. With that accomplished, she finally lifted her head, and showed her mouth off. Empty with a pink tongue stained with blue.

“Well, I think I'm do for my free refill,” Selena said, winking at a blown away Sam. “I'm going to go grab that.” She looked at the screen, the word “intermission” being projected upon it. “How about while I'm gone you think of something we could do to kill time during intermission?”

Selena stepped out of the car and walked down towards the snack bar for her refill.  Sam exited the car as well. He still felt a bit of the orgasmic high Selena's mouth had blessed him with. He was pacing, but not nervously. He already had a good idea of what he wanted. The only question he had was if it was something Selena would want. They'd have time too. He'd been to this drive-in before. They used a real film projector. It wouldn't be as instantaneous a turnover as digital projectors were.

Selena on the other hand had no such thoughts in her mind. No indecisiveness. If Sam could read her mind he'd know he didn't need any kind of plot. They were very, very much on the same wavelength.

Even as she stood in line for her refill, Selena couldn't help but think on it. Despite being more than ready for it, she was still a little surprised it had crossed her mind. Reflecting on what she had just done in the car she was even more surprised.

It wasn't like she had never done anything like that in a car. But with that many people around? It was something new. And  that something new felt amazing. She knew what was going to come and hoped that Sam had something on his mind in the same arena. If not? Selena was confident she could steer things in that direction. They'd been so compatible so far, she knew it wouldn't take much.

Soon, after a few more fan encounters she got her refill and made her way back up to the car. It was then she really did notice how alone they were that high up. There were only a few cars in the row in front of them, and they were both pretty far away. In the row Sam had parked in, they were the only ones. Maybe he had been planning this. Just the thought was revving Selena's engine.

Selena finally made it back to the car. She sipped from her frozen drink and winked at Sam, who was leaning against the car. That was a good sign in her mind.

“So, quick little question before the big one,” Selena said. She placed her drink on the roof of the car then leaned against it right next to Sam. “Do you have  a copy of Them! At your place?”

“Yeah,” Sam said. “Blu ray. Why?”

“Well, I would like to finish it at some point. I was pretty into it...but...well...you know.”

“That I do.”

“Good. So with that fresh in your mind and the intermission still going strong,” said Selena, moving in front of him. Her hands went back to his pants, undoing them once more, but much slower this time. “You have any ideas for me about how we're killing time before our feature presentation?”

“Well, one thing did spring to mind.” he replied, his hands now at her jeans, returning the favor she was giving him.

“Well then, don't keep me in suspense.” Selena punctuated the sentence by pull the belt from the loops of is pants and dropping it on the ground. “Tell me.”

“Well, let me show you something first.” Once more Same returned the favor, Selena's belt joining his. He then took her by the hand and led Selena to the back of his car. He couldn't see it but a big, beautiful and lusty smile had just taken over Selena's face. They were very much on the same wavelength and Selena couldn't be happier.

She took a seat on the trunk, still grinning. “I think asking is a formality at this point...but formality can be very fun,” Selena said. “So with that said, tell me your idea.”

“Well, the way I see it, while the back seat certainly is big with the front seats pushed down...”

“True, very spacious,” giggled Selena while Sam took a step forward.

“But it's not quite big enough to comfortably do anything beyond what we just did.”

“Also true. But I bet you have just the solution, don't you?”

This was it. The signs were clear, Selena was down and ready. Still, the hurdle of actually saying it was present. But with the sight of Selena sitting on the trunk of his car, that irreistable mix of sultry and sweet gave him all the motivation to wipe out those nerves.

“Well, my solution is not in the car...but out here..on the car. You know...better than the ground. And cleaner, just had it washed.

“How romantic,” she joked. Selena pulled her shirt off and put it on the roof of the car, her bra soon followed. As usual Sam's eyes were glued to her terrific tits, bouncing between them and her eyes like ping pong balls. He began to get a bit closer. He was about to let his pants fall to his knees when Selena paused him.

“What's wrong?” he asked.

“Oh, nothing.” Selena responded. “I was just going to ask if you could put the slushie in your car. Wouldn't want it to spill while the shocks are getting tested.”

“Good call.” Sam completed Selena's request and was soon back in front of her.

“Now...how about we make the Earth move before it stands still,” she said in a tone that would make most femme fatales feel like amateurs. Then her old standard and sexy cuteness showed through again. “That is the name of the second movie right? The Day The Earth Stood Still?”


“That's the one I really want to see...read up a little on it, sound great,” she said, her excitement over the film somehow adding to the eroticism of the moment. “But first...come here.”

Sam moved forward, his pants finally falling down. Selena couldn't help but lick her lips at the sight of his cock. She'd already seen it, it'd been in her mouth just minutes before...but it was about to be some place a lot more fun and she couldn't wait.

Their lips colliding, the kiss sweet as sugar and hotter than a Carolina Reaper. As his hands roamed the soft skin of her body, his palms just barely brushing against her breasts and moving south to her pants.

Selena's hands had a similar trip to make, caressing her man's face as they kissed before her hand began to glide down his body to grab his shirt. And while neither wanted to part, they did so Selena could remove his shirt, placing it alongside her own clothes on the roof of the his car.

She softly raked her nails down his chest before leaning forward to plant some kisses on it, each one ending with a soft lick. However, there was still a few more steps to be taken.

Selena leaned back again on the hood and Sam's hands returned to her body. He went to her face first this time, Selena turning her face face to kiss his palm. From their her once more made a path down her body to her jeans. Once he took grip of her the hem Selena slid her shoes off.

Te pair's lips met again as Sam began to peel those jeans off of Selena's body, the tantalizing Latina sweetly giggling when the clothes were removed. Now any barriers between them were gone.

Sam moved closer to her and Selena wrapped her legs around him, welcoming him home. However as Sam began to move down her body he had other ideas of where to go. As much as Selena would have loved that reciprocation, she decided to put the kibosh on it.

“Hold on babe,” she said.

“What's wrong?”

“Nothing...an in any other circumstance I certainly wouldn't stop you...but I think we're on the clock...so...just give it to me. Besides...no reason we can't revisit this little “deleted scene” when we get back to your place. Besides, wouldn't want you to get your knees all scratched up.”

She sealed her message with a kiss. That kiss was also a signal to go, which is exactly what Sam did. He rose back up  and lined his throbbing rod against Selena's slick opening. He looked into her eyes, sweet like brown sugar. They both were craving each other, breathing deep in the summer heat.

“Now baby,” Selena sweetly demanded. “Now.”

He thrust inside of her and angelic moan escaped her full lips. Sam stayed still inside of her, watching her. He loved seeing Selena like this, the first few moments after being filled. There was just something in those moments that made her already perfect face even more so.

“More,” Selena said in a breathy whisper. “I want you Sam...give me more...”

Selena leaned back on the car, her back arched and her breasts pushed out. Soft, rhythmic moans escaped from between those luscious lips as Sam softly drove into her. The shocks weren't quite getting a workout yet, but that would come soon enough. Right now under the stars and flickering lights of the silver screen Sam was going to take a few extra moments to enjoy the beautiful body on display in front of him.

Every curve of her perfect body seemed illuminated by the mix natural and artificial lights. She looked even more a work of art than usual. Of course, this art exhibit was a bit more interactive than looking at the Mona Lisa.

His lips went to Selena's neck, kissing and softly biting as his thrusts started to increase. Every push of his cock brought a small mini-moans from her lips. Everyone crackling with desperation from trying to keep her voice down. While the odds of anyone being able to see them was incredibly low, being heard was another matter entirely. However, Sam's magic touch was making that a delightfully difficult proposition. The tender yet burning touch of his mouth as he covered her neck and shoulders with kisses. His electric touch caressing her skin; ass, back, tits and back down again.

Once Sam's hands returned to Selena's ass he took a good grip while his mouth kissed its way down to her chest, giving her fantastic tits the attention they'd both been craving.

Selena hissed and used her legs to pull Sam in closer. Sam responded by going deeper, really working his cock into her with every thrust. Hard but tender. Probing her deeply to hit all those places he knew would make sparks fly in her head.

Selena's hand went right to her mouth, trying to silence herself as those fireworks inside her began to get set off. She almost screamed into the night if not for her well placed hand. That hand gave way for Sam's mouth, kissing her. Their tongue wrestled around and the cars shocks were now being put to the full test.

When the kiss broke the two stared each other out, dazed with lust and total infatuation with each other. They were both gasping for air now, barely audible moans of each other's names being the only thing escaping each other's lips. Neither were too close to the finish line but they were both far closer to the end than the beginning. Passion burned for them both, making the summer night even hotter.

Selena smiled looking at Sam. His eyes going from her own to her bouncing tits to down to her pussy,watching his cock enter her harder and faster. He was drinking her all in and Selena wanted to give him a refill.

“Pull out,” she said. Before he could even give her a questioning look she followed up with. “Bend me over...fuck me...take me.”

With one more kiss Sam followed Selena's order happily. With that done, Selena happily followed through with her part of the bargain, bending over the trunk. Not flat though. She wanted to give her man something to look at, though he wouldn't have minded either way. Regardless, Sam couldn't help but  grin at the site of Selena's perfect body. He back arched to make the amazing apple bottom look even more appetizing. And when she looked at him over her shoulder, giving him a sensual wink it was all systems go time.

“Oohhhh Sam yessss,” Selena said. It was a little louder than she would have liked, but she didn't really care. The sensation of being filled up by his cock in this position made her melt on the spot. She cum on top of him, him on top of her, every which way. But him fucking her from behind...there was just something special about how the puzzle pieces fit. Every thrust her made into her felt different, the specific way his dick curved...it was magic. And Selena knew a thing or two about magic.

That magic touch got a bit of sugar sweetness to it when Selena felt his arms wrap around her . Sam had leaned over and was now holding her tight. Selena bit her lips, holding back a loud cry of “YES!” he brain and body were both demanding she let out. The feeling of Sam's hot breath in her ears combined with his skilled cock working her cunt was making any concern or caution quickly fade.

“Mmmm Sammy,” she said, her dreamy voice now far above a whisper.  “Baby...feels so good...can't wait...oh can't wait to cum for you...feels so good to cum for your cock...mmmm I want you to cum for me...please...please cum for me baby...let' s cum together...”

Sam pulled her up until Selena was standing. One hand moved to play with her clit while the other gripped her breast, all with Sam's breathy sweet and dirty nothings being moaned into her ear. It was enough to make Selena almost give up trying to silence herself.

“Oh...yes..yes yes yes,” she pleaded. “Mmm Sammy just...just like that...oh my gosh...ohhhh...”

He alternated his thrusts. Some slow and deliberate, working his dick inside her to hit every knee-wobbling spot he could then back to hard and quick, Selena's tits bouncing in rhythm to the sound of their colliding flesh. Every moan that managed to escape either of their lips was laced with hunger and need. They wanted each other, and wanted the ecstasy that was in clear view, barely in reach.

“C-cum....” Selena managed to get out. “Cum with me...” From that point on it was all moans. Not unintelligible though. While the sounds coming from either lover's mouth weren't words, there was no mistaking the meaning.

Selena could feel her crescendo coming. It was taking everything she had to keep from screaming out Sam's name into the night. That struggle itself was making it feel even better. She grabbed Sam's hand at her tits and brought ti to her mouth, sucking on his fingers to muffle her moans as her pleasure crashed into her like a meteor. Selena's orgasm set off Sam, the convulsing of her pussy making him fire off ropes of his cum inside of her. The splashes of hot white cum within her was Sam shooting gasoline on the fire within her. And as her fire burned so did his. It was almost perpetual  pleasure.

However, no matter how good it felt, it had to come to an end as fire slowed to glowing embers. Selena moved her lips to his, a tender kiss shared between the utterly wrecked lovers. Sam pulled out of Selena and she turned to face him, a delirious smile on her face. She stepped forward, loosely wrapping her arms around his neck as his went around her waste before the two sweetly kissed.

“Now that might be the best movie snack I've ever had,” Selena said.

“Thanks, but you still have the Flaming Hot Cheetos in the trunk.” Sam replied.

“Well....I still think I'm going to give you the edge...for now. But before I make such a judgement,  I think we better get dressed, snuggle back up in the backseat and give at least one of the movies our full attention.”

“Sounds like a very solid plan.”

“Excellent.” Selena and Sam grabbed their clothes and quickly redressed. Selena was going to head back to the car when she was stopped by Sam.

“Heads up!” he said. She turned around and caught the bag of the Flamin' Hot treats. “Just in case you we get a new craving.”

“Clever boy,” she smiled. Sam then came up and opened the door for Selena. Before too long they were snuggled up once more. Snack abound, ice cold drinks, completely satsfied and ready to end the night.

“You know what we should watch next?” Selena asked.

“What's that?”

“Something noir. Femme fatales and privates eyes and all that.”

“You have something in mind?” asked Sam.

“A couple ideas,” she teased. Sam was going to reply, though Selena cut him off. “Shhh. Movie's starting baby.”

With that,the two settled in, Selena's head on his shoulder and Sam's arm around her. If Earth wasn't standing still, time sure seemed to be.

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Re: Movie Buffs starring Selena Gomez(Chapter 2 now up!)
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2020, 10:50:47 AM »
Great as always. Can’t wait to see what they get up to next maybe even in that ice cream outfit.
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Re: Movie Buffs starring Selena Gomez(Chapter 2 now up!)
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2020, 04:14:09 PM »
Fantastic follow-up that I loved even more!  The setting, the scenario is so perfectly hot.  Especially liked all the build up with the food only to have the slushie be used in such a fashion.  Can't wait to see more  ;)
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Re: Movie Buffs starring Selena Gomez(Chapter 3 now up!)
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2021, 09:46:39 PM »
 All of the following is complete and total fiction. Not a word of it occurred, nor would it.

Movie Buffs starring Selena Gomez
(MFF, oral, anal, facial, cons)
By MaxwellLord

Chapter 3: Wild Things

Special Guest Star: Taylor Swift

Usually when Selena and Sam watched a movie, they were complete snuggle bugs. Sam's arm around Selena, Selena pulling in even closer in his embrace. However the current film playing was quite different. It was Selena's first time watching this particular neo-noir mystery and she was on the edge of her seat. She was sitting straight up her attention supremely focused as every event unfolded.

Then her jaw dropped as one by one, the pieces of the puzzle began to fit, every single bit of the criminal conspiracy fell into place, even as the credits began to roll. While being an incredibly compelling neo noir mystery, that wasn't what Wild Things was famous for. And while Selena could definitely see the appeal in the more sexual aspects, the mystery and performances were what really sucked her in.

Sam felt much the same way. though he couldn't be quite as invested as Selena was as he'd seen the movie before, multiple times. It was one of his favorite crime films and up there with his favorite erotic thrillers as well. He also got a bit of an erotic thrill when he held Selena close during those scenes. The threesome, the heavy duty making out between Denise Richards and Neve Campbell both got a reaction from her. Selena tried to hide it but he'd been with her long enough at that point to know when she was getting a bit of a thrill.

"That was so GOOD!" Selena said as the final credit rolled. "How have I never seen that before? I mean that cast...holy crap that cast is insane. I mean how come no one ever talks about how good Bill Murray is in it? Or Kevin Bacon?"

"Or that it showed Kevin's Bacon?" Sam asked with a snicker. Selena rolled her eyes and smiled.

"How long were you holding on to that one?" she asked.

"The moment I pressed play."

"Amazing display of willpower babe." Selena scooted back into his arms, kissed his cheek and resumed cuddle time. "I'm not going to lie though, it was nice to see some equal-opportunity nudity. I mean the women still did the heavy lifting and no complaints there but still, it was nice to see. Very inspiring.”

“And what exactly does it inspire you to do Sel?”

The first part of her answer was going from sweet cuddles to something a bit heavier on the heat. She went from snuggling close to Sam to straddling him him. She pressed her hands on his chest, feeling his heartbeat before slowly moving them up to his shoulders.

“Let me give you a hint,” she said with smile that lived right on the edge of sweet and sexy. “It's something we can only really pull off at your place since you live alone.”

“We're going to watch Wild Things again?” he sarcastically replied. Selena giggled then once more let her body do the talking with her actions, the first of which being a deep kiss with just the tip of her tongue sneaking inside of Sam's mouth, giving him just a little hint of its presence.

Things started to move quickly  when their lips separated. Selena pulled back just enough to take her shirt off, which of course left Sam with an opening to do the same with his own. Selena however was quicker on the draw. The next move would have been shedding her bra, but she wanted a bit more of a taste once Sam also tossed aside his shirt.

Selena brought her full lips to his chest, kissing and licking her way up to another kiss. While her arms wanted to pull him tight, they also had a job to do, reaching behind to unhook her bra while Sam was the one to pull her close.

With the white lace of her bra gone it was now skin to skin...save for below the equator. That'd be handled soon enough, but first both just wanted to feel the heat before making it even hotter. Lips collided again, both parties' hands roamed each other. When Sam's hands came upon Selena's breasts, the stunning star leaned back just a enough to give her man access to her supple breasts.

Selena supported herself by grasping Sam's legs as she leaned back, and that grip became tighter when she felt him begin to worship her breasts. She moaned softly, a smile forming on her full lips. Sam massaged and squeezed her tits, covering the magnificent mound with kisses and lovingly lashing them with his tongue.

Her sighs and soft pleasure moans were a familiar piece of music to Sam at this point, his favorite song. Selena leaned back, giving more of her flesh to Sam's mouth. Every kiss and tender tongue's caress sizzled, goosebumps popping up in their wake.

And while all this felt wonderful, it was just the beginning. After all, they both still had their pants on. Selena decided to remedy that. She rose up, smiling warmly with Sam's gaze locked on her. The gaze only grew hungrier when she pulled her pants down.

As Selena herself got bare Sam followed suit, frantically stripping his jeans off and getting a giggle from his girl at his slapstick desire.

Both bare, things quickly went full blast. Sam stood up, stepping completely out of his pants and bringing Selena close, He he walked her to is door, Selena expecting to be picked up and fucked against it. She was half right.

“Oh!” she yelped, her voice melting into a sexy little giggle as Sam spun her around, the lusty lovely very eager for what her man was cooking up. She looked over her shoulder and saw him descend a bit.

“Mmmmmm,” she hummed, feeling his mouth on her round  ass. When her gave her a playful love-bite on one of her cheeks, she let out another sexy little laugh, but that melted into a moan as his hands and mouth began to move up her body. Her skin felt like electric fire as Sam moved up it, his touch almost making her tremble as she anticipated the next big step.

Soon Sam's mouth was at her shoulder, brushing her hair aside so her could get o her neck, then his lips to her ear.

“I want you,” Sam said breathily in her ear. His cock was hard and throbbing aching to be inside her. “I need you...”

“Then...then take me baby.” Selena replied. The next sound to escape her beautiful mouth was a hungry gasp as Sam thrusted entering her tight tunnel of love. Selena slapped her hand against the surface of the door where it was soon joined by Sam's own, holding it as he went deep.

“Oh my gosh,” she moaned. “Right there...Sammy...oh wow...” He knew her body so well at this point. In their months together Sam had explored every perfect inch of Selena's body. Just where to touch her, how hard, how soft, where and when to do it all. She had the same knowledge of him, though right now Selena was all about letting her man lead the journey.

His hot breath on her neck mixed with his growls of her name directly to her ear created an erotically charged cocktail that was simply intoxicating. She was in paradise, or quickly on the way. Every passionate and skilled thrust inside of her was one step closer of getting to that sweeter place.

Delightfully erotic gasps and groans escaped her sweet lips, Sam's lips trying to catch them with his animal-like kisses. Selena may have had little use for words in the moment, but that just meant the baton had been passed to her lover.

“Oh my god Sel....” he said, his voice almost gravely as he spoke through clenched teeth. His hands moved to her full breasts, lovingly squeezing them as he slowed strokes inside her, going slow, deep and detailed to her delight.

“Ahhhh....oh gosh Sam...I...Ooh god yes....” Selena felt herself melting into him. The pleasure was making her delightfully delirious and she could already feel her orgasm ready to go off like the fourth of July. Every nerve ending was being lit up like a fuse by his cock and the countdown was well on it's way...which meant it was time for Sam's fuse to be lit as well. And while her body was definitely doing the job, she decided to let her words add a few more sparks.

“C-cum with me,” she said, her smoky voice walking the thin line between cry and whisper. “IN me...with me...cum for me when I come for you baby...just...just like that....ooooohhhhh yesssss...”

The words did the trick and Sam pulled her close, his deep driving thrusts driving them both to the promised land of pleasure.

“Yes....” Selena hissed, though her voice would grow in intensity just as the heat within her did. “Yes...YES! YESSSS! SAMMY YESSSSS!!!”

She balled her hand into a fist and slammed it again the door as the sensational sensations exploded with in her like a rocket into orbit. Of course Sam was having his own blast off as well, blasting off rope after rope of hot white liquid lust into Selena's quivering cunt.

After a few more hard pumps Sam stumbled back, pulling his wilted prick from Selena's pussy. She turned around, face flushed and a ditzy dickdrunk grin on her face. Sam was similarly in a wonderfully fuck drunk state of mind. They stumbled over to each other, hungrily kiss each other, but there was a hint of sweetness in this heat.

“How about we continue this in the bedroom?” Selena suggest, sweetly biting his chin.

“This mean you're staying the night?”

“Sorry aby, I can't...but that doesn't mind I don't want a little bit more of you in nice comfy bed.”

“I think we can swing that...though I have to admit, best mornings I've had these past few months is waking up next to you.”

“If eel the same...but I already told my grandparents I'd have breakfast with them tomorrow morning and grandma is making a huge Texas style breakfast for me and my roommates so I need to get home at some point. But until then...lets just enjoy it. And if it helps, I promise you next week you're going to have a lot of very good mornings.”

“I think I can live with that.” He replied. “And since your breakfast is spoken for, how does lunch look?”

“Already booked tomorrow but on Friday you can have me for lunch and dinner if you like,” Selena said with a cute and seductive wink.

“That's very doable,” Sam grinned. “But first...I think I want to finish dessert.”


After a second round that was much more on the sensual side Selena left Sam's place and headed back to her own. She kept all her appointments, so she woke  up in time for a Texas-sized breakfast and hours later was ready for the lunch date she had with an old friend.

It wasn't going to be at a restaurant. Both Selena and her pal knew that would draw paparazzi like flies. Instead it would be at the friend's hotel room. That's where they'd get the privacy to actually catch up and speak freely.

It was a cloak and dagger affair, a bit much for Selena. There were codenames to be used at the front desk and all of that. For anyone else but Taylor Swift that would seem overboard, but Selena was all too aware of the havoc she'd gone through to get to this very protective point.

So when Selena got out of the Uber and went to the front desk, asking for Dorothea's room to be notified Betty had arrived. Once the okay was given Selena was given her own key to the hotel room. Not that she'd use it for anything other than getting to the elevator because Taylor insisted on a secret knock even if she was expecting someone at her room. Again, for anyone else but Ms. Swift, it'd be weird to Selena.

A short trip up the elevator and a walk to the door of Taylor's suite was topped off with a rhythmic knock that Selena had memorized by heart. Only seconds after the last bit of percussion the door opened and behind it was a smiling and beaming Taylor Swift, quickly embracing her dear friend.

“It's so good to see you!” said Taylor, the words almost coming out as a squeal of delight. “Come in, the food got here right before you did?”

“What's on the menu?” Selena asked as the door shut behind her.

“Well there's this AMAZING Southern food place here I discovered a while back and I always gets some Nashville hot chicken from there whenever I'm in LA, so I got that and some slaw, a couple biscuits and a light salad. I got enough for two but I figured my favorite Texan might prefer some barbeque, so I ordered a pulled pork sandwich if you'd want that instead. Or to just bring it back home.”

“Decisions decisions,” Selena said, jokingly stroking her chin, mulling her options over. As she did this she looked over Taylor's room. Not quite the usual penthouse suite but Taylor also wasn't going to be in town that long, just four days. It was big enough though. A separate bedroom, spacious bathroom and a sizeable den where the table with the Styrofoam treasure chests of food awaited them.

In moments they were seated at the modest table. Selena had decided to go for the pulled pork and have her share of the hot chicken as her take home treat. Once the smell of that signature Texas-style BBQ hit her nostrils it was over. Now it wasn't 100% authentic. Her nose could tell her that and Selena was sure her taste buds would back up. Still, just from the scent it was already better than anything else California had to offer. As she opened up the to-go container, she saw the treasure inside; an overstuffed hamburger bun overflowing with slow-cooked pork smothered in what was destined to be delicious sauce with heaping helping of creamy coleslaw on the side.

“Someone's a happy girl,” Taylor said as she opened her own container. “And something's telling me it's a from lot more than food and my company.” Taylor smirked and gave Selena a look that the Latina knew all too well. “I'm going to guess is that lovely new man you have. What was his name again?”

“Sam,” Selena said with a smile. “And we had our usual date night yesterday and it was...fun. A lot of fun.”

“It's wonderful to see you so happy Sel,” Taylor said, tearing her chicken into strips and licking the dripping scarlet sauce from her fingers.  “I can't wait to meet the guy with the way you've talked him up and seeing the grin he causes in person. I mean he can't be worse than Canada's shame or the cokehead.”

“Tay, be nice.”

“Oh come on Selena, it's just...I'm protective, I know. It's just because you deserve the best and I admit I might be a harsh judge of character...I just want to make sure you've got the best. And I also admit I've had my own blunders. I mean, there's Karlie for one.”

As Taylor shook off the memory of her own bad choice, an idea entered Selena's head. Partially inspired by Taylor as well as the movie she and Sam had watched the previous night.

“I have an idea,” Selena said, a bold smile on her face. It was one Taylor recognized and gave Selena an eager one in response.

“Do tell.” replied Taylor.

“Remember when I joined you on stage during your last tour?” Selena asked, the smile on Taylor's face as the puzzle pieces formed together only growing wider. “And how, well, I got to get a bit more up close and personal with Joe...you know, just to really make sure he was an all right guy?”

“Well if I didn't remember it I'd be worried since I was a willing participant and the one who suggested it.” There was a brief pause as the KSH of Taylor opening her can of sparkling water filled the room. She took a sip then spoke once more. “Am I to understand you're suggesting the same thing?”

“Maybeeee,” Selena said with a giggle. “Unless you think Joe would have an issue.”

“Of course not,” Taylor assured. “He owes me one anyway. Now how are you planning to unleash this delightful little party? Dinner where I meet him or are we just going to through your lover right to the wolves?”

“What do you think?” Selena said with a devilish grin. It was rare for Selena to brew up this kind of fun trouble, but whenever she saw it, Taylor decided to roll with it. It was always a good time.

“I think I'm fine with it,” Taylor said. “Are you though? I mean, it's kind of a fresh relationship and...well you've seen first hand how I can be  little...rowdy in that kind of situation.”

“That's what I'm looking forward to, honestly.”

“Well then, my dear friend, I'll be glad to help. I just hope I don't break your toy.”

“I think he'll survive,” Selena said before finally diving into her sandwich. All the sex talk was making her hungry.


It barely took thirty minutes to come up with a game plan. It wasn't too different from how things had gone with Joe a few years past, except all the smoke and mirrors of getting to Taylor's hotel room in the first place.

Well, maybe just the smoke. Selena left with the spare key to the suite, meaning it would be no problem to simply go back up with Sam in tow. However the smoke was still clear and present, as Sam was kept mostly in the dark. The whole trip had been sold to him as a bit of a staycation, an opportunity to wake up alongside his girl somewhere other than his bed...and maybe some super fancy room service too.

Sam didn't question much as they rushed through the lobby. Not too fast but enough that it was easy to see the excitement in his and Selena's stride. There was no pause to be had with security as Selena flash the keycard from earlier. The longest part ended up being the elevator ride, for once they arrived on the proper floor and were inside of the suite the affectionate couple were all over each other.

While Sam and Selena were playing a rather intense round of tonsil hockey Taylor took a peak from her hiding spot outside on the balcony. It wasn't the perfect hiding place but the drapes worked well enough, especially with Selena distracting Sam with everything she had. Taylor had to admit, from what she saw Selena had picked a good one. Not just with his looks either. Sam seemed to know exactly how to touch her, how to kiss Selena. It made Taylor eager for the action to begin.

Selena led her man to the bedroom, momentarily taking them both out of Taylor's view. She brought him to the bed, crawling on top of them and hungrily kissing her lover. Sam pulled her close, but not tight. Selena had plenty of room to maneuver.

However moving wasn't something she wanted to do. It was taking almost all of her willpower not to give in right away, just go with how hot she was for Sam. But she knew there was something better in store if she just kept control. Not go wild just yet.

“I've got a surprise for you,” Selena said, a small strand of saliva connecter her lower lip to Sam's. “I just need to go get it.”

“What do you have planned?” Sam asked with a grin.

“Something wild.” Selena winked at him and gave him one more quick kiss before pulling herself from him. She slid her shoes off and left to get her surprise.

Sam rose up on his elbows a bit, wondering what exactly Selena had up her sleeve. And when she brought in the surprise he was more than a little shocked.

“So nice to meet you Sam,” Taylor Swift said. She drank in his shock, his desire. It was such a unique high nothing really came close to it except being on stage. She watched and felt his eyes look over every inch of her body. His eyes drank in those legs, her curves, the ruby red lips and hungered, a hunger that only grew when Selena came to her side. “Or is it Samuel?”

“S-Samson actually.” he replied.

“Samson,” Taylor said, nodding. “I like it. It's rare. Much like my friend whom you know so intimately well. Rare attracts rare. And she has talked you up, let me tell you. But...I think some outside judgement might be appropriate. Not to alert you Sam but I'm very protective of my friends, especially Selena. So...I just want to make sure you're up to snuff. But don't worry...I can guarantee this is one test you'll want to take over and over again."

“Really?” a stunned Sam asked. Taylor and Selena nodded in unison.

“You up for it?” Selena said, sweet as sin.

“I think I can manage.”

“Good,” said Taylor. “Now that we're all on the same page....let me steer the ship for a bit.” Her blues eyes went to Selena. “Sel, how about you take a seat on the bed?”

Selena nodded and crawled on the bed, trading looks with her man before Sam's attention went back to Taylor, whose gaze was fixed upon him.

“And now for you Samson,” said Taylor, her tone becoming just as seductive as her sapphire gaze turned on him. “See that nice comfy chair next to the window? How about you transfer yourself over there?”

One quick kiss from Selena and Sam left the bed and sat on the chair. This made Taylor smile. Then she began her approach. It was for show mainly, the conclusion of what was going to happen was a foregone one.

Still, she was ever the showstopper. Taylor loved an audience, whether it be a stadium or just a lucky couple. She knew Selena's eyes were darting between Sam and herself, while Sam was focused on the blonde bombshell.

It was for good reason. With every step forward another stitch of clothing departed Taylor. Her shirt went to the ground, the cut off shorts slid down her perfect legs. Soon the leggy lust goddess was down to just her underwear, a delightful white lace set. Simple but scorchingly sexy.

The steps Taylor had taken brought her to the chair and Sam. Their gaze locked again as she sunk to her knees. From sapphire blue eyes to ruby red nails and lips, Taylor smiled as she softly gripped Sam's knees, parting his legs and giving her access to where the real fun was going to start.

“Know what the best part of a present is Samson?” Taylor said, her hands raking up his cloth-covered thighs. “Unwrapping it. Those moments where anticipation meets satisfaction. It's almost indescribable in how it feels.”

Sam found his mouth go bone dry as Taylor's hand pulled his belt from the loops and pulled his zipper down.

“Now there people who tear apart the the wrapping and those who are a bit more delicate,” Taylor continued. “Me...I think I err on the side of delicate. Not that I haven't just torn into a gift or two in my time but there's something about taking that extra time...untying the bow...making that anticipation last.”

While Taylor spoke she grasped the zipper between her index finger and thumb, slowly pulling it down, a metallic ribbon between her and the present she was unwrapping. Where Sam's mouth was dry, hers was positively watering.

All of this was going on while Selena laid back on the bed, her hand sliding under her skirt. Sam caught a quick view of this, making his cock ache even more for the freedom Taylor's actions were promising.

“Looks like I'm almost done unwrapping,” she said in a confident, teasing tone. “I think before I do that though, you need to see just how much I am anticipating this.”

Taylor's hands departed Sam's crotch briefly, the zipper all the way down. A sexy little half smile grew on her face, loving her attentive audience as she removed her bra. The desert in Sam's mouth got a flood as the sight of Taylor Swift's bare breasts hit him like a freight train. Lovely handfuls of fun with pink, quarter-sized nipples hard and waiting for some attention. And that would come...just not now.

While Taylor still had his total attention she decided it was now time for her to do a little exploration of her own body. She swore she could actually hear Sam's heart skip a beat as he watched Taylor's hand glide down her stomach and under those white lace panties. He was further struck dumb as he saw the silhouette of Taylor playing with herself for the briefest of moments. She soon withdrew her hand, her middle finger slick with her essence and sucked it between those ruby red lips and sucked herself clean.

“As you can see Sam...my anticipation is at it's peak...which means it's time to finish unwrapping.” Taylor gripped his pants pulling them down to fully expose his rigid member, and searingly hot smile formed on those lips. “Tis the damn season.”

Words were about to become scarce as Taylor had a much better idea of how to use her mouth....but it didn't mean she wasn't going to give Sam and Selena one more verbal erotic appetizer.

“I don't think it'd come as too much of a surprise to you that I love the color red,” said Taylor. “Especially with lipstick. So many shades of red...but to me nothing beats the basic red. Even then though, I have options. The main one I use for appearances and awards shows is smudge proof. So I don't leave marks on wine glasses. It just makes sense."

Taylor brought her lips to his bare thigh, kissing and leaving a signature of her red lips on the blank space.

“Now, for day to day stuff? For that....personal touch? Classic red, smudges and all. Especially for situations like this. What can I say? I just love leaving a mark.”

Taylor continued leaving her mark, a trail of red, hopping from thigh to thigh, connected by a delicate caress of her tongue before she was ready to welcome his manhood into her hot mouth. Her hot breath made him shiver, which only made Selena hotter as she watched and Taylor salivate even more.

“Oh my god.....” Sam said. Taylor had extended her pink tongue, licking his stalk from base to tip, flicking her tongue at the bulbous crown before planting a kiss on the tip.  The kisses continued covering his pole in marks of ruby red before Taylor finally crossed the threshold and took his girth in her mouth. Her cheeks billowed as she sucked on the head, twirling her tongue around it before she sucked him deeper.

Taylor's first few pumps were slow, delicately working every sensitive nerve on his cock while her hand cupped and massaged his balls. Slow and passionate, slowly building the fire.

“Mmmmmm,” Taylor hummed, the vibrations making Sam shiver. He reached down, holding her gorgeous golden locks back to get a clear view of the songstress sucking him off. It was gave Taylor a small thrill when that happened. In her experience it almost always meant he was going to be more than willing to repay the favor. It wasn't just about the blowjob, but it was who was doing it as well. Eye contact, a face looking up up at him and letting him know she was enjoying every moment of this. This was very true for Taylor. One doesn't get good at sucking dick unless they enjoy it, which she did.

Sam's eyes went from the cock hungry, ocean-blue gaze of Taylor to his own girlfriend, the sultry Selena Gomez laying on the bed, and Selena had made herself very comfortable. The Latina lovely had shed every last stich of her own clothes and was making herself a very happy camper as she played with her pussy while watching her man be serviced by her best friend. Taylor herself gave the visual a tactile exclamation point, taking Sam in her throat to the root.

“Oooooholy SHIT!” Sam yelled, the sensation slamming his eyes shut. And it didn't seem to end, Taylor holding him in her throat for longer than he could have imagined. Eventually though Taylor released his cock, soaked in a sheen of her saliva. The seductress smiled as she gulped for air, refusing to give his dick a breather with her fist a slick blur on his dick.

“Now for the real surprise,” Taylor said as she caught her breath. “I want your cum Samson. I want to swallow you....every drop. But don't think for a second that means you're done. Not by a long shot. This is just a fun way to give you a bit of a stamina boost. So....you ready?”

“Y-yes,” he managed to force out. Taylor licked her chops before inhaling his cock. The pace wasn't so delicate now. It was hot and heated and some was ready for it. It felt like she was trying to suck his soul out through his cock.

A skilled mouth, a piercing gaze all combined with the frothy, sloppy rhythm of Taylor's blowjob and being watched by Selena wasn't just eroding his stamina, it was demolishing it. That first eruption was coming and he couldn't stop it even if he wanted. Fortunately, he and Taylor were very much on the same page.

Sam's grunt of absolute pleasure signals the first splash of his hot white cum hitting the roof of Taylor's mouth, the sensual blonde moaning as her mouth was filled with one of her favorite fluids. She greedily swallowed; Taylor preferred not to leave a drop behind.

Every gulps she took of his seed made Sam writhe in the chair. It was delectable torture he wished would never end. However as his cock began to deflate that meant that the opening act was over. Taylor of course gave him one last bit of a show. One last mouthful of cum was on display. Taylor played with it a bit with her tongue before swallowing it down, licking her lips for any stray droplets.

“Well, that should keep you going for a long time when the headline act starts,” Taylor grinned. “Speaking of which....Sel, how abut you join the party?  Mean it was your idea after all.”

Now it was Selena's turn to smile. The bare-assed beauty slid off the bed and right next Taylor. The pair giggled before Selena's attention turned towards Sam, grasping his exhausted cock. However, just her touch was enough to get the blood flowing once more.

“Nice to see you're bouncing back babe,” Selena said. “I'd hate for you to miss mine and Tay's duet.”

“As you can clearly see, your girl just can't keep her hands to herself,” Taylor said. “And to be fair to my bestie, neither can I...or my mouth.” Taylor's winked at Sam before turning her attention to Selena, planting a kiss on her lips while the blonde's hand went south, playing with Selena's very wet pussy and making her moan into Taylor mouth, sucking on the bombshell's tongue.

The ladies' kiss broke and they both once more focused on Sam and reviving the serpent between his legs. First step was peeling his pants off the rest of the way. As the lovely duo removed his pants Sam aided the cause of nudity by tossing his shirt.

With that he was on equal footing with the ladies, Taylor having peeled her panties off as well. Selena and Taylor moved to his reviving cock, sandwiching it between their lips, kissing each other while sweetly slobbering on his cock. While just as sensational as Taylor's solo treatment, this little duet wasn't designed for another orgasm so soon. It was simply priming the pump.

And just as when Taylor sucked him all on her own, this was just as much a visual treat if not more so. His cock in-between both magnificent mouths, tongues wrestling over his pole, then Selena went solo on his pole while Taylor sucked his nuts, her tongue sweetly lashing the sack.

“I think he's ready,” Taylor said. He got to her feet, giving Sam a clear view of her pussy, her pubic hair trimmed into a lovely  triangle where Selena had a landing strip. Taylor crawled on the bed, moving to the top and sitting against the pillows and headboard. Her legs were open and she was playing with her glistening slit, just as Selena had when she played audience.

“Both of you get one the bed,” Taylor said. “Sam...let me see you fuck Selena.”

“Come on,” Selena said before sliding up her body to give him an enticing kiss. She grabbed his hand and led him to the bed. The moment she was on the bed Sam was on her. Sam planted loving, lustful kiss on her lips and shoulders, moving to Selena's breasts and savoring the taste and feeling of her tits.

“Oh gosh Sammy,” Selena sighed. His hands massaged and groped her breasts, working in tandem with Sam's hungry mouth before expanding business to the rest of her body, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. Goosebumps came upon goosebumps when Selena felt his prick at her gates.

“Ohhh yessss,” Selena said, licking her lips and holding Sam tight as he entered her. Once more the pair took a bit of time to savor each other, taste, sight and feel. His hands and tongue on her skin and his cock thrusting and throbbing in her velvet tunnel.

Taylor was captivated. It was hardly the first time she'd watched as someone else had sex. It wasn't even the first time she'd seen Selena have sex. Memories of her with Joe in front of her flashed in her head while she watched Sam make love to Selena in front of her.

That was the key difference though, he was making love to her. Sure, it was hot, but it was tender. The kisses were soft but passionate, searingly hot. Even as Sam's thrusts became faster and harder, there was always a tenderness. He would stop to brush the sweat-matted hair from Selena's face to look at her, pressing his forehead to hers as her slowed down, really working his hips in those thrusts. Of course the look of total satisfaction of the Latina's face was something to behold as well, and made Taylor a little hungry for even just a sliver of what Selena was having.

She crawled over to Selena and gently turned the brunette's face to her, planting a kiss on her lips. “Mind if I cut in?” Taylor asked.

“Feel free” Selena said. She gave Sam a kiss as she tapped out, giving Taylor her shot.

Though Taylor was indeed ready for her round, she wanted to be the one in charge during her turn. She brought her fingers to Sam's chin, guiding him up to his knees. Now it was her lips that met his as Taylor brought him down to the bed. She got on top and wasted no time in guiding his cock inside of her. While he got the sweet and slow from his lady, Taylor wanted to give him something with a little more oomph. Sam and Selena made love...Taylor was going fuck him.

“Mmmmnow that's a nice fit, isn't it?” Taylor as as she sheathed his sword completely. She grabbed his hands, guiding them to her hips where Sam took grip of her flesh. Taylor then leaned back and began to ride and grind, getting a different flavor than what she was used to, as was he.

Hard, rough, savage and hungry, Taylor was strikingly different. Different in every good way different could be. Bucking, working her hips, it's like his cock was in a hurricane of pure sexual pleasure. The insane sensations were coming at every turn. With Selena it was savoring every moment, burning it to memory. Taylor, on the other hand was all about a ne sensation for every moment, never focusing too much because the pleasure was always on the horizon.

There was a visual wonder to behold as well. Taylor was a wildcat on his cock, completely fearless. The naughty smile on her face, the way she snarled when she moaned out his name. There was a dreamy look in her eyes, drunk on pleasure. Every movement added to it. How he breasts bounced and jiggled, her golden locks swinging back and forth with her furious rhythm. Her stomach undulating as she gulped for air, her hips grinding on him, even the way it looks as his hands gripped the firm flesh of his hips or caressed her legs. The perfect sauce for the sensation of the warm, wet tightness her cunt was giving him.

It was a visual treat for Selena as well, her second of the night. But still, she wanted to be involved more, to put the “three” in “threesome”. Taylor caught that longing and felt the need to pull Selena back in to her idea, and she knew just how to do it. It wouldn't be the obvious way with Selena sitting on her man's face. Taylor knew from experience that if you were eating pussy while you yourself were getting orally pleasured it'd be half-assed at best. So Taylor went with the more fun option.

She leaned over to give Sam a brief goodbye kiss before climbing off and moving to Selena and giving her a fresh kiss hello. Sam got up on the bed and stood on his knees catching sight of Taylor whispering something in Selena's ear and his girl giggling and nodding in response before turning to him. She moved close to him, grabbing his face with her soft touch and kissing him before turning her back to him and bending over. The message was clear, though Selena decided to crystalize, looking over her shoulder, wiggling her ass and saying “Come on baby...fuck me.”

That, and the way she blushed ever so slightly when saying the word fuck, was all Sam needed to give Selena exactly what she asked for. Both moaned at the familiar sensations shooting through their bodies. It was always a perfect fit with them and a perfect visual. His hands going over every delicate curve of her body as he entered her combined with the rhythmic sound of flesh colliding made it pure intoxication. When Sam looked up to see Taylor's Cheshire grin that intoxication doubled.

But doubling down was enough for Selena or Taylor. His was a threesome after all and that aspect was made official when Selena's face found itself between Taylor's legs, and in seconds Taylor's reaction was both visible and audible.

“Oh fuck yes!” Taylor said with a grin. “Ohhh...mmmm...Selena....” Her blue eyes flashed at Sam. “She eats pussy so good Sam...mmmmsomehow it's even better when you're fucking her. It'snnnnnggg....it's on another level...fuck her harder...let's see if...ohhh fuck...that make her even hungrier.”

Sam could only nod. Somehow speaking didn't seem anywhere near as important as action. And action was what he gave, driving into his love harder, Selena moaning and pushing back in response. Given the look on Taylor face, he wasn't the only one getting a positive response from Selena. The blonde back arched and she howled into the night as the lovely Latina gave Taylor just much pleasure as Sam was delivering to her.

Selena's hands caressed Taylor's thighs while her man drove deep inside of her. She was just as much in heaven as both of her lovers were. Though things felt like paradise, Taylor had an idea of how to make things so much more sinful and fun. Well, it wasn't solely her idea....Selena had her opportunity to whisper in her ear earlier as well. Taylor just got to pick the time to unleash this on Sam.

“Having fun there, huh Samson?” Taylor asked in between sighs and moans. “Let me tell you, you're not the....oooohhh....the only one....but I have an idea...or rather she did..” Taylor motioned to Selena. “Nnnng...how about....you fuck her ass?”

“What?” Sam asked, pausing for a moment. “Sel, you sure babe?”

Selena pulled herself from Taylor's pussy and turned to face her lover, her mouth glistening with Taylor's essence. “Very.” She said, her voice sultry. “I...I want it.”

Sam took her word for it and pulled out of Selena's pussy and brought his slick cock to her back door and began to press forward. Selena braced herself, gripping hard to the bed's sheets and gasping in relief and pressure as the head popped past her tight ring.

“Oh my gosh yessss,” Selena said. “Oh Sammy...oh gosh....oh just...just like that.” Selena was struggling for words, almost breathless. Her jaw hung open in satisfied silence as Sam inched more and more of his cock in her backdoor with every thrust. That open jaw slowly grew into a smile and then that mouth returned to Taylor's cunt, making her smile even wider.

“How's that ass feel?” Taylor asked, a devilish tone in her voice. “You don't have to answer...your face tells the story...mmmm and Selena's mouth is telling me exactly how she feels....mmmmmm....”

Once more sights and sounds intoxicated Sam and he drove deeper inside Selena. Deep, slow strokes until her was finally in to the hilt. Every new thrust made Selena more used to the wonderful intrusion. The comfortability of the dirtiness made even more of a difference in her oral treatment on Taylor. Tongue and fingers were driving the blonde absolutely mad and closer to the point of no return.

Though Selena was doing the heavy lifting, Taylor couldn't deny the visual of watching her get fucked up the ass didn't help things. Hearing Selena moan as she munched the the pleasured grunt of Sam just made it so perfectly easy to just let herself jump then fall over the edge.

“Oh...oh my...YESSSSSS!” Taylor said, the orgasm hitting her hard and almost my surprise. She knew it was coming but she didn't know that it was just around the corner. The moment that telltale moan erupted from her smudged red lips, Selena turned up the heat, making things go from red to white hot. That in turn let another domino fall in Sam, who began to go harder in Selena's ass.

“Yes...oh gosh YES!” Selena said, her mouth free of it's wonderful work of pleasuring Taylor. She was sweaty, her face was flushed, she was right one her own precipice....which gave Taylor her own idea. The blonde clumsily slid under Selena and began to feast on her pussy.

“Oh shit!” Selena howled, the new and sudden sensation causing her to tense up and make her asshole especially tight for Sam which made him pause for a bit. Though when she felt Taylor's hand begin tp play with his churning balls he took that as a sign to keep going.

This was Paradise and Selena knew it. Being pleasured like this by her best friend and the man she loved was beyond anything she'd ever experienced before. She also hadn't expected to realize she was in love Sam while he was balls deep in her ass with Taylor Swift eating her out, but it was far from the oddest moment of realization she had. And she didn't have long to muse on it before she started to feel a special kind of wonderful. It was coming on her from every part of her body at once,infiite tidal waves of pleasure all aiming to crash into each other.

“YESS SAMMY YESSSSS!” screamed Selena as the waves crashed together and a heatwave of pleasure became all she could feel. The tide coated Taylor face, the blonde still happily lapping it all up while Selena's convulsing rear entrance sapped the last reserve of stamina Sam had within him.

“Oh god Selena!” He yelled, his voice cracking as he pulled his cock from her ass. Instinctually he knew what he wanted to do and both Selena and Taylor understood without a word being spoken aside form those first three.

He stood on the bed with Selena and Taylor on their knees, right next to each other. They looked up at him, sweaty with eyes full of lust, hungry for Sam's cum.

“Do it baby,” Selena pleading, her tongue coming out to lick at Taylor's.

“You heard your girl Samson,” Taylor said, her grin as wicked as ever. “You better not disappoint....cum for us....” Selena pulled Taylor in for a kiss and that was the final tumbler in the lock.

Sam choked on his words as his cock exploded white hot lust lava, the eruption coating the two starlets. Face, tongues, a few streaks in the hair.

And from those first ropes the friends kissed, trading the rain of cum as it landed between them, though Selena was the one who brought her mouth to the tap, sucking the rest and letting it spill from between her lips on to Taylor tongue. Of course the blonde returned the favor until the last drop was swallowed.

There were no words, just the sounds of three very happily exhausted adults gasping for air, smiles on all their faces.


The next morning Sam awoke with Selena in his arms, and his stirring also woke her up. She turned towards him in their morning embrace.

“Morning,” she said, tired, but not so tired her smile would be denied.

“Morning.” he replied. “So...last night was certainly an event.”

“It was, wasn't it?” Selena smiled and Sam moved slightly to lie on his back. Selena moved as well, draping her arm over his chest and resting her head on his shoulder. “I guess the question about whether or not you liked it is moot.”

“Well I can't put into words how much I loved it so...yeah.” He kissed her forehead. “What happened to Taylor?”

“She went to some meeting or something,” Selena said. “Must be a pretty important one if it wasn't through Zoom. Though maybe the fact that you and I might stroll through the meeting naked at some point might have been the issue.”

“Sounds plausible.”

The couple laughed...but for Selena it was both a reaction and a bit of a stalling action. The thought she had the previous night about how she truly felt about Sam was still there...and it was ready to burst out.

“I....I need to tell you something,” she said, the butterflies in her stomach trying to escape.

“What is it?”

“Sam....I....wow...this is not the place I thought I'd say this...I love you.” Her brown eyes looked up to his. She was nervous, the seconds waiting for his response seeming like an eternity. Her eyes searched his for some sign of an answer before one came from his mouth.

“You're right, this isn't when I would have guessed I'd hear that....or say it back.” he replied. “But here we are. And I love you too.” They sealed the moment with a kiss, then Selena got on top of him.

“You know...we probably have a lot of time before Taylor gets back. She pretty much told me she was taking us out for lunch...want to work up an appetite?”

“Sounds like a plan.”

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Re: Movie Buffs starring Selena Gomez(Chapter 3 now up!)
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2021, 04:25:32 PM »
These two go together like peanut butter and jelly, and you've made a hell of a delicious sandwich here with this story.  I'm sure Sam is happy to take that test as many times as he can!
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Re: Movie Buffs starring Selena Gomez(Chapter 4 now up!)
« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2021, 05:01:27 PM »
All of the following is complete and total fiction. Not a word of it occurred, nor would it.

Movie Buffs Chapter 4: Beach Blanket Bingo
(MF, Cons, Oral)
by MaxwellLord

"It's going to be fine Sel," Sam said. Selena was pacing back and forth in his bedroom. They were just about to hit the sack when a small panic attack hit her. He tried to console her, going for an embrace but her could still feel her shaking a bit in his arms as they sat on the bed.

"Is it?" Selena. "I know it's just a photoshoot but...well, to say I'm nervous is underselling it."

"Maybe, but it's not just a photoshoot. it's something your name on it. You helped design it. There's some serious stuff riding on this."

"It's not just that," Selena said, cuddling closer to him. "It's bikini. I'm posing in bikinis tomorrow. And, well...I'm nervous. I know I shouldn't be but I just am. Because I can already see the comments, and you know I'm already fixated on the really insulting ones. That why I avoided looking at anything when I went blonde again. Now though I I know it's going to be everywhere and...aaahhhh! It's just making me nuts. I don't even think I was totally there at the launch party tonight."

"You'll get through babe," he assured. "Above all else you're a pro. You've got this."

"It' just...look, can I ask you something? A favor?" She looked up at him, her brown eyes pleasing.

"Anything Sel."

"Could you call off tomorrow and be at the shoot with me? It's just...I really want the support...and it wouldn't hurt the ego to have someone on set who I know wants to see me in various states of undress." She gave his thigh a light squeeze. "And if you're good you get to be in the dressing room."

"I do believe you just made me an offer I can't refuse," said Sam. "Added bonus, I was only volunteering. I'll tell them something I simply could not pass up came up and that's that. Seniority there helps."

"Mmmm, I love a man with a authority," she said, a sexy sarcasm in her voice. She went from snuggled sweetly in his arms to straddling him, her lips meeting his in a heated kiss. She moaned in his mouth when she felt Sam squeeze her plump ass through her pink pajama bottoms. Selena could easily get lost in his embrace, get over the the embers of lust within her, getting ready to bit lit ablaze. But she pulled back. "Mmm Sam I really, really want to...but I have an early call time for the shoot. And since you're coming with me, so do you."

"Totally understand," said.

"But that doesn't mean we can't cuddle and make out a bit more...or that you won't get an amazing boyfriend bonus tomorrow..."


After the requested snuggling and kissing, Selena and Sam conked off for that six A.M. call time. Waking up was surprisingly easy and time was saved by combining both of their shower times into one.

The drive over to Selena's house, where the shoot was taking place, was quick. The hit the road and just missed rush hour.

The house was empty when they arrived. Selena's grandparents were at a hotel for a few days, her grandfather not really being to keen on being on-set for a bikini photoshoot and her live-in friends were also busy elsewhere. And since this was the first opportunity for Selena to have Sam at her house, just the two of them, she gave her friends the request to maybe delay themselves as long as possible to give them some alone time. Even the dogs were at doggy day care.

Of course that alone time would have to come after the photoshoot, but they could live with that.

"When does the crew arrive?" asked Sam, setting his gym bag filled with a few random items of clothing.

"About forty-five minutes." she replied. She dropped her bag and lead him to kitchen "Just enough time for some breakfast. I think I have some left-over biscuits and some strawberry jam. Add a bit of butter and we have a quick Southern breakfast."

"Got any tea? Thought maybe I could start a kettle for us both."

"Sounds great," Selena said. "Cabinet on the right. Kettle is on the stove." She kissed his cheek and they both went to work, dashing past each other in the kitchen in perfect unison. It was almost like something from an animated film, all that was missing was the musical number.

Selena had taken out two biscuits, reheating them in the toaster over while she nuked the honey butter for 15 seconds just to soften it up.

"I like this," she said. "The whole couple in the kitchen thing. I could get used to this."

"Oh I think you will," he said, grabbing to mugs from another cabinet. He put one next to hers and Selena touched her hand, caressing it before he withdrew. "I have no plans on stopping."

"How about we make our movie nights dine in nights from now on?" She suggested, taking the biscuits out and applying the butter and jam to them. With that down she made her way over the short distance to Sam, getting very close to him, loosely wrapping her arms around his neck. "Just you and me in the kitchen then just you and me on the couch...followed by you and me in the bedroom."

"Definitely ranks as the best thing to get used to." Their lips met again as his arms went around her, Sam pulling Selena closer. Just as their tongues began to touch the high-pitched whistle of the tea kettle.

"Well if that not a scene from a movie I don't know what is," Selena said, giggling as the kiss broke. "And the clock says we have about twenty minutes left before the crew starts to arrive. So, let's dig in while we can."

The two began their quick meal of biscuits and tea, however that didn't mean the lovers didn't talk between bites. "You know I think today is the first time I'm seeing these designs. You know, at all."

"I'm aware," Selena said. "I kind of want it all to be a surprise, And I didn't know if you'd like them or not."

"They'll be great, especially considering the model."

Thanks, but I also want you to just like them, you know? I mean you kind of helped inspire them."


"Yeah, I mean I definitely had my own ideas but when we were going through all those sixties movies, especially the beach movies, all those colors really stuck with me. So, well, I'm eager for you to see them for a lot of reasons. I'm just glad you're hear in person. I don't know, I've still got nerves over people's reactions. I know I'm going to focus on the awful ones."

"As long as you know those comments are only coming from the supremely stupid," Sam said, leaning forward to kiss her forehead. "Do you need any help getting ready for the crew?"

"No, you gave me what I needed," she said, squeezing his hand. "Right now I just want to finish this quick little nosh and get ready for the day ahead. I know it all looks easy and glamorous but believe me, it can get kind of monotonous. Especially an all day shoot."

"I think I'll manage." After that it was few more bites of biscuit and sips of tea before the crew began to arrive. A quick kiss followed by Selena introducing him to the crew and then a quick trip for make-up and wardrobe. She blew him a kiss and told Sam she'd meet him outside by the pool, where the shoot was going to be.

Sam waited, but made a trip to the bathroom first to do a quick change of his own from his standard jeans and t-shirt to a tank-top and board shorts. They were tie-dyed with shaded of purple, green and orange. He ditched his sneakers for a pair of slip-on sandals and headed out to the pool where preliminary set up was going on. All that was missing at that point was Selena herself.

It took about an hour for her to appear, but when she did Sam was floored, to say the least. The time waiting just passed by, nothing really catching Sam's attention away from his phone until she stepped out, her perfectly scrumptious curvy body enclosed in a bikini that could best be described as barely there. What was there certainly did speak to what she described, with a groovy mix of purple, orange and green all melting into each other.

While Sam wasn't the only guy on the small set to give her the eyes, his gaze was the only one Selena cared about, her smile growing wider as she made her way over. His phone was tucked away and all the attention was on her.

"Well I see I'm not the only one ready to get wet," Selena said, her radiant smile making his heart skip a beat. "And we match! How'd you know?"

"I didn't really," he said. "I just kind of took a shot in the dark really. I mean you love those colors so I guessed they'd be somewhere around today."

"I love a clever boy," she giggled. "Thanks for being here though. I already feel a lot better dressed like this with you here. I don't know, I mean it feels weird calling you a security blanket..."

"Oh it's no problem. I mean I can't say I would mind being wrapped around you right now."

"Well, play your cards right...." she winked before kissing his cheek. "Okay, gotta get started." Selena turned and went to the photographer and after a bit more set-up the photoshoot began and seconds in Sam had to take a seat to better hide the tent he was pitching. He couldn't take his eyes off her. He'd never met a woman that could shift gears form being the cutest person on Earth to being pure sex on two legs in an instant. It'd be somewhat disarming if he wasn't so head over heels in love with her.

Sam wasn't the only one enjoying themselves watching their love. Selena would steal glances at him, winking, blowing kisses and making funny faces at him. And he was looking at her every time. Never on his phone. 100% of the attention he had was on her. That was new experience for her, and she was already putting together a few ideas on how to show her man all of her appreciation.

There was a quick break so Selena could change into a different swimsuit. A little tent set up was in her spacious backyard.

"Come on," she said to Sam.

"To the changing room?"

"Yeah. I mean it's not liked you're not already pretty familiar with the assets."

Sam shrugged. She had a solid point. Selena took his hand and led him to the tent. Within was a make-up table, chair and her usual artist to do some touch-ups along with a few other swimsuits for her to try on. The moment she and Sam were behind the curtain-doors of the tent Selena began to strip down, showing every inch of her perfect details to Sam. He knew every curve of her body at this point but never turned down a opportunity for a fresh gander.

"So that was different," said, sliding on the new bikini bottoms.

"What was?"

"You were," she said.

"What did I do?"

"You...just looked at me."

"Was I not supposed to?" he asked.

"Look, usually when someone I'm dating is on a shoot like this with me, it doesn't mean they're really looking at me. They're either on their phone or, in one case checking out other women one the set...or texting a side piece."

"I was there for all of it," her make-up artist said, confirming Selena's story

"Why would I look at anyone else but you?"

That made her face light up like pinball machine with all the bonuses lit. She went to the make-up table and grabbed her phone. Sam watched as she typed away on it for a minute before putting it back. "You know what I just did?"


"Just told my roommates that I needed the house to myself for the rest of the night...until about two in the afternoon tomorrow. So you know what that means."

"The shoot is running late?" he said, half-joking.

"Nope. It means I've got you all to myself tonight," she said, wrapping her arms around him and pressing her bare tits against him. "And you've got me." She kissed his chin. "But first...back to work."

Sam stood back, watching her put the top of the next swimsuit on, get a quick touch up on her make-up and head back out. He was of course, in tow. He once more took a seat one one of the beach chairs as the shoot continued, Selena looking smoldering and making the tent much harder for Sam to hide. She caressed her body, setting the world on fire and damn near melting the lens of the camera. Of course, also driving Sam wild. She was loving this. His eyes one every inch of her skin, showing her just how hungry he was for her. As much fun as the shoot was, she couldn't wait for it to be over, so it could just be the two of them.

That wish of an early day was granted. The shoot went beyond smoothly and what would have been a lunch break ended up being the end of the shoot. Still, despite the shoot being over early, the crew as paid the full day and Selena had a catered meal for them ready to go.

However, she and Sam held back from the eating. She had other plans in mind. Sam noticed she'd gone into the kitchen while everyone ate in the pool during the impromptu picnic. She shushed him when their eyes met. he got the signal. Whatever she was doing, it was meant to be a surprise.

Selena wasn't in the kitchen for too long. It was maybe twenty minutes before she was out once more, now wearing a light, sheer robe. After that she made the rounds, making sure to get Sam first, and made the rounds with him by her side. Selena made it a point to thank every single person for their help and make sure they knew how good a job they did. To her, it was only right. Sure, they were getting paid but it never hurt to let people know they were appreciated.

As those rounds were made and the food was eaten, the crew one by one went home until finally, after the final wave goodbye, Selena and Sam were alone. She closed the door and locked it, turned around and leaning her back against it, her seductive gaze on her man.

"Go wait for me in the pool," she said, making her approach. Her arms snaked around his waste and her lips lightly pressed against his. "I'll be right out."

Sam grinned and nodded. He headed out and tossed his shirt aside before wading into the shallow wend of the pool, very relieved he no longer had to worry about anyone seeing his Selena-inspired stiffness.

After a few minutes in the pool, Selena appeared pulling a red wagon behind her. The wagon was filled with a bag of charcoal, some plastic refrigerator tubs, a bag of ice and the makings of margaritas. She'd also changed back into the bikini with all the strings, which gave him a nice thrill. While he loved how each looked on her perfect body, that one just hit him hard and made him harder.

Selena gave him a wink as she made her way over to the small little cooking area in the back. There was a mini bara there as well as a green, oval shaped charcoal grill.

"Need any help?" Sam asked.

"Sure, let's get that whole couples cooking thing going now." Selena answered. Sam pulled himself from the pool and came to Selena's side. She lifted the grate on the grill so Sam could pour in the charcoal. "That's enough," she said. In short order the fire was lit and the grate was pushed back down.

"So what's on the menu?"

"Recipe I got from one of the chefs from my show," she said, taking a bag full of marinated shrimp from the wagon and placing them in a mini-fridge. "While everyone else was eating I made the marinade, through some shrimp in there and as soon as this fire gets just right we're having tequila lime shrimp and margaritas." She opened a little mini-freezer behind the bar and Sam slid the ice in. He was about to put the reposado tequila in the mini fridge besides it when Selena stopped him. "Oh that's not just for the margaritas Sammy." Selena reached back into the wagon and placed a few items on the bar; two shot glasses, a salt shaker and  a bucket of limes.

Selena took too limes and out and cut them into wedges then handed the shot glasses to Sam. "Let's take a dip while the coals get ready." She grabbed the lime wedges and the tequila bottle and they walked to the edge of the pool. The couple set their load down and looked at each other.

"Cannonball?" Sam asked.

"Cannonball." Selena confirmed. The two went to the deep end of the pool and back up just a bit before running and jumping into the pool, a gigantic splash occurring from their combined cannonballs. The both emerged from the rippling blue water laughing. Once they wiped the water from their faces, Selena and Sam waded towards each other and embracing, kissing hungrily and letting free the hours of pent-up lust between them.

Sam guided Selena back to the shallow end of the pool where the tequila was. Their embrace ended for a moments as Selena slowly pulled the strings and lost the bikini top. Sam leaned his face forward to get a taste but she halted him. Selena had far more creative plans. She poured two shots into the nearby shot glasses and handed one to Sam. The moment Sam saw her sprinkle some salt on the top of her breasts and put the lime wedge in her mouth he got the idea.

Sam knocked back the shot and licked the salt from his woman's wet flesh before sealing it all with a kiss, sucking on the lime as they liplocked. Selena spit out the used rind and did her shot without the fanfare, kissing her man once more as the sweet burn of the tequila went down her throat.

While the body shot was perfect, Sam wanted a taste of something different. His hands went to Selena's ass, cupping it before moving is hands to the strings of her bikini. One pull on both sides and the bikini was free and Selena was bare.

Sam lifted Selena up to the edge of the pool and her perfect legs were opened, Sam's tasty target in sight.

"Mmmmm yesss," Selena moaned, her toes curling and sliding up and down Sam's back as his lips and hands made deliciously delicate contact with the flesh of her thigh. Fiery kisses and loving licks covered her wet skin as he got closer and closer until he pressed Selena button and she choked on her breath.

One os Selena's hands darted down, running through his wet hair as the other ran over her own body, squeezing her tits as she moaned out his name.

"Yes...oh Sammy...Sam...oh gosh...oh yesss..." Her stomach rose and fell with every new gulp of air. Her lover making every minute of waiting for this moments worth it, the satisfaction making her skin tingle and body ache for more. The loving licks and sucking on her clit and the skillful dance of his fingers with in her velvet goldmine.

Both lovers were enjoying every moment of this, however both lovers wanted something a bit...stronger.

Sam gripped Selena round bum and pulled her back into the pool. The moment the Latina love goddess was back in the water her hand went under the surface and slid under his trunks, gripping his rigid rod and stroking.

"Someone's been wanting this all day," she said knowingly. "I'm going to let you in on a secret." Her free hand also went under the water, gripping the band of his trunks and beginning to tug them down. . "So have I. So...lose those stylish shorts babe."

In seconds the trunks were off and he was on her, moans and other sounds of desire muffled by hot, savage and sloppy kisses. Once more Sam pressed his love against the wall of the pool. He lifted her up and Selena wrapped her sensuous legs around him.

"Sam!" she moaned, the delicious feeling of dick filling her up scratching a seven-hour itch. A tempest formed around them, waves splashing around their passion. Selena's arms rose from the raging waters, planting themselves on the edge of the pool, stabilizing her as Sam took her. With her legs wrapped around him and her hand holding on, that gave his own hands a bit freedom to roam her dangerous curves. From the peachy perfection of her ass up and over her curvy hips and up to her luscious breasts, where his mouth joined the party.

He sucked on her hard nipples, his tongue circling them as Selena's globes were lovingly and lustfully squeezed and massed by his hands. "Yes...oh Sammy," she growled." Just like that...oh gosh you know...you know how to...fuuuuck yesss!"

Hot breaths hissed between her clenched teeth. The magic of Sam's mouth on her breasts, his roaming hands and his cock hitting all the right spots was casting a spell on Selena. And while doing all of this in water was making it all a bit easier, the strain on his legs was getting to Sam just a bit. He wrapped his arms around her and took her to the wide stair case of the pool, sitting down and handing over the steering wheel to Selena.

The action paused for the briefest moment, Selena looking down at at Sam. "I love you," she said, brushing the hair from his eyes and going in for a deep and soulful kiss. Then, with Sam's hands gripping her beautiful backside she slowly rebuilt their rhythm.

"You feel so good Sam...so good...oh my gosh...fuck me....oh my...fuck me baby..."

Selena worked her hips, swirling and grinding on Sam's cock as he thrust up into her. She through her head back, her dyed blonde lock's flying back in the air. The rest of her body followed, leaning back into the cool water of the pool as the passion between the two lovers did nothing but get hotter. Sam's trusts slowed down but went deeper, working his own hips as he drove in to the woman of his dreams.

Selena's eyes fluttered, sometimes shutting tight from the pleasure. But when they were open, those beautiful brown eyes went to the beach chairs near the bar. That would be so much more yummy for them both.

"Ch-chairs," Selena said. "Take me to the chairs."

"You wish is my command," Sam said, pulling Selena up and holding her tight. He lifted her up and walked up the stairs and out of the pool, taking Selena to the chairs and laying her down. Seeing her on her back, Selena delivered a devilish smile to him before rolling on to her stomach and getting on all fours, wiggling her ass in front of him.

"Now b aby," she pleaded. "Put your cock back in me now."

Once more Selena's wish was his command. They both groaned from smiling mouth as his cock filled her up once more. He gripped her shoulder with one hand and her hip with another and began driving into Selena's cunt with a purpose.

"YES!" Selena screamed into the open air. "Oh gosh YES!" Fuck me...oh gosh...I fucking LOVE YOU SAM!!!!"

"Oh god," Sam growled, gripping her hip tight. "Selena...fuck baby I love you too!" He hammered into her sweet cunt for a few minutes, Selena gripping the cushion on the chair tight. The grip only tightened when Sam's pace slowed, venturing deeper inside her and making her toes curl at the sensations his drill was unearthing. "FUCK," she growled. "Right there! Right...fucking...THERE!"

He pulled Selena up, her back to his chest, lips colliding again as he gave in so willingly to each and every one of her demands. Harder, faster, slower...anything for her. Selena was being downright spoiled and was loving every moment of it.

Sam decided to give Selena a bit of a surprise. He pulled out of her and rolled his goddess onto her back, pinning her legs to her chest, her knees hanging over shis shoulder. When he re-entered her Sam could see her shudder. He was so deep inside of her, Selena biting her lip as he drove into her.

"You're....you're going to make me...make me cum," she said. "Oh Sammy...oh gosh...make me cum on your cock...please baby...make me cum for you...only for you..."

Sam caressed her face, Selena sucking his thumb into he mouth as soon as it came close. He leaned down, kissing her deeply as his pace increased.

"YES!" Selena cried as the kiss broke. "Oh fuck make me cum...make me cum Sam...oh gosh i want to cum all over your fucking perfect dick...YES!"

Sam did everything he could to satisfy that request, and di so happily. Working his cock inside his lover's pussy, kissing and tasting her exquisite skin and gliding his hand over her perfect form to her clit, playing with it making her smoky voice reach new highs as the pleasure he was giving her drove her into the most intoxicating kind of madness.

"YESSSSS!" Selena howled. Her hands grasped at him, her neon green nails digging into his back as she gripped tight, pleasure rocking her from head to curled up toes. There was an exclusive high coming for Sam. Letting herself go just for him giving herself completely up to the man she loved and who loved her back. It was a wonderful high nothing else could ever hope to match.

Another thing Selena adored about her man was his stamina. He was able to achieve the Herculean task of not exploding in her pussy as it convulsed in pleasure around his cock. Though it wasn't by much. He was seconds away form explosion and Selena wanted to give him a special treat.

The Latina put her hand on his chest, getting him to slow down and finally pull out of her.

"Fuck my tits," Selena said, licking her full, luscious lips. She grabbed her breast, pressing them together to accentuate her point. "Put that hot cock between these titties baby....mmm if I'm going to be out in the sun I need some of your special cream...better than suntan lotion...cover me baby..."

Sam scrambled to grant her request, straddling her chest and sliding his cock between Selena's glorious globes. His hand were on top of hers, pressing them together as he began to pump in the valley of her flesh.

"Yes...yes baby...oh gosh yes....shoot it...cum...I earned it and you want it...CUM!!!"

"SELENA!!!" he cried, his voice cracking as white hot cum exploded from the tip of his cock, rope reaching her chin and lips while the rest of his hot lust pooled on her  neck and in the valley of cleave where his now withering member lay.

Sam pulled away from her tits, watching her scoop the cum up with her fingers and swallowing it down, licking it from her face with her pink tongue. He leaned down to kiss her tenderly before collapsing on the seat next to her.

"Well I don't know about you sweetie," Selena said. "But a margarita sounds amazing right now."

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Re: Movie Buffs starring Selena Gomez(Chapter 4 now up!)
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2021, 04:35:56 PM »
A story hot enough to go with that particular photoshoot!  Well done!
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Re: Movie Buffs starring Selena Gomez(Chapter 5 now up!)
« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2021, 10:04:50 PM »
All of the following is complete and total fiction. Not a word of it occurred, nor would it

Movie Buffs starring Selena Gomez
Chapter 5: For Your Eyes Only
(MF, FF, Oral, Cons, Voyeurism, Exhibitionism, Anal)
Special Guest Star: Lili Reinhart

"I think I'm getting a soft spot for Moore," Selena said. She was cuddled up with Sam on his couch, to empty bowls of what once contained homemade ramen the pair had prepared together in the kitchen. The credits had just started rolling on For Your Your Eyes Only. "When we first started marathoning the Bond movies I was all about Connery. He had that whole rugged, bad boy thing going on."

"So what changed?" Sam asked.

"He's an affable but dashing dork. Kind of reminded me of you baby," she said, kissing his cheek before putting her head on his shoulder. "Obviously of course nowhere near as handsome."

"Well of course. Though I have to say, I think what I have is better than any Bond girl."

"Mmmm, and charming too. I know how to pick them...well, now I do at least." She leaned forward and picked up their bowls. "Come on, time for clean up duty before the next show."

The pair walked to the kitchen sink and started working, Sam washing while Selena dried.

"You know, I like that one but for a movie called For Your Eyes Only it really didn't feel like Bond was doing a lot of looking or watching."

"Didn't quite scratch that voyeuristic itch, did it?"

"Well why should you have all the fun watching?" Selena asked, arching her eyebrow as thoughts of the previous month's bikini bash went through both of their minds.

"Don't forget the audience participation," added Sam.

"How could I forget?" Selena asked. She placed the dish towel down and put her arms around Sam's neck. The playfully touched noses. "Have a lot of good memories now because of those swimsuits. That day...and the feeling I got when I found out they were sold out...and the feeling of BRITNEY FREAKING SPEARS thanking me for sending her stuff. It's all so cool. I really can't wait to see other women with stuff I designed on."

"Well that's going to be a sight to see. But I don't think they're going to hold a candle to the original model."

"Flattery will get you everywhere, including my pants." Selena replied. She then paused for a moment, shaking her head and giggling. "I just went super cheesy didn't I?"

"I guess Moore really rubbed off on you," said Sam. "And while we're on the subject of cheesy lines are we ready for our dessert tradition?"

"Always." Selena's arms separated from Sam and she went to the freezer. "You know the best thing about owning an ice cream company? The freebies." She took out two pints and handed one off to Sam. "You sure you don't want another flavor? You don't have to keep eating the one I was pushing before I bought the place."

"I know, it's just really damn good cookies and cream."

With ice cream in hand the two returned to the couch, turned on Netflix and got in to their newest viewing habit. It started with a discussion of campy films and shows. Then Selena suggested a show that Taylor was a huge fan of, Riverdale. That had been a week ago and the couple were already on season three and catching up enough that seasons four and five would be a breeze.

As they watched the show, the couple had discovered their favorites and even shared them with each other. That conversation started midway through the first season binge when Selena mentioned Taylor's absolute favorite character to be Cheryl Blossom played by actress Madelaine Petsch. it was easy to see why. In addition to being a drop dead gorgeous redhead, she was absolutely and delightfully reveling in the campiness of her role as a femme fatale.

While neither could disagree with Taylor's assessment, both Sam and Selena had their faves. Selena had hers in the form of Camila Mendes' Veronica Lodge. Something about the raven hair and seductive nature mixed with a heart of gold. Sam's was Betty Cooper as played by Lili Reinhart. Something about the sweet and not-so-innocent girl next door type just sucked him in.

They were in the middle of a musical episode in the third season with all three women in very sexy, preppy like fits. Short skirts, plaid jackets, knee socks, with Madelaine predictably in red everything.

"You know with the way you look at Lili I'm thinking I should've stayed blonde," Selena teased.

"Blonde or brunette, still love you so no other woman even has a chance." replied Sam. "Besides, what about the way you're checking out Camila?"

"Me? Let it be known Mr. Carpenter that I would never get all frisky with another woman unless you were involved. Remember, I've proved that. However, doesn't mean I can't look and wonder and cook up ideas to try on you at a later date."

After a quick kiss the pair went back to the show for a few moments before Sam spoke again. "You know what you should do for promotion?" he asked before following up with "Send some comps to them. I mean they have good social media followings, right? And you even told me you noticed Lili liked your photoshoot."

"Send it to them," Selena repeated, smiling at the idea. "Oh Sam, I love it! It's genius. What sells bikinis better than women in bikinis? I mean, duh, mine sold out a couple times over! Add three more to the mix...maybe even do a photoshoot with them..at least one of them..."

"A photoshoot?"

"Don't worry hun, you're of course invited to such a hypothetical," Selena smiled. She then grabbed the remote and turned the TV off before straddling Sam. "In fact...I think someone deserves a little reward for such a good business proposal."

Their lips met in a volcanic collision. Sam's hand went Selena's lovely plump ass, squeezing it as his love's arms wrapped around him and pulled him close, her nails digging in through his shirt. Selena's tongue snaked into Sam's mouth and playing a round of full contact tonsil hockey.

With his mouth happily busy Sam's hands roamed up Selena's body, feeling every inch of her body through a loose sweatshirt before reaching her bountiful, beautiful breasts. The moment that happened, Sam knew a touch just wouldn't be enough.

His liplock with Selena took a pause as her began to remove the barrier. She leaned back, raising her arms as the sweatshirt was removed and tossed aside. Soon though the globes were covered by Sam's hands, gently but firmly squeezing them before bringing his mouth closer. He stuck his tongue out and licked a circle around her left nipple, closing his mouth around it to suck on it. Selena moaned, her mouth open and smiling. The sound was soft and yearning, she couldn't wait for more and she wouldn't have to. From left to right and back again Sam once more visited a wonderful bit of real estate on Selena's body.

As she was reveling in the worship of her tits, Selena leaned back, offering up more of herself to her man. The sweet heat of his kisses began to expand, going to her neck and to her stomach the further she leaned back. Her stomach rose, his tongue and lips moving with the rise and the fall that followed it. Everything Sam was giving her was really lighting her fire, but when Selena's hand gripped the coffee table behind her and bump against the ice cream pint a new idea entered her head.

She rose back up in a flash and and grabbed Sam by the face, caressing his cheek as she went in for a kiss. She rested her forehead against his as it broke and licked his lips. "Getting kind of hot in here hun," she said. "Let's take care of that."

As Selena slunk to her knees Sam quickly caught on to her plan, or the jist of it at least. He lifted himself up off the couch slightly, hovering and he began to pull his pants down, Selena's hands soon helping in the effort until they were completely off and tossed elsewhere in the room.

Selena looked up at him, her sparkling eyes making her sweet and sinful smile burn even more intently. Her hands rubbed up and down Sam's thighs, her nails daintily gliding along the sensitive skin. Then her lovely, full lips joined the effort, kissing up and down his legs, letting her tongue out to create a saliva map of all the spots she knew by hand to make him twitch.

That of course was just the warm up. The moment he saw Selena reach for the ice cream. he instantly got flashbacks from the drive-in and couldn't help but smile as he felt his mouth get Sahara dry in anticipation.

Selena set the ice cream beside him on the couch, leaving it along as her soft hands grabbed his hard rod, the slight bit of cold on her palm making him shiver in a way he didn't mind all too much, especially as his Latina love began to pump his dick.

"I never get tired of this guy," Selena said, her smoky voice making the rigid rod twitch again. "I knew you were ready to play when i was on your lap. I felt you get hard for me. Did you feel how wet that made? Pretty sure there's a wet spot right on my sweats...did you feel it?"

"A...fuck...a little," Sam managed to get out. Selena's handjob was wonderfully distracting.

"Good...just in case you were wondering if the desire was mutual." Selena then opted to show just how intense her desire was. She moved her face closer to Sam's prong, extending her tongue and giving it a long, swirling lick around the crown, almost making him melt like the frozen treat just waiting to  be put into play. The tongue was soon followed by her lips, wrapping around the crown as the saliva swirl continued.

Sam was in heaven, the portal of Selena's mouth taking more and more of him to paradise as she swallowed more of his sword. Her soft hands played with his sack, delicately teasing and fondling his balls. Soon one hand went solo as the other went to join her mouth, stroking whatever piece of his pole wasn't currently being devoured as her mouth went back and forth.

"Ohhh god baby...oh Sel..." Sam had leaned his head back, his eyes closed as her focused on nothing but the tactile sensation of her mouth making love to his cock. That sensation got a bit of seasoning as he looked down and watching his perfect beauty at work, cheeks billowing as she sucked him. His body both tensed and relaxed at the same time, a constant state of flux brought on by pure sexual sensation. He was in a position mentally he'd been in many times since he started dating Selena. Of all the things he adored about her, one of them were how Selena could go from his sweet angel baby in one second and his fucking girlfriend who spits on his cock the next. He thought it couldn't get better...which meant she was about to prove him wrong.

She moved off his cock, her cock breath feeling cool to his saliva coated cock. When Selena reached for that pint of ice cream Sam got flashbacks of the drive-in and the inventive way Selena used his slushie.

Selena moved the spoon around in the container and pulled it out, the utensil covered in a dripping coating of light pink ice cream then drizzled a bit on his cock, the cool licked making him shiver. The cold was temporary however, a memory once Selena's hot mouth once more covered him. She sucked him sweetly, her tongue licking of up every drop of the sweet treat she'd just layered on his own treat. The collision of hot, warm and her talented tongue made fireworks go off up and down Sam's spine. The fireworks became cannon blasts when Selena took him into her throat. It was almost too much, but Selena seemed to know that, pulling off and gasping for air. She looked up at him, mischief in her eyes.

"You're right...it does taste pretty darn good."

The next sound to come out of Selena's mouth was a lustful laugh as she was swept up in Sam's arms. He carried her to the dining room table laying her down on it and yanking her sweatpants off, leaving Selena just as bare as he.

Selena smiled when she felt his hard girth on her thigh. "Fuck me," she demanded. "Fuck me baby."

Sam grabbed her right leg and brought it up, her calf against his chest. Sam kissed her from ankles to knees, tasting her and loving every note of it while he aimed his cock at her very moist opening. They both cried out as he filled her up.

"Oh god Sam!" Selena said. Fuck me...cum with me...use that fucking cock...oh baby..." Sam got right on Selena's demand, going hard and fast from the beginning. The table shook as Selena let her man take the reigns and give her the hammering she asked for.

"Fuck fuck FUCK!" she screamed, thrashing her head from side to side. She gripped the sides of the table tight as she howled, pleading for more and crying our Sam's name with an intense heat. Seeing her like this, hearing her made him just as wild. This was a side of Selena he'd been seeing more and more since the threesome with Taylor. A wild side she'd only let him see flashes of. But after that event she was letting a rougher side of herself. They still had their tender moments, but she also let herself go a little wilder for him now, like the bikini photoshoot had shown.

Sam leaned forward, putting his arm around Selena's back and pulling her up. Selena braced her arms back, steeling herself. The lovers locked eyes, an intense stare as Sam continued to pump Selena's pussy.

"You cock is fucking good...so good Sammy...oh gosh....don't fucking stop...mmm baby...how's this pussy...tell me...please.."

"So...nngg..fucking...good.." he growled, gritting his teeth with his forehead to hers. "Nothing better....oh god Sel..I...I fucking love you..." From forehead to forehead to lips to lips, the loving and lusingl couple kissed as their sounds of sex echoed in his kitchen.

The moment Sam's lips departed Selena's they went right for her tits, getting another taste of her flesh. With Selena's arms holding herself up Sam went back to her tits, fondling the melons in his hands while his mouth got busy with worshipping them.

"Fuck gimme that cock...every inch babe...all of it...all of you....take me..." Selena's voice began to crack and her body began to have a glow to it from the light sheen of sweat forming on her body. She was on fire, Sam's dick turning up the heat with every deep and skilled stroke he made in her. Every secret spot she had was hit. He knew when to go full blast and when slow it down, as he was now. Every kiss just like every thrust was now sweet, more sensual and every bit as hungry. His craving for her grew the more he had and the same was true for her. All that desire was giving her a new craving, and Selena was more than ready to indulge the both of them.

"Mmm best cock I've ever had," Selena said. "You know what though...I think I need it...I need it everywhere. It's already been in my mouth....mmm my p-pussy...now...fuck my ass? Please baby...please fuck me dirty....make me dirty..."

Sam was too lost in Selena to even be taken aback by her request, he just happily went for it. In a flash he pulled out of the heaven of her cunt and kissed her one more time before pulling her off the table and turning her around, the lovely Latina squealing and giggling in delight as she was bent over.

Selena gripped the table, bracing herself as she felt his battering ram at her entrance.

"Fucking do it," she confidently demanded. "Fuck my ass lover."

Sam rubbed her asscheeks lovingly with one hand while the other held his cock right at her rear entrance. he pushed forward, Selena breathing deep as his head popped through the tight opening.

"Yesssss," she hissed. "Mmm more...all the way Sammy...oh fuck baby all the way..." Selena's head hung down as more and more of Sam's hard rod made its way inside her ass until his sword was completely sheathed. Then he slowly began to pull out, savoring that sweet tightness just as Selena was loving every throbbing inch he had to give her. Her grip on the table went white knuckle and her open mouth soon upturned to a grin. "Fuck me!"

Her wish was his command. His rhythm sped up, both hands now at her hips, and pulling Selena to him. Soon though that was redundant as Selena began to push herself back to meet every last, delicious thrust he made up her ass.

"Harder!" she shouted. "YES! Baby! SPANK MY ASS! HARD!" She had completely let go and her reward was a loud crack on her ass, just as she ordered. "YES! AGAIN!"

SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! This side of Selena may have come out to play more and more often lately, but it was still not an all the time thing so she and Sam were eagerly reveling in it. Hard smacks to her ass cheeks led to Selena being ranked up, Sam holding her tight to his chest while his hands roughly pawed at the tits, tweaking and tugging on her nipples as he continued to take her asshole.

"Ohhh fuck...fuck that ass..." Selena said, almost as a chant. "Come on baby...mmmmmake me cum...I want to cum with that perfect cock in ym ass....fuck me like a dirty girl....cum in my ass...."

There was no response to that kind of request, at least not a verbal one. Fortunately actions spoke louder and Sam had just the response. With one savage and sloppy kiss Selena was bent back over and Sam gave her everything he had, jack-hammering her ass while Selena's hand dipped between her legs to frig her clit. Sparks flew and ignited a fire that grew and grew. Every stroke of her clit, every pump Sam made in her ass was turning up the heat until the blaze went white hot.

Sam slowed down just a bit, bending over himself and bringing his lips to her ears. "You feel so fucking good...so good Sel..oh fuck...every...part...of...you.." He gave each of those words their own deep thrust as punctuation. "Cum for me and you'll get everything I have...everything...." His thrusts sped up once more and his words turned to growls that set her afire.

"SAM!!!!!" Selena cried out as her body lit up like a pinball machine. Every bell rang as her pleasure overloaded her, bouncing  all over her body. She quivered, shook and her asshole clamped down hard on Sam's cock.

"CUM!" she demanded as her gave his final few pumps. "Cum in my ass!"

"Nnng fuck! FUCK!" Sam yelled, slamming into the starlet's starfish one last time before erupting, the warm pulses of white hot lava bringing a sinful and satisfied smile to a very pleased Selena.

"Yesss," she hissed, loving the warm explosion within. "Mmm I love you Sam..." With that, in the haze of it all, the raunch was over and the romance swept in. Sam removed himself from her ass and turned her around, giving a a tired but powerful kiss.

"Love you too," he said, stroking her face. "I need to come up with good ideas more often."


It was a few days later and Sam was at work. He was at the store in the back, checking on shipments, both brand new and freshly bought from customers and eBay when Selena surprised him.

"Great news!" she said, hopping up to take a seat on a nearby counter. "I just had to come down and tell you since it was all your wonderful idea."

"What is it Sel?" he asked, setting down his tablet computer and walking  towards her, giving her a late kiss hello.

"Well, just proof that your idea was perfect, which makes me want to give you another round of special thanks but I don't think we'd be that quiet right now."

"Good point. Now, give me the details."

"Okay, so two days ago after you dropped me back off at my place I got in touch with my La'Mariette folks and had them send out some comps to the Riverdale women. I mean it is really a no brainer for promotion. And today, I got a phone call from your fave Lili...and she LOVED it. And we're going to have lunch in about an hour. Just spur of the moment and talk about stuff, maybe a little double photoshoot...GAH! It's so awesome!" She smiled and giggled and it absolutely melted Sam's heart.

"Sounds like we have cause for a special celebration."

"Mmmm hmmm," she said, giving him a quick peck before sliding off the counter. "How about you make those plans and run them by me after lunch. I have to leave now if I don't want to get stuck in traffic. I just needed to tell you. I'll talk to you when this lunch is over. Love you!"

"Love you too." Sam replied before they shared on more kiss upon Selena's exit.


The restaurant was a Thai place, low lighting with red and gold wallpaper. A little lived in hole in the wall that was a great spot for unofficial official informal formal meetings like the one Selena was awaiting. She'd arrived at the restaurant first and was currently sitting alone at the large table for two. She'd arrived before Lili and was absent-mindedly sipping some hot tea, waiting for her appointment to arrive.

She was halfway through pouring herself a second cup when the blonde starlet arrived and give her a smile of recognition when their eyes met. When Lili approached the table Selena got up to greet her. It might have been a bit familiar, but she greeted the blonde with a friendly hug. Fortunately the beautiful semi-stranger went right in.

"It's so nice to meet you!" Lili exclaimed as the embrace broke. "I'm a big fan."

"Same here." Selena replied. "On both counts." Selena took her seat and Lili followed, though with a bit of a confused look on her face.


"Totally. Me and my boyfriend Sam? We LOVE Riverdale. We only discovered it recently through Taylor, who's also a big fan. We've been binging and we just love the campiness. It's so hard to find good camp, you know?"

"Taylor?" Lili asked. "As in Taylor Swift??? THE Taylor Swift?"

"The one and only."

"Wow...uh...I guess I wasn't expecting to hear that. i mean I do a lot but not from someone that I watched on Disney Channel. I mean I watched Wizards of Waverly Place kind of religiously. And the Suite Life but I guess that's kind of a given."


"Oh...um...gah that's a bit of the past flooding in. I used to date Cole Sprouse. And we weren't exactly quiet about it so I just always assume people know."

"Oh I get that assumption completely. Look at my history. You date famous you just assume everyone has a checklist of who you've been with."

"I know, right?" Lili asked. "But enough of me embarrassing myself in front of my other Disney Channel crush....which...um...looks like I managed to do again." Lili's cheeks went cherry red blushing. Selena found it simply adorable.

"Lili, it's fine!" Selena assured. "I mean I know this sounds like a humble brag but that's not the first time I've heard that or had it slip from another actor or even a co-worker. It goes with the job. Besides, I'm not the only one who has people crushing on them. You have to get it too. I mean my boyfriend, I'm not afraid to admit it, has a bit of a thing for you."

"Really?," Lili said with a laugh, still a little flustered because that added info. "Dating you, crushing on me. Obviously he's a man of good taste. He sounds like a keeper."

"Big time," Selena said, returning the laugh and smile Lili so freely gave.

Soon the server arrived to take their orders and left quickly to leave the two alone to chat a bit more. It was small talk at first, casual "getting to know you" stuff. They shared pictures of dogs, talked about long days on set.

"So, let's get on with the thing that brought me here...the swimsuits," Lili said. "They were amazing. I mean not to sound like that bitch but I looked damn good. Loved the colors too. Thanks so much."

"Thank you for saying that," Selena said. "I didn't know if it'd be your style or..."

"Hey, if it looks good it looks good. And it looks gooood."

"Can't argue with that." Selena took a sip of her tea and cleared her throat. "So...um...would you, you know, maybe consider taking some shots of yourself in the swimsuits and post them to your social media?"

"What, like a photoshoot or an unboxing? I mean I already opened the box so...guess I'll have to act. Fortunately I'm an actress so that should work out."

"Kind of...I was kind of thinking more of a selfie style than a full on photoshoot. Show them in a causal setting on a beautiful, curvy woman. Add a bit more realism than mine. Like an everyday thing."

"But keep the drop dead gorgeous blonde." Lili reiterated with a smile. "And by the way, you KILLED as a blonde. I mean...damn."

"Thanks." Now it was Selena's turn to blush.

"No problem. As for the bikini stuff, I like the idea. I'm guessing you also kind of want to keep it under wraps?"

"A little." Selena replied. "Not like a big secret or anything but I'd rather not have everyone knowing until they see it. So it'll help that there won't really be a crew or anything. Just you, me, my boyfriend and the camera."

"Your boyfriend?"

"Uh, yeah. I kind of promised him front row seats." Lili raised an eyebrow. "I know that sounded bad, but...have you ever just met someone that kind of got you to let down walls you didn't even know you had? That's Sam. I mean, I'm not saying I'm a prude but he and I have done some stuff I wouldn't have even imagined. Sex in and on a car at a drive-in, teasing him during that first photoshoot and ravaging each other afterwards. It's like...I can do all the things lurking in my brain and he's not even going to think about judging. Hell he might add something to make it even better...and I think I just went on a major TMI binge."

"Not at all," Lili said. "I've been there. Love really gets you going to do thing you didn't know you had in you. Also not going to complain one bit about those visuals you just put in my head."

"Well you're welcome," Selena asked before fully reacting to the rest of Lili's statement. "Is the big L that obvious?"

"The eyes don't lie." Lili gave Selena a soft smile. "It doesn't matter who you are, how good you are at keeping your mouth shut. When someone is in love, the eyes are always screaming it at the top of their lungs...obviously metaphorically speaking."

"No such thing as a poker face in that arena."

"You got a picture of him?"

"Yeah, hold on." Selena reached for her phone and went to an album full of nothing but photos of her and Sam then handed it off to Lili.

"Awww," she said upon seeing the photos. "You two are adorable! And nicely done with Sam. Very handsome, cute, all the good stuff."

"I'm very aware," Selena said with a giggle and a bit of blushing.

"I'm going to guess that if he's there then part of this whole affair would also be, beyond brand promotion, getting him ready for more ravaging later on at a place yet to be named."

"Well..," Selena said, feeling a tinge of guilt. "Maybe a little. but I swear that's not the main reason. It's like 1/100 of the reason. I mean it's so small of a percentage I wasn't even going to ask because, well, how do you even ask that to a stranger?"

"I think you're fine since the stranger came up with it," Lili said with a wink. "Don't be embarrassed. I'm in. One teensy tiny little caveat though."

"What's that?"

"Well, and there is no easy or subtle way to get at this so I'm just going to say it...I want in on the ravaging. I'm single, your boyfriend is gorgeous and honestly I wouldn't mind completing the set when it comes to sex with my Disney crushes. Also, I totally fell for the thirst trap with your first round of photos so I figured with this kind of opening I should shoot my shot."

"Oh." Selena said. It was more than a tiny shock she had to absorb and Lili could read it on her face.

"Oh...oh no. That was a bit much...and you guys probably aren't even in to the group thing..."

"No, honestly that's fine." answered Selena. "To be honest the first time I told Sam I loved him was in a threesome."

"Awww, dirty romance is so sweet," Lili pined with sincerity. "Does that mean...well..."

"Almost," Selena said, an idea of her own forming. "I have my own take if you'd want to hear."

"Color me intrigued."

"First though, I need to get some food in me and it looks like it's on the way." Selena motioned behind Lili, seeing the food was on the way. "Besides, what's better lunch conversation than variations on a threesome?"


The moment Selena had sent him the text, Sam was intrigued. A change of venue for their usual movie date night was the order of the day and she had sent him a very different address. It certainly wasn't hers. The thought had crossed his mind she might have rented a place...but for one night? It was certainly possible, though highly unlikely.

There was another little mystery to be had as well. When he asked her about what to bring for food she texted back that she'd taken care of it. That wasn't odd in and of itself, but the fact she never mentioned what exactly was going to be on the menu was a bit odd.

He put it all out of his mind however. I mean whatever surprise Selena was cooking up was something he could handle. That thought remained as he pulled into the strange driveway of the mysterious destination and continued as he headed towards the door.

It even remained with him when he noticed the note taped just above the doorbell that was written in Selena's handwriting which read,


Door's open. Come right in.



Sam folded the not and slid it in his pocket before opening the door. Stepping inside some of that confusion returned when the inside of the house didn't match what he thought it would. While that was a very vague thought indeed, it did have one thing that this house didn't. The house in his thoughts though didn't look quite so lived in. Furnished, yes. But not like this.

The couch in front of him looked very cozy with a very worn but comfy looking blanket strewn across the back. Real flowers sat in several different vases. Then there were the pictures. They were in frames on shelves or hung up on the wall. Someone lived here and he didn't know who.

The mystery deepened as one of the houses inhabitant entered the living room as Sam closed the door. They were on all fours as the approach was made, leaping up into his arms covering his face in licks.

"Milo get back here!" Lili said, rushing to catch her small rogue pup while dressed in one of Selena's swimsuits. It was a sight Sam would have loved to have soaked in if he wasn't so completely lost as to what was going on. She picked him up from Sam's arms. "How did you get out?? Selena, I'm so sorry."

"No problem," Selena said, emerging from the hallway. She was wearing the same bikini she had worn for their little post photoshoot rendezvous. Though now as a brunette it gave it all a whole new image that he was very eager to experience...after getting some questions answered. When Selena looked to him and smiled at the confusion written all over his face, he knew answers were on the way. "Hey sweetie."

"Hi Sel," Sam said as he got to his feet.

"I bet you have a lot of questions." Sam nodded, making both Selena and Lili laugh a bit.

"I'll let you explain the situation," Lili said. "Meanwhile I'll handle this little trouble maker and put him back in the guest room." Lili made her exit, leaving Selena alone with Sam who was very eager to have things cleared up.

Selena led him to Lili's couch where they both took a seat. "Okay," she said. "You know how I told you a couple days ago about that meeting with Lili?"

"Yeah..." Sam replied.

"Well, obviously that went well. And she even volunteered her home for it as you can see. And she was totally fine with you being here like I promised you."

"I didn't think you were serious."

"Are you complaining?" Selena jokingly asked.

"Well, no. I just thought it'd be awkward."

"Far from it baby. I mean, you're not just here to watch." Selena went for her purse on the coffee table in front of them, which now that he thought about it Sam knew he should have noticed. She took her phone out, unlocked it and tossed it to Sam. "You're our photographer. Now, I'm going to go get Lili. Meet us outside by the pool. Everything else is good to go. Just a little, casual photoshoot...and then...well, you'll see."

Sam got up, still trying to take in and comprehend everything as Selena went to retrieve their blonde host. He headed to the pool and took a seat on one of the chairs. It wasn't too long after that Selena and Lili walked out, with little Milo in tow.

"Hope you don't mind the guest," Lili said. "I figured it'd be nice to let him run around a bit before putting him up again. Let him burn up energy. Besides, cute dogz are always good addition to a photoshoot."

"I have to agree," Selena added. "Wish I'd had my pups in a couple shots." The pair stopped in front of Sam, Milo jumping up on the seat with him. "So, what are we doing first?"

"That's up to me?" Sam asked.

"Of course." Selena replied. "You're the photographer. We're the models."

"So, what your girl is trying to say Sam," Lili said. "Is give us a little direction."

"Okay," Sam said, thinking on his feet. "Um, well swimsuits, means pool right? So obviously we're going to get some shots of you two in the actual pool...but not yet."

"Why not yet?" Selena asked. "You usually can't wait to get me wet." Selena's up front teasing made Lili laugh and Sam blush a bit.

"UH, well I think a few standard pics poolside would work best first is all. Then in the pool."

"Makes sense," Lili said, nodding.

"Okay, then, what else?" Selena asked. "We have some props at our disposal as well." Selena's arm gestured behind where Sam was sitting. He'd seen it already. It was an assortment of pool toys. Inflatable floaties in the shape of donuts and flamingos and several types of aquatic animals. On the table next to him were two pairs of sunglasses in bright, vibrant colors of green and orange to match the swimsuits alongside a pitcher of lemonade with two margarita glasses next to it. The pitcher of lemonade was almost like something out of a movie with lemon slices mixed with the ice and two of them floating at the top. The afternoon sun was causing some serious condensation, it was almost too perfect.

"Okay...um lay back on the pool chairs," Sam said. "Do a bit of sunbathing...but with the shades on." He picked up the sunglasses and handed them to the women, Lili taking the orange and Selena the green. "And sipping some lemonade in some of the shots." He poured them a couple glasses, arranging it so each had one slice of lemon floating at the top.

The women took their sunglasses and their drinks and laid down. Lili took the chair on the right, closest to Sam and Selena the left. The first photos Sam took were pretty basic. Selena and Lili were laying back, basking in the sun. He shot up from their legs on either side. Focused on Selena, then focused on Lili. He even climbed a footstool to get a wide shot of them both together.

From there it was a few variations. Sunglasses down just a bit, resting on their noses, sipping the lemonade. From there the women got a bit more risque. Not too much though, the plan that Sam was not yet in on was to do just enough to get his creative juices, among other things, flowing.

It was subtle at first. Holding the cool glass to their skin, arching their backs ever so slightly,  giving just enough of  a seductive gaze as their eyes peered over the tops of the sunglasses. It was working because Sam got himself an idea.

"So, um, I think i got something we could try if you ladies are okay with it."

"What's that babe?" Selena asked, very curious as to what he man had cooked up, and when she saw the look on Lili's face, she could see a similar eagerness.

"Well, it's both for safety and aesthetic purposes."

"Oh, of course," Lili said. "Totally for safety. I'm sure that's the motive for your idea."

"Well...I didn't really see either of you put on any sunscreen. So...maybe that could be a couple of photos."

"Ah, your plan has been revealed my dear," Selena said, a hint of tease in her voice. "I was wondering when you were going to direct us to have a little more action."

"I just think it's appropriate," he said, trying his best not to nervously stutter. "I mean two beautiful women doing a more casual kind of thing for photoshoots, we have all the props...might as well utilize them."

"I respect his use of logic to cover his base desires," Lili said with a grin. "Okay boss, how do you want us?"

"Well Lili," he said, clearing his throat before continuing. "I was thinking Selena applies the lotion to your back. But not full sultry, you know? Kind of like a naughty and nice, sugar and spice pin-up thing." Sam went to grab the bottle of lotion from the prop area, bringing it back to the women promptly.

"Gotcha sweetie," Selena said, grabbing the lotion from his hand.  "So, who's sweet and who's spicy?"

"Well, I figured since you'd be the one applying the lotion and it's your swimwear line you'd be a bit on the naughty side. You know, a little bit of dominance because its your product."

"I have to admit, I love your man's use of logic right alongside lust," Lili said, giving Selena a wink that was batted right back.

"One of the many reasons I love him." Selena blew him a kiss and Lili began to untie the bikini top, which made Sam pause.

"Whoa, this isn't going to be Instagram friendly," Sam said.

"You're not taking a picture of me topless," Lili said, holding her top up as the straps fell away. "I'm laying down and we don't want to get lotion all over the bikini top, right?"


"Besides, I'm sure you'll get a peek or two," Lili said, her flirtiness very open and getting a smile from Selena as her man blushed. She loved it when a plan came together.

Lili laid herself down on her stomach, her globes pressed against the bottom of the pool chair and creating a lovely visual for the amateur photographer.  The visual got even better as Selena put a bit of the lotion on her hands. Then they both looks to Sam for a bit of direction.

"Oh, um...okay," he said, getting out of his own head. "Sel, start applying that lotion and kind of give me a bit of a naughty look, but innocent naughty, you know. And Lili, a little bit of faux surprise. Shocked face, hand to your mouth, that kind of thing."

It was no problem for the women who went right to it. Lili looks right to the camera, glasses resting on her nose, golden blonde hair framing her face just right a look over-the-top mock shock shock, complete with bringing her hand just at her chin and below her red lips, circled no in an "o"-shape. Selena gave him a similar look on the opposite side of the spectrum. Still over the top, but more cool and seductive. Her lips were parted into an open smile, tongue curling up around her teeth and her eyes oozed sex in way Sam had only seen in more intimate moments.

They played around in that position a bit, Sam getting several shots of Selena working the sunscreen in to Lili's back before Lili called an audible, sitting up and keeping the bikini top on by pressing her arms against it, pressing her already impressive cleavage into something Sam couldn't keep his eyes off if he wanted to. Selena was very game for this change, turning the heat up as the two played things even deeper. Selena and Lili's lips got devilishly close together, hovering picometers away from a full on kiss and leaving Sam slack-jawed, cotton-mouthed but still snapping photos.

After a few more variations on that, including Lili being the applicator of ultra-violet protection while still keeping that innocent act going, Sam spoke up to suggest something new.

"So, what I'm going to do is start tossing some stuff into the pool for some more action-y photos," Sam said before handing Selena her phone back. "You guys should get some selfies. BTS stuff  and all that."

"And you should change into your trunks," Selena said as she waded into the pool. "Just in case you have to get in here for some shots. I brought your pair with me."

"You can change in my bedroom," Lili added before getting in the pool as well. She dunked herself under water, coming up glistening, almost sparkling in the sun. "Usually it'd be the guest bath but I'm replacing the sink in it so that's a no go and if you open the guest room Milo is going to come rushing out like a bat out of hell." Lili gave him directions and he was off. If he had eyes in the back of his head he would have seen the glance exchanged between the two bathing beauties. Selena gave Lili a nod and a grin. Lili returned it.

It wasn't hard to make it to Lili's bedroom, where Sam saw his trunks laid out on her bed. It wasn't much to drop his normal shorts and put those back on. Still, he needed a moment. He went to the attached bathroom and splashed his face a bit with water. Whatever Selena was cooking up the first part of her plans for the evening, the first part of making Sam absolutely parched was a  100% succeess. He was relieved to be putting on the trunks and getting in the pool. Any tent he'd pitch from watching the two getting close in the pool would be well hidden, for a time at least.

After a breath, Sam finally paid attention the bathroom mirror to see Lili behind him, curls taking shape in her damp blonde hair. She smiled at him, the faux-innocence left poolside as the seductress within took over.

"So I understand you have a bit of a crush on me," Lili said as Sam turned around. She was pushing forward, pressing him to the sink without laying a finger upon him. Her blue green eyes were doing a damn good job of wearing down his walls hands free, and her delectable lips got just as close to his as they were to Selena's. "Got that tidbit from a very reliable source."

"Well that reliable source is why this isn't going to happen," Sam said, getting ready to push Lili off as politely as he could before his actions were cut off by another voice.

"Oh don't worry baby," Selena said. "The reliable source is fine with it." The lustful Latina was leaning against the was, arms folded with a smirk on her face brimming with sweet heat.

That struck Sam hard, unable to really take it in, which Lili quickly picked up on. "I think we knocked him for a loop Selena," Lili said. She then turned her gaze back to Sam. Her smile was sweet, warm and seductive. "See Sam, Selena and I did quite a lot of talking. We clicked. And that got her gears turning. Then when she told me what those gears were turning for I have to admit, I couldn't really say no. I mean a single young woman who really hasn't experienced a couple...especially not in the way your fair lady described it to me." Lili pushed further, pressing her crotch again Sam's and feeling his hardness.

"I didn't think you'd mind the surprise," Selena said. Sam's eyes met hers now and watched as Selena's hands began to caress her own body. "But just in case you do need a full explanation, here it is lover: I want to watch you have sex with Lili. I want to watch the two of you all over each other. And I don't want to discuss it. I've discussed it with Lili. She's game. I think you will be too. Don't worry. No guilt. It's not cheating if I both give permission and am the audience for it."

"So...," Lili said. "No problem with me...none with your girl. You have any issue?"

Sam didn't pause this time. "I really can't think of one."

Lili smiled, then looked at Selena over shoulder. The brunette nodded and Lili looked back at Sam. The green light just flashed and Sam and Lili's lips crushed together. Their eagerness brought a seductive smile to Selena's face. Lili had told her about a self-induced dry spell she'd been on and now it seemed the blonde was all to happy to end that drought with Hurricane Sam.

As for Sam, Selena had worried about feeling a bit of jealousy. After all, she was watching the man she love in a heated embrace with another woman. Instead...she was liking it. She was turned on in a way she hadn't been before. This wasn't cheating. It wasn't just a line she fed Sam to see this. What this was, simply put, was a brand new kind of fun the two could share.

Selena let her hand glide down her stomach, almost as if it were by its own volition as Sam and Lili got deeper and deeper into their lustful actions. Sam pulled Lili closer, his grip firm but not savage. In the mirror's reflection she could see their kissing. It was hot and hungry, tongues caressing, a wet waltz and both Sam and Lili's hands got far more daring. He slid under her bikini bottoms, now skin to skin with her rump. Lili one-upped this, his hand sliding down the font of his trunks and grasping his his now fully-erect rod.

"Mmm, Sam...we are going to have some serious fun," Lili said.

"How about you start that fun by sucking his cock," Selena suggested. Lili smiled at it, her eyebrow cocked.

"I think your girlfriend might just be on to something."

"She tends to be," Sam said. Then Lili kissed him again. Her lips then started to migrate south. One on his chin, a trail down his neck to his chest where Lili took a bit of pause to circle her tongue around his nipples and tease them just the tiniest bit with her teeth, just getting and giving a taste.

The happy trail continued down his torso and as Lili continued her downward journey the swim trunks followed, hitting the ground at the same time as Lili's knees. She took his cock in her hands, softly pumping it, a sex, seductive crooked smile on her face. "So much fun," she said, just as much to herself as to Sam.

Sam gasped softly at Lili's skilled touch. The soft embrace of her hand was delicate, teasing him with every stroke. A soft caressing crossed with a constrictor's embrace, right on the border of Heaven and Hell. That however, was just with one hand, though the other soon joined the party, teasing and gently tugging at his sack.

"I love it when a man let's me know what's working. I mean, given, I'm playing with your cock and balls, but still it's nice to know if I'm going in the right direction. And don't worry, I don't just talk the talk...you'll get clear signals when you're behind the wheel." She winked at him the kissed his thigh. Then, her lips parted and Lili took Sam's cock in her mouth.

"Oh god damn," Sam said. His eyes went right to the blonde, her lips wrapped just around the crown, tongue rolling and running in slow and sensual circles. Her hands her one his thigh, softly running up and down while Sam took a white knuckle grip on the counter behind him. His eyes were on Lili, focused intently as her mouth took more of his girth in. Her head seductively moved up and down his pole, tongue snaking delicately over each new bit of flesh that entered her mouth.

Sam's threw his head back and groaned when Lili took him in to the root. When he was able to open his eyes again he caught view of Selena watching the two of them. He locked eyes with his loved, fingering herself while Lili sucked Sam off. The lovers shared a moment and a couple smiles. Selena's seal of approval on all this, her watching them and pleasuring herself was almost enough to set him off in the warm confines of Lili's mouth. Sam however held on. That would be an ending far too early.

Lili pulled off his cock but didn't leave this cock unoccupied. Her hand still teased and jacked it, circling her thumb just under the crown as she regained her breath. Sam looked down at Lili, the blonde grinning with a shimmer of saliva on her chin.

"Round two," she said. "Ding ding." Lili continued pumping Sam's cock while her mouth went to his balls, sucking and licking the orbs. The change in direction was definitely welcomed by Sam, the tongue bath being just what he didn't know he needed.

Of course that was only part of the equation. The skilled handiwork Lili was putting on display also earned a great deal of the moans laced with her name that escaped Sam's mouth, a working the wrists, teasing the glans and making the man attached the the hard marble in her hand putty she could shape to be whatever she wanted.

What Lili wanted however, was on last push to the edge for Sam before the fun really began. She released his balls with a pop and went right back to devouring his cock, albeit at a much more frenzied pace.

Sloppy, rhythmic slobbering soon filled the room and Selena had the perfect view of the source of the commotion. Her fingers went deeper into her own cunt, moaning at the sight of Lili taking her man's cock throat deep again. She licked her lips at the sight of the blonde's tongue sticking out, the tip touching Sam's sack before withdrawing and starting the cycle again.

It was getting wonderfully tense for Sam. The cannon was loaded and the fuse so close to being lit...however Lili's mouth wasn't the only thing that Sam was feeling the urge to merge with. The next time Lili pulled her mouth from his meet, her pulled her to her feet and then close to his body, kissing her hungrily.

Lili jumped up and wrapped her legs around his waist. Though their lips were otherwise occupied, the message was clear where Sam was to take her. In short order the two went from the bathroom and tumbled with each other onto the bed, Sam on top.

Lili rose up up, removing her bikini top while Sam pulled the bottoms free. All while Selena watched, the smile on the brunette's face getting wider and wilder every second this went on. Lili looked at her and motioned towards a chair close to the bed. "Don't be shy," Lili teased. "We certainly aren't."

Selena walked over, stripping down before happily taking the seat just in time to see Sam return Lili's oral favors. Lili's mouth open slightly, still smiling as she felt Sam's lips work their way up from her ankle to her thigh, jumping from leg to leg until his face found a home between her legs.

"Ohhh," Lili said, Sam's finger's teasing her pussy lips getting an early reaction from her. It was light, but she was more than ready to go. As Sam's fingers entered her tunnel of love that only became more true, tantalizingly teasing all the right spot while his mouth planted kissed all over her inner thighs.

"Mmm Sam....oh god Selena you have a keeper," Lili said. "A-always a keeper when the guy goes downtown unprompted." Moans followed when Sam's mouth finally got acquainted with Lili's pussy. He gripped her legs at the thigh as he went full blast on her just as she did with him, Lili's grinding into his face as Sam pleasured her clit.

Selena was delivering some pleasure to herself, writhing in the chair as watched Lili writhe on the bed. While she knew this was going to be turn on, Selena didn't expect to be getting off on watching her man have sex with another woman as she was. For her eyes only and with a front row seat, this was the best surprise she ever gave herself or Sam. She was damn sure Sam would agree with the gusto he was giving Lili.

Lili was very much enjoying the gusto. Her hands gripping her curled golden locks as her head rolled from side to side, releasing their grip only to hold even tighter to the covers as she rode the rollercoaster Sam was putting her on. Up, down, all around and the Konami code thrown in for good measure were the directions she felt her body being guided in by Sam's oral skills. Her chin quivered as she grinned, growling through her teeth as she brought the edge and back again.

"There...fuck right there Sam...shit that's the spot," Lili said, words slurred as the heat built up within her. The blonde's back arched and Sam held her even tighter by the thighs, giving her no quarter as he pressed further on. Her lips managed to part long enough for her tongue to snake out, licking them before she gathered her wits through the haze of pleasure just enough to form words.

"Need it now," she managed to force out of her mouth. "Come on..."

"Need what?" Sam asked, his tone playfully ignorant. Everyone knew he knew exactly what Lili was needing. The way her thighs were squeezing his head like a stress ball told the tale. He loosened his grip on one of her thighs to run soft, barely there circles around her clit, the tease making her shiver.

All the while Selena watched. It was getting her off in a whole new way. She had an inkling of what Lili was feeling right now, but it was something else entirely to watch her man do this to someone else and see the effect. It was easily enough for a second finger to join the fray. "Fuuuuck," groaned Selena, sinking deeper into the chair as events continued to unfold.

"Your cock," Lili replied, hissing in a breath afterwards. "I want that fucking cock...and...mmm just to be clear and concise...I want you that fucking cock in my pussy....fuck me!"

"Well I'd say that's crystal clear, wouldn't you Sel?" Sam asked, looking at his love as he kissed Lili's thigh.

"Yessss," Selena said, her voice waving between whisper soft and screamingly desperate.

With two green lights Sam hit the gas. Her kissed both of Lili's thighs before making eye contact with her as he began to move of her body. The next kiss was just above the small patch of hair on her pussy, then another just above her naval. Every few inches another kiss, paired every step of the way with Sam's skilled hands, his fingers caressing against Lili's skin, searching for sweet spot to give her that extra jolt. He hit gold more times than he didn't, hitting a sweet spot just bellow her belly button and another on the tender flesh of her elbow. It was nothing that was going to be an instant orgasm by any means but it got an extra thrill out of Lili. She always loved the explorers; always willing to boldly go and all of that.

One area that had been explored many a time however were Lili's breasts. That being said, she couldn't blame a soul for taking a detour there. In all honesty she might end up being a bit offended, especially if they knew what they were doing, which fortunately Sam did. His hands had the right amount of firmness. Not gripping them to tight but not treating her globes like glass. His mouth acted much the same with sweet kisses and tender licks, circling her nipples and testing the water by gently tugging them with his teeth. Not a bite, barely a nibble but dripping with desire.

"Mmmm god damn," Lili said. "Don't stop....keep going..." It was a direction Sam was following before word one fell from her lips. He hard cock was waiting at her entrance, his face buried in her cleavage. When he finally managed to pull his face from her tits and face her, eyes locked once more. A sexy, sinful smile came on her face that matched his own as Sam reached down between them and guided his cock into her tight, wet confines.

"OH fuck there we go," Lili said upon being filled. Her left leg wrapped around Sam's waist, her toes curled and dragging up his ass and the other went around his leg in a more tender embrace.

"Mmmm," she hummed, licking her lips as Sam began to thrust. He was a good fit, and taking his time. Lili liked that. While there was something to be said for diving in head first, very few things matched up to being appreciated and someone who was taking the time to savor her definitely appreciated her. The slow, deep thrusts, caresses to her shoulders and face, brushing the hair from her face for a better view. It was only the beginning and she was already wading waist deep.

The slow thrusts were all about savoring the new sensations Lili's body had to offer, sensations only increased for them both with Selena as a very pleased audience. However Sam was ready for a bit more. His hands left Lili's breasts and slid under her back. He suddenly pulled her up with him, her legs locking just a bit tighter around him as he kneeled.

Sam's hands glided down to Lili's hips while the blonde's arms hung loosely around his shoulders. A cocked eyebrow and that sinful smirk was all the sign he needed. The savoring was done, it was time for action.

"Oh FUCK yes!" Lili yelled. Sam didn't hold anything thing back, pulling Lili on to him as he thrust inside of her velvet goldmine. "Fuck...fuck me...yeah...right there. Just like that...oh god damn yes!" Lili pulled herself to Sam's face, kissing him just as savagely as he was fucking her, biting his lower as it broke. Her eyes though locked on, her gaze wordlessly daring him, urging him not even think about slowing down.

The bed was getting a work out, the banging headboard providing a hard and fast rhythm that mixed with the sounds of colliding flesh and desperate moans from the room's three occupants. Lili's sounds got higher and higher as she leaned back, showing a great amount of flexibility with her hands panting flat against the wooden head board pushing herself back to meet every on of Sam's thrusts.

The more intense Lili and Sam got, the more entranced Selena got. Three fingers deep now and playing with her nipples, Selena was almost hypnotized at the scene. Every detail she observed another log on the fire. The looks on there faces, Lili's biting her lip, Sam's right hand gliding over her stomach as it rose and fell from ragged breaths taken, watching him thrust into her and how he worked his hips with every move forward. She knew his body and how he used it so well, but being a spectator was a different treat for Selena. Not better, but it had it's own sweet burn she found irresistible in its own way.

Sam pulled Lili back up, his thrusts slowing just a bit. Eyes met but no words were exchanged as both had much better ideas on how to use their lips, locking them as positions shifted, Lili on top and taking the lead.

Sam's hands were at her hips, gripping and massaging her skin as she whipped her hair back over her shoulders before gazing down on her ride.

"So nice when a man insists on releasing control," Lili said. She grabbed his hands and guided them up her body before taking on hand and sucking on his fingers. With a smile she released it, Sam's slowly with drawing her fingers and cupping her breasts for a few moments before returning to her hips.

Selena was almost breathless as Lili began ride her man. A low tide working in a tidal wave, her hips dancing to their own rhythm on Sam's cock that he was very much in beat with her as she rocked and rose, Lili having a wonderful time captaining their ship through this tempest of lust.

"Yes....oh fuck yes Sam," Lili moaned, her eyes closed while she enjoyed the first few minutes of the ride. The blonde's ran over her on body, caressing her ample breasts, over her stomach to Sam's hand once more, holding them there as she pushed a little harder, moving a little faster.

The blonde opened her eyes and once more brought her gaze to the captive audience, giving Selena a wink before turning the volume up just a bit more. Her hands left Sam's and slid back behind her, grip his knees as she leaned back.

"Oh holy shit!" exclaimed Sam. His fingers dug into Lili's hips as she rode him like a rodeo cowgirl, bouncing and grinding on his cock and setting his nerves on fire. The sights provided to him were only throwing gasoline on the fire. Lili's face in the throws of passion, her bouncing breasts and she rode his rod and every skilled movement she made with her hips was a potent cocktails making him drunk on lust. And of course turning his head to see his girlfriend masturbating while watching him fuck another woman was an incredible chaser.

Lili leaned forward, her blonde locks hanging over her face as she steadied her arms just above his shoulders. "Get ready," she said, her voice whisper soft but Sahara-hot. The smirk on Lili's face faded as her lips parted, moaning as she began to twerk on Sam's cock, fucking his cock faster and faster with every movement.

"Oh fuck Lili!" Sam growled, smacking her wonderful rump hard and gripping her cheeks tight during Lili's wild ride. Her velvet vice was milking and squeezing his cock, bouncing up and down then slowing down for the sweet heat grind, his hands moving with her hips as they worked in circles on his pole.

"Feels good, huh?" she playfully asked, toying with his cock as her pace slowed. "Feels good here too. Lili leaned the rest of the way down, her luscious tits pressing against Sam's chest as him arms pulled her even tighter. Lips made contact again, the pair sucking upon each other's tongues before Sam's lips went to Lili's ear, whispering to her a suggesting before licking her ear lobe. The blonde gave him a sinful look. "Mmmm, you two are perfect couple. Both full of really hot ideas."

The words spoken were whispers but loud enough for Selena to know something was definitely going on. She waited with baited breath, her manual ministrations slowing as her eyes waited for what these two were going to do. She almost felt as though she had stopped blinking completely, becoming even more riveted as Lili pulled off of Sam and turned to face Selena, getting on all fours while Sam moved behind her.

"OH my god yes," Selena softly said, her handiwork going back to full speed as Sam planted his face in Lili's backside.

"Oh damn yes..." Lili said, her eyes fluttering from Sam's ass worship. "Mmm your man had a suggestion," she said to Selena, finally focusing her gaze. "He thought you might like....like a better view. Couldn't help b-but...hmmm fuck...agree."

Sam pulled his face back a bit, giving her cheeks a couple of kiss before kneeling back up. He ran his hand over her ass before taking grip of her hip while the other hand aimed his cock once more at her slit. He thrust forward, making Lili grunt with a smile as he filled her up. The pace once more began as slowing, Sam sawing in and out of Lili's cunt, but building up momentum with every stroke back in.

"Oooh," she moaned. "Damn Selena....have I mentioned you have yourself a keeper? He knows...mmm just what he's doing. Not just with that wonderful cock...he's...oh right there...very attentive to detail...." Her mouth shut with a satisfied hum, smiling as his thrusts went deep as his free hand snaked around front to play with her clit. "VERY...very attentive..."

Lili looked over her shoulder, a devilishly playful look on her face. "Your cock feels so fucking good Sam....nnnng god I might just have to put you on call...fucking me so good...so...so fucking good....harder...just a bit baby...oh my god yes..."

The blonde dug into her sheets grasping them tight as she pushed back, meeting his thrusts  with every bit of force as he was giving her. "Don't stop...don't fucking stop," chanted Lili, shutting her eyes and seeing sparks fly in the dark as those extra special places got all the right attention within her.

Selena was dancing on the razor's edge. The new view was bringing he so close to the end but she was able to hold off. She needed to see them cum first, or better yet, cum with them and share that moment. In the mean time watching Sam slam his cock into Lili, seeing the blond e throw her he back and release growls of his name, clamoring for more, harder and faster. Watching Sam give Lili a firm spank to her ass and her breasts jiggle and bounce with every thrust. And just when Selena thought it could get better, it did just that when Sam lifted Lili up, her back pressed to his chest. The view of their sin was even better, Selena getting a full view of his cock driving into Lili's sopping slit while his hand pressed her candy-red button. The hand that had been at her hip was now at Lili's breasts, squeezing one of the globes. The blonde's mouth was also occupied, her face turned over her shoulder and kissing Sam, though she was still talking, saying "Fuck me...fuck me..." in a rhythmic whisper meant just for him. And through it all, the sheen of sweat that had formed almost making the two glow in the light of Lili's room.

"I...Sam...I want...I want you to cum in me..." Lili said. "I'm gonna cum on your cock....you cum...cum in my pussy...deal?"

"Nnng no problem," he said, licking her neck then kissing her shoulder.

"Ohhhhh FUUUuuuUUuuck!!" Lili yelled, the corners of her open mouth up turned as Sam sped up inside of her, the bombshell's voice cracking as every pulsing thrust pushed her closer and closer over the line. "Yes yes yes yes yes!!!!"

"Yesssss...oh god...fuck her...fuck Sam," Selena said, her breath just as ragged as Lili and Sam's. She felt like a balloon just moments away from popping, waiting for that final prick to send her over. And as Lili's face showed nothing but pure pleasure running through her veins Selena knew the end for them all was nigh.

"YESSSSSS!" Lili said, grinning wide as pleasure finally overtook her. Selena was put further under the spell of voyeurism as Lili rode out her orgasm while still being ridden by Sam, his thrusting pole extending her pleasure and making Lili chant his name like Sunday worship. "SAM! Oh god...oh fuck baby cum in me! I need it! Fuckkkk!!!!"

With one last deep thrust Sam gave in to Lili's wish, grunting as he cock pumped his seed into her hungry pussy. The two staid still, letting the pleasure run through them both, Lili getting little jolts with the last few pulsing thrusts Sam made into her.

And Selena watched. She watched Sam's cock pulse and throb as it pumped rope after rope of his seed into Lili. Then the sweet, gentle, affectionate kissed the two shared in their post orgasmic bliss just added to it. There was no envy, no jealousy, just immeasurable desire.

Dick drunk and pleasure happy, Lili looked back to Selena right on her own verge and when Sam pulled out Lili made her way over, off the bed on wobbly knees to on all fours with fresh cum trickling from her freshly fucked pussy, crawling over and planting her face right in Selena's pussy.

"Oh my GOSH!!!!" Selena exclaimed by the surprise but very welcome oral pleasures of Lili Reinhart. Selena went hands free, reclining in the seat, her legs draped on Lili's shoulders as the blonde feasted on Selena's cunt. She was putty in the blonde's hands, hands that were just as busy as her mouth. The left caressed Selena's legs with some TLC while the other joined her mouth in bringing Selena over to the other side of paradise.

Selena moaned and writhed in the chair, rushing towards that finish line while Sam watched, his cock going from half-mast to full once more, stroking his once more rigid rod to the sight of his super crush eating out the woman he loved. It might have been the single hottest thing he'd ever seen and despite being fresh off an intensely pleasing orgasm with Lili he was shockingly close from stroking his cock, slick with a mixture of his and Lili's cum, to this sight and the symphony of pleasure erupting from Selena's mouth.

That wasn't the only thing getting ready to erupt from Selena. She was already tiptoeing on the line and Lili immediately pushed right to it. Not only was Selena a drop dead gorgeous beauty that Lili gladly would have fucked around with regardless, the fact that Selena and Sam had broken a dry spell for Lili in such a yummy way to Lili meant the best thank you possible was in order for her Latina benefactor. As Lili sucked and licked Selena's clit, her tongue working with a surgeon's skill in bringing Selena to the point of no return.

"Ohhhhh...oh Lili...oh gosh....yes...right there...." Selena's eyes fluttered, goose pimples rose on goose pimples when Lili's middle finger grazed her g-spot. "Oh...ohhh Lili....yesssss cummingggg!!!!!"

Selena screamed silently, arching her back as Lili oral skills utterly wrecked her and the floodgates open, Lili happily tasting Selena's essence as the Latina came for her, kissing her thigh sweetly as the brunette rode it out.

Selena was still catching her breath when both she and Lili heard Sam announce "I'm cumming!"

In response Selena took the lead, sliding off the chair to her knees and pulling Lili's face to hers for a kiss, licking herself off of the blondes face as Sam stroked himself to eruption over them, frosting their faces with a surprising amount of cum. The two started to swap the sperm as well, licking it from each other's faces and passing it back and forth until it was all gone, swallowed with a smile.

"Well, that was a quick recharge," Lili said, kissing the tip of Sam's deflating dick. "I love that." Then she turned to Selena. "And you..." She gave Selena the same kind of tender kiss she and Sam had shared post-coitus. "You are a genius. I hope we can do this again. You guys are serious fun."

"You bet," Selena said, smiling but still a little orgasmically delirious. "Just need to remember how to walk again."

"Well, while you do that I'm going to let Milo out, maybe order a pizza...or two...with breadsticks. You guys are sticking around right?"

"Never been one to fuck and run," said Sam. "Besides, what kind of person refuses pizza when offered."

"Oh we are definitely doing this again," Lili said with a laugh before leaving the loving couple alone. The moment she was out the lovers kissed, lovingly and tenderly.

"That was....intense," Sam said.

"Tell me about it," agreed Selena. "I mean...I don't know what I was thinking when I pitched this whole idea to Lili but this blew them out of the water."

"What did inspire this whole thing?"

"Well," she said, setting her head on his shoulder. "When we did that thing with Taylor...the idea kind of stuck around, you know? But I wanted to do something a little different. I....I just wanted to watch. I didn't think getting Taylor involved again would work for this. I mean not that it wouldn't be hot-"

"Obviously," joked Sam.

"Anyways," Selena said with a grin. "I didn't know who...then we start watching Riverdale and you let it slip that Lili's your crush and then your bikini photoshoot idea...I figured I might as well shoot my shot. I just...I wanted to be on the other side...just watching you so turned on and just....well, fucking someone. Is that weird?"

"Not at all. In fact, i'd say it's probably one of the hottest things ever."

"Would you want to do it again?" Selena asked, her eyes letting him know the possibility was beyond real.

"If you want to, of course."

"Good answer." Selena kissed him again before getting to her feet, Sam following. "I don't know about you, but I need a shower."

"That sounds like a perfect pre-pizza plan."

"Excellent," Selena said. "I'm going to get the water just right. How about you see if Lili wants to join us?"

"You are the queen of good ideas," Sam said. "And obviously, of my heart."

"Obviously," she said, blowing him a kiss before he went to get Lili. Selena never thought watching her man fuck another woman would make her feel more secure in there relationship, but somehow, it did. It was also inspiring her to cook up some new ideas. And of course, having a new soundboard in Lili could make those ideas so much more fun.

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Re: Movie Buffs starring Selena Gomez(Chapter 5 now up!)
« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2021, 05:47:11 PM »
Fantastic chapter for this series, and what I'm hoping is a glimpse for some future guests as well!
The following users thanked this post: MaxwellLord, William David Berkowitz, X42


Re: Movie Buffs starring Selena Gomez(Chapter 5 now up!)
« Reply #11 on: August 24, 2021, 05:42:22 PM »
That was hot, don’t know how you will top this but l know you will.
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William David Berkowitz

Re: Movie Buffs starring Selena Gomez(Chapter 5 now up!)
« Reply #12 on: January 22, 2022, 05:19:59 PM »
Telling the truth inspired me to write for your work.

An authentic radical writer you are, as you have a good heart in putting a good romance together with your well-written sex scenes.

Very kind of you to take the time to dedicate to your readers.

God bless you, and continue with your written wonders with Selena Gomez.


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Re: Movie Buffs starring Selena Gomez(Chapter 6 now up!)
« Reply #13 on: July 07, 2022, 05:18:57 PM »
All of the following is complete and total fiction. Not a word of it occurred, nor would it.

Movie Buffs Ch.6: A View To A Kill starring Selena Gomez
Special Guest Star: Camila Mendes
(MFF, FF, oral, Cons)
By MaxwellLord

One of the things Sam Carpenter fully understood when he and Selena Gomez entered into their relationship was due to the nature of her career there were going to be many, may times when miles would separate them. They'd both considered themselves fortunate enough that such a situation hadn't really come up. Then Selena got herself a hit TV show.

When she first landed Only Murders In The Building they were both intensely excited and that didn't fade, despite the fact that they'd be separated for while. However video calls and visits solved that issue. Also, when they eventually got face to face once more they made some serious memories.

When she first went to shoot the second season, all they had were those video calls. Things got insanely busy for them both so by the time they were finally reunited they took an entire week in a very private villa to utterly ravage each other

Now with season two about to premiere in Los Angeles, they were separated once more while Selena promoted the upcoming episodes in New York, but still found time to get together, even if it was just virtually before the premiere.

"I wish it was already Sunday," Selena said, speaking to Sam through his computer.  "Then we'll be face to face instead of all this."

"Well we've both waited a while, I think a few more days won't be too bad." Sam replied.

"True...still doesn't make me miss you less." Selena sighed before sipping from a bottle of water. "Well, let's go over the plan then, one last time before I get into the deep stuff for the weekend press."

"I meet you at the hotel for this little staycation because it's going to be a late night of interviews so you're sleeping later. I meet you, unpack and the fun begins."

"Pretty much," Selena said. "I might have some quick press stuff to mid-day so you might be on your own for a couple hours. I'll let you know for sure on Saturday."

"Sounds like a plan," he said. "And right now I think part of my plan is going to bed. If it's late more me it has to be horrifyingly late for you."

"Shit you're right," Selena agreed. "It's almost five for me. Love you. Night." Sam returned the sentiment as the video call ended. And while he did have every plan to fall asleep, he had one more call to make that would make his visit to New York all the sweeter.

He sent the video call request. He'd been in contact with this person for a few weeks, ever since the idea became fully realized in his head and was ready to go over the plan one last time just as the person's face came on his screen.

"You're so lucky that I'm a night owl and Lili talked you two up so much," said Camila Mendes from the comfort of her bed. "Let me guess, one last go over because the date is fast approaching. Am I close?"

"Pretty much."

"Well, I'm already at the hotel. Indulging in a bit of room service right now then off to bed. But when you arrive you give me a text, we meet and you give me the spare room key. You guys have your fun, I catch up with friends then premiere night I go into your room and start setting the stage."

"Seems like you know the plan better than I do."

"Well this whole thing just happens to be going down right around my birthday so I'm looking at this whole thing as an early birthday present. I mean who's going to turn down a threesome with one of the most beautiful women in the world and her boyfriend who got a five star dick rating from one of my besties?"

"I'm flattered," joked Sam.

"Just one last question before we move forward," Cami said, rustling a bit in her bed. "You sure this is a good idea? I get it, she surprised you with a lovely, beautiful blonde that we both know and love but you know, might not work the same way with a woman. And keep in mind, this is a woman telling you this so I have some insight."

"And I totally get that perspective. But...look, if it goes sideways the impact is 100% on me. I just don't think it will go sideways unless one of use starts to spoon. I mean, Sel kinda started it and I'm just returning the favor with her Riverdale crush."

"Now that was a very wonderful revelation," Camila said. "You both have exquisite taste by the way."


"But, just saying, you might want to be prepared for some kind of blowback."

"Understood," he replied.

"Well then, with that I must say adieu. I'm going to finish my meal, sleep late and when next we meet it'll be face to face instead of, well, video to video or whatever."


The next few days seemed to go by in a flash and last an eternity but before Sam knew it he was exiting a cab and walking into a hotel lobby. While he had expected to have to call his love and wait in the lobby he was pleasantly surprised to see her there and waiting for him on a lounge chair next to check-in.

"Sam!" Selena said, almost leaping from her seat to greet him with an embrace so warm and a kiss so fierce her dropped his lone bag to return the favor. As the kiss broke she looked at him, an inviting smile crossing her face. "I missed you."

"Ditto." he replied, making her giggle.

"See, I can accept that kind of "ghosting"," Selena said, referring to the movie quote her man had thrown at her. She then reached into her pants pocket and handed Sam three plastic cards. "Here's your key...and here's the back-up for when you inevitably lose that...and another back-up for when you lose that."

"Only three keycards? You sure you don't have one more back up?" he jokingly asked.

"Nah, I'm pretty confident that three will work," Selena said, almost making Sam laugh at the hopeful accuracy of what she just said. "Now, let's get to the room and start following the plan."


"Ohhh, did I mention I missed you?" Selena asked. Sam's mouth was at her neck, his arms pulling her tight as hot water cascaded down their bodies. The shower had only been running for a couple of minutes but the bathroom was filled with steam.

Their passionate trip to the shower was just as quick. The moment the door to the room shut Sam didn't have a moment to get even the smallest of looks at the suite before Selena was on him. Clothes were shed and and in a haze of desire the pair of lovers found themselves carnally reunited in a steaming hot shower.

Sam pushed Selena against the marble-tiled wall. His lips moved all over her slick body; from neck to those lusciously full lips and back to before burying is his face in her breasts. She moaned and pulled his head closer as Sam sucked on her nipples, circling them with his tongue as he moved between them.

The moans continued as Sam's hands roamed from her breasts to her perfect peach, squeezing and massaging her cheeks before reaching under her left leg and hooking it around his waist. The next set of pleasured sounds were in stereo as his length filled her.

Sam stared into his Latina lover's brown eyes as he sheathed his sword within her, inch by glorious inch. Once completely in, he pulled back out almost all the way before pushing back in. Every thrusting motion getting a fresh gasp or moan from his love. The only silence that came was when he ran his hand over her face, Selena taking the chance to suck his thumb into her mouth.

They kissed again as the temperature rose when the pace increased. He drove into, moving his hips and changing the angle. Chills ran up Selena's spine and hot water ran down it.

"Needed you...missed you," she moaned. "Wanted...wanted this for so long...fuck...oh gosh fuck me...need it..."

Faster, hotter, steam rose in the room as they fucked. Lustful longing burned white hot for them both. There would be time for tenderness later or at least something slower. Even at the hungry pace the two were going, tender caresses to each other's bodies and sweet nothings gasped in each other's ears were still on the docket. None of that meant things were slowing down. On the contrary, the hunger had simply grown.

Sam pulled out and spun Selena around. She quickly got the picture, bracing herself against the wall as he began to take her from behind. Sam leaned over, holding her close and breathing hard in her ear as he fucked her hard and fast.

"Yes yes yes yes," the words fell out of Selena's mouth like a machine gun firing. He kept one hand on her hip while his right glided over Selena's body. Up her back, savoring the feel of her curvy form. His hand stopped at her breasts, bounding with every thrust, to give a quick squeeze before grasping her shoulder. With a firm but gentle grip he began to pull her back to meet his every thrust, his cock desperate to be eternally buried in the paradise of Selena's cunt.

"Ohhhh Sammmmmm," Selena moaned, words slightly slurred. "Fuck me fuck me fuck me...."

"S-Sel....oh baby...fuck...", Sam managed to get out, a broken sentence the best his brain could do in the moment. Selena's back was now against his chest, one of his hands between her legs with one of her own, the two double teaming her clit while the other squeezed her breasts. Selena own free arm was lazily draped behind her holding his face as they kissed deeply.

"Cum in me," she said. "Please please cum for me...cum in my pussy and make me cum...I wanna feel it Sammy...please baby...oh god yesss....."

"Nnnnnnng," Sam growled giving her her everything her hand, breathing deep and groaning desperately into his lover's ear.

"Mmmmm do it...do it baby," Selena breathily pleaded. "Cum for me..."

"SELENA!!!!" cried Sam as the first volcanic volley of hot jism shot from his cock into her waiting person, the sweet scalding sensation setting off Selena's own fireworks. her cunt clamped down hard and spasmed, milking his cock of more and more of the precious protein it was spewing. The two held each other, moaning and shaking in pleasure. Soon the thrusts stopped and Sam's wilting cock slipped from Selena's well-fucked and satisfied pussy, a mixture of their love streaming down her thigh.

Selena lazily turned around and the two shared and exhausted but passionate kiss, breaking it and resting their forehead's together.

"So...hungry?" she asked.


"Ah, the advantages of being in love with a multi-hyphenate," Sam said as his plate of chicken and waffles was delivered. "Especially when one of those hyphenates is restauranteur."

"I'm just an investor and co-owner, I don't really handle any of the menu stuff," said Selena as her own plate, a piping hot chicken pot pie, was placed in front of her. "Though I do use owner privileges for menu tastings when I'm in town. Which is how I know we're both in for quite a treat."

"After already having a treat at that." 

Selena blushed at him before taking a sip of water. "I'm really glad you could come. I mean I'm surprised your boss gives you this much time off. He has to be a total softy."

"Well, I guess," Sam said. "I mean that's kind of accurate but I can tell you for sure the owner doesn't mind...because the owner is me."

"What?" Selena asked. "You own the store? Why didn't you tell me? I mean it's no big deal but that's kind of a big thing in your life to keep a secret."

"I just don't like to talk about it. I mean it costs some serious scratch to run a store in Cali, especially a somewhat niche store considering how everything is going digital. I don't really like to let people in on that. Besides, I'm betting you have to have a lot of guys flaunting cash is front of you like it's some sort of mating dance. So I kind of keep it on the downlow. I didn't say I had money, but I didn't say I didn't."

"Yeah, I get it," Selena said, using her fork to crack the flaky crust of her pie, steam instantly flowing from the puncture. "I mean i know there are more than a few times I've wished I could do that. You know, just be Selena the woman instead of the, well, multi-hyphenate."

"Yeah. I just want you to know I wasn't really hiding it per se, but just not advertising. It's kind of a reflex for me at this point. Though, now that  you know I can return this little favor with a warehouse tour if you ever want to take a look at some goodies waiting to be put out in the store."

"Sounds like something to look forward to once we get back home," Selena said. "And, onto something slightly more professional, are you good by yourself for a couple hours after this? I have to go do some last minute fittings for my premiere gown and then there's more press stuff with Steve & Martin."

"I'm sure I'll find something to do," said Sam. "After all, it's not like I'm in a strange place."

"True. I'm just kind of glad all this press stuff is over. I mean it's not the worst part of the job, just a little tedious after a few hours. And that's all time I could be spending with you. Speaking of which, can't wait for the premiere. The gown is going to be so gorgeous. I can't wait for you to see it...then take it off back at the room."


"Pleasure to finally make your in-person acquaintance Mr. Carpenter," Cami said. She was sitting in the corner of a Starbucks built in to the hotel, a hot cup in front of her as she rose up to shake Sam's hand before the both took a seat. "And getting a good look at you in person I can now say confidently Lili was 100% accurate. Well, as far as look go but I'll find out about the rest in due time. If that is, of course, still the plan."

"Very much so Camila," Sam said before sliding one of his extra keycards over to her. "We leave for the premiere at around four and won't be back until probably nine. It's a big suite, and there's a second bedroom if you want to crash in there. I'll text you when we enter the lobby so you can be ready."

"Excellent. Any other details? Anything specific to wear before I toss it aside for the main event?"

"Well it's a premiere so we're both going to be formal? I don't know what her outfits going to be...I think she said it was a gown but I don't know anything else."

"Eh, I can wing it," said Camila. "Any accoutrements?"

"Champagne, chilled. I actually have it scheduled to be sent up at nine, so if someone knocks before I text, open it and grab it. Tip's already been taken care of. Otherwise I can handle."

"Sounds like we're ready to go," Cami said. She slid the keycard into her purse then grabbed her coffee and rose up. "Pleasure doing pleasure with you Sam. See you in a few hours."


"So...what did you think?" Selena asked. She and Sam were in the back of a black SUV heading back to the hotel. She was still adorned in her glittering silver gown and he was still in the classic suit and tie look, though Selena had taken off the high heels for the ride back to the hotel. "I mean are you invested? If I wasn't your girlfriend would you be watching?"

"Babe, I'm so in," Sam assured. "Just like season one. I'm hooked. I like the mystery and am very appreciative of you not spoiling anything for me."

"Of course. After the whole thing with the last scream movie my lips are sealed...well, as far as spoilers go anyway." Her hand moved over to squeeze his thigh. "Probably the only thing they'll be sealed for."

"Well in that case I'm hoping red lights are non-existent the rest of the way." Selena laughed and squeezed again.

"I have some thing else to ask."

"What's that?"

"What did you think...you know...about the kiss with Cara?"

"Well, I mean I think it worked. But if you're asking for something a bit more...ribald for a reaction...well...it was definitely appealing but I've seen and experienced that and more very up close a couple times with you. So...appealing but it doesn't compare to the real thing."

"That's fair," Selena said. "Guess I'll have to see if Cara's interested in bringing things up close and personal for you."

"You think she'd be up for it?"

"Well I know the public persona is she's just into girls but people forget she's pansexual...which if such a thing were to occur I'm sure she'd make sure you never forget." Selena said, the wink and smile combined with what preceded it only made him more confident in what he'd set up to occur.

When the two got out of the car they tried to keep things cool but couldn't help but have a certain stride in their step, especially on Sam's end as he knew what awaited to a degree.

The moment they were in the elevator the lovers were on each other, deeply and hotly embraced and lips locked. They managed to pull apart the moment the elevator bell rang and the door opened. Then it was a calm bit of speed walking to the suite door.

Selena's hands were as still as a surgeon's as she inserted the keycard. The moment the light was green the door was open and she was on him again, their combined weight pushing the door closed with a bit of a slam. The lights were already on, something neither initially noticed.

Selena was being very much the aggressor, her hands unbuttoning his shirt frantically after pushing his jacket off. The moment a bit of his flesh was exposed her lips went to his chest, kissing it and sealing it with a gentle love bite.

While he savored the feeling Sam took a moment to notice a chilled bucket of champagne imbedded in ice on the dresser alongside three flutes. Camila was here and in place. Now it was time to put the plan in motion.

Sam gently put his hand under Selena's chin lifting it up to face him. he place a kiss of sweet fire on her lips and said, "I have a surprise for you."

"Do you now?" she playfully replied.

"Mmm hmm," he nodded. "But if you want to get it, you need to take that seat right over there." Sam took his right hand which had been squeezing Selena's ass through her dress and pointed at the couch that sat near the window and balcony and to the left of the bed.

She smiled at him seductively and did just that, crossing her legs and showing off something as she took her seat. "Now, what exactly is this surprise babe?"

"I think that would be me," Camila said, making her presence known. She stepped out of the secondary bedroom of the suite and immediately made her presence known. The bombastic Brazilian revealed what she had decided to wear and she had decided to keep it simple; a black bra and panties set. Lace of course and a pair of matching high heels. She grabbed the chilled bottle of champagne and the linen napkin that came with and and strode over to where Sam was standing.

"Your man here decided after your little tryst with my blonde bestie that it might be fun to bring your TV crush into the equation. You have fantastic taste by the way." Camila punctuated that by seamlessly popping the cork of the champagne. Both she and Sam tried to keep the confident front as they awaited Selena's reaction.

"Well, my man knows what I like," Selena said with a smile that relieved the other two. "So...how are we doing thing baby?"

"Well, if I remember correctly my dear, you wanted me to watch you and Lili have sex..."

"I think I like where this is going," Camila said.

"I think we should start out with me watching you and Camila have sex."

"I definitely like where this is going." Camila walked back over to the dresser where the three champagne flutes were and filled each with a bit of the bubbly, distributing them to the rest of the party. She clinked glasses with Sam as he sat down on the top end of the bed then walked over to Selena, handing her a glass and clinking it as well. "Cheers." The three finished off their drinks and set the glasses down.

Camila leaned over Selena, bringing her face close to the singer's. Her hand caressed her face, pushing a few stray strands of hair from her face. "You are so gorgeous," she said to Selena. "And your hair looks fantastic."

"Thanks," Selena replied, more than a little entranced from being so up close and personal with Camila Mendes. "You too. Love the brown."

"Glad to know you like it. I always go back when the season is done shooting." Moment by moment, breath by breath, inch by inch Camila got closer to Selena's face until their lips tenderly collided. Her tongue slithered into the songstress' mouth, gently rolling over her tongue before the kiss broke. "You are an amazing kisser. Lili was spot on."

"You're not bad yourself," Selena replied. Her gaze darted from Camila to Sam, who was sitting back with a satisfied smile one her face.

When Camila noticed where Selena's gaze had gone she too turned her attention to Sam. "You do realize how insanely lucky you are, right?"

"Ever since the day I met her", he replied, which made Selena swoon ever more than she already was over Camila. It even got to their invited guest.

"Well, I was referring to what's about to go down but that was just so darn cute I'm going to let it pass." She flashed a smile at Sam before once more returning her attention to Selena. "And speaking of going down..." The Riverdale star went to her knees while never breaking eye contact with Selena. Once she was on her knees, Camila's hands parted Selena's. Given how eager Selena was though, this wasn't a hard task.

With Selena's legs now lewdly spread Camila traced her hands up her thighs, Selena's silver dress getting bunched up the further north Cami's hands went. Soon Ms. Mendes had found her first target of the night, Selena's under wear. She took a grip and began to tug down, peeling what soon found out were a pair of white satin panties. She scooted back just a bit as Selena raised her legs to aid in the removal of the garment.

Camila tossed the underwear aside, but not before noticing the dampness of them. Selena was ready. Still, no reason not to let the beauty marinate a bit more in Camila's mind. She gently grabbed Selena's left leg and began to kiss it, planting her lips and gently kissing and licking the flesh there while her left hand stroked and caressed Selena's free leg.

Selena moaned, relaxing into a puddle on the chair, going deeper and deeper into the realm of desire as Camila's mouth made a trail up her leg.

Of course Camila's mouth wasn't the only part of her at work. Aside from those sweet, sweet caresses to Selena's legs,  her hand also moved down while her mouth moved up on the other leg. Once there, she slid the shoe off of Selena's foot. That was the cue for Cami to change legs, kissing the right while her hands caressed down to remove the shoe. Then Camila looked up to see Selena who was looking down at her, yearning for more. Selena's dress was completely bunched up around her waist now, her glistening slit begging for some attention.

With the target in sight Camila made her move, her mouth delicately pin-ponging between Selena's legs. Every kiss and every touch leaving a mark on Selena's mind until Camila reached the gate to paradise. Selena shivered when she felt Camila's fingers trace up and down her pussy lips, almost absent-mindedly if it wasn't for the ever-so light teasing of her clit. Fingers soon gave way to lips and tongue and that gave way to pure pleasure.

"Ohhhhhh goshhhhhh," Selena said, her moan low. She was Writhing, limbs like slow chaos as Camila lit the flames. It was quite a site to see, and Sam was glad he was there to watch it. His shirt was long gone now and his pants were unbuckled and ready to be drop, his cock hard and raging. He was just too hypnotized by watched Camila Mendes eat out his girlfriend to do much beyond watch in utter awe.

It was completely forgivable by any standards that he began to stroke himself as he continued to watch the scene. Camila's mouth working on Selena's clit while the fingers of her right hand turned up the dial within. The hungry actress' left hand was hooked around Selena's leg, gently rubbing from her thigh to her stomach, throwing the softest bit of spice into the mix.

Selena was swimming in pleasure. She felt light-headed but with limbs to heavy to full move. She was damn near drooling but also felt parched. Her brown eyes looked down and met Camila's, gazes locked as the beauty between Selena's legs continued to bring her higher and higher with a talented tongue. Then those beautiful eyes went to those of her man who was taking in the entire view, his eyes locked on Camila eating her out and then to her own face, where their eyes met. Selena couldn't blame him for sharing his attention. After all, she was once in the same position. However, being on the other side, she found herself with a unique opportunity.

Just one look. That was all it took from Selena to Sam. He looked back questioningly and she nodded in response. He rose up from the bed and shed the remainder of his clothes before walking over to the scene. He got behind Camila and looked to Selena once more; she simply nodded. Message received.

Sam knelt behind Cami and put his hands on her ass, rubbing and groping those lovely round cheeks and getting her to take a break from her meal.

"I was wondering when you'd join the party," she said. Camila looked over her shoulder at him, the look on her face just throwing more gasoline on the fire. "Come on...show me what Lili was talking about."

Camila returned her attention to Selena's pussy while Sam peeled her black panties down, leaving them at her knees. He grabbed his cock and began to guide it towards Camila's glistening slit, taking a moment to admire the amazing view before sinking in.

"Oooohh that's good," Cami said as she was being filled. "That's another thing Lili was right about." The Brazilian bombshell's eyes shut as she savored the welcome intrusion. "Mmmmmm fuck...all the way Sam...come on..."

"Ohhhh my god," Sam grunted once he was fully inside Camila's tunnel of love. The warm and wet perfect fit was intoxicating and only got better as he began to move his hips. His hand gently gripped Camila's hips as he slowly began to pump into her. Slow, deep thrusts where he worked his cock in and just the right angle to make sparks fly behind her closed eyes.

Camila grinned wide, moaning a loud "More!" before she returned her mouth to work on Selena. It was more frenzied, more chaotic this time, but that added something to it all for the glamorous Ms. Gomez. The change in pace and direction  plus the visual of her lover driving the cock she knew so well into Camila's cunt. Watching Camila's face when she just had to voice her approval over the now-confirmed "five star cock" to watching Sam's face as he experienced a fresh woman alongside her. The absolute pleasure on his face, on Camila's and going through her own veins was getting to be too much.

"Ohhhh Cami....Camila....close....close...make...me..." Selena gasped.

This made Sam look up and get a much more up close look at Selena in the throws of pleasure. It was a sight he never tired of but was also something new every time. She was somewhere between dressed and nude, her dress now half off and her face a vison of pure eroticism and desire. Biting and licking her lips, eyes fluttering then shutting tight and occasionally giving him a heavenly look of pure sin.

Then his eyes went back down to the woman he was currently fucking. Cami's fit body, her face buried in Selena's crotch and the ripples on her lovely as as he thrust forward into her cunt. His eyes even went to her asshole, a barrier he knew he wouldn't breach tonight. Still, just looking at that tiny starfish made him keep Camila in mind for a future invite, as if the feel of her pussy enveloping his cock wasn't enough.

"Cum for me Sel," Camila said, her words singeing the air while her fingers worked Selena's clit. "Cum while you watch your boyfriend fuck me...just fucking cum...cum for us..." Cami's mouth went back to work and just hearing the words from both women was enough to inspire an increased pace, which then made the fire within Camila burn brighter and that went from Camila tongue to Selena's clit and that lead to...

"YESSSSSSSS!!!!" Selena cried, cumming on Camila's face, the first of many orgasms the night has to offer. Camila didn't let up, continuing to lap up Selena's juices while Sam's pace increased, his pelvis loudly and lewdly slapping against Camila's ass.

Soon Selena was little more than a rag doll in the seat, basking in the afterglow while Camila and Sam began to fully focus on each other Selena watched as Camila rose up, her back to Peter chest. She turned to kiss him, letting Sam taste Selena off of her mouth. Their tongues licked at each other while Sam's hands pulled the cups of her bra down to finally get a feel of her breasts.

In the post-orgasmic haze Selena was getting hyper-aroused by the site. If she wasn't sex drunk she'd have thought how odd it would have been to ever see her man fucking another woman. Now though, after having seen it more than a few times it was one of the hottest things she'd ever seen. Sure, the fact that she was part of it all did play into it but still, it was a surprising thrill, to feel herself ready for more as she watched Sam's cock piston in and out Camila's pussy while they both worked her clit with their fingers.

"Bed," Selena finally managed to get out. "Fuck her on the bed."

"Mmmm you hear that Sam?" Cami said, licking his cheek while she winked at Selena. "How do you feel about that? Give those springs a real work out, hmm?" Sam agreed to these terms and pulled out of Camila, helping her back to her feet. Camila slid out of her heels, losing a couple of inches but getting an idea when she felt Sam's cock brush against her thigh.

"Quick pit stop first," Camila said before getting to her knees and taking Sam's cock into her mouth. There was no teasing on her mind, she went full on into the blowjob, sloppily sucking and savoring her own flavor on his flesh. All the while her eyes went to Selena's own, giving the half-dressed star the most wonderful shiver through her body.

Camila's intent wasn't to make Sam cum, so she pulled off just as suddenly as she had begun. "I hate to brag but I taste good," she said. "Even better off such a nice cock. Selena, would you like to know how I taste?" Selena nodded. "Good...when he's done fucking me." Camila returned to her feet and gently grasped Sam by the cock, leading him to the bed. She released her grip then laid down on the bed, legs spread and eager. She wagged her finger at him to come to her, and Sam did just that. Sam crawled on the bed, moving between her legs and dipping his own head down to return the favor for Camila's quick bout of oral pleasures delivered.

"Mmmm what a gentleman," she cooed. Much like Camila, Sam wasn't aiming to make her cum, just give an extra spark. Satisfied with that he moved up, giving a kiss to each thigh that tickled the brunette beauty, though the giggles were soon eclipsed by a deep moan as his cock once more sunk deep with her velvet goldmine.

Selena watched, playing with her still pleasure-drunk pussy has Sam drove his cock inside Camila. Camila's moans of ecstasy matched the look on her face perfectly. Eyes shut then open wide, moans that turned in barely formed sentences that cried out for more, for everything Sam could give which Selena knew a great deal about. Then Sam, her Sam, his lips and tongue covering Camila's face and chest with lust. He circled his tongue around her nipples, sucking the flesh of one and then the other, tasting every inch of Camila he could. And Selena of course knew he was very thorough when it came to treating his palette.

Selena's eyes traveled down, moaning softly as her own fingers grazed her still-sensitive clit. They fixated on Sam's ass and Camila's legs, the way one draped around him, her curled toes running up his body while the other was played out on the bed giving her a perfect view as Sam's pelvis worked and writhed with every thrust.

It was all getting to be to much for Selena. She rose up and removed her gown completely before crawling on the bed. She starting with her man, nails gently raking up his back, precipitating the kisses the were to follow before she slithered over to Camila's side, gently turning her face and placing a deep kiss on her lips.

"Mmmm about time you rejoined the fun," Camila said, licking at Selena's lips. Selena took some licks of her own, down Camila's neck and to her breasts, taking the same journey Sam had almost as if he had drawn a map for her. Her tongue wasn't alone as her hand slid between her two lovers, stopping at Camila's own clit.

"Your turn now," Selena said, her voice a smoky tone. Her lips then went to Sam's ears, licking the lobe before she spoke next. "And you....how about we make that an easier proposition for our guest?"

Sam got the hint and in moments he was the one on his back with Camila on top, riding his cock. The view was amazing but the sensation felt infinitely better. Now Camila was controlling the pace and she was a pilot to be trusted. The movements of her hips, grinding and swirling, the swaying of her hair, it couldn't get better...and then Selena joined in, emerging behind Camila, turned her head for kiss as her hands squeezed her breasts. That, however, was just the first bit of maneuvering from Selena. The next she moved up the bed and slid down Sam's body, her dripping pussy in his face and her own right in front of Camila's cunt.

"Ooooh damn it yesss," Cami hissed the moment she felt Selena's tongue on her clit, a warmth coming over her body so intense she momentarily stopped her movements.

Of course, Selena's tongue wasn't the only one that was busy. no sooner had he been presented with such an appetizing sight than he had gotten to work. Now it was Selena's turn to pause and appreciate the moment. Soon though, the three were a loop of perpetual pleasure; Camila both giving and receiving from her to lovers the heat between them doing nothing but getting hire and hire, burning nova bright.

"Ohhhh my god Selena...Sam....oh god...right there...almost fucking there...just...just a bit more...."

The couple did as Camila pleaded, pushing harder. Selena did everything she could, fiercely attacking Camila's clit while Sam flew somewhat blind. His hands left Selena's hips and moved to Camila's, feeling around the cacophony of flesh until they were located. With a firm on her hips Sam thrust up hard into Camila, the combined flipping of the switch was the last barrier Camila needed to get her first cookie of the night.

"FFFFFUUUUUUUUUCCKKKKK!!!!" Camila cried, her voice cracking as she continued to bounce on Sam's cock. Selena slithered out of the way as she fell forward to show her appreciation to Sam with a sloppy, lustful kiss before she rolled off to do them same to Selena.

The party continued further, Selena laying on her side and Sam getting behind her, spooning Selena and kissing her deep as Camila's hand played with her pussy and her face stole a few kisses of her own.  Selena found herself sandwiched between two people who wanted nothing more than to give her pleasure. From Sam's pulsing cock filling her so completely while Camila pressed her buttons and lit her up like Paris at night. Then there were the mouths. Searing kisses her her shoulder, neck, mouth and breasts, lustful affection punctuated by guttural groan of "I love you," directly from Sam's lips to her ear.

Camila wasn't the only ones being handsy with Selena, Sam's getting a feel of all her curves. Groping and squeezing her tits, moving down her body to her leg, grabbing her by the thigh and holding it up as he began to speed his thrusts up. Selena cried out for more from the both, her moan cracking as she got exactly what she was asking for in mere moments.

They were a  blur a of movements as minutes  turns into hours, a sexual mass of moaning, sweaty limbs. Tongues and digits every where, Selena on all fours being driven into while she snaked and Camila's pussy, the two women all over each other once more while Same watched. A titillating typhoon of sex that eventually found itself back on the couch where it had all began. Now Sam was the one in the hot seat. Selena was riding his cock, her back to him and her feet panted firmly on the cushions as she rode him hard. Camila had returned to her knees, her mouth alternating between licking Sam's stalk as in plunged into Selena's depths and working Selena's clit. The two women had been hammered with orgasms throughout the night but now as they were swimming in a sea of pleasure it was time to make the man who put this party together his release, and they both knew it was sure to be a big one.

"Fuck her," Camila said. "Show me how much you love that woman and FUCK HER!" One of her hands began to rub Sam's balls while the other went to Selena's clit. "Tell him Selena, tell him!"

"Gosh...fuck...fuck me Sammy...fuck me...fuck me till you cum...I wan to taste it...taste you baby...fuck me...FUCK ME!!!"

Sam's hands moved with Selena hips as she slowed down, working them to the grind as she leaned back fully against his chest, kissing her love passionately, looking in his eyes and saying to him, her voice soft and pleading , "Fuck me...fuck me...cum...fuck me and cum....I love you....fuck me...."

His grip strengthened, holding Selena close and tight as he began to jackhammer up, making her cry out her approval as he grunted and growled burying his face in her back. Camila wasn't left out either, licking and sucking his balls whenever he slowed down. It was all building to a crescendo and she was more than happy to push Sam over the line.

"Oh shit...oh god...Sel...Sel I'm...I'm..."

"Mmmm one second sweetie," she said before hopping off him and joining Camila on the floor. The two ere on their knees, but Camila adjusted herself to be just behind Selena, caressing her body as they both looked up at Sam, who had dutifully gotten his feet, his cock moments come erupting and aimed at their faces.

"YES DAMN IT YESSSS!" bellowed Sam as he began to shoot. It wasn't a scattershot load though, it didn't get a chance to be. Selena wrapped her full lips around his cock as it fired, filling her mouth so quickly she had to swallow within seconds. Still, more came and she urged it out, sucking Sam's cock absolutely dry.

His knees now weak, Sam fell backwards onto he couch, but his eyes never left to two lustful Latinas on the floor. That was a wise decision. His tired eyes opened wide as he saw Camila position herself just under Selena's mouth, opening wide as his girl drooled the cum from her mouth in Camila. Camila the pressed her lips to Selena's mouth, snowballing the cum back to her as they kissed. Soon they each swallowed their share of Sam's healthy load.

A wonderful, satisfied silence filled the room as the triplicate lovers soaked in the afterglow. Camila was the first one to make any kind of major move, crawling from the floor onto the bed. she laid down, looking up at the ceiling before propping herself on her elbow, looking at her exhausted but very pleased lovers.

Selena was the next one to move, taking up space on the couch next to Sam and cuddling up in his arms. She kissed his cheek then rested her head on his shoulders.

"Looks pretty cozy," Camila said. "I'd say get a room, but, well, you know."

"Night's not over yet," Selena said, her voice almost a purr as she fingers traced along Sam's chest. "Though I could go for bit of a nap."

"Well, there's one bed we haven't used," Sam said. Camila then got to her feet.

"Then by all means, let's use it," she said. "Besides, we have an entire bottle of champagne to take care of and after all that, I'm pretty thirsty."

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Re: Movie Buffs starring Selena Gomez(Chapter 6 now up!)
« Reply #14 on: July 07, 2022, 06:47:24 PM »
That was so hot and well worth the wait, curios now if we will see any other of the riverdale women.
The following users thanked this post: MaxwellLord


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