Part 13
A week later, Jasmine was with Britney in New York City for her Christmas break and Britney's birthday party. She walked through Rockefeller's Center to where Britney would be, shivering in her lilac sweater dress and matching swing coat. She unbraided her ponytail as she walked, hoping her hair would help warm her neck. 'Damn, I should have just gone straight to the party,' Jasmine thought to herself, her teeth chattering. 'But I couldn't miss Brit.' Her teeth chattered as people surrounded her, the ceremonial tree lighting drawing closer.
She stopped shivering once Britney stepped onto the stage with a huge coat on. She looked like an ice princess in a dress of silvery, sparkling blue-grey, her hair curled loosely. She took her coat off and handed it to her mother Linda, who in turn handed her a tall mug of hot, sweet lemon tea.
Jasmine watched Britney slowly sip the tea, listening to the cameraman's countdown to her performance. She watched her woman from the body heat surrounding her tightly, people yearning for warmth and celebration at the same time. Britney didn't know she was here; she thought she was already at the party.
"Okay, Ms.'re on....." Britney took in a deep breath of NY air and began: "Silent Night....Hoooooly Night....Alllll Isss Calm.....Alllll Issss Bright.....' her voice quavered in the cold air, slowly building up strength and volume.
Jasmine stamped her feet and flexed her mittened hands, trying to maintain circulation, her eyes fixed on Britney.
Since they had cleared the air about their feelings last week, things had gone wonderfully between them. Days of shopping, afternoons of relaxation, and nights filled with security. Between the both of them. Their week in New York preceding Brit's birthday party had picked up right where Monaco had left off.
Jasmine wasn't much of a shopper; she liked shopping, but she didn't hold a candle to Britney, Teen Queen Shopper. Britney could spend a whole day inside stores, pursuing everything. Especially if it was sexy and/or pink. The day before, they were in a Gadzooks, and Britney was inside one of the stalls, trying on a leopard print jeans set. "Jasmine, come see!" Britney called out gaily. Jasmine went over to the stall.
"Open up, honey." she called out. To her surprise, more people were coming into her area. Jasmine guessed they wanted to see too.
She did, and Jasmine dutifully looked at the outfit; she'd seen so many today. It looked similar to one she'd seen a day ago-or was that a store ago? Britney pulled her inside, and closed the door. They heard gasps and 'Britney Spears!', 'hmmm..', and 'omg!'
Britney laughed, asking "What Do You Think?"
"I think you should repeat after me: Hi, My name is Britney, and I have a problem."
She smiled, and began meowing like a cat, running her hands all over the print fabric. "Not really. I like shopping like you like dancing," Britney observed, pointing down at Jasmine's leg. Jasmine was subconsciously flexing her leg in and out. Jasmine kept herself limber by twisting her body while Britney twisted in front of octagonal mirrors.
"But why do you like clothes shopping so much?" Jasmine asked.
"Why do you like dancing so much?" Britney asked back, avoiding her eyes. She took off the outfit, changed back into her street clothes, and they exited the stall. The curious waited by the stalls a few feet away, quieting as they ogled Britney and Jasmine.
Britney whipped out a credit card and paid for her purchases. "Whoa, girl, it's like 3pm. I have to go to a mini-rehearsal for the Rockefeller performance in 3 hours," she said, as they walked out of Gadzooks and up to Chick Fil-A.
"Are you still doing Silent Night?" Jasmine asked, sensing people behind them.
"'s my absolute favorite Christmas song," Britney said, cocking her head as her ears picked up the words "Bitchney" and "Justin" and "thinks she's all that". She sighed angrily to herself. "Why can't SOME PEOPLE get their own lives and boyfriends, I just don't know," Britney said loudly, her fists clenching.
"Britney, what......

" Jasmine asked, oblivious to what was going on.
"Oh, it's just some stupid girls talking about me. Why are females so jealous of each other? We all go through the same shit," Britney vented, turning around to face the girls, who looked away as if nothing had been said. Britney and Jasmine turned back around and gave their order to the cashier, who, after getting their order, boldly asked for Britney's autograph. She complied. They found a table in a shady corner and sat down, stuffing all of Britney's bags under the table.
"To answer your question, Jasmine.....about my love of has a history to it," Britney said softly, looking away, then looking at her.
"I love shopping because....well, when I was younger, I was always performing. But between performing, a lot of times I was lonely, anxious, and bored, so I was always dressing up. My mother and I were constantly on the road somewhere, going to another performance. I didn't see my dad a lot, but to be honest with you, he is the parent I love the most. It's easy to please my mom through my performing. I don't know why I love dad best, maybe it's because I saw him less. After a while, my parents relationship deteriorated, and the less I saw of my daddy, the more I missed him. I know it was because of me that my parents became unhappy with their marriage. I was in the middle, and my mom was playing tug-of-war by herself. Shopping helped me forget that I was the cause. When I was dressed up, I wasn't Britney. When I ......" Britney choked, her eyes filling with tears.
"When I first became famous, my dad was pleased. But when the Rolling Stone came out, he hit the roof, screaming at me that I looked trampy and saying that I had no proper influences, hanging around sleazy Hollywood people all the time. I do think it would kill him if he found out I was bi, on top of everything. He'll just blame it on Hollywood, my mother. He wouldn't believe that it was my choice, little Britney Jean from Kentwood, Louisiana."
"So you ask why I like to dress up, why I like to shop so much. That's why." Britney asked, sniffling. "I've never told anybody this."
Jasmine got up and went over to Britney, hugging her tightly.
"We all have our issues, Britney. I'm sorry about your dad, baby. Have you seen him lately?"
"Not really. I try to, but..." Britney faltered.
Jasmine thought to herself, 'Yes, we all do some sort of pretending, don't we?' as she ate her waffle fries.
"Why do you like to dance so much?" Britney asked. "What made you want to become a dancer?"
"Ever since I was little, I have always danced. Dancing made me feel free. I've always been quiet, but when it came to dance.... Ballet, modern dance, you name it! But my family always made fun of how I danced. They said I was stiff. It hurt a lot, more than they'll ever know. They just didn't understand. I never insulted their passions. I don't know why they didn't support me, Britney. My teachers said I danced well, but I didn't know if I should believe them or my family, whom saw me every day. As I got older, I became more independent in my thinking. I moved out of the house when I was 16 to move in with an instructor whom I had known my whole life. It took me to move out of the house for them to take me seriously. It's sad, but I had to do it," Jasmine said, her eyes watering as she recalled the taunting.
"And you say you don't know why they teased you so?"
"I don't know why....oh, now I remember. I remember. My parents were the main thing. They wanted me to be a doctor. I wanted to be a dancer. They couldn't face it when I announced I wanted to be a dancer. 'There's no money in it..very few make it, they said'. They had such plans for their firstborn. But I held fast, doing passingly well in school. All of my concentration was on dance. They blew their top totally. And that's what started my sisters off. My whole family is like, control freaks. They want to make sure of where you are at all times. I couldn't survive under the pressure. So I moved out, even though I missed them deeply. But moving out was the best thing I could have done for myself. I was so free, Britney. And now I feel even freer with you."
"Do your parents know that you're bi?" Britney asked, putting mayo on her sandwich.
"No, they don't. Fatima does, and you do, and the dancers do. But that's about it."
"How do you think that they'll react?"
"I really don't care. I'm sure they'll be surprised, but there's nothing they can do about it. We're kinda close now, but we don't really talk," Jasmine stated shrugging her shoulders. The girls talked about parenting while they finished eating, then left.
"Sleep In Heavenly Peace.........Sleeeeep In Heavenlyyyyy.....Peaaaacccee," Britney finished the song. Her body was numb, but she felt so good, so next to God. The camera swung from her, as she thanked the cheering audience. "Jasmine!" Britney said into the microphone, and beckoned her out of the audience. Security came to escort her to Britney. Britney put on her coat and put the mike in the stand. "Girl, what are you doing out here?!? It is freaking freezing!
There's a Christmas tree at the party! I could have unplugged it and lit it up again for you. No one should be out here unless they have to me! Let's go to the party!" Britney and Jasmine walked to the limo, got in, and sped off to Britney's Birthday party.