All of the following is complete and total fiction. Not a single word of it occurred, nor would it.
The Perks of Being a Podcaster
by MaxwellLord
(MF, Oral, HJ, MFF, anal, cons)
Chapter 23: Hailee Steinfeld and Taylor Swift

"I really wish this didn't have to end," I said. It was around ten o'clock and I was in bed, holding Hailee close to me. Our time together was growing short, at least for the moment. The week we'd had together was nothing short of amazing, and I'm talking well beyond the sex. We'd actually gotten surprisingly. The night before, we hadn't even had sex, we just fell asleep together. And that was great. Surprisingly so. Now it was coming to a temporary end. I might have been holding a little tighter as a result.
"It doesn't have to," she said kissing my chest. Hailee rolled over slight, her arms folded on my waist and her head resting on them. "Not yet anyway. could always come to New York with my date for Gigi's birthday party."
"Hailee, I'd love to...but there's this pesky thing called work I have to do..."
"Yeah, and you can do that after." She got on top of me, straddling me in an insanely cute way. Not ready for action but still looking insanely desirable in her t-shirt and boy shorts she was wearing. "The party is on Monday. So...we take a plane now so we have Sunday to relax before the party...probably crash at Taylor's or get a hotel room....where we have a little private time...and I get to show off the piece of ass I'm dating on my arm the whole night at the party."
"Oh, so all I am is a piece of ass?" I asked.
"Oh, of course not....but mostly, yeah." Her smile gave way into a laugh as she leaned over to kiss me. "Come on...say yes....I'll even buy your plane ticket....first class, right next to mine..."
"Well if I'm going to go I'm buying my own."
"No you're not," she said. "Bart, you pretty much bought or made very single meal we had while I was here and since I wasn't staying at a hotel, and let's be honest even without that I'm not hurting for cash, I'm buying your ticket. And as a bonus I'm pretty sure you can get an interview out of Taylor while you're their since you're friends with her and I'm friends with her and she just can't say no to a double team like that. So...with all that being said, will you take me to the party? Like a real deal date?" She fluttered her eyelashes in an exaggerated way, adding a bit of humor to her sincere question.
"How can I say no?" I asked, getting a giddy response from Hailee as she literally jumped off of me an on to the floor doing a little excited happy dance.
"This is GREAT!" she said. "I'm going to go book the flight RIGHT now!" She leaned over again to give me a quick kiss before picking up her laptop and rushing to the kitchen table. Looks like the week just became a week and a half.

It didn't take too long for Hailee to book the flight. Once that was done it was a quick shower(plus a shave for me, the speediest round of packing I'd ever done, and we were off to the airport. After a bite to eat, because while neither of us were hurt for money neither of us wanted to plunk down fifteen bucks for a small soda at the airport.
Of course, once we got their the real waiting at the airport began. We didn't have luggage to check really, as we both had carry on only. But still, security lines, making our way halfway across the airport, it was a drag. Or honestly, it should have been. I honestly didn't notice. Hailee, just being around her, made that time go by fast. I can't think of a time we weren't holding each other's hand throughout the airport. It was an experience I hadn't had in a while.
So, while technically, yes,there was a wait, I didn't really notice it and went from sitting together in a cab to sitting together waiting for the plane to sitting together in first class, the only two people in the world on a somewhat crowded airplane to New York City.
We settled in a pair of seats near the end of the first class section. I had the window seat while Hailee had the aisle. We were still hand in hand, Hailee giving mine a little squeeze to go along with her radiant smile.
“You know, and I can't believe I haven't said this earlier, but I like you with long hair,” she said. “I mean it's not crazy long but...” she reached to her hand from my hand to my hair, playing with it a bit. “I'm not usually into that but on you...rawr!” she said, giggling after attempting to give a lioness roar.
“Thanks.” I replied. “Totally unintentional, just haven't really made time for a haircut.”
“Well, it's really sexy. I think so at least.”
“Great, so we're finally a matching pair of sexy beasts.”
“Totally,” she laughed, then squeezed my hand again. We took a few moments, just looking at each other's eyes before we were snapped out of it by the flight attendant.
“Sorry to interrupt,” she said, cordial and friendly as a flight attendant can be known to be. “Can I get you two anything, aside from a room of course?”
“Um, I think I could go for a sparkling water, “ said Hailee. “A lemon flavor if you got in. Oh, and one of those little plastic cup with the can. Babe, you want anything?”
“Uh, orange juice will work for me,” I told the flight attendant. “Thanks.”
“Of course, I'll be right back.”
“Orange juice?” Hailee asked, her tone matching the smirk on her face. “Not some soda with triple the lethal dose of caffeine and that would make a Red Bull look like water?”
“Well, I'm trying to be a bit more healthy.” I replied. “I mean my girlfriend's dad is a personal trainer, so I guess it only fits I try to be a bit more healthy to make that first meeting a bit smoother.”
“Did you just call me your girlfriend?”
I paused....because that's exactly what I did. I didn't even realize it. It just slipped out. Since I said it, I couldn't just back out of it. “i do believe I did,”I said. “Is that a bad thing?”
“No,” she said. She was blushing a bit, then leaned over to give me soft and loving kiss. “That's....that's...well it's not a bad thing at all. Oh wow...WOW.” Hailee rested her head on her seat, her radiant smile beaming wide. “This just makes all my plans for this trip even more fun.”

“And what are these plans, Ms. Steinfeld?”
“Oh, you'll see,” she said. “Well...see, feel, smell,'re pretty much in for an experience.”
Before Hailee could elaborate on that,the attendant had returned with our drinks. When she was gone, Hailee handed me the small plastic cup and opened her can of sparkling water, taking a sip before putting it in her cup holder.
“I thought you were going to use that for your drink,” I said, placing my own drink in my cup holder.
“Not quite.” Hailee got out of her seat and opened the overhead compartment. When she sat back down, she was holding a long coat she had brought along. It was getting warmer, but that was just in California. Might be a bit chillier in New York, so I didn't question it. When she sat down, she handed it to me.
“Here, hold it in your lap for now,” she said. Her smile was wide and her brown eyes were absolutely effervescent. She was planning something and right now, I was only too happy to be along for the ride.
I did as Hailee asked, letting the coat sit in my lap. The next move was hers, and that next move surprised me in the best way possible.
She gave me a sly and sexy look and slid her hand under the coat and unzipped my pants. “Just act normal baby,” she said, kissing my cheek. “Just relax...let me do this for you.”
“Mmmm sure thing,” I got out before I just closed my eyes and let Hailee work her magic. Her hand only left it's shelter for a second as she made a show of licking her hand before returning it. Then that slick, soft hand grasped my cock and began pumping.
“Mmmmnngg,” I grunted, biting my lip to stifle the noises I desperately wanted to make in appreciation. Hailee giggled, loving watching me squirm from the pleasure she was giving me.
Her hand had a firm, but not too hard, grip on my cock, the lubrication her saliva provided quickly being aided by my own precum. She worked her wrist as best she could. She was both sing her left hand and trying to seem as inconspicuous as possible with what she was doing. But even then, she was making it work with flying colors, using those delicate fingers to give special attention to the crown of my cock.
My hands were white knuckled, gripping the arms of my seat tight. I didn't expect to be so close so soon, but it was a perfect storm of arousal. There was that heightened sense of everything with us dong this in a public place, knowing there was a possibility of getting caught.
“IF you're going to cum do it in the cup,” she said. “We don't want to make a mess, now do you babe?” She leaned over again, nibbling on my ear, her hot breath on my flesh pushing me off the pank into the sea of pleasure I was already more than I could take.
I scrambled for the cup she'd gotten earlier, but Hailee grasped it first. She stuck her head out, looking back and forth for a flight attendant. The coast must have been clear because the coat got knocked to the ground and the cup got put right under my cock.
“Bart...cum for me,” she said, her voice a sweet, seductive whisper. “Just feel it and let it go baby....because it's going to feel so good...I just want you to let go and cum...just for me...mmm baby let it flow...”
“Hailee!” I gasped in a hushed tone, lurching forward as my cum began to shoot into the cup, Hailee milking every drop out of me until I slumped back in the seat. She then placed the cup in one of her cup holders, the one away from the aisle, zipped me back up and kissed me on the cheek. She then raised the stakes took her can of water and poured it in the somewhat filled cup and drank it all down.
“What?” she asked upon my reaction. “I said we shouldn't make a mess....”
After that, the rest of the flight was a lot more traditional, but we were still being annoyingly lovey dovey. Not to each other, but I think we both knew that if we were around friends we'd be hit with joke after joke over how sugary sweet we were being towards each other.
Once we landed it was just a short, for New York standards, cab ride over to Taylor place. Apparently the doormen knew we were coming, or at least that Hailee was, because we got in and up to Taylor's room without a single bit of hassle. I mean Hailee had a key to herself so that probably helped.
We headed right to the guest room Taylor had offered us, not even for a bit of fooling around, just to drop off our meager things. Though i did give Hailee a quick kiss before I headed to the restroom. Hailee went to the living room, waiting for me to finish up so we could go grab some food.
When I went to join her, she was leaning against a table near the door with a mirror hung up right behind her.

“So, where are we eating?” I asked, already knowing from how she was leaning that maybe food wasn't our first priority.
“Well, I think we can weigh our options after we get something else done,” Hailee said, hiking up her skirt a little. “I think you can figure out what that something else is.”
“You're certainly frisky today, aren't you Ms. Steinfeld?”
“You didn't think a handjob was going to be it, did you?” She bit down on her lower lip and smiled, hiking that skirt all the way off showing off she was not wearing underwear. From the look on my face, she felt she needed to explain. “I've been kind of...excited since the flight. So when i went to the restroom, I took off my underwear.”
“Well, we could have just both gone in the bathroom and gone for the Mile High Club.” I replied with a smile, unbuckling my belt while she hopped up the table.
“Bart, I think we would have gotten caught with that flight attendant already assuming we were doing just that when I went in the bathroom alone,” she said, her brown eyes inviting me even closer, an invite I took. “So you might want to hold off on sending that club application in until we have a more private place to do that.”
“And Taylor won't come in and catch us fucking right in front of her door?” I asked. I ran my hands over her legs, stopping at her wonderful ass and gripping it. I leaned forward to kiss her, Hailee licking my lips as it broke.
“Well, Taylor would be easier to explain it to,” she laughed. The laugh faded into a sexy open mouthed smile while she reached down and unzipped my pants, my cock being freed by her for the second time today. “You're certainly ready,” she said, her fingers teasing my very hard cock.
“Well, with an invitation like this can you blame me?”
“You make an amazing point.”
We both moaned as I entered, her. Hailee wrapped her arms around me, holding me close as I began to pump into her. My mouth went from her lips to her neck, breathing in her scent as I kissed her flesh.
“Ohhh Bart...” she moaned right my ear. Her thighs closed around me and her hands moved down to my ass, taking a firm grip as my pace increased.
I moved my face back to hers, forehead to forehead. She reached up, running her fingers through my hair. “I really,...ohhhh baby...really love your hair this way....oh fuck yes Bart...mmmm...”
“Well guess I'm...mmm..skipping the barber for a while....”
“Good plan,” she said before pulling to her lips and kissing me, our tongues massaging each other in a frantic, passionate way.
Frankly if anyone had opened the door at that moment I don't think Hailee and I would have stopped. We were far too into it all, into the moment to notice anything but each other. Our souns, our taste, our smells...we were the only things that mattered to either of us in the moment.
“Unnnhhh...ohhhh...ohhh fcuk...oh Bart...fuuuck...” she cried. Her breathing was heavy and the smile on her face big. “I want you to cum in me...cum in me baby...I...oh damn it so close....oh Bart...” Hailee licked her lips and her eyes gave me a look that tore down any defenses I had left.
“Oh...fuck Hailee...oh Haileee I'm cumming..I'm cumming!”
“Yes...yes baby yes!” she moaned urging me on until I came, burying myself in her pussy to the hilt and unloading my cum into her, looking once more into those deep brown eyes.
“YES!” she cried out. “Cum in me baby...oh Bart keep fucking me close...oh fuck YESSSS!!!” Haille moaned out in pleasure as her orgasm ripped across her body, our eyes still connected as we both rode through the pleasure, not stopping until neither of us could take the pleasure anymore. Her mouth hung open, stuck contorted in the throws of pleasure.
I ran my hand through her hair now and pulled her to me for a kiss, our lips separating when we were finally both spent.
I looked at Hailee, her face tired, happy and satisfied. I kissed her forehead and held her close.
“So, I'm thinking sushi,” she said, still breathing hard. “Really really hungry for sushi. Like an all you can eat place.”
“Oh totally,” I said. “Nothing is better after sex than a shrimp tempura roll.” I pulled out of her, zipping up while I leaned against the wall. Frankly she could have said anything at that moment and I would have said yes to her.
“Great,” she said hopping off the table and kissing me on the cheek. “Just gonna stop in the bathroom real quick...then we clean up that table and go get food. I mean it's just impolite to have sex on a friend's furniture and not clean up before you leave, wouldn't you agree babe?”
We were out for a few hours before making our way back to Taylor's. We did touristy things in addition to the sushi, but not the usual, first timer things. Rather, we went to hold favorite places, and shared them with each other of course. We also added several over the top cutesie selfies to the mix of it all.
The hours just seemed to breeze by and before we knew it the sun was on its way down and we were back in Taylor's apartment building. We were in the elevator, just the two of us and I felt her squeeze my hand.
“Yyyyyyes dear?” I asked. “What can I do for you?”
“Nothing,” she said. Just wanted to here what you'd call me.” She smiled and brought my hand to her mouth, kissing it and then rubbing the back of it against her cheek. “Sweetie, honey, babe...I really like this. It feels...different you know? Actually being...THIS as opposed to just kind of dating. And it's good different, just wanted to make that clear.”
“Oh good. I mean I was like seventy-five percent sure it was the good kind.”
“Well, that's a relief. I mean if you took it badly I might have to let you do unspeakable things to me in bed tonight.”
“So, only speakable things, got it.”
“Well...maybe a little unspeakable,” she said with a sexy grin. She kissed me once more before the doors opened to Taylor's floor. We walked out, still hand in hand as we made our way to her door. Before Hailee could even get to her key however, the door was opened for us, with Taylor Swift behind it.

“The doorman told me you were back,” she said, answering our question before we could even get it out. “Come in, please.” Taylor held the door open for us as we walked in hand in hand, something Taylor immediately took notice of.
“Wow, you two actually are dating,” she said as she closed the door. “Look at you two with all the lovey-schmaltzy stuff. I mean I thought that might be the case when Hailee called me all hyper happy that you were coming to Gigi's party with her but this pretty much confirms it.”
“Nice to see you too, Taylor,” I said before heading over to give a hug. “Thanks for the short notice interview by the way.
“Oh don't mention it, always happy to help a friend. And you, you little smiling ball of happy, it's been way too long, some come in her for your hug, pronto.”
Hailee acquiesced with a giggle, returning Taylor's friendly embrace. “I swear Bart if you make this girl cry anything but tear of joy you're a dead man,” she said, giving me a look that was somehow both laced with sarcasm and dead seriousness. When Taylor released the huge, she once more gave me her complete attention. “Well, what are you waiting for? Set up your gear and get with the questions. Then the three of us can, you know, have a real talk and catch up.”
I went to the guest room to get my recording equipment. Hailee was behind me, deciding to change out of her outfit and into something she could easily fall asleep in.
While Hailee was changing out of her current outfit, laying it out perfectly to wear tomorrow because in the rush of packing she left the outfit she was going to wear at my place, I headed to the dining room where Taylor was waiting having already poured us both a couple of glasses of water.
After a quick test of the audio recording, we were off to the races. Taylor and I never really had issues with the interview stuff. I never actually came with questions ready to go, just vague ideas. The interview just formed itself. She was a pro and knew how to steer the interview without taking complete control away from me.
As we were speaking, Hailee walked back in, her choice of clothes for the rest of the night downright stunning me into silence for a few seconds before Taylor snapped me back, not missing a beat in the interview. Hailee of course had to cover her mouth to keep from laughing.

Aside from that little hiccup, the interview went off perfectly and with it's conclusion, it was time for that conversation that Taylor was so eager to get. Or it was. Hailee had other plans.
“So...Bart,” Hailee said, hugging me from behind. “Could you do you newly minted, official girlfriend a bit of a favor?”
“What is it?”
“Well, while we were out...I kind of forget to take us to this little bakery I love. It's just like a block up, not a far walk. Could you pick up some macarons for me? Pleeeaasseee? You know I'll make it worth it...”
“Sure thing,” I said, giving her a quick peck on the lips. “I'll be right back. I actually think I saw it when we were walking back now that I think of it.”
“You have him trained good,” joked Taylor. “Can he roll over?”
“You're just jealous that as cat owner, you really can't train anything.”
“You do realize that in this scenario you're still a dog, right?” she asked.
“Fair enough.” I replied. “You want anything too while I'm out?”
“Nope, I'm fine. Me and Hailee will just be talking all about you while you're gone, so no paranoia.” Hailee handed me her spare key to Taylor's place and I was out the door.
I was gone for about to twenty minutes. I would have been back sooner but there was one stop I had to make at a near by shop to pick up a surprise I was going to give Hailee before I left to go back home.
When I got back to Taylor apartment I saw Hailee on the couch, laying back with her eyes at the door, eyes that seemed to light up when she saw me.
“Cookie time!” she yelled with a humorous little growl to her voice. She gave me a big kiss as payment for the delivery then immediately dove in savoring the first bite of her treasured cookie. “Oh my GOD I love these things. Here, try one.” She took one of them out, a light lavender one, and brought it to my mouth which obviously left me no choice but to scarf it down.
“Not bad,” I said.
“Not bad? My dear Bart, these cookies are the food of GODS,” she said taking one more out of the box before setting it on the table. “I think I can overlook such a transgression if you manage to make it up to me.” She loosely wrapped her arms around my neck. Could tell from the look in her eyes she had something special planned. I only really had one reservation: we weren't in a more private place and I wasn't sure where Taylor was. But much like I read Hailee's eyes, she read mine.
“Taylor's in the bedroom, don't worry. We're not going to bother a soul. Promise.” She gave me a kiss to reassure me and just like that she had me once more. She led me back to our bed room and sat me on the bed. And where I expected her to straddle me and really go forward, she backed off, walking to the dresser while the door closed...from Taylor's hand.
“I said she was in the bedroom,” Hailee smirked. “I just didn't say which bedroom.”
“I think I know what's going on I just want to double check with both of you.”
“You're a very lucky man,” Taylor said as she made her way towards me, shedding her clothes. “This wasn't my idea, although of course I was up or it. You kind of won the girlfriend lottery Bart.”
I looked over to Hailee who simply replied with a wink.
“Are you sure about this?” I asked her.
“Yes,” Hailee said smiling. “I wouldn't have asked Taylor otherwise. So...enjoy it. Because I know I'm going to.”
“I think myself and Hailee share the same sentiment Bart,” said Taylor, a sexy smile forming on her red lips. “We're all just going to have so much fun.”
Taylor's blue eyes locked on mine while she undid my pants, all the while Hailee watching, which matched with her approval and eventual participation made this whole thing even hotter.
My cock sprang free from it's denim confines and was soon once more encased, this time in the wonderland that is Taylor Swift's hot, wet mouth. It was far from the first time I'd been treated to the treatment, but I was never unamazed at the skill with which Taylor sucked cock. It was matched only by her passion for doing it. Her tongue, the saliva, her fingers griping, stroking and dancing on my shaft, those red nails teasing my balls. Taylor was an expert in a great many things, but the two top on the list both had to do with her amazing mouth.
All I could was lean back and enjoy the ride, watching all the moves Taylor was making to send pleasure throughout my body. Taylor had an instinct for pleasure and it was simply amazing to be on the receiving end of it. My only real participation so far, as she worked her mouth up and down on my dick was holding her blonde locks back so I could keep my eyes on that crystal blue pair of hers. And when my eyes weren't on her, they went to hailee, the sensation of her watching as this all went down sending a delectible chill up my spine.
Taylor took my cock in her mouth, holding me there. I shut my eyes from the pleasure, my lips parting to let out a moan. Those lips were met with Hailee's as she delivered a deep kiss to my face. The party was truly on. Our lips separated and my eyes opened. Hailee was now just as bare as Taylor, who had now removed her cock and was jacking my slick cock.
Hailee slowly pressed me down, her lips pressed to mind once more. She'd straddled me at the waste, gripping my shirt and unwrapping my like a Christmas gift. Once I was flat on my back, Hailee began to kiss down my chest, tracing a path down until she was on her knees with Taylor, side by side.
I craned my head up and watched as the to pulled my pants off, finally putting me in my birthday suit to match these two beauties. With all those useless clothes out of the way, Hailee and Taylor both flashed me a look that would have brought me to my knees if I weren't already laid out on my back. The two of them kissed, my cock sandwiched between the meeting of their lips.
Hailee and Taylor proceeded to prove that two was better than one. Two tongues slithering and licking up and down my shaft. Two mouths and pairs of hands working over my cock and balls. Two amazing pairs of lips taking turns on my cock while the other mouth sucked and licked my balls. As far as blowjobs go there was no way it could be better.
It was a struggle to not let off in that moment. The sensations and the views of Hailee and Taylor giving me the ultimate double team blowjob was too much for any unsexy thought I could dream to last long without the feelings blow them out of the water. That's when the motions the two were doing stopped.
“Me first,” Hailee said climbing on top of me.
“Of course,' said Taylor. “It is your toy after all.”
Taylor reached for my cock, holding it steady while Hailee lowered herself on it.
“Oooohhh yessss,” Hailee moaned as I filled her up, her almond eyes shut while Taylor's were wide up, taking in the scene as Hailee began to rise and fall on my cock.
“This is so damn hot,” Taylor said. She was stand on her knees behind Hailee, her arms roaming her toned body. My hands ran up and down Hailee's legs, finding a home and gripping her hips. “Never actually had a threesome with a couple before...I've usually been a part of the couple aspect...” Her hands ran over Hailee's stomach to her chest, gripping her pert tits. I could feel her eyes on me while I looked at Hailee's body, her face. The way her stomach fluctuated as she breathed and moan, the look of utter pleasured intoxication on her face, those starry eyes.
“You two are so fucking into each other, I fucking love it.” Taylor's red lips went to Hailee's ears, ready to speak directly to her. “Fuck him Hailee....feel good....let it feel good. I can tell Bart's enjoying it...he's enjoying you honey...and you're definitely enjoying him...I gotta think of the best way to thank for letting me join in on this...”
Taylor gently grasped Hailee by the chin and brought their lips together, the pair hungrily kissing and giving me even more fuel for the fire. I sat my self up, getting a little greedy for Hailee's attention and pulled her close to me, getting a giggle out of her before our lips met once more. I began to thrust up into her. Hailee responded by pulled me even closer, her legs refusing to let me move from where I was, as if I would even want to move.
“Oh Bart...oh baby yesss,” she moaned, her voice melodic, sexy, with a hint of desperation for even more pleasure. She leaned back, Taylor having moved from behind Hailee to right behind me.
Hailee's long brown hair hung back, her breaths shallow and deep as we fucked. I leaned forward, finally bringing my lips to her tits, lovingly suck and kiss them. My arms moved from her hips to the small of her back, holding her up.
“That's right Bart, fuck her,” I head Taylor say right into my ear. Her hands roamed my chest now, her breath hot as she spoke. “But that's not right is it? Not quite.” He fingers traced along my chest, teasing me with the digits as much as she was with her words. “It's a bit more....keep doing it's great to watch....making me so hot....can't for you to fuck me next....”
Taylor backed off a bit. I looked forward to the mirror in front of the bed to catch a glimpse of Taylor playing with her pussy as Hailee and myself went at at it. I also caught Hailee getting an upside-down view as well. She leaned forward, looking me in the eye with a devilish look in them.
“I...mmmm...fuck...I think it's Taylor's turn now baby,” she said, her kiss sugar tinged with a bit of spice. “I want to watch it baby...oh Bart I want to see you take her...”
I moved my hands to Hailee's ass, firmly grasping it while I thrust up into her, savoring every sensation of every thrust before I moved forward, kissing those lips again. “You want to watch me fuck her?” I asked. “Want to see me have her?”
“Yesssss,” hissed Hailee. I let go of her and she got offf of me. Then I turned to Taylor. It seemed almost instantaneous that I was on her, those amazing legs resting on my shoulder. I kissed her calves before slamming my cock inside her, the suddenness of the intrusion getting a shocked moan from her mouth, one that ended in a knowing smile.
“You son of a bitch, she laughed. “Better keep that attitude and fuck me. Fuck me Bart...fuck me nice and hard....”
That last word morphed into a loud moan as I gave Taylor exactly what she wanted. And what she wanted was something vastly different than what Hailee and I had. She wanted it harder. She wanted pure, unrestricted lust. I was very happy to oblige.
“YES! Fuck yes that's right...oh fuck yeah Bart fucking take that cunt!....oh...oh...oh fucking yes baby take it!”
Hailee crawled nex to me, her hands caressing my back as I savagely drove into Taylor pussy. Her mouth joined in, kissing my arms, then moving to Taylor's calves.
“Bart...this is...this amazing,” Taylor said. “I...I didn't think I'd enjoy watching this...but wow!”
“Ooh...oh fuck just like...I think Hailee's perving out,” Taylor said, the lust dripping from every word. “Welcome...mmmm FUCK...welcome to the any requests?”
“I...I...” Hailee said, hesitating. I turned my face to hers, giving her a quick, reassuring kiss. That unlocked the floodgate. “I want you to bend her over and fuck her hard. Really, really fucking take her hard...I really want to see it.”
I smiled and Hailee and pulled out of Taylor, reaching under ehr flipping the leggy blonde over.
“You heard my girl,” I said, pulling Hailee in for a deep, hungry, and more than a little proud, kiss. I pulled Taylor up to her knees and smacked that wonderfully round ass.
“Oh I most certainly did,” Taylor said, looking over her shoulders. She looked at Hailee and winked. “Good girl.” The last word went into a grunt of pleasure as I drove my cock right into her pussy. I held tight on her ass and Hailee moved behind me, resting her head on my shoulder and watching as I fucked Taylor.
“Nnnng FUCK yes!” Taylor screamed. “Oh god just fucking give it to me! Pull my hair, spank my fucking ass! Oh just fuck me and make me cum!”
“You're gonna fucking take it...gonna fucking cum on my cock...oh fuck yesss Taylor!” I was driving into Taylor hard and fast, a fire lit in us both that hadn't been there in any previous encounter we'd had. Hailee was bringing something very specific out in us and it was simply amazing, and right now I was receiving the brunt of it. Her lips were close to my ear but not a word was coming out, it was all her breathing. Her heavy, hungry breathing. The sound, the feel of it,her hands roaming my body almost absentmindedly as she watched me give Taylor the hardest fucking I could.
“This is so hot,” I heard Hailee say. Not even to me, she was just saying it. This gave me an idea. I leaned forward, hooking my arms under and around Taylor's arms and pulled her up, my chest to her back.
“ about you go get a better view of Taylor?”
“Okay,” she said. I held Taylor tight, giving her a few extra hard thrusts, delicious moans and profanities spilling from her mouth in response. All the while Hailee made her way to face Taylor, getting a very enviable view of the action.
“Yeah...oh fuck yes Bart...mmmm fuck....” Taylor's face turned to mine for a sloppy kiss before her eyes caught Hailee, my girl lustfully watching and playing with herself. “Mmm how about you com up here and give me some sugar too, Hailee....”
Hailee didn't hesitate, at this point that'd just be ludicrous. She rose right up, grabbed Taylor's face and kissed her with a furious lust. The sentiment was joyously returned with Taylor pulling Hailee close, the kiss long, lustful and loud. I slowed down my thrusts, both to get a better view of this kiss and to not cum to early from the visual adding a bit too much stimulation.
The kiss between these two beauties only broke when Taylor began to moan. It was Hailee, her hand having gone between Taylor's legs, working the blonde's pussy as I fucked it. Those beautiful brown eyes gazed at me, eyebrow arched. I had to pause a moment her fingers danced over, stroking and teasing my thrusting cock ever so slightly.
The sexy, confident gave way to an entrancing look pleasure as Hailee began to moan herself. Taylor was the culprit, giving Hailee a taste of her own wonderful medicine with her own fingers.
I decided to go for some more audience participation...well, more than I was already doing. “Suck Tay's tits baby,” I said to Hailee. “Taste her.”
She did just that, moving her mouth to Taylor's breasts, almost burying herself in them. Taylor was very, very pleased with this development.
“Oooohhh good fucking call,” she said to me. “Now how about you get back to fucking me?” she laughed a bit with that. Of course my my only response to that was to give in to Taylor's demands, my thrusts once more going to their absolute zenith of intensity inside of her. “FUCK that's more like it baby!” she shouted. At that moment I'd guess Taylor didn't think it was going to get much better. She was wrong.
“Whooooafuck yes Hailee!” she shouted. Hailee had given us both a happy surprise by going from Taylor's tits to her pussy, happily eating out the sexy songstress...and her tongue occasionally going over to give my cock a few licks as well. It was all just enough to send Taylor careening off that edge of pleasure. I moved my hands to Taylor's now free tits, massaging and holding them while Taylor got closer and closer to take-off.
“Shit shit shit shit shit gonna cum oh fuck yes both of you are going to make me cuuumMMMMYESSS!” Taylor shouted, her whole body writhing and shaking in orgasm. She held Hailee's head in place on her cunt and pulled my face to her for one last kiss as the pleasure ran through her veins.
When she had regained her bearings, Taylor pulled Hailee up to her to kiss once more, tasting herself on Hailee's sweet lips. I pulled out of Taylor, still hard and not close to being done. That's when Taylor turned around, those sky blue eyes letting me know she had an idea.
“Hey Bart,” she said as she gulped for air. “Remember you you, me and Karlie had some fun?” She stroked Hailee's brown hair. I had an inkling where she was going with this, and hoped Hailee was going to be game for it. “How about we do a repeat of that...though your girl here is the one who gets something a bit, special from you.”
“Oh I'm game,” Hailee said. “I want us to finish together Bart...come on baby,” Hailee said, agreeing without knowing what she was agreeing to.
“See Bart? She wants to be fucked up the ass.”
I pulled Hailee close to me, just to double check. “You sure?”
She replied by kissing me, softly biting my lower lip as it broke. “Big yes....I mean it's not like we haven't done it before...and we'd just be rude guests if we turned down our host's hospitality.” She winked at me, placed one more kiss on my lips, then turned around and bent over, her perfect ass staring right at me.
“Oh she's a keeper, Bart,” said Taylor. “Big time.”
I nodded with a smile then moved right behind Hailee, pressing my cock right against her heavenly back door. Taylor of course, wasn't done just because she came. She maneuvered herself right under Hailee, a sixty-nine position. She was happily licking at Hailee's pussy while I entered her ass, making the intrusion easier and so much more intense for her.
“Ohhhh fuck that's so good you guys,” she said, her voice a mix of shock and passion. “Oh shit that's good...oh wow...”
I held her hips, but not to tight. I moved my hand to her ass not to slap,but to massage it. Sure, we'd done this before but it didn't mean I was going to jackhammer her. Nobody in the room wanted that. I took my time, and Hailee certainly didn't mind.
I did build up a pace, the double stimulation of my cock up her ass and Taylor eating her pussy doing a good job of driving Hailee wild. With one hand on her hip, the other glided up her body and took hold at her shoulder, holding her tight as I began to speed up.
“Oooohhh fuck yes baby...oh Bart...oh fuck I love this so much!” she exclaimed. She began to push back against me, the hand on her hip tightening it's grip while Taylor's hands creeped up, gripping Hailee's but as well, pressing her face even deeper into Hailee's cunt.
“Oh...oh fuck...ooh baby...oh I' gonna cum...fuck you both are making me cum!”
I was going faster now, as hard as I'd let myself, the skin of Hailee's ass and my pelvis smacking together in a fast and savage rhythm. I was going to give her what she needed, what she was racing towards and Taylor was hard at work on that goal as well, though her tongue did find the time to give me pulsing cock a few licks.
“Oh shit...shit yes...oh wow this is gonna be big,” whined Hailee, the tone in the voice giving away that her walls her coming down. “CUMMING!!!!!!!!!” she shouted, her body tensing up and her asshole clamping down like a vice on my cock. I could only imagine the fun Taylor was having underneath, lapping away as Hailee's orgasm rocked the entire room.
I pushed through it, thrusting in her as as she writhed in ecstasy. I was so close, so intensely close to popping. Taylor, with her sexual sixth sense, stepped in with another idea.
“Don't you dare fucking cum Bart,” said Taylor. “Uh uh, not ending that way tonight pull out of her ass...then you get to cum.”
I did as Taylor asked. The moment I did, Taylor brought a orgasm drunk and very happy Hailee up to her knees and the two kissed, now Hailee being the one to get a taste of herself. Then they both turned their attention to me, Taylor leading the way.
“What we're going to do tonight is have ourselves a nice porno finish,” said Taylor. “...we're gonna be your porn sluts right now Bart...all you have to do is cum on these pretty are you waiting for...cover us...”
The two began to kiss again, their tongues tasting everything they could, any last traces of each other on their lips until they eventually met at my cock once more. I did not last the time.
With the first eruption I took aim, first shooting on Hailee's beautiful face then on to Taylor, covering them both in rope of my hot cum until it all slowed to a dribble. Hailee took the lead then, sucking my wilting cock clean until there wasn't a single drop left in me.
The cherry on top was watching as the two locked lips once more, their tongues cleaning each other of my cum this time until it was all but gone.
Hailee grabbed my hand and pulled me down on the bed with her. She was utterly spent and ready for some heavy duty cuddling time.
“And that's my cue to check out,” Taylor said with a smile. “I'll see you two in the morning...or maybe noon by the looks of it.”
Not too long after Taylor left the room Hailee and I crashed and crashed hard. We were both totally wrecked. And while we did sleep late, it wasn't quite noon when we woke up.
My eyes slowly opened, seeing Hailee had already woken up as well, but was still laying next to me, snuggling in my arms.

“Morning,” I said to her. “What time is it?”
“Ten,” she said. She kissed my chest and looked up at me with those big brown eyes. “So...I take it you liked last night?”
“There are no words to accurately describe how much I liked last night.”
“Great,”she giggled. “That was just all kinds of wow for me too...I've never done anything like that either. You know, a threesome...I'm glad it was with you.”
“What brought it on?” I asked. “Not that it was completely appreciated.”
“I don't know,” she said, wiggling a bit in my arms. “It just kind of popped in my head...and I trust just felt right, you know? Plus it seemed like fair payment for the cookies.”
“Well, if I got that for the cookies I can't imagine what I'd get for the other present I got you.”
“What other present?” I got up from bed and went for my pants, taking a small yellow envelope out of my back pocket, the one I got from my little detour. I sat on the bed next to her and handed off the envelope. I watched with a smile as she opened it up and found a key inside. “What's this?”
“A key to my apartment.” I replied. Her jaw dropped. “Well, you said you left some clothes their right? This can just come in and them. Or come in...any time you feel like. Not like moving in or anything because that's a bit fast...but whenever you want to be there,you can.”
“Oh. My. God!” she said, jumping out of bed. “Are you serious? Oh wow! Just...I'm...I'm gonna go put this on my key ring right fucking now. Oh my god!” She hugged me then scrambled for her purse. She proceeded to put my apartment key on there faster then I have ever seen anyone maneuver a key onto a key ring. “This is going to make the party so much more fun. This make us even more Now...I'm going to give you my little gift.”

“Wait, there's more?”
“Well, kind of.” She sat right next to me and held my hand. “You know how you're going to be on the road for a long time with those interviews before Logan comes back and it's going to be a long while before we can see each other again....”
“Wait, are you breaking up with me already?”
“What? No...Hell no...after last night? Who does that? Who has amazing sex with someone then dumps them the VERY next day? AFTER they give you the key to their apartment? Seriously?”
“Well, you'd be surprised.”
“Nope, not me. But what I was going to say before you interrupted with twelve layers of weird was that, until you get a hall pass. I've seen the women on this guest list...and a couple of the dudes so if you come back with a Chris Evans tale I'm so all ears and there better be pictures. I still want to see you. Want you to facetime me, call me...text...anything.I want to know how you are. But have fun...until you come back then I'm your ball and chain and you're gonna like it.”
“Oh, I already do. And a pretty ball and chain at that. Downright beautiful.”
“Thank you,” she said, giving me a quick kiss. “I don't have it too bad either you know. I mean, and this is an exclusive scoop for your show, I'm currently dating this amazing guy. Really handsome. Kinda mouthy but that's part of his charm. But let's keep that between us for now.”
“Oh, and Taylor right?”
“Yes!” she laughed. “Oh I can't wait for the party tonight. I'm...really thinking this is going to be a great thing.”
“Me too,” I said. “But since the party isn't until tonight...what are we going to do until then?”
“Well, me and Taylor are going to the gym.” Hailee replied. “I'm thinking you're probably going to stay here, edit the interview with her, record the ad breaks, and then wait desperately by the window for my eventual return.”
“Yeah, that sounds about right.”
“But before all of that, I'm gonna take a quick hot rinse in the shower.” She stood up, but grabbed my hand, pulling me up with her. “Shower time.”
I followed Hailee into the bathroom, grinning wide. This was definitely going to be a good thing for the both of us. And it was just beginning.