Disclaimer: This a work of fiction. This is not real. It did not/will not ever happen in real life and should not be mistaken as such.Chapter Thirty-Three: The Lucky OneStarring Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez & Martha Hunt
Codes: MFFF, Oral, Facial, Creampie, Cumplay, Rimming2020
LA was strange after so long spent in Nashville, but it was nice to relocate, even if was mostly for work. They still weren’t leaving the house, but being in the same time zone as their respective teams was an improvement. At the moment, work was the furthest thing from Cole’s mind. He was too preoccupied with meticulously planning the perfect evening. In preparation to cook a delicious meal, he’d ordered a great deal of supplies. There’d be dinner, desert and drinks. Then it was time to pop the big question. They couldn’t go anywhere special, or do anything, but he just couldn’t wait anymore. Besides, he was certain that Taylor, who had spent so much of her life in the spotlight would want a quiet, more intimate proposal. Just the two of them. No show. No pretense. Just their love. Walking through the enormous house to find Taylor, he found her eagerly engrossed in her phone.
“Hey Swift.” He said, clearing his throat loudly. “I was thinking that maybe I could cook tonight. We can open a bottle of wine…” He trailed off as he saw the half-empty glass of white wine on the table in front of her. “Another bottle then.” His nerves were making him jittery. “Just enjoy the evening together. No phones. No tech. Just the two of us. You know?” His hand subconsciously entered his pocket and clutched the small square box contained within.
Failing to immediately register his words, she looked up from her phone with a befuddlement. “Sorry, what? Say that again.”
“Umm…it’s just that. I thought. That is, I. I mean we. We could…”
*DING-DONG* His incoherent rambling was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell.
“Now who could that be?” She asked in that knowing tone she always got whenever she was planning something as she leapt up with excitement.
Scampering in bare feet through the many rooms of the mansion, she bounded towards the front door, with Cole following her in dogged pursuit. Opening it, she flashed a sly grin in his direction as two women were revealed to be standing on their doorstep. Both were in the process of removing their masks. One was tall and slender. A blonde with model good looks, high cheekbones and blue eyes a shade lighter than Taylors. The other was shorter and curvier. Her glowing rounded face was grinning widely, dark hair hanging freely. Martha Hunt and Selena Gomez, in the flesh. Both were comfortably clad. In fact, Selena had one of her own t-shirts on while Martha was rocking a
Blue Devils sweatshirt.
“Hi guys!” They both exclaimed simultaneously and for the briefest of moments shared a knowing look with Taylor.
“AHHHH!!! It’s so good to see you in person!” Selena exclaimed, stretching her arms out and going immediately for the hug, which Taylor reciprocated with equal excitement.
Behind Martha’s back, she produced two very full looking bags of fast food. “We brought
As the last of the wrappers were crumpled and thrown into the trash and fingers were in the process of being licked clean, the four of them sat around the table, just enjoying each other’s company.
“It’s really great to see both of you. In person that is. Nobody has been over in forever, obviously, and you know how much we love hosting.” Cole said.
“Tay didn’t tell you we were coming?” Selena asked. “Figures. She loves her surprises.”
Taking another sip of wine, Taylor laughed, “The real surprise is you bringing takeout. I thought you were going to cook us something Ms. Chef.”
“Maybe next time. Still a lot to learn. Besides it was Martha’s idea to get
“I was just craving something different. For a change. You know.” She said, sucking on her index finger in what seemed an overtly sexual fashion.
“How about we move this into the living room? Have another drink. I don’t know what it is about cheap food and good alcohol, but it just works.” Taylor said, polishing off another glass.
“Can I wash up first? Get the burger smell off my fingers?” Selena asked.
“Of course, you remember where the bathroom is.” Taylor replied.
“I think I’ll do the same.” Martha said, and followed her out of the kitchen.
The couple relocated to the living room, flopping down onto the couch with satisfied smiles. With a click of her phone, nondescript music began playing in the background. Snuggling up, Taylor wrapped herself around him. Cole started to say something, but Taylor clearly had something else on her mind as she pressed her full lips against his. Responding in kind, the kissing lingered on and on, clearly headed somewhere until he pulled back a little.
“Swift? What about our guests?”
Shushing him, her hand gripped the back of his head as she kissed him. Tongue breaching his defenses, it wriggled deep, seeking out his molars. It was pointless to resist. Losing himself in the passion, he wrapped her up in his strong arms and it turned from kissing to a heavy makeout. At least it was until all of a sudden, she pulled away.
Nibbling on his earlobe, she whispered, “Did you think I’d forgotten about my 30th birthday present? I’d been waiting for perfect moment, then quarantine happened, and now here we are. Selena and Martha were more than generous enough to offer their help.”
“That’s right. We were.” Selena’s husky voice sounded close to his other side as he felt another soft hand pry his face away from Taylor’s.
A full luscious set of lips pressed against his own startled pair. Soft and pillowy, he was mesmerized into stillness before breaking it off. His meek protest died when yet another hand titled his chin upwards and a third mouth kissed him, upside down. Spiderman-style.
When the hold on him was relinquished, he turned to his one true love and said, “Swift. You don’t owe me anything. That gift was freely offered.”
Smiling as the other two awed, she said, “Just one of the many reasons I love you, but I still would like to even the score the bit. Plus, it’s not like this isn’t thrilling for me too.” She flashed a cheeky wink at both babes. As she said this, her fingers pushed a pill into his protesting mouth. One of those special ones, usually reserved for orgies or an all-night fuck-fest of epic proportions. “You might want to swallow that. If you do, we are going to have some fun with you tonight…or spit it out and we can ask them to go.”
All three women waited bated breath for his response. He had eyes only for Taylor. They wandered over her face, reading her expression. It was clear that his carefully planned evening was totally and utterly shot. Might as well enjoy this unexpected twist. There was a pause, followed by an audible
*GULP* as he swallowed the pill down. The smile on Taylor’s face could not have been bigger. Instantly, well-manicured hands pawed at his shirt. It was nearly torn off him as it was lifted upwards by their eager houseguests. Turning his head to finally get a proper look at them, he realized both were in nothing but their birthday suits. Busying herself with his pants, Taylor had slid to the floor in front of him.
“No! No! I’ll get that!” He said, his voice suddenly high and panicked as remembered the valuable cargo contained within his pocket.
“Ok weirdo.” Taylor said tracing her fingers along his inner thigh.
Lifting his rear off the couch, he hurried fumbled to remove his own pants and underwear and quickly toss them aside without warranting suspicion. Wincing slightly as they crumpled onto the carpet, he consoled himself briefly no lumps were visible. His mind was quickly brought back to task as four hands roamed over his bare chest. In front of him, Taylor stood tall, making it a show of she removed one article of clothing after another, revealing her naked form, piece by piece. It finished with her panties tossed onto his head, the stain her arousal upon them all the evidence needed to know just how excited she was for this night. The whole experience left him stiffer than a board.
As her partners in crime came around to flank her, he beheld all three naked women in one singular gaze for the first time that night. It certainly wouldn’t be the last. Each struck a different pose, but each shared an excitable hungry expression. Taylor’s healthy full and familiar figure. Martha’s slim, slender and toned model-esque build. Selena’s wonderful curves, everything on her body a shade darker than the other two. Drooling in wide-eyed wonder, it was something out a dream. It quickly turned full-on fantasy as all three of them slowly came to kneel before him.
“Holy shit.” He wasn’t even aware of saying it as it sounded through the room.
A playful giggle sounded from all three of them as Taylor pushed his knees as far apart as they would go. Cock stuck straight up in the air, three sets of wide and shining eyes fixated on it.
“Oh my gosh. You are a lucky one Tay.” Selena said, breaking the enraptured silence.
“Actually, I think I’m the lucky one tonight.” Cole said, unable to keep a smile from spreading across his face.
“Such big, heavy balls too.” Martha remarked, gently squeezing one cum-churning gonad with the tips of her fingers.
“Big dick. Big balls. And lots of cum. All for us.” Selena said, massaging the other one in a similar fashion.
“Just for tonight. I’m generous, but I’m not about to share all the time.” Taylor said cheekily, tucking her hair behind her ears before her blonde head descended downwards.
Kissing the tip, her lips slowly enveloped over the head, suckling as she fixed him with an unblinkingly upwards gaze. On either side, the shaft was cushioned with the puckered lips of Selena and Martha as they carved out an area of their own to slobber over. Both guests began to lay wet, sloppy smooches along the unoccupied space. As Taylor’s cheeks sunk inwards, she sucked and sucked, seemingly intent on drawing out his very soul through the tip of his dick. Meeting in the middle, after trailing up and down the exposed veiny inches, Martha and Selena coiled their tongues around the shaft like a pair of slithering serpents. Wrestling the shaft back and forth with nothing but lips and tongues, they eventually came together to share a slow and sensual kiss, his rigidness still smack dab in the middle of it.
“Oh. My. God.” Cole groaned, unable to process the feeling and visual of three sets of world-famous mouths assaulting his genitals.
Each and every one of them seemed intent on proving who was the most eager. A small part of him knew that they were playing it up for his enjoyment, but the rest of him couldn’t care less. Taking some unseen cue, Taylor began sliding further down. Inch after inch disappeared into her mouth. As she went, Selena and Martha never broke their kiss, sliding downwards until they ran out of room. Or so he thought. Each of them took a fleshy nut cum-filled testicle into their respective mouths, sucking like they were hard candies and continued their kissing. As Taylor reached the base with unblinking ease, all three of them were pressed cheek to cheek to cheek. Three sets of eyes stared up alluringly at him. One set of brown, two sets of blue. Placing a hand on Martha’s blonde mane and Selena’s dark locks, he took a mental image so hot it would be seared into his mind well into the afterlife. Groaning with toe-curling, leg-trembling, mouth-stuttering pleasure, all three released their oral hold on him with simultaneously loud popping noises. The last to release him was Taylor as she extracted his entire length from her gullet. Strands of spittle connected him to her bottom lip as she wiped it away with the brush of her thumb.
“Don’t hog all of him Tay.” Selena said, giving her BFF some serious side-eye.
“Stand up.” She said ignoring her and gently indicating for him to rise.
Rising shakily to his feet, all three women jockeyed for position in front of his throbbing member. Taking hold of his cock hand with her hand, she wrapped the digits around it, jerking it as she considered what to do next. With a sigh, she tilted it to the left so it was pointed at Selena.
With a grin that could both melt your heart and tighten your trousers, she took hold and said, “Not the first time, is it Cole? Me, you and two other babes?”
It took a moment for his blood-deprive brain to process what she said, and even longer to recall what she was referring too. “I thought what happens in Wonderland stays in Wonderland?”
“I won’t tell if you won’t.” She said as the other two shared a knowing look.
Beating the head of his prick against her plump shining lips, she quickly caught it like a fish on a hook and began bobbing. It was just an inch or two at first, but she quickly gained momentum. While Selena was sloppily sucking away, Taylor and Martha shared a brief, albeit insanely hot and sensual kiss. Their hands wandered mischievously across the flawless flesh of each other’s lithe bodies. Slowly untangling themselves, they fell into position on either side of Selena, both of them greedily gobbling at his hanging testes with their soft lips.
Mhm. Mhmm. Mhmmmm!” Selena mumbled as she blew him with unbridled enthusiasm.
Each pass of her darkly colored head moved more of his cock into her talented mouth, until one final pass took her right down the base. Her big brown eyes bulged with the effort. Continued moans sent vibrations pulsating through his mushroom head as it slipped past her tonsils, down along the shaft and reverberating at the base where plump lips pressed against his groin. Saliva dribbled out from her stretched lips, oozing downwards in sticky strings onto the cheeks of the blonde bombshells tongue-fucking his testicles. Feeling the wet splat of saliva upon them, both released his gonads to watch as Selena held him ballsdeep, cooing with genuine excitement.
“That’s it! Get it girl! Suck that dick!” Martha said, mischievous glee dripping across every honeyed word.
Spurred on by the eager audience, Selena held fast, even as her eyes filled with water and she began coughing, spluttering and retching.
“Takes some getting used to, huh? Bigger than the guys you are used too?” Taylor stuck out her tongue teasingly, but was watching with equal intent and was seemingly unaware of the two fingers slowly teasing her clit as she spoke.
At long last, Selena could take no more and had to release him, painting his groin with ropes of propelled spittle as she rocked backwards and sucked down several great gulps of air. Red in her rounded cheeks, she blinked the tears from her eyes, and wiped the drool clinging to her chin with the back of her hand.
Passing him towards Martha with Taylor’s approving nod, she said, “Let’s see what you got.”
“Saved the best for last.” Martha said, winking up at him before fixing her positively delighted gaze upon the long, thick cock. Tongue out, she ran it around the crown several times.
“Pssh. Oh please.” Taylor said skeptically. “I think we all know who the best cocksucker is here.”
The tip of her tongue never left the smooth surface of his throbbing cock, trailing it along one side then the other before lifting it high and tickling the veiny underbelly with agonizing slowness. Upon reaching the tip, she snagged it between her lips, tongue now a spinning whirlwind of pure carnal fury. Continuing its clockwise swirl, she too gradually swallowed more and more of him until she had made all of him disappear, just like her compatriots. Meanwhile, Selena and Taylor were sharing a less sensual but far more playful kiss. Unable to keep her hands-off Selena, Taylor was bouncing the Latina’s perky caramel-colored mounds between her spindly digits. When they finished playing with each other, they turned back to him, and once more he found two more sets of lips slathering his spit-soaked balls. Unlike Selena, Martha never deep-throated him, instead she slowly sucked, her tongue as pillowy soft cushion as she retreated and advanced. Releasing him, she gave the winking eyehole one last longing lick and handed him off to Taylor who opened her mouth to speak.
“Don’t worry. We’ll all have plenty of time with him tonight. Isn’t that right darling?”
Before he could answer, Taylor’s devilish grin swallowed him once more. For the next few minutes, Cole bounced on the balls of his feet as his cock was passed from mouth to mouth to mouth. All three were really getting into it, but Taylor and Selena seemed of one singular mind, tag teaming him in ways so pleasurable it was an incredible feat of endurance not to blow his load right then and there. Closing his eyes and letting out a groan that reverberated through his entire body, he was sure that if he opened them again, there would be no chance to hold on.
That’s when he felt a tongue probe between his buttcheeks. Eyes shooting open, his dick gave a surprise twitch that left a wet spot on Selena’s cheek. Grabbing hold of it, Taylor smacked it a few more times against her friend’s face for good measure, causing precum to drip down off directly onto the prominent mole on her right breast. Glancing over his shoulder, he saw Martha’s stark blue eyes staring back at him, the smile on her face hidden from view as she probed further into his anus, her tongue rimming his sphincter before pushing past the starfish-shaped ring.
“Tongue that asshole Martha! Get it up there nice and deep!” Taylor yelled, cheering her on.
Throbbing even more than before, the model’s fingers gently massaged his taint, as Selena loudly slurped upon his sack and Taylor blew him with renewed vigor.
“It’s g-g-g-good.” He stammered, unable to think, so much was the pleasure coursing through him.
There was no stopping now. They were in the endgame now. Taylor and Selena were blowing him with such graceful ease, it was like they’d done this a thousand times before. A seamless swap of sucking that never ceased, the tip of his cock passed back and forth by only lips and tongues. Behind him, he was getting the most vigorous rimming of his life as Martha was a fellatio fiend, her tongue so far up his rectum, her lips were like a vacuum hose on his sphincter. The next words out of his mouth were predictable ones.
“Gotta cum.” He said through gritted teeth and a clenched jaw.
In a flash, Selena released him as Taylor grabbed hold, stroking him hard and fast. Both stared up at him with an expression of pure fantasy fuel. Sticking her tongue out, Selena opened her mouth wide as wide as it could go. Taylor pressed her cheek against hers.
“Wouldn’t you like to paint Selena’s pretty face with cum? If you drench her with spunk, I promise that I’ll lick it all off like a good girl. I won’t let any cum go to waste. Wouldn’t you like that?”
The groan of disbelief and the visible twitch of his dick was answer enough as Martha moaned her approval of the plan into his asshole. It was like a shotgun; each pump of Taylor’s fist blasting another wave of searing hot jism across the gorgeous Latina’s facial features. Flying far, the thick white ropes streaked from chin to hairline. A stray spurt struck Taylor’s cheek, but she didn’t seem to mind as it dripped down her face. One last flick of her wrist and she squeezed the bulbous crown, dribbling the last clinging bits of jizz onto Selena’s wriggling pink tongue. Only then did she release him and Selena closed her mouth, swallowing what cum she could and smacking her lips together like she was dining upon the finest of delicacies. Dislodging her tongue from his anus, Martha comically peered around his hip, slack-jawed with wide-eyed wonder at the sheer volume of cum decorating Selena’s features.
“Shit! She’s fucking plastered! Lemme get a taste of that!” Martha said, shuffling forward.
“Nah-uh Martha. My man. My dick. My cum. I get first dibs.” Taylor said cruelly, as she gripped Selena by the hair and extended her tongue.
Lapping up the drizzle of spunk from her BFF’s face, she was like a grooming kitten as Selena giggled at the feeling of the wandering tongue. Coming around to the front, her chin wet with saliva, Martha sported a sour pout while watching Taylor. Releasing Selena, Taylor took pity and grabbed the model, giving her the sloppiest of kisses with splooge coated lips. As the pair eagerly swapped spit, far more than saliva pass between them as Taylor fed Martha some of his spunk.
“You ladies are gonna kill me…” Cole said.
“I don’t know. You seem fine to me!” Selena said, prodding his still rock-hard cock.
“Yea, you haven’t even fucked us yet!” Martha said as she stood up, followed by the other two.
All three knelt on the couch, gripping the back of it as they thrust out their asses in his direction, presenting for his pleasure.
“Don’t just stand there! Come on!” Taylor said, giving Selena’s ass a smack for good measure. “Get over here and give it to us.”
“Me first!” Selena said animatedly, a hand beneath her, rubbing her pussy lips eagerly.
“Why you? You got already got his cum!” Martha exclaimed. “He should fuck me first!”
“It’s been so long since I’ve had a dick. Quarantine has been rough! My vibrator is worn out! I need dick and I need it now. Not everyone has fiancés and live-in boyfriends to see to their sexual wants and needs.”
“Fiancés?!?!?” Cole blurted out, suddenly in a panic.
“Yea. My fiancé. You’ve met Jason. We’ve an open relationship, but you already knew that silly.”
“Right. Right. You’re fiancé…” He mumbled, his heart rate coming back down as he inadvertently glanced towards his crumpled pants on the floor.
“So, me first then!” Selena exclaimed, thrusting her backside out even further.
Shaking off his momentary panic, he stepped behind Selena’s incredible round bronze booty. Palming each cheek in each hand, he jiggled them momentarily before sinking to his knees and burying his face right between them. Tongue trailing from clit to taint he licked all across her labia as his hands drifted left and right, finding the differently shaped and sized, but equally appealing, bottoms of the two blondes. Smacking them first, he quickly thrust two fingers each into their velvet smooth twats. To the delight of his ears, he was greeted with pleasant moans. Lifting his eyes slightly to just above the curve of Selena’s shapely bottom, he saw the moans quiet while she made out with Taylor on her right before turning and doing the same with Martha on her left.
When his tongue began to tire, he rose to his full height, chin awash in a sheen of shiny lady arousal. Fisting his prick, he pressed the head into Selena’s snatch. There was a gasp of air, followed by a low and soft groan. It continued as he pushed it all into her, become louder and higher pitched until she was screaming like a banshee as he bottomed out. Across her back, Taylor and Martha exchanged looks.
“Looks like she really did need that dick.” The model said, rolling her eyes.
“Fuck yea I do. Now give it to me! Good and hard. Please…” Selena whispered, white-knuckling the back of the couch and biting down on her lip.
Beginning to rock his hips back and forth, her hungry twat greedily gobbled all of him up each time he drove home and gripped him ferociously as he pulled back out. Fingers still knuckle deep in both blonde’s snatches, he too plunged in and out of them, alternating with his thrusts into Selena. The sound of flesh-on-flesh, of wet arousal grew louder as he picked up the pace, and soon grew too much for the jealous duo to bear.
“Why should she get all the fun?” Martha said, all while Selena was grunting with satisfaction. “I came over for some cock, now give it to me!”
Unable to refuse his houseguest, Cole pulled out of Selena with what sounded like a desperate plea from her to put it back in. Instead, he moved to his left, grabbed her by the hips and sheathed himself in one go. Maintaining their positions, Taylor and Selena took over fingering one another as he unleashed unbridled power on the model. Tracing his fingers along her slender back, his hand eventually found her face, which he turned back until she was looking at him. Leaning in for a kiss, their tongues sparred and he sunk in fully, holding there. Breaking the kiss, he found Taylor’s familiar blue eyes beckoning him over.
“He is mine after all. Get over here lover and fill me up.”
Never one to deny her, he moved to the right, smacking Selena’s appealing rump as he went. Slapping Taylor’s alabaster buttcheeks playfully, he fit himself into her familiar cunt and got to work, rolling his hips like waves on the ocean. As Martha and Selena occupied one another, Cole reached forward taking healthy handfuls of Taylor’s hanging breasts and squeezing them between his fingers as he gave her his all. Soon enough though, Selena was pleading for more and he had to exchanged one snatch for another. It was a game of hide-the-salami. He’d pound one pussy for a minute or two then hurriedly swap to the next one, trying to give all three of the insatiable women a taste of the meat they were so craving. Shaft sunk into Selena, he was going at her hard, one hand filled with strands of her dark hair and tugging backwards on it, giving her already incredible body an even more incredible arch. Shrieking and uncontrollable trembling all pointed to imminent orgasm, and everyone knew it too. Both blondes were suddenly focused on her, their lips and fingers alike running across her body, playing with her clit or tweaking her hard nipples.
“A little more and I’ll cum.” She muttered breathlessly. “Please. I need to cum so badly.”
Tightening his grip on her hair, he reached forward and gripped her neck with a gentle, but firm hand, his mind racing back through his previous times with Selena. Squeezing just hard enough to elicit a throaty, gurgling response, he couldn’t see it, but both Taylor and Martha watched their friend’s big brown eyes roll into the back of her head. Taylor smacked her ass with a crack and Martha’s fingers were a blur over the Latina’s clit.
“Do it. Cum for him. Fucking cum all over that big, fat cock.” Taylor said with a hard, demanding edge, only a mere inche from her BFF’s twisted and clenched face.
“Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.” Selena could only grunt as she climbed the peak, taking the full brunt of his thundering pelvis. Then, “YEEEEESSS!!! C-C-CUMMMMING!!!”
Body twitching and spasming, she collapsed forward as Cole hammered down, his grip stronger than ever. He’d been so focused on her, he suddenly felt himself begin to cum as well. A jet of unexpected spunk rocketed into her, his hearty sperm devoured by her hungry twat. It was quickly followed by more, coating her insides white as her convulsing cunt milked all it could from his balls.
A hushed silence filled the air as both respective orgasms gradually subsided and he released his hold on her, staggering backwards. Thick white seed oozed from her freshly creampied snatch. Barely two seconds after having pulled out, Taylor’s head blocked his view, slurping down cum like ice cream straight from the nozzle until Selena’s snatch was as clean as a whistle. Tongue out and mouth open, Martha waited expectantly for a taste of the rich virile seed. Obliging her once more, they snowballed the spunk back and forth before it devolved into just another sloppy kiss that left jism dripping down both chins and onto their respective chests.
“Why don’t we move to the bedroom.” Taylor said, surveying his re-hardening prick. “I think Martha wants a turn next.”
The model nodded and said, “I gonna ride you until I cream all over that cock and I get some of that grade-A nut for myself.”
With that, the party moved to the bedroom, some on shakier legs than others. Selena wasn’t even in the room yet when Cole was pushed onto his back, cock standing tall. The voracious Victoria Secret’s model straddled him with legs long enough to rival Taylor. Hand reaching down, she fit his cockhead into the entrance of her snatch. Sinking down, she hissed as her beautiful features twisted with pleasure and she was filled to the brim with thick, hard cock.
“That’s it. That’s what I came over for.” Martha whispered huskily, relishing the full feeling.
With hands held behind her head, hips gyrating every which way and abs rippling, she grinded hard on his dick. Falling from her tussled hair they came down to grip his pecks, the fingernails digging into his skin as the riding began in earnest. Neither broke eye contact. Both sets of lips curled, snarling with pleasure as Martha attempted to break the bed.
“YES! YES! YES!” She cried out, punctuating each word with the rise and fall of her hips.
A shadow loomed over him suddenly, followed by a familiar pink pussy that obscured his vision as Taylor lowered herself onto his face, her thick thighs on either side of his head. Asscheeks resting against his forehead, she interlocked fingers with Martha who kept her fast pace of fucking. Without a thought, his tongue darted forward, dutifully tasting her twat as it nearly suffocating him. Above him, the two towering blondes kissed, swaying back and forth as Martha continued bouncing up and down like a pogo stick upon his hard flesh pillar. Content with the tonguing at first, Taylor quickly graduated to grinding her pussy across his face. Excitement literally overflowing, elevated by her game of tonsil tennis with Martha. At some point, he felt the weight of Selena join them, signified by the presence of a wet tongue upon his balls in-between the claps of Martha’s pert ass against his thighs.
“How do you get anything done?” Martha groaned to Taylor. “With a cock like this every day?”
Unresponsive, Taylor simply worked her pussy harder against his face as she let out a moan. In fact, both women were growing louder. Using all the leverage those long legs provided, Martha was riding him like a bucking bronco.
“Oh fuck.” She swore. “I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna cum all over this FAT FUCKING DICK!!!”
Screaming exaltations to the ceiling, she proceeded to do precisely that. Twitching and spasming in the throes of intense climax, Taylor watched the supermodel squirm until his tongue triggered her very orgasm. Thighs squeezing his head tight until all sound was gone, the moans of her lover’s name went unheard by him.
Both blondes collapsed sideways onto the bed and Cole was suddenly unencumbered, except for a lengthy leg or two draped across him. Before he could move an inch, Selena took advantage to pounce upon his freshly unoccupied cock, slurping down the rings of thick girlcum smeared across it until it was dripping fresh with saliva. Reorienting herself and now flat on her back, Taylor grabbed both her legs and pulled them back until they were high above her.
“Get your mouth off him Sel. It’s my turn. I need that dick darling.”
Taking her sweet time in complying, Selena left him with one final slurp before she moved away and allowed him to clamber on top of Taylor. Beginning to thrust, he pushed even further back on her legs, using them to support his weight as he drove himself to the hilt and back again. Groaning quickly turned to screaming as she was stretched wide. Laid out on either side of her, Martha and Selena each grabbed a leg and pulled, devilish grins dancing upon both their lips. Switching to the headboard, he pummeled downwards with the full force of his body weight. With free fingers and mouths, the pair of friends played with Taylor’s clit, strumming it wildly or sucking on her pointed pink nipples.
“Gonna cum. Again!” She said through gritted teeth as all three properly worked her over. This was met with excitable moans from the pair of them and a savage roar from Cole, eager to bring his queen to yet another orgasmic high. “COLE! COLE! COLE!” She cried out, shaking with fury before all the tension shot out of her body like a coiled spring.
Her twat twisted around his member, bringing him right up to the edge. Pulling out in a hurry, he stroked it with a blurred hand. A volley of cum streaked up Taylor’s trembling tummy. Rockets of white rained down upon her torso, one of which even reached her collarbone. With a broad tongue, Martha was on it in a flash, licking back and forth in a zig-zag across the exposed flawless flesh. It was only fair as she hadn’t received some straight from the tap yet. Sucking on the head of his sensitive swollen prick, Selena extracted the dregs. Swiping some up with shaking fingers, Taylor licked them clean one by one.
“Awesome.” Martha murmured. “You fucked her so good and came so much…”
Falling backwards, he took a moment of brief respite. The women however, craved no such respite as their bodies intertwined with one another. Rolling around with one another, Taylor and Martha were making out vigorously. One would roll on top, taking control, only to have the other grab them and roll until they were on top. Both Selena and Cole sat on opposite sides of the bed, watching the show, occasionally making eye contact with one another. Selena had two fingers knuckle deep in her snatch, and Cole felt himself gradually grow to full length as he watched. Ready to reenter the fray, he climbed off the bed and walked around the side, to the two blondes, their heads just on the edge of the bed. Currently on top, Taylor looked up as he prodded her with his hard cock.
“You’ll have to tell us who the better tagteam is.” Martha said, her tongue flicking forward to lick the underbelly as Taylor placed kiss after careful kiss along the top.
Standing still, he watched from above as their kissing continued unimpeded, only now it also included his cock. Crawling between the tangle of legs, Selena lapped at both their smooth velvety cunts, feasting upon them as they took turns sucking and blowing. From Martha’s upside-down angle, he could fit himself easily down her entire throat. Each time he came to rest at the base, his balls rested on her nose as she went cross-eyed trying to stare at it. Taylor could also easily have taken him down to the balls, but she was content with sliding spit shiny lips in tandem with Martha base to tip. Both would give the occasional gasp of pleasure or word of encouragement as Selena continued munching box for the both of them.
“So, whose better? Selena and I? Or Martha and me?” Taylor asked, jerking him off slowly and looking up as Martha planted kiss across his sack.
“Ummm…” He said, not sure what to say. “Might need some more time to tell. You girls free tomorrow night too?”
They all had a laugh as Taylor and Martha spun around, still atop one another. Not one to be left out, Selena joined the twosome. Three pink pussies presented before him, he didn’t know where exactly to start. Prodding them the tip he started
eeny, meeny, miny, moe and on the final syllable, he drove himself fully into lucky Selena on the top. From there he worked his way to the bottom, then back up again. For the second time that night, Cole found himself going from pussy to pussy to pussy, this time top to bottom instead of side to side. Moans were muffled, either by hair or the sheets, but the satisfaction was all too clear. All three women were already primed from their previous orgasms and they fell like dominos. One cumming after another until the stack fell apart and he scooped Martha up in arms.
Still delirious her arms automatically wrapped around Cole as he cradled her before dropping her down hard upon his cock. Stark blue eyes flying open, she screamed bloody murder, legs interlocking around his waist as he slung her up and down. Impaling her with all his inches, every thrust was ballsdeep. Occasionally he would lift her high, his cock exposed to air, only to be engulfed by the mouth of Selena or Taylor, who awaited all to eagerly for the chance to scarf down Martha’s arousal. Feeling himself building towards yet another climax, he held Martha still and pumped his hips into her, fast and furiously.
“You wanted some of that nut?” He grunted. “Well, here it is!”
A moment later he blew another fat load into her pussy, surprising even himself with how much he blasted up into her. Feeling the seed fill her, she shuddered and came again. Panting like a marathon jogger, he placed her onto the bed before falling onto it himself, but even that rest was only temporary.
“I hope you’re not done yet, because it’s my turn again!” Selena said, already stroking his cock back to hardness with her dainty mit.
“Then me!” Taylor shouted, winking slyly.
“And don’t forget me…” Martha mumbled from on her back.
Cole groaned, but it seemed in no time at all they were back at it, in new positions of pleasure. And what pleasure it was. Countless hours passed in a hazy blur of absurd carnal bliss. Each got plenty of it. Whether a hard prone-boning for Selena or reverse-cowgirl for Taylor or deep cervix-punching missionary for Martha. That and more. It didn’t matter who he found himself sliding in and out of. He fucked them and they fucked him in every and any way imaginable. And when he needed a minute’s recovery, they would leapt on each other, more often than not forming a cunnlingus triangle, each of them munching box in a circle of continuous Sapphic satisfaction. Then he would dive back into the mix, hard and swinging before doing it all over again. He came. They came. Cum was licked off sweaty skin, sucked from freshly fucked snatches or drained straight from his balls.
At long last, the even this night had to come to orgasmic climatic finale. Sweat drenched each of their bodies. Voices were hoarse from the screaming. Outside, the sun was threatening to peak above the horizon. The last orgasm in his tender and sore prick was nearly ready to pop as all three women knelt by the side of the bed. Each had their tongues out and waggling. Each had a pleading expression plastered across their pretty faces. Three hands were jerking him off, two on the shaft and one more to cradle the cum-churning gonads that had worked overtime tonight.
“Do it baby. One last time. For us. Please.” Taylor begged.
“Just a bit more cum, I need just a little bit more.” Selena likewise pleaded.
“I know that you can’t resist blowing those big loads all over the three of us. Paint our faces with it.” Martha urged him on.
With an almost pained groan, he twitched between their fingers before firing off. Taking hold of his own prick, he shot a thick, creamy wad across each of their faces. One for Taylor in the middle that made it all the way into her sweaty hairline. One for Selena that ricocheted off her nose and clung to her eyelashes. One for Martha that draped from chin to forehead in a diagonal fashion. Squeezing the head tightly, he shook it savagely peppering all three with rogue droplets of spunk. Then he was done, for the night. And maybe for the month. Collapsing on the bed, he didn’t move a muscle as he heard the women cleaning each other up. Summoning the might to reach the center of the mattress, he placed his head on the pillow. With heavy-lidden eyes, he felt all three of them crawl into bed with him. The last thought in his head before blissful sleep took him was just how lucky he was.
The End of Chapter Thirty-Three